
Saturday, October 5, 2019

Goods and More Goods (Ten Things of Thankful)


Thankful Day, the first thing i have to be thankful for is that people can be patient.  Right now i am very behind on reading blogs because of the interference of work, and i am trying to catch up.  Please know if i haven't read or commented in the last day or two, i'm trying to get there.

The second thing is that Lunceford the Land Yacht has been backed into twice lately by clients leaving after we arrived, and in neither case was any damage done.  We have two clients, at least, who are grateful we don't believe in making mountains out of molehills, or insurance claims out of almost invisible dings.

Laughter.  There is a great need for laughter right now, and many of my blog friends have obliged in that and lots of smiles.  Thank you, i am very grateful.

Tuesday was the ladies' circle, and i am grateful i got to attend and stay until the whole meeting was over.

A friend who had not contacted me for a while, and whom i knew was having some troubles, finally called, so i was relieved and thankful.  She's still having some troubles, but the end is in sight.

The cats are happy, the cars are (mostly) running, my clients are continuing to ask me to come back, the laundromat library is going well (people are reading the books and some are bringing more), and we had so much fun at rEcess last night that i wasn't able to prepare this post until almost 11pm.  (Which of course leads us back to my #1 Thankful, that people are patient while i catch up on their blogs.)

Please write up your own list and link up to Ten Things of Thankful, where Kristi and her co-hosts always have a warm welcome waiting.  

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Today is:

Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta -- Albuquerque, NM, US ("Where Dreams Take Flight" for 9 days of fun)

Armed Forces Day -- Indonesia (Hari Tentara Nasional)

Apple Festival -- Old Prairie Town, Topeka, KS, US (celebrating apples and Topeka's turn of the last century heritage; through tomorrow)

Blessing of the Fishing Fleet -- Church of Saints Peter and Paul and Fisherman's Wharf, San Francisco, CA, US (a festival today and tomorrow, with a blessing offered on the first Sunday of October each year)

Cohocton Fall Foliage Festival -- Cohocton, NY, US (with the world famous tree-sitting contest; through tomorrow)

Constitution Day -- Vanuatu

Do Something Nice Day -- internet generated; make someone's day brighter, it will brighten your own

Fall Astronomy Day -- Bringing Astronomy to the People (local astronomical societies, planetariums, museums and observatories sponsor public viewings, presentation, workshops, etc., to increase public awareness of astronomy and our amazing universe)
    sponsored by The Astronomical League; find out what your local astronomy society is doing today, and go enjoy

Feast of the Hunters' Moon -- Fort Ouiatenon Historic Park, West Lafayette, IN, US (a re-creation of French and Native American life of the mid-1700s at a fur trading outpost; through tomorrow)

Festival of the Five Toes -- Fairy Calendar

Festival of Mania -- Ancient Roman Calendar (held to placate the Manes, on dates when it was believed the doors to the underworld were open and the dead were free to roam)

Ghatasthapana Dashain Festival-- Nepal (start of a nine day Hindu festival, the longest and most auspicious festival in the Nepalese annual calendar)

Inter-American Water Day -- begun in 1992 by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), the Inter-American Association of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering (AIDIS) and the Caribbean Water and Wastewater Association (CWWA

International Day of No Prostitution -- information here   

International Frugal Fun Day -- created by Shel Horowitz, author of The Penny-Pinching Hedonist; some of his ideas for how to celebrate are here    

Issaquah Salmon Days Festival -- Issaquah, WA, US (celebrates the return of the spawning salmon to the hatchery; through tomorrow)

Kentucky Apple Festival -- Paintsville, KY (apples, music, arts and crafts, antique cars, rides, food, and fun; through tomorrow)

Knox County Scenic Drive -- Knox County, IL, US (drive through up to 100 miles of scenic rural Spoon River Valley, with attractions at every stop; this weekend and next)

Long Walk Day -- David Kunst finished his walk around the world on this day in 1974; go for a long walk in his honor

Marching Band Festival -- Blinn College, Brenham, TX, US (if you love marching bands, this is the place to be; 42nd annual, 36 high school bands participating, 3,500+ musicians, and a special performance by the Blinn College Buccaneer Band as well)

Morro Bay Harbor Festival -- Morro Bay, CA, US (a working waterfront at play; through tomorrow)

Most Common Birthday -- US (yes, according to, on average, more people are born in the US on this day than any other; wonder if it has anything to do with today being 9 months after New Year's Eve?)

National Apple Betty Day

National Apple Harvest Festival -- Gettysburg, PA, US (this weekend and next)

Noisy Munching Day -- a fun day for kids, or your own inner child; munch chips, celery, pickles, anything loud, to annoy others

Nubaigai -- Pagan Lithuanian Calendar (harvest festival; can't get independent confirmation that it's always on this day)

Qatar Prix L'arc de Triomphe -- Longchamp Race-course, Paris, France (one of the world's greatest horse races, first run in 1920; celebrations and events through tomorrow)

Republic Day -- Portugal

Spoon River Valley Scenic Drive -- Fulton County, IL, US (15 villages participate in arts and crafts, antiques, collectibles, demonstrations, and showing off the beauty of the fall foliage; through tomorrow and again next Saturday and Sunday)

St. Placid's Day

Thesmophoria -- Ancient Greek Calendar (start of a 3 day women's festival of Demeter; date approximate)

Unicorn Questing Season begins -- as established by the late W. T. "Bill" Rabe, get your official license here  

Woofstock -- Wichita, KS, US (celebrate peace, love and pets; bring your pup and participate as all proceeds go to the Kansas Humane Society)

World Card Making Day -- Paper Crafts Magazine started it all in 2006 and suggests you have fun and make a card or two or three on the first Saturday of October each year

World Teachers Day -- UN

Birthdays Today:

Jesse Eisenberg, 1983
Kate Winslet, 1975
Parminder K. Nagra, 1975
Josie Bissett, 1970
Mario Lemieux, 1965
Laura Davies, 1963
Michael Andretti, 1962
Maya Ying Lin, 1959
Bernie Mac, 1957
Bob Geldof, 1954
Clive Barker, 1952
Bob Geldof, 1951
Karen Allen, 1951
Jeff Conaway, 1950
Steve Miller, 1943
Vaclav Havel, 1936
Bill Dana, 1924
Glynis Johns, 1923
Bil Keane, 1922
Donald Pleasence, 1919
Allen Ludden, 1917
Larry Fine, 1902
Robert Hutchings Goddard, 1882
Louis Lumiere, 1864
Chester A. Arthur, 1829
Denis Diderot, 1713
Jonathan Edwards, 1703

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Monty Python's Flying Circus"(TV), 1969
"Love Me Do"(Single release), 1962
"Zane Grey Theater"(TV), 1956
"The Diary of Anne Frank"(Play), 1955
"You Bet Your Life"(TV), 1950
"Secret Service"(Play), 1896
"Orfeo ed Euridice/Orpheus and Euridice"(Opera), 1762

Today in History:

Founding of the city of Concepcion, Chile, 1550
The Gregorian calendar is introduced in Italy and other Catholic countries, 1582
March on Versailles by the women of Paris, 1789
Shawnee Chief Tecumseh killed in the battle of the Thames, 1813
Founding of the City of Anaheim, 1857
Destruction of most of Calcutta by cyclone, approximately 60,000 die, 1864
A strong hurricane devastates the Bay of Fundy region of Maritime Canada, 1869
The surrender of Chief Joseph, after the 1,700 mile retreat, marks the end of the Nez Pierce War, 1877
The first individual time trial for racing cyclists is held on a 50-mile course north of London, 1895
Sir Samuel Griffith is appointed the first Chief Justice of Australia and Sir Edmund Barton and Richard O'Connor are appointed as foundation justices, 1903
First appearance of the Little Orphan Annie comic strip in the NYC Daily News, 1924
Suffrage is extended to women in France, 1944
The 1948 Ashgabat earthquake kills 110,000, 1948
The first documented recovery meeting of Narcotics Anonymous is held, 
1953Dr. No, the first in the James Bond film series, was released, 1962
The first episode of the famous comedy show Monty Python's Flying Circus aired on BBC, 1969
Signature of the European Patent Convention, 1973
Raoul Wallenberg is made an honorary US citizen, 1981
Marc Garneau becomes the first Canadian in space, aboard the Space Shuttle Challenger, 1984
The first official version of the Linux kernel, version 0.02, is released, 1991
The Bulldozer Revolution begins in Belgrade, eventually leading to the resignation of Slobodan Milosevic, 2000
A new, though threatened, language known as Koro, is discovered by a team of linguists on an expedition to Arunachal Pradesh, in northeastern India, 2010
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine is awarded to Edvard Moser, May-Britt Moser and John O'Keefe, neuroscientists who discovered the brain cells responsible for positioning and navigation memory, 2014
Governor Jerry Brown of California signs a bill giving terminally ill patients the "right to die," 2015
The constitutional court of Spain suspends the Catalan parliament to prevent declaration of independence, 2017


  1. I like your beautiful thankful list. I am also thankful that there are many people who are patient and I am thankful that we can be patient with those impatient ones. Happy weekend!

  2. I always love your thankful list and your positive attitude. Blogs can wait. Look after you.

  3. Awesome list and be sure to always take care of you💜

  4. Do you know, it never occurred to me to wonder about a thing like the most common birthday? Yet, Now I Know!
    This is great stuff! :-)

  5. I love reading your blogs Mimi. They make me feel happy when I'm down. Sorry about the Lunceford. About it's about time for a new car. My wife's car was a 2010 Impala but it starting to cost some money so I told her that she should get a new one. We both went and looked for another one and she eventually chose a Chev 2019 Mailbu, Burgandy She really loves it and I'm happy for her. Have a great weekend my friend.

    Cruisin Paul

  6. Echoing EC. Blogs can wait. I'd feel very bad if you wrote on my blog - or even read it instead of catcing some much needed sleep. The words will be there tomorrow, and next day too.
    Take care of you.

  7. That's a most wonderful list and don't worry about visiting us, we totally understand busy!

  8. Mom always told me to count my blessings whenever I was feeling down. I LOVE having a 'thankful' list!

  9. I almost welcome that first little scratch on a new car, just to get it over with.

  10. Laughter makes everything so much brighter, it's good you have so much of it in your life!

  11. If people can't be patient then they probably don't have enough to do in their life. They need more hobbies or more of something. Then they would appreciate the patience of others.

    Come to think of it, I don't think you have visited my blog. lol

    Waiting patiently!!

  12. I like that you find so much to be thankful for. And I completely agree, laughter is needed, both in general and especially now. I too am grateful for my funny blog friends, but also for my thoughtful ones.

  13. Surely that is the one thing we (those of us who inhabit the blogosphere) can understand... falling behind in our reading.
    And, hopefully, your clients learn to look around when driving... to back into a non-moving car is not re-assuring.
    Have a good, low-impact week!

  14. Lots of things to be thankful for. You always see the bright side of things.

  15. Great list, Mimi!
    So glad Lunceford is most okay and that you are willing to overlook small dings.
    A little laughter is good for the soul.

  16. Mimi,

    Laughter is a good reason to be thankful. I'm very thankful for the bill of good health I got from my procedures last week. I'm thankful that we finally got rid of our '87 Camry that sat like a big paperweight for years in our drive, maybe that made it an asphaltweight. :) I have many others thanksgivings and quite blessed.

  17. I'm in need of the patience of others, so I'm always happy to show patience, too.
    You do so much good in the world!


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