
Thursday, October 3, 2019

Here I Stay (Six Sentence Story), Barely There (Good Fences), Friends to the End (Sammy's Poetry Day), and Faux Sushi (Brian's Thankful Thursday)


"No, I am not going to sit back and coast."

"I'm talking about a vacation at the coast, not resting on your laurels for the remainder of your days."

"Oh, a vacation, yes, we need that, and we've earned it.  Stepping down from an active role in the company, no can do."

"I'm making a reservation for us at a resort for two weeks, and I would never ask you to step down, I know you won't be happy if you don't die with your boots on, but we can spend two weeks away celebrating your success."

"You've got it, we will celebrate, and then I'm going to come home to wear out, not rust out."

Linking up with Denise at Girlie On The Edge Blog, where she hosts Six Sentence Stories, and the cue is Coast.      


Gosia at Looking for Identity has taken over Good Fences, and it's now Good Fences Around The World.  Post a picture of a fence or gate, link back to her blog, and go visit other blogs to see what interesting fences there are out in this big world.    

At first i wasn't sure, but now i think i like the "barely there" look of this fence:


It's Angel Sammy's Poetry Day!  This week's image and my poem:    

You don't have to be afraid,
It's not easy to start a new grade,
But I like you and you are my friend,
I will stay beside you to the end.

When we pick sides I will always choose you,
I'll share my lunch, even the candy, too!
Because I like you and you are my friend,
I will stay beside you to the end.

If you fall on the playground, I won't make fun,
If someone picks on you, I'll make him run,
For I like you and you are my friend,
I will stay beside you to the end.

As we get older and ride the bus,
If I can't sit with you I will raise a fuss,
They'll know I like you and you are my friend,
I will stay beside you to the end.

And when from school we graduate,
You will be my very first date,
I'll always like you and you are my friend,
I will stay beside you to the end.

(Note:  a couple i know promised each other they would always be best friends and would grow up and get married to each other when they were only five.  They didn't date each other exclusively, of course, and they went to separate colleges, but they stayed friends.  Time and again they came back to each other and now they've been married over 30 years.  Sometimes it happens that way, and this picture reminded me of how i imagine they would have been as children.)


Brian of Brian's Home hosts the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.   It's time to share something for which i am thankful.  

While i know it's not actually sushi to the purists, i am grateful for cucumber/avocado rolls and vegetarian rolls, a treat from a friend for my supper last night.


Today is:

Bring Your Bible to School Day -- US (a student-led initiative to celebrate freedom of religion)      

Buttering-Up Semi-Finals -- Fairy Calendar

Festival of Bacchus/Dionysus -- Ancient Roman Calendar (tasting the old and new wine and celebrating the harvest)

Great American Beer Festival -- Denver, CO, US (festival that holds the Guinness World Record for most beers tapped in one location; through Saturday)

Independence Day -- Iraq

Kae Chun Jul -- Korea (National Foundation Day, BC 2333)

Morazan Day -- Honduras (Soldier's Day, trad.)

National Butterfly and Hummingbird Day -- internet generated; celebrate these beauties today, no matter where you are

National Carmel Custard Day

National Old-Time Country, Folk, and Bluegrass Music Festival -- Fremont, NE, US (largest and oldest festival devoted to rural music, arts, and crafts; through Sept. 3)

New York Comic Con -- NY, NY, US (through Sunday)

Oschophoria -- Ancient Greek Calendar (in honor of the return of Theseus after killing the Minotaur; deities celebrated were Dionysius and either Athena or Ariadne, depending on the source cited; date approximate)

Relief of Leiden Day -- Netherlands

Reunification Day/Unity Day-- Germany

Sts. Ewald the Black and Ewald the Fair's Day (Patrons of Westphalia)

Techies' Day -- give your techies some well deserved appreciation

Tennessee Valley Old-Time Fiddlers Convention -- Athens, AL, US (200 contestants, 18 catagories, all crammed into three music filled days; if you love old time fiddle music, this is the place for you)

Birthdays Today:

Neve Campbell, 1973
Gwen Stefani, 1969
Janel Maloney, 1969
Clive Owen, 1964
Jack P. Wagner, 1959
Dennis Eckersley, 1954
Stevie Ray Vaughan, 1954
Dave Winfield, 1951
Lindsey Buckingham, 1949
Roy Horn, 1944
Chubby Checker, 1941
Erik Bruhn, 1928
Gore Vidal, 1925
James Herriot (James Alfred Wight), 1916
Harvey Kurtzman, 1902
William Crawford Gorgas, 1854
George Bancroft, 1800

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"L.A. Law"(TV), 1986
"Scarecrow and Mrs. King"(TV), 1983
"Quincy"(TV), 1976
"The Dick Van Dyke Show"(TV), 1961
"The Andy Griffith Show"(TV), 1960
"The Pat Boone Show"(TV), 1957
"The Real McCoys"(TV), 1957
"Captain Kangaroo"(TV), 1955
"The Mickey Mouse Club"(TV), 1955
"Father Knows Best"(TV), 1954
"Our Miss Brooks"(TV), 1952
"The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet"(TV), 1952
The Maltese Falcon(Film, NYC release), 1941

Today in History:

The state of Gojoseon (modern-day Korea) is founded by Dangun Wanggeom during the reign of the Chinese emperor Yao, BC2333
The siege and battle of Alesia is ended by the surrender of Vercingetorix, leader of the Gauls, to Julius Caesar, BC52
Julius Caesar's assassins suffer a decisive defeat at the First Battle of Phillipi, BC42
Jews are expelled from Eger, Bohemia, 1430
The Duke of Montrose issues a warrant for the arrest of Rob Roy MacGregor, 1712
British Captain James Cook anchors in Alaska, 1778
General Napoleon Bonaparte first rises to national prominence being named to defend the French National Convention against armed counter-revolutionary rioters, 1795
George Washington proclaims the first national Thanksgiving Day will be held on Nov. 26, 1789
American author Edgar Allan Poe is found delirious in a gutter in Baltimore, Maryland under mysterious circumstances; it is the last time he is seen in public before his death, 1849
J.S. Thurman patents a motor-driven vacuum cleaner, 1899
The first conference on wireless telegraphy agrees to adopt SOS as the warning signal and sign of distress, 1906
Leon Trotsky, Adolph Joffe, Matvey Skobelev and other Russian exiles in Vienna, Austria, found the Pravda newspaper, 1908
Mrs. W.H. Felton, of Georgia, becomes the first woman seated in the US Senate, 1922
A V-2 /A4-rocket from Test Stand VII at Peenemünde, Germany is the first man-made object to reach space, 1942
The United Kingdom successfully tests a nuclear weapon, 1952
Germany is reunified, 1990
Roy Horn of Siegfried & Roy is attacked by one of the show's tigers, 2003
Archaeologists on the Egypt-Gaza border find the first evidence of a 2,000-year-old city, 2010
The Nobel Prize for Physics is awarded to Rainer Weiss, Barry C. Barish and Kip S. Thorne "for decisive contributions to the LIGO detector and the observation of gravitational waves," 2017


  1. Love your romantic poem. And expect you WILL wear rather than rust out.

  2. That's a very sweet "friends" poem :)

  3. I can appreciate the sentiment of your protagonist. And even more so, if the head of a successful company however, short periods away from one's job/career/business can often be very therapeutic.

    Love your poem. The picture is adorable. Your friends are rare and so very lucky to have met their best friend and mate at such an early age!

  4. That fence is different. Around here those kind of fences are usually black, but the white is nice for a change.

  5. " wear out, not rust out.""
    Excellent wordage!

  6. What a wonderful poem about friendship!
    Have a wonderful Thankful Thursday!

  7. I learn a new phrase today, "to wear out, not rust out". That is a beautiful romantic poem and glad to know that they married each other.

  8. That was a great six sentence story and we enjoyed your poem too. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  9. love the wear out not rust out line. Very deep and very telling. I need to go oil a joint or two. Good six. I love Thursdays. And Chubby Checker ! Yes!

  10. Aww such a sweet friend poem! That six speaks truth to the importance of self care.

  11. I love six sentence stories! I need to head over there.

  12. I'm going to wear out too, not rust out.

    I'll stay with you until the end too, my friend. Lovely poem.

    Have a fabulous day, my friend. ♥

  13. You are a fantastic writer and poet. Love all these shares. Have a Happy and Thankful Thursday. HUGS

  14. I'm celebrating Techie Day by taking it off!
    (best one ever) ;-D

  15. A few weeks of rest and change is a good thing.

  16. today's poem truly is awesome; I knew a high school sweethearts couple, but never a grade school one !!

    time has a way of making us stop and way... { mantacore//roy horn } ♥

  17. That is such a sweet picture, a lovely poem and a particularly lovely story. Love at first sight indeed!

  18. My Mom always said she'd rather wear out than rust out! I love this poem! Beautiful! Years ago, I read a story about a couple who were childhood sweethearts who married. Their story inspired much fevered writing on my part!

  19. a fantastic fence love from Katowice Poland

  20. Great Six. There is more than one way to wear out. For some it is continuing to do well what they have always done. For others it is in engaging in new pursuits using their talents or in developing new ones and making new friends.
    Your poem and photo are a sweet tribute to what your friends' relationship might have been.
    So glad you link up each week, Mimi.

  21. Our Female Human says that the only sushi she likes is the sushi without fist. We felines find that absolutely horrifying!
    Purrs & Head Bonks,

  22. I loved the poem Mimi. I also know of a couple that grew up as a child, went to school and college but the dated others in their 20's. Eventually they found each other, married and had two children. What a beautiful story. See ya.

    Cruisin Paul

  23. "come home to wear out, not rust out"

    This line is certainly inspirational :) Great piece.

  24. What a sweet poem. Thanks, I know such a couple, and yes it's them as very small.

  25. Great 6 sentence story ~ neat fence photo and sweet poem and photo ~ ^_^

    Happy Day to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  26. I enjoyed the phrases in this Six and she's right to take a break and celebrate now and again. Great take with the double meaning.

  27. I enjoyed the phrases in this Six and she's right to take a break and celebrate now and again. Great take with the double meaning.

  28. Well, at least the one got a two week vacation! That person must spend a lot of time without that company head.


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