
Saturday, October 26, 2019

Taking Note (Ten Things of Thankful)


Thankful Day, and i’ve been taking notes!

When i have come across something for which to be thankful, and that’s often, i now jot a note on my phone.

There’s a thankful, a phone where i can jot a note, and not forget by the time i sit down at the end of the week to compose this list.

On Monday when i was at the store for Dr. D, they were out of one thing on her list.  When checking out, i noted how the shelves were empty of that item, and the checker pointed out that there were a few more on the shelf display off to the side where they were not obvious.  That was a great thing, as it meant i didn’t have to stop at another store.

On Tuesday, when i was emptying out the car after dark, i turned on the overhead light, and i am so thankful i noticed and turned it off.  A dead battery from leaving on the light is not something i covet.

The banana pudding was made, and i am thankful my arms didn't fall off with all the stirring.

Sweetie is thankful for the pudding, if not for being a year older.

Wednesday morning at the shelter, a cat got out, and that's a thankful thing.  Mandy got out of her intake cage, and i had the intake room door closed because i know the new cats in intake have a propensity to try that trick and i don't want them roaming the whole building.  It's a good thing she got out, she hid under the shelving, and while enticing her out, i found a kitten that someone must have let lose the night before cowering in a corner!  She finally came to me and was put back in her cage with her littermates.  It isn't often that i say i am thankful for escapees.

Today i get to go to NOLA again, and i am thankful to see Grandma and Grandpa.

The reason i am going two weeks in a row is that next week i am busy, and i am thankful that Mr. BA is letting me come work for him this Tuesday instead of today.

It's always a thankful thing when a client makes me laugh, so i am thankful for hearing this.

Ms. RW:  I bought myself some new underwear.  Don't you just love getting new underwear, all nice and white and new?  I don't put it in the dirty clothes hamper, though I have it hidden in a box in the bottom of the closet, because Mr. KW isn't allowed to wash them.  He puts my white underwear in with his dark blue jeans and they come out gray.  Who wants dingy gray underwear?
A final funny for which i am thankful, i went to pay on our revolving debt with Kevin and Lenny, and they got to talking about phone calls.

Lenny:  We have caller ID so we know who's calling.  When it's Sharon, Kevin's wife, I always have to tell her to smile.

mimi:  is she a sourpuss?

Lenny:  No, she's nice enough, she just doesn't smile.

Kevin:  If you were married to me, would you smile?

Please write up your own list and link up to Ten Things of Thankful, where Kristi and her co-hosts always have a warm welcome waiting.  

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Click here to enter


Today is:

Angam Day -- Nauru ("Day of Fulfillment"; a celebration of overcoming hardships)

Armed Forces Day -- Benin

Banff Mountain Film and Book Festival -- Banff, AB, Canada (42nd annual; through next Sunday)

Blue Ridge Folklife Festival -- Blue Ridge Institute and Museum, Ferrum, VA, US (a large celebration of authentic folkways)

Day of the Ancients -- Asatru/Pagan Slavic Calendar

Day of Mourning -- Libya

Emma Crawford Festival and Memorial Coffin Race -- Manitou Springs, CO, US (spooky fun for the whole family)

Exaltation of the Shellfish -- Pontevedra, Spain (can confirm they celebrate this each year, cannot find confirmation on this specific date)

Fall Back Night -- all areas that end Daylight Saving Time tomorrow; set your clock back one hour before you go to bed and change the batteries in your smoke alarms/carbon monoxide detectors (Aland Islands; Albania; Andorra; Antarctica (Troll Station); Austria; Belgium; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Bulgaria; Croatia; Cyprus; Czech Republic; Denmark; Estonia; Faroe Islands; Finland; France; Germany; Gibraltar; Greece; Greenland; Guernsey; Holy See (Vatican City); Hungary; Ireland; Isle of Man; Israel; Italy; Jersey; Kosovo; Latvia; Lebanon; Liechtenstein; Lithuania; Luxembourg; Macedonia; Malta; Mexico; Moldova; Monaco; Montenegro; Morocco; Netherlands; Norway; Palestinian Territories; Poland; Portugal; Romania; San Marino; Slovakia; Slovenia; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; Ukraine; United Kingdom; Western Sahara)
    Please Note:  This does not apply to Canada or the United States, we have one more week of "summer time" left

Forgiveness Day -- a day to reconcile or forgive, for your own peace of mind; sponsored by Positive Peaceful Partners and the Center of Unconditional Love 

Gormanudr -- Old Icelandic Calendar (beginning of "Innards Month," after all the animals have been butchered and fresh innards figure predominantly in the menu, as the rest of the meat has been preserved for winter)

Ludi Victoriae Sullanae -- Roman Empire (celebration of the victories of Lucius Cornelius Sulla, through Nov. 1)

Make A Difference Day -- US (Whoopie Goldberg once said that if every American would donate 5 volunteer hours a week, it would be the equivalent of several million full time jobs; whether or not it's strictly accurate, volunteering is a great thing to do no matter where you live.  This day is no longer sponsored, but if you are looking for volunteer opportunities in your area, go here.)

Mule Day -- anniversary of the first importation of donkeys to the US, which George Washington used to breed the first mules in the Americas

National Day -- Austria

National Gospel Day -- Cook Islands

National Mincemeat Pie Day

Old Farmers Day -- Loranger, LA, US (through tomorrow; learn how farmers used to live)

Pit Bull Awareness Day -- it's not the breed, it's the owner    

Pretzel Day

Pumpkin Day -- time to get one for the 31st, if you haven't already

Scared Silly: Halloween in Prospect Park -- Brooklyn, NY, US (hauntingly good fun all weekend)

St. Demetrius of Thessaloniki's Day (Patron of soldiers; Thessaloniki, Greece)
    Greek day to broach the wine barrels and taste the new season's wine in honor of this saint

Sts. Lucian and Marcian's Day (Patrons of converts, possessed people)

Texas Book Festival -- Austin, TX, US (one of the nation's most prestigious literary festivals, especially celebrating renowned Texas authors; through tomorrow)

Toping Wagglegammon -- Fairy Calendar (no human knows what this means, but it sounds intriguing)

Workaholic Stop and Smell Something Day -- internet generated day to encourage workaholics to stop and consider what they might be missing

Worldwide Howl at the Moon Night -- some organizers even have howling parties

Xterra Kapalua Trail Run -- Kapalua, Maui, HI, US (extreme trail runs of 5k and 10k; through tomorrow)

Anniversary Today:

Grand opening of the Erie Canal, 1825

Birthdays Today:

Sasha Cohen, 1984
Keith Urban, 1969
Tom Cavanagh, 1968
Natalie Merchant, 1963
Cary Elwes, 1962
Dylon McDermott, 1962
Jeff Probst, 1962
James Pickens, Jr., 1954
Lauren Tewes, 1954
Hillary Rodham Clinton, 1947
Pat Sajak, 1947
Jaclyn Smith, 1947
Ivan Reitman, 1946
Pat Conroy, 1945
Bob Hoskins, 1942
Jackie Coogan, 1914
Mahalia Jackson, 1911
Abby Greene Aldrich Rockefeller, 1874
Joseph Hansom, 1803
Georges Danton, 1759
Domenico Scarlatti, 1685

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"St. Elsewhere"(TV), 1982
Doonesbury(Comic strip), 1970
The Village Voice(newspaper, first issue), 1955
"Mourning Becomes Electra"(Play), 1931

Today in History:

Comet 55P/1366 U1 (Tempel-Tuttle) approaches 0.0229 AUs of Earth (2.1 million miles and 3.4 million kilometers)--marking the third closest approach of any comet to our planet in recorded history, 1366
First use of lead pencils, 1492
William Penn accepts the area around the the Delaware River from the Duke of York, 1682
The first Continental Congress adjourns in Philadelphia, and the Minute Men begin to organize in the colonies, 1774
King George III goes before Parliament to declare the American colonies in rebellion, and authorized a military response to quell the American Revolution, 1775
Benjamin Franklin departs from America for France on a mission to seek French support for the American Revolution, 1776
The first of the "Federalist Papers" are published, calling for ratification of the US Constitution, 1787
The French Directory, a five-man revolutionary government, is created, 1795
Hamilton Smith patents a rotary washing machine, 1858
Soccer football rules are standardized and rugby starts as a separate game, 1863
The Gunfight at the O.K. Corral takes place at Tombstone, Arizona, 1881
First use of a "getaway car" after a robbery in Paris, 1901
The first Soviet (worker's council) formed, St. Petersburg, Russia, 1905
Margaret Sanger arrested for the obscenity of advocating birth control, 1916
The Maharaja of Kashmir agrees to allow his kingdom to join India, 1947
Mother Teresa founds her Missionaries of Charity in Calcutta, India, 1950
Pan American Airways makes the first commercial flight of the Boeing 707 from New York City to Paris, France, 1958
The world sees the far side of the Moon for the first time, in pictures taken earlier in the month by the Soviet Luna 3, 1959
The last natural case of smallpox is discovered in Merca district, Somalia, 1977
"Baby Fae," born with hypoplastic left heart syndrome, receives a controversial heart transplant from a baboon, dies of kidney infection 21 days later, 1984
The Charlottetown Accord fails to win majority support in a Canada wide referendum, 1992
Jordan and Israel sign a peace treaty, 1994
Britain's House of Lords votes to end the right of hereditary peers to vote in Britain's upper chamber of Parliament, 1999
The water level at Three Gorges Dam, the world's largest water control and utilization project, reaches full capacity, 2010
China blocks the New York Times from searches and social media in response to an investigation into Premier Wen Jiabao, 2012
The World Health Organization classifies processed meat as carcinogenic, 2015
Jacinda Adern is sworn in as Prime Minister of New Zealand, becoming the world’s youngest female head of government, 2017


  1. Love your list - and the reminder. Thank you.

  2. I'm so going to celebrate pencils today :) I just can't live without.
    Thanks for siles and lists.

  3. There are so many things to be thankful for.

    God bless.

  4. I will keep my thankful item to myself.
    It's a little bit more embarrassing than dingy gray underwear.

  5. Those were darn good thankfuls. Have fun in NOLA!

  6. I often jot down post ideas on the phone. I lot of times I don't remember what the note meant.

    My young son used to play with the car light from the back seat. In the day time you did not know it was on. Drained the battery several times...why that light was not designed to go out a few minutes after the engine was shut off, I do not know.

  7. It's a good thing you found this poor cat!
    Have a great week!

  8. I'm thankful it's Sunday and the Sunday paper has arrived, which means, along with my mug of coffee, I'm about to take it back to bed with me for some leisurely reading. My two furry mates, Remy and Shama are already back there waiting for me to return!! :)

    Have a good weekend, messymimi. :)

  9. Wonderful list of thankfuls ~ ^_^

    Happy Day to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  10. I don't mind being a year older with each birthday, I'm thankful to get those years, glad to be getting old. Too many people die young.

  11. Great list of thankfuls. I am glad you found the kitten escapee.

  12. That must have been incredible pudding if your arm is still sore, lol. Been years since I've stirred anything that made me tired :)
    Very lucky indeed to find the missing kitten. She must have been so scared.
    I hope you had a good visit yesterday.

  13. I liked your Grat Item about remembering to turn off the interior light in the car. It takes a certain presence of mind to note the future bullet dodged, but it is a most pleasant feeling. A gratitude squared, you might say


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