
Thursday, November 21, 2019

Belated (Six Sentence Story), Finally Got It (Good Fences), Shall We Dance (Sammy’s Poetry Day), and Brian’s Thankful Thursday


“What is the cost of being tardy?” she asked as she slipped into the booth at the restaurant, smiling across at him and hoping he’d already ordered drinks and an appetizer at least.

It was obvious by the narrowing of his eyes as he looked at her that he was considering the question seriously.

“Upon such an auspicious occasion as this,” he said, leaning back and taking on his best professorial tone, “it would seem to me that the reason for your belatedness must be taken into consideration, along with the other attendant ...”

She started laughing, and said, “It was the usual, two deadlines collided and I was elected to do the damage control — with old Mr. Norckauer, no less.”

“Well, in light of the fact that you had to deal with the most curmudgeonly person at your workplace, and still arranged your time in such a way as to arrive here looking quite attractive and, if I may dare to say it, even more luscious than what is on the menu here at my particular favorite restaurant, I would say that your tardiness to your husband’s birthday dinner will cost you a few extra kisses when we get home.”

“Done!” she said, giving him a smile and the look that spoke volumes.

Linking up with Denise at Girlie On The Edge Blog, where she hosts Six Sentence Stories, and the cue is Tardy.            


Gosia at Looking for Identity has taken over Good Fences, and it's now Good Fences Around The World.  Post a picture of a fence or gate, link back to her blog, and go visit other blogs to see what interesting fences there are out in this big world.      

For a while, i’ve been trying to get better pictures of this fence.  These early morning shots finally had no cars in them!


It's Angel Sammy's Poetry Day!  This week's image and my poem:    

Do I think I can dance?
Why yes, I do!
And if you want,
I’ll teach you.

We’ll have a blast
When we go to the hop,
Once there we won’t ever
Want to stop!


Brian of Brian's Home hosts the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.   It's time to share something for which i am thankful.  

Today i am thankful for a trip to the laundromat and clean sheets and towels.  There’s nothing like fresh sheets on the bed.


Today is:

Armed Forces Day -- Bangladesh

Caregiver Rights Day -- UK (with information to help carers available here; this year's theme is "Helping you find your way")   

Catholic School Principal Appreciation Day -- originally designated by the National Catholic Education Association 

False Confessions Day -- internet generated, and not for the faint of heart

Fast for an Abundant World Harvest -- now unsponsored, but one way to help can be found here 

Feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin -- Eastern and Roman Catholic Christian (those following the Gregorian Calendar)

Festival of Madonna della Salute -- Venice, Italy

Furniture Memory Day -- an internet generated test of your memory; see if you remember where you got each piece of furniture you own, how much it cost, and how its most precious scratch came to be; you are also encouraged to dust if you want to

General Framework Agreement Day -- RS, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Gerard d'Aboville Day -- marking the day, in 1991, he arrived in Ilwaco, WA, US, after departing Japan 4 months earlier in a rowboat!

Gingerbread Day

Great American Smokeout -- save money and your life, try not to smoke today; started by the American Cancer Society 

National Stuffing Day -- various dates given on many sites, so if you enjoy stuffing, celebrate them all

No Music Day -- for the explanation

St. Gelasius' Day

Ugly Day -- Fairy Calendar

Use Less Stuff Day -- a great idea!  not an officially sponsored day, but you can get information about using less stuff at

World Hello Day -- recognizing the importance of communication in world peace, say hello to people you don't usually greet today 

World Philosophy Day -- UNESCO 

World Television Day -- UN

Anniversaries Today:

South Carolina becomes the 12th US State, 1789

Birthdays Today:

Tasha Schwikert, 1984
Ken Griffey, Jr., 1969
Troy Aikman, 1966
Bjork, 1965
Nicollette Sheridan, 1963
Cherry Jones, 1956
Cynthia Rhodes, 1956
Lorna Luft, 1952
Goldie Hawn, 1945
Harold Ramis, 1944
Marcy Carsey, 1944
Tweety Bird, 1942
Juliet Mills, 1941
Marlo Thomas, 1938
James DePreist, 1936
Laurence Luckinbill, 1934
Joseph Campanella, 1927
Stan Musial, 1920
Coleman Hawkins, 1904
Rene Magritte, 1898
Hetty Green, 1834
William Beaumont, 1785
Josiah Bartlett, 1729
Voltaire, 1694

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"I'm Gonna Make You Love Me"(Single release), 1968
"A Tale of Two Kitties"(Warner cartoon, debut of Tweety Bird), 1942
"The Relapse, or, Virtue in Danger"(Vanbrugh play), 1696

Today in History:

Judas Maccabaeus, son of Mattathias of the Hasmonean family, restores the Temple in Jerusalem; this is the event commemorated each year by the festival of Hanukkah, BC164
The Pilgrims, aboard the Mayflower, reach what is now called Provincetown Harbor, Massachusetts, and sign the Mayflower Compact, 1620
Richard Johnson, a free black, is granted 550 acres in Virginia, 1654
In Paris, Jean-Franēois Pilātre de Rozier and Franēois Laurent, Marquis d'Arlandes, make the first untethered hot air balloon flight, 1783
Colonel Napoléon Bonaparte is promoted to full general and appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Armies of the French Republic, 1791
First Jewish Reform congregation in US forms, Charleston, SC, 1824
Moses F Gale patents a cigar lighter, 1871
Tom Edison announces his "talking machine" invention (phonograph), 1877
Rebecca Latimer Felton of Georgia takes the oath of office, becoming the first female United States Senator, 1922
First commercial crossing of Pacific by plane (China Clipper), 1935
The Alcan Highway is completed, 1942*
The British Natural History Museum announces that the "Piltdown Man" skull is a hoax, 1953
The first permanent ARPANET link is established between UCLA and SRI, 1969
Gerard d'Aboville completes his four-month solo journey to row across the Pacific Ocean, 1991
The Dayton Peace Agreement is initialed at the Wright Patterson Air Force Base, near Dayton, Ohio, ending three and a half years of war in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1995
NATO invites Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia to become members, 2002
Iran's President Ahmadinejad rejects the country's successful family planning program and tells Iranian girls they should marry at 16, 2010
The three most senior surviving members of Cambodia's Khmer Rouge regime are charged with genocide and crimes against humanity, 2011
For the second time in four months, New Zealand's Mount Tongariro volcano, on the North Island, erupts, 2012
The Alabama parole board grants posthumous pardons to three members of the Scottsboro boys, 2013
Scientists announce the first known comet from another system, Oumuamua comet, 2017

*Not opened to general vehicular traffic until the next year


  1. I loved your story and your poem! :) AND that it's gingerbread day! I think I might make some!

  2. That's a beautiful gate. Keep dancing. It's good for you.

    God bless, Mimi.

  3. Beautiful story and I hope you enjoyed your dance. Have a great day!

  4. Touching and cute six and lively poem!

  5. Very nice. 'cause, while it might never be possible to control our worlds, how we react is always a choice.

  6. That was a really nice birthday story and a terrific thankful, clean sheets are wonderful! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  7. Cute story. I wasn't expecting the ending. And it's Gingerbread Day! Let's get baking!

  8. Oh how I used to enjoy dancing. After my stroke I"ve been unable to do so. I sit there at wedding, cruises, bars and what ever and I just sit there dreaming of those days when I was able to move around the floor. Oh well. Have a great day Mimi.

    Cruisin Paul

  9. Interesting stories. The fences I admit I dont get but have at it

  10. Love the first one the best. So like you and Mr. Sweetie and me and Mr. Zane.

    Have a fabulous day, my friend. ♥

  11. What a great story, Mimi.
    I have been trying to decide what treat to take to an activity tonight. I had even considered gingerbread, an old family favorite from my childhood, but I hadn't quite made up my mind. Thank you. Gingerbread it is!

  12. That was a lovely story, Mimi. Made me smile.
    I'd love to learn how to dance specific dances :D Looks like an incredible workout but how much fun it would be!

  13. This was a very enjoyable read, great post!

  14. Cute story. I like the sunshine streaming over the fence.

  15. two deadlines collided and I was elected to do the damage control...I love that description! It seems that is what I do a lot too. I enjoyed your story. False Confessions Day? LOL! And, now I seem to have a craving for gingerbread. xoxo

  16. Sweet 6 sentence story and thankful list ~ mysterious looking fence photos ~

    Happy Day to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)


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