
Saturday, November 16, 2019

Every Single Day (Ten Things of Thankful)


It's been a great week to be thankful.

Of course, every week is a great week to be thankful.

It began great, with a beautiful Sunday that included a nap.  Any Sunday that includes attending Bedside Baptist in the afternoon is a day for thankfulness.

Then i was thankful on Monday when The Big Boss picked Sweetie up to take him to work out at the farm for the day which means a day's pay, and i was thankful that this meant i got the car for the day, no need to be dropped off for work or wait for a ride to the next job!

Having the car also means i can do the shopping i need without troubling anyone else, again a thankful.

All the time i was with her on Monday, Dr. D talked about how the weather on Tuesday was going to be so awful, and predicting sleet and other horrors.

On my day off Tuesday, a thankful in itself, the weather was perfect, the skies deep blue and the wind brisk.  While i can't speak for anyone else, i can say that i am very thankful when a weather system moves through in the night and we wake to such beauty.

On Wednesday, one of our clients had a party and we were invited.  It was such a lovely event, i am always thankful for being able to dress nicely and enjoy good food and good company.

When we got back from said event, Sweetie was convinced he had lost his phone.  How thankful we both were when he found it in his jacket pocket after he'd hung the jacket back in the closet!  He went and bought a hook for the phone case so he can attach it to his belt loop now, and i am thankful that his keys and phone are now both hooked to him and therefore harder to lose.  (Now if only i could get him to put one of those straps that go around your neck on his glasses, life would be much smoother!) 

Thursday morning, Sweetie set his breakfast on the table and went over to pour himself a cup of coffee only to realize he'd forgotten to turn on the machine.  He said, "I'm so thankful all mornings aren't like this, with an empty coffee pot!" and i have to agree.

Thursday evening at a small group study, the chill in the air was driven away by a fabulous roaring fire built by the family's 11-year-old son.  We were all thankful for his skill and the warm coziness the fire added to the room.

On Friday, Abigail was especially entertaining.  She has zero fear of the vacuum cleaner, and simply would not get up from her warm spot on the couch so i could vacuum the upholstery there.  This led to an exchange with Ms. GA about how her majesty didn't want to move, and i am thankful for laughter and beautiful, friendly cats as well as a boss who understands that sometimes the cushion will not be vacuumed.

The shelter Friday evening was its own brand of special, i was thankful for the whole evening.  Ms. Mae, who usually does the rooms while Sweetie and i do cages, offices, and isolation areas, had heart surgery totally out of the blue.  We turned to and did all the areas, all the while answering doors, answering questions for potential adopters, and watching as five cats found forever homes, three of them with one lady.  She had come in wanting to adopt two males, she wanted siblings that would already get along, and when she saw the three boys in the cage together she just couldn't leave one behind.

It's just been a wonderful week, and it is not over, today i am thankful to be going to Red-Headed Alec's son's 2nd birthday.  Yes, Toddler Lee is now two, and i will try to get a few pictures for Sunday Selections.

Please write up your own list and link up to Ten Things of Thankful, where Kristi and her co-hosts always have a warm welcome waiting.    

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Today is:

Birth of the Blues Day -- birth anniversary of W.C. Handy, "Father of the Blues"

Button Day -- internet generated; a day to collect, or reminisce about collecting, buttons, with information about buttons here  

Dagur Islenskrar tungu -- Iceland (Icelandic Language Day)

Day of Declaration of Sovereignty / Day of National Rebirth -- Estonia

Famous San Diego Chicken Day -- a day to celebrate anyone who has ever slugged a purple dinosaur

Flag Day/Statia and America Day -- St. Eustatius

Have a Party with Your Bear Day -- no comment, it's too obvious

Hecate Night -- Ancient Greek Calendar (date approximate; celebrated still by some Wiccans)

International Day for Tolerance - UN

International Games Day @ Your Library -- libraries in many countries are sponsoring a local Games Day, check with yours!

National Fast Food Day -- why?

National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week -- US (remembering those who have little or nothing during the upcoming holiday celebrations, and making time to share our bounty with them; through the 24th)      

PCS Day and Homeplace Festival -- Waretown, NJ, US (a family affair with country, bluegrass, and traditional music)

St. Gertrude the Great's Day (Patron of nuns; Naples, Italy; West Indies)

St. Margaret of Scotland's Day (Patron of learning, parents of large families, queens, widows; Scotland; against the death of children)

St. Matthew the Evangelist's Day (Eastern Churches)

Surin Elephant Round-Up -- Surin, Thailand (includes elephant football, elephant tugs-of-war, and parades; through Sunday)

Anniversaries Today:

Oklahoma becomes the 46th US State, 1907

Birthdays Today:

Maggie Gyllenhall, 1977
Oksana Baiul, 1977
Martha Plimpton, 1970
Lisa Bonet, 1967
Diana Krall, 1964
Dwight Gooden, 1964
Susanna Clarke, 1959
Marg Heigenberger, 1958
Shigeru Miyamoto, 1952
Elizabeth Drew, 1935
Daws Butler, 1916
Burgess Meredith, 1908
W.C. Handy, 1873
Tiberius, Roman Emperor, BC42

Debuting/Premiering Today:

The Roman Catholic Church issues the first new Universal Catechism since 1563, to address modern issues, 1992
"The Real Thing"(Stoppard play), 1982
"The Sound of Music"(Musical), 1959

Today in History:

The second and final revision of the Codex Justinianus is published, 534
Francisco Pizarro captures the Incan emperor Atahualpa after the victory at Cajamarca, 1532
The first colonial prison is organized, in Nantucket, Massachussetts, 1676
Kentucky becomes the first state to nullify an act of Congress, 1798
The New York Evening Post publishes its first edition, 1801
An earthquake in Missouri causes the Mississippi River to flow backwards, 1811
Missouri trader William Becknell arrives in Santa Fe, New Mexico over a route that became known as the Santa Fe Trail, 1821
Napoleon Guerin of NYC patents a cork life preserver, 1841
Fyodor Dostoevsky is sentenced to death for anti-government activities; sentence is commuted to hard labor, 1849
Amsterdam post office at Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal opens, 1856
William Bonwill patents dental mallet to impact gold into cavities, 1875
6,000 Armenians massacred by Turks in Kurdistan, 1894
Arturo Tuscanini begins conducting NY's Metropolitan Opera, 1908
US Federal Reserve System formally opens, 1914
LSD is first synthesized by Swiss chemist Dr. Albert Hofmann at the Sandoz Laboratories in Basel, Switzerland, 1938
UNESCO is founded, 1945
NASA launches Skylab 4 with a crew of three astronauts from Cape Canaveral, Florida for an 84-day mission, 1973
The Hoxne Hoard is discovered by metal detectorist Eric Lawes in Hoxne, Suffolk, 1992
After nearly 18 years of incarceration, the People's Republic of China releases Wei Jingsheng, a pro-democracy dissident, from jail for medical reasons, 1997
The People's Republic of China begins to implement the "Great Firewall," filters which make it impossible to connect to internet sites the government deems illegal or unhelpful to the communist ideal, 2006
Hostess Brands reveals plans to file bankruptcy because of a baker's union strike, 2012
Chocolate manufacturers state that a cocoa-pod fungus and dry weather in cocoa-growing regions has created a shortage of cocoa that may increase in the future; world chocolate demand already exceeds production capacity, 2014
The largest diamond discovered in more than a century, a 1,111 carat stone, is found in the Karowe mine, Botswana, 2015
French President Francois Hollande declares the country at war with ISIS in an address to parliament, 2015
Leonardo da Vinci's painting "Salvator Mundi" sells for $450.3 million at auction in New York, world record price for any artwork, 2017
Nineteen countries pledge to phase out coal at UN Climate Summit in Bonn, Germany, 2017


  1. Thank you for optimism and great lists. Icelandic language day - this one's for me ;)

  2. Such a nice bunch of thankfuls, Happy Birthday Little Lee. Our Sister Zoe is not afraid of the vacuum either, the peeps have to vacuum around her sometimes.

  3. Today, I'm thankful for family living close by and grandkids that come to visit. Also I'm immensely grateful for our awesome Canadian healthcare!

  4. You are so positive Mimi. You are a very great person my friend. Have a great weekend.

    Cruisin Paul

  5. Sounds like you had a great week, I'm so happy for you.
    I'm thankful that after 6 weeks of fairly constant agony, my Shingles have subsided and I feel human again.
    Oh, and Happy Birthday to Lee!

  6. So often we think of the 'big things'. But if we add up all those little things we are grateful and happy about, they would add up to "BIG."

    Today I am grateful for a mop and bucket .... and a husband who used it.
    It for sure was a BIG thing!

  7. Happy Birthday to Baby Lee! Wonderful list of thankfuls. How nice that 5 cats got homes. :)

  8. A beautiful list of thankfulness. If we take time to reflect, there are so many things to be thankful for. I am thankful that we get a sunny morning yesterday to dry all my towels, jeans and bed sheets. Thankful also for abundant harvest to save me the cost of buying fresh vegetables.

  9. What a wonderful week! Hopefully the coming one will add another ten things to be thankful for.

  10. Such a delightful list of thankfuls ~ Abigail is one smart kitty!

    Happy Day to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  11. Well, I am thankful for my coffee every morning as well.
    All of our furbabies hate when I vacuum, but I have to do it every now and then :-)
    Have a great week!


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