
Saturday, November 2, 2019

Quick Recap (Ten Things of Thankful)


This is going to be quick, for reasons that will become obvious as i go along.

Also, i am sorry i don't have the linky at the bottom, it wasn't in my email in time for me to get it.  That, and i'm late reading blogs again, it's for a specific reason.

Anyway, i am thankful that i was able to go to Grandma and Grandpa's last weekend, making it twice in a row, instead of this weekend.

There wasn't a rainstorm on the way down, just a bit of drizzle that cleared up, unlike what was predicted, and i am thankful for that.

My Saturday work last week was rescheduled thanks to Mr. BA, who allowed me to come later in the week to work on the weeding.

We are all thankful that the generator worked when a downed tree took the power out the other night.

Halloween turned out to be freezing, but we are thankful the rain had cleared off and we had a great time.

Why was it so important that i reschedule work and go to NOLA last week?  That's the rest of the thankful things.

Our church is having a women's retreat, and:

Someone anonymously donated the money so i could go.

Sweetie agreed to cover for me at rEcess (a miracle!) so i could go on the retreat and not have to worry about getting the volunteers needs met.

One of my bosses paid me extra so i could pay for the rEcess dinner that Sweetie so kindly picked up and brought there and served.

Another friend who hates highway driving provided her car (Sweetie needed Lunceford the Land Yacht so he could do the rEcess detail) and i drove so i was actually able to get here.

It's one of the nicest retreat centers i've ever been in, out in the country with peace and quiet and the food is great (they even have plenty of "rabbit food" for this weirdo vegetarian), there's coffee and tea and flavored water at every turn, and it is just an all around nice get-away that i was not expecting.

When i get home, i fully intend to work on catching up with everyone.  Meanwhile, i am off duty for a few hours, and loving every minute.

Please write up your own list and link up to Ten Things of Thankful, where Kristi and her co-hosts always have a warm welcome waiting.  


Today is:

All Souls' Day -- Christian (celebrations in Ecuador are among the most colorful; 2nd of the Dias de los Muertos in Mexico) related observances:
    Dead Relatives' Day -- Sicily
    Dia de Finados -- Brazil; Portugal

Aztec Day of the Dead -- Ancient Aztec Calendar (date approximate)

Balfour Declaration Day -- Israel

Chhat Parwa/Chhath Puja -- Nepal (start of the four day Hindu/Vedic Festival of the sun god Surya)

Children's Day -- Malaysia

Cookie Monster's Birthday -- go have a cookie to celebrate! (but only after your dinner, as Cookie Monster now points out; boy, things have changed)

Coronation of Haile Selassie -- Rastafarian

Digital Scrapbooking Day -- it certainly takes up less room than the other kinds!

Dveselu Diena -- Ancient Latvian Calendar (day for families to gather with the spirits of their ancestors at the graveyard to celebrate the continuity of life)

Edgar Allan Poe Evermore -- Mount Hope Estate, Manheim, PA, US (nights of suspense with the stories from the master, acted by professionals; through Nov. 12)

Fall Back Night -- all areas that end Daylight Saving Time tomorrow; set your clock back one hour before you go to bed and change the batteries in your smoke alarms/carbon monoxide detectors (Bermuda; Canada (most areas); Cuba; Greenland (some areas); Haiti; Mexico (Baja area); Saint Pierre and Miquelon; The Bahamas; US (most areas))

Fall Country Jamboree -- Barberville, FL, US (celebration of pioneer life, with music, crafts, historic displays, Native and Cracker camps, and more; through tomorrow)

Festival of Hathor -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

Guy Fawkes Carnival -- Bridgwater, Somerset, UK (a festival that traces its origins to the Gunpowder Plot of 1605)

Indian Arrival Day / Arrival of Indentured Laborers' Day -- Mauritius

International Day to End Impunity -- International (calling for the ending impunity for crimes against journalists and media workers)   

Karatsu Kunchi -- Karatsu and Saga, Japan

Look for Circles Day -- internet generated, and we run in circles looking for who created it and why!

National Deviled Egg Day

National Traffic Directors Day -- meaning radio and TV traffic directors, who always schedule your favorite shows when you just can't watch, and put more and more commercials in when they can; on the anniversary of the first commercial radio broadcast in Pittsburgh in 1922, sponsored by the Traffic Directors Guild of America  

Ohara-Matsuri Festival -- Kagoshima, Japan (one of Japan's largest autumn festivals, with 22,000+ dancers in the parade; through tomorrow)

Peddler's Village Apple Festival -- Lahaska, PA, US (fun for all, through tomorrow)

Potting-Shed Investitures -- Fairy Calendar (Garden Fairies)

Plan Your Epitaph Day -- sponsored by Dead or Alive of Arcata, CA, because a forgettable epitaph is almost a fate worse than death, so make plans to do yours right!

Practice Being Psychic Day -- but you already knew that, didn't you?

Refuse to Capitalize the First Letters in Your Name Day -- k.d.lang's birth anniversary

Soulcaker's Play -- Cheshire, UK

St Eustachius' Day  (Patron of difficult situations, fire prevention, firefighters, hunters and hunting, torture victims, trappers; Madrid, Spain; Poli, Italy; against fire and torture)

Steeplechase at Callaway Gardens -- Pine Mountain, GA, US (a six-race steeplechase)

Unique 300 Hands-On Mystery Object Event -- Logic Puzzle Museum, Burlington, WI, US (come join the fun and use your brain puzzling out what these 298 mystery objects, many of them antique, are or used to do; through Nov. 18)

Verboort Sausage and Kraut Dinner -- Forest Grove, OR, US (beer and their famous sausage, as well as home-baked goods and fun)

Anniversaries Today:

North Dakota becomes the 39th US State, 1889
South Dakota becomes the 40th US State, 1889

Birthdays Today:

k.d. lang, 1961
Shere Hite, 1942
Stephanie Powers, 1942
Pat Buchanan, 1938
Ray Walston, 1914
Burt Lancaster, 1913
Paul Ford, 1901
Warren G. Harding, 1865
James K. Polk, 1795
Marie Antionette, 1755
Daniel Boone, 1734

Debuting/Premiering Today:

The Spruce Goose makes its first (only) flight, 1947
KDKA Radio Pittsburgh, PA, US makes the first scheduled radio broadcast, of election results, 1920

Today in History:

The African Free School, the first free school in NYC, opens, 1787
The popular vote for US president is first recorded and Andrew "By God" Jackson (a/k/a Old Hickory) defeats John Quincy Adams, 1824
New Zealand officially adopts a standard time to be observed nationally, 1868
Johnny Campbell officially leads the crowd in cheering at a University of Minnesota football game, the official birth of cheerleading, 1898
The British newspaper the "Daily Mirror" begins publication, 1903
The Balfour Declaration proclaims British support for the "establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people" with the clear understanding "that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities", 1917
Charlotte Woodward, who attended the historic Seneca Falls Women's Rights Convention of 1848, becomes the only one of the women who attended to live long enough to cast a vote in a national election, 1920
Australia's Qantas Airways begins service, 1922
The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation is established, 1936
In California, designer Howard Hughes performs the maiden (and only) flight of the Spruce Goose; the largest fixed-wing aircraft ever built, 1947
Penguin Books is found not guilty of obscenity in the Lady Chatterley's Lover case, 1960
The Morris worm, the first internet-distributed computer worm to gain significant mainstream media attention, is launched from MIT, 1988
The International Space Station becomes permanently staffed, 2000
China makes its first orbital docking as its unmanned Shenzhou 8 spacecraft successfully docks with the orbiting Tiangong 1 space station module, 2011
The New York Marathon is cancelled due to the damage from Hurricane Sandy, 2012
Separatists in Eastern Ukraine hold elections in Donetsk and Luhansk; Russia will recognize the elected leaders, but Ukraine and Western nations declare the elections illegitimate, 2014
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull scraps Knights and Dames from Australia's honours system, 2015
The Chicago Cubs defeat the Cleveland Indians in the World Series, ending the longest MLB championship drought at 108 years, 2016


  1. How absolutely wonderful. I cannot think of anyone more deserving of a retreat. Enjoy it to the max.

  2. How wonderful and much appreciated!

  3. Interesting note about the Seneca Falls Women's Rights Convention of 1848

  4. So nice of that person to help you get some space and meditation in your life. We all need down time and this gift was worth more than it cost!

  5. You've been a very lucky lady Mimi. People just care so much for you. God loves and so do we. Enjoy your weekend my friend. See ya.

    Cruisin Paul

  6. I'm sorry I didn't get the link out in time for you.
    I'm happy that you get to go on the retreat! I didn't know you are a vegetarian. I gave up meat years ago, too.

  7. Oh wow! Good for you!!! Enjoy all of the amazingness that comes along. You deserve it!!!

  8. Yay for that person and yay for you!
    Enjoy yourself.

  9. It sounds like you had a most wonderful time at your retreat!

  10. I am glad you got to go on the retreat- you deserve to get away. XO

  11. Wow, sounds like life has been eventful for you. How wonderful that someone paid for you to go to the retreat.

  12. How wonderful that you were able to get away for a retreat and there were people to help make that happen for you. It is perfectly okay to be off duty for a while. Have a good week.

  13. cool
    have (or 'have had') a good retreat,*
    no for nothing, but you realize you have presented us all with an opportunity to enjoy (however subjectively) a little, genuine time travel!

  14. Wonderful! Enjoy every minute of it!


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