
Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Thanksgiving Signs of the Season (Wordless Wednesday) and Words for Wednesday


Linking up with Wordless Wednesday and Sandee at Comedy Plus.   


Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and has become a moveable feast of word or picture or music prompts that encourages us to write stories, poems, or whatever strikes our fancy.    

This month, the prompts are being provided by Margaret Adamson and her friend Sue Fulcher, and are posted by Elephant's Child.           

This week's prompts are:

  1. Orange
  2. Dizzy
  3. Perpendicular
  4. Languishing
  5. Virtuous
  6. Theatre 


  1. Pedestrian
  2. Laconic
  3. Stable
  4. Typewriter
  5. Dashing
  6. Branches

“What are the various BRANCHES of your family subjecting you to this time?”

“Oh, it’s just the usual.  Everything went PERPENDICULAR when my brother came in town.  Instead of being able to spend the night down there, we will do the DIZZY DASHING into town twice to get it all done.  After all, we know that i’m LANGUISHING for more to do.”

“I thought your daughter was going to go early, VIRTUOUS  child that she is and always wanting to help.”

“She is, and of course brother is there and his daughter.  Grandma, however, doesn’t see that as a STABLE  enough work crew, and we have to make everything as complicated as a THEATRE production.  No PEDESTRIAN Thanksgiving celebration for us!”

“What does Grandpa think about all of it?”

“You know him.  In his LACONIC way he will let what he thinks be known, that Grandma is making too much fuss and too much work, but not directly.  As long as everyone turns to when it’s time to go out and tend to the ORANGE trees, he’s okay.”

“By the way, does he still have that old TYPEWRITER in his office?”

“No, he donated it.  He’s not only saving of his words, he doesn’t keep anything around he doesn’t have to have, and Grandma finally taught him to use the computer to print stuff instead of that.  Sorry.”

“It’s okay, just thought I would ask.  Have a great Thanksgiving!”

“You, too!”


Today is:

Anniversary of Cerro de Pasco -- Peru (founding of the city and its silver mine)

Bargle Day -- Fairy Calendar (a fairy day with no human equivalent)

Deepawali/Deepavali/Diwali/Divali(Festival of Lights) -- Hindu; Jain; Sikh (for the next five days; local dating customs and government holidays for this Lunar New Year/Festival of Lights can vary)
     Kag Tihar/Kag Puja -- Day of the Crows (day one of the festival)

Electric Guitar Day -- birth anniversary of Jimi Hendrix

Feast of Ullr and Skadi -- Asatru/Norse Pagan (celebrating craftsmen)

Freckle Pride Day -- show your spots, you are beautiful!

Get the Giggles and Give One Away Day -- internet generated, and great if your a preteen girl

Khoiak Ceremonies -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (ceremonies surrounding the stories of the death of Osiris, date approximate)

Lancashire Day -- Lancashire, England (celebrating their first elected representative in Parliament in 1295)

Maaverar Naal -- Tamil Eelam, Sri Lanka (Tamil Heroes' Day)

National Bavarian Cream Pie Day

National Family Caregivers' Day -- US (if you are a caregiver who needs support, you can get it here or here)

Pie in the Face Day -- internet generated, and supposed to be a virtual one, so no mess to clean

Pins and Needles Day -- celebrating the 1937 opening of the Pins and Needles Music Revue

St. James Intercisus' Day (Patron of lost vocations, torture victims)

St. Virgilius of Salzburg's Day (Patron of Salzburg, Austria; Slovenes)

Thanksgiving Day -- Norfolk Island

Tie One On Day -- an apron!  on US Thanksgiving eve, write a note of encouragement or prayer, tuck it in the pocket of an apron, and wrap the apron around a good home or bakery made loaf of bread, then deliver it to someone who needs a kind gesture

Wonderland of Lights -- Marshall, TX, US (through Dec. 29, includes parades, candlelight home tours, and more)

Anniversaries Today:

William Shakespeare marries Anne Hathaway, 1582

Birthdays Today:

Jaleel White, 1976
Samantha Harris, 1973
Brooke Langton, 1970
Robin Givens, 1964
Fisher Stevens, 1963
Caroline Kennedy, 1957
Rick Rockwell, 1956
Kathryn Bigelow, 1951
Jimi Hendrix, 1942
Eddie Rabbit, 1941
Bruce Lee, 1940
Gail Henion Sheehy, 1937
Alexander Dubcek, 1921
"Buffalo" Bob Smith, 1917
Chick Hearn, 1916
James Agee, 1909
L. Sprague de Camp, 1907
Forrest Shaklee, 1894
Chaim Weizmann, 1874
Charles A. Beard, 1874
Bat Masterson, 1853
Robert R. Livingston, 1746 (O.S. date)
Anders Celcius, 1701
Emperor Xiaozong of China, 1127

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Magical Mystery Tour"(Beatles album release), 1967
"Never Too Late"(Play), 1962
"The Dinah Shore Show"(TV), 1951

Today in History:

The first elected representatives from Lancashire were called to Westminster by King Edward I to attend what later became known as "The Model Parliament", 1295
The first Eddystone Lighthouse is destroyed in the Great Storm of 1703
The Portuguese Royal Family leaves Lisbon to escape from Napoleonic troops, 1807
Adoption of Constitution of the Kingdom of Poland, 1815
NY Times dubs baseball "The National Game", 1870
Alfred Nobel establishes the Nobel Prize, 1895
In New York City, the first Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade is held, 1924
The Soviet space program's Mars 2 orbiter releases a descent module; it crashes, but still becomes the first man-made object to be on Mars, 1971
The left-wing Labour Party takes control of the New Zealand government with leader Helen Clark becoming the first elected female Prime Minister in New Zealand's history, 1999
A hydrogen atmosphere is discovered on the extrasolar planet Osiris by the Hubble Space Telescope, the first atmosphere detected on an extrasolar planet, 2001
The Canadian House of Commons endorses Prime Minister Stephen Harper's motion to declare Quebec a nation within a unified Canada, 2006
Icelanders vote for their own constitution after using a modified Danish constitution for 66 years, 2010
The Nissan Leaf self-driving car completes its first test in Japan, on the Sagami Expressway, 2013
The wreck of the San Jose, considered the "Holy grail" of shipwrecks, sunk 1708, is confirmed found by an international team off the coast of Colombia, 2015
Pope Francis begins a three-day trip to Myanmar, amid the Rohingya refugee crisis, 2017


  1. Love your Thanksgiving story - and have a happy one.
    And yes, gratitude is a gift which keeps giving.

  2. Love your story. I can just imagine everyone dancing to Grandma's tunes as she orchestrates the entire production.

  3. Thanksgiving! A good time for family gossip and all the latest. Kind of a Grin and Bare it time.
    (and all were glad when the day was done) lol

  4. Terrific use for the words and happy thanksgiving.

  5. I like that Apron gifting day. This would be a tradition to import instead of braindead, consumerism Black Friday. (Stepping off soapbox!)

  6. I love your words in the story. Enjoy your day Mimi. See ya.

    Cruisin Paul

  7. Giving and gratitude.....are my words for this time of year! Have a lovely Thanksgiving!

  8. That traffic sign is great! We love seeing such signs when we travel. It makes for good entertainment. Sometimes they have really good ones.

  9. Absolutely brilliant use of the words. Awesome! Happy Pie in the Face day! (to be followed tomorrow by another form of 'pie in the face'! ;)

  10. That was a really good story and those sure were signs of the times!

  11. I always enjoy your stories. You do the prompts justice for sure.

    Love the signs, especially the last one.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday and Thanksgiving, my friend. ♥

  12. A great little story with lovely dialogue. We don't do thanksgiving here (yet!) but it's probably just matter of time. Enjoy yours though.

  13. Nice story. I hope everyone helps for Thanksgiving. XO

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  15. Heheh!

    Happy Thanksgiving best wishes from London :-)

  16. happy birthday Jimi and ~~~~ THANX !!! ☺☺☺♥♥♥

  17. I always like the stories you do from the prompts.

  18. Happy Thanksgiving from all of us and Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  19. Happy Thanksgiving, wonderful story, that sign is purrfect and I love the spark - an attitude of gratitude is always a good thing.


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