
Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Dog Tales and Fascinating Photos and Word Counters, a Random and Happy Tuesday Post


It's time once again for a random and happy Tuesday, linking up with Stacy's Random Thoughts at Stacy Uncorked and Sandee at Comedy Plus.  

Today’s post also includes a writing challenge. This is how it works: contributing bloggers each picked a number between 12 and 74. The submitted numbers were then assigned to other bloggers challenged with writing at least one piece using that exact number of words. 
I was assigned the word count number: 65
It was submitted by: Karen of Baking in a Tornado     

At the end of this post you’ll find links to the other blogs featuring this challenge. Check them all out, see what numbers they got and how they used them.   My use will be to tell about this weekend's adventures with the dogs, using exactly 65 words per paragraph.

It's been quite an interesting weekend with Little Girl gone to help her boyfriend move.  He'll be about two hours from here, training for deployment.  Meanwhile, i had Coda and Jezzie to dogsit, and this time i managed to guard the cat food, no snitching.  They did, however, manage to steal and eat a box of treats!  There's just no winning with these two chowhounds.

The treats were an old box of Trader Joe's Sweet Potato and Chicken treats, and they were not very fresh, but that made no difference.  They'd eat just about anything, and they managed to knock it down from a high shelf, get it and the inner wrapper open, and when i found it, only one treat was left.  No more treats for them this week, they ate their whole allotment.

Neither dog wants to let me pet the other without trying to get in on the action, and since Coda is a 65-lb German shepherd and Jezzie is a 6-lb chihuahua, it can make for some interesting petting sessions as Jezzie tries to get under Coda and Coda tries to move around and block Jezzie.  Add Enigma SissyCat chasing them away, and mayhem quickly ensues.

Links to the other Word Counters posts:

Baking In A Tornado                        
Spatulas on Parade                     
On the Border                            
Medicated Musings                

Now, for more of those fascinating photos sent by Grandma:

Have a great Tuesday, everyone!


Today is:

Anniversary of the Elf Wars -- Fairy Calendar

Celtic Tree Month Luis (Rowan) begins

Errol Barrow Day -- Barbados

International Bon Jovi Day -- they released their first album this date in 1983

Lady of Altagracia Day -- Dominican Republic

National Hugging Day™ -- includes the announcements of the Most Huggable People of the Year

New England Clam Chowder Day

Quebec Flag Day -- Quebec, Canada

Rid The World of Fad Diets and Gimmicks Day -- always the Tuesday of Healthy Weight Week and includes the announcement of the Slim Chance Awards, highlighting the worst fad diets of the prior year     

Squirrel Appreciation Day -- sponsored by Christy Hargrove of the Western North Carolina Nature Center

St. Agnes' Day (Patron of betrothed couples, bodily purity/chastity, crops, gardeners, Girl Scouts, girls, rape victims, virgins; the Colegio Capranica of Rome; Manresa, Spain; Rockville Centre, NY)

St. Meinrad of Einsiedeln's Day (Patron of hospitality; Einsiedeln, Switzerland; Swabia, Germany)

Anniversary Today:

Kiwanis International is founded in Detroit, 1915

Birthdays Today:

Princess Ingrid Alexandra of Norway, 2004
Robby Benson, 1956
Geena Davis, 1956
Billy Ocean, 1960
Jill Eikenberry, 1947
Mac Davis, 1942
Placido Domingo, 1941
Jack Nicklaus, 1940
Wolfman Jack, 1939
Benny Hill, 1925
Telly Savalas, 1924
Benny Hill, 1924
Paul Scofield, 1922
Barney Clark, 1921
Karl Wallenda, 1905
Christian Dior, 1905
Roger Nash Baldwin, 1884
John M. Browning, 1855
Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson, 1824
Ethan Allen, 1738

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"The Kid"(Film), 1921
"The Daily News"(first issue, edited by Charles Dickens), 1848
"Power of Sympathy"(publication date of WH Brown's novel, considered the first American novel), 1789

Today in History:

Philip II, Henry II, and Richard the Lionheart initiate the 3rd Crusade, 1189
The Swiss Anabaptist Movement is founded, 1525
The first American novel, WH Brown's "Power of Sympathy," is published, 1789
After being found guilty of treason by the French Convention, Louis XVI of France is executed by guillotine, 1793
Edward Jenner's smallpox vaccination is introduced, 1799
The envelope-folding machine is patented by Russell Hawes, Worcester, Massachusetts, 1853
The first US sewage disposal system that is separate from storm drains opens in Memphis, Tennessee, 1880
The first slalom ski race is run in Murren, Switzerland, 1922
The Flag of Quebec is adopted and flown for the first time over the National Assembly of Quebec, 1948
A B-52 bomber crashes near Thule Air Base, contaminating the area after its nuclear payload ruptures. One of the four bombs remains unaccounted for after the cleanup operation is complete, 1968
The current Emley Moor transmitting station, the tallest free-standing structure in the United Kingdom, begins transmitting UHF broadcasts, 1971
Commercial service of Concorde begins with the London-Bahrain and Paris-Rio routes, 1976
Production of the iconic DeLorean DMC-12 sports car begins in Dunmurry, Northern Ireland, 1981
NASA's MER-A (the Mars Rover Spirit) ceases communication with mission control. The problem lies in the management of its flash memory and is fixed remotely from Eart, 2004
Black Monday in worldwide stock markets. FTSE 100 had its biggest ever one-day points fall, European stocks closed with their worst result since 11 September 2001, and Asian stocks drop as much as 14%, 2008
The Eyak language in Alaska becomes extinct as its last native speaker dies, 2008
LA Lakers forward Kobe Bryant becomes the youngest NBA player to reach 25,000 career points at 31 years, 151 days, beating Wilt Chamberlain by 35 days, 2010
Gambian Dictator Yahya Jammeh finally concedes office and leaves Gambia 2 months after losing the presidential election, 2018


  1. Love your story - and have a huge weakness for German Shepherds.
    And please thank Grandma for her fascinating photos (particularly those featuring the Shepherds).

  2. The photos are really good this time; especially the acorns one.

    God bless.

  3. Entertaining. Imaging the 2 dogs competing for attention. Wonderful photos from your grandma.

  4. You've had an interesting weekend, no doubt.
    Thanks for Grandma's photos, the squirrel one is fitting for squirrel appreciation day.

  5. Squirrel Appreciation Day ???
    If you say so, it must be true.

    I don't appreciate them running across my roof. lol I think they are playing 'catch me if you can' with one another.

  6. Mimi,

    Great photo Grandma shared with you. I, especially like the one of the squirrel and child. I'd totally freak out if that was my kiddo. I hope the little one didn't get any scratches. Their nails are like razors. Squirrel Appreciation Day...hmmm, now that's a new one. I do enjoy watching them scurrying around in the yard. :)

  7. Love those photos! The snail is really nice, the others are super funny. Can't imagine trying to write with a certain number of words per paragraph. Nice job with that.

  8. Those are some great photos. We get more and more with those phone cameras.

  9. What wonderful pics they are! :)

  10. Your grandmas photos are always so fun. I don't know which one I like the best.

    Yikes on all those treats. Some pups will eat everything in sight. Bless their little hearts.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Big hug. ♥

  11. Fun story and awesome photos from Grandma ~

    Happy Moments to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  12. An update in 65 word paragraphs and some pretty funny photos, perfect.

  13. Fabulous photos. I hope the ladybug got away from the snail. In the last photo, the puppy seems to be saying "see? I washed my paws" or perhaps, "It wasn't me, I swear!"

  14. Oh I am sure that the dogs and kitties make for an eventful day! My three kitties would be having a hissy fit in every sense of the word.
    Dawn aka Spatulas On Parade

  15. I had some pups that were that way... One was a St. Bernard, so I can relate to it being, well, interesting... Especially when the St. Bernard wants to wiggle into your lap!

    The one where the dog is getting the rear of the guy in the tree... One of the deputies told me that they train the patrol dogs here with guys wearing Carhartt jackets. And he was often the designated "bad guy", so the dogs could practice. Now the ones he wore for this were well padded. Come some gift giving time, wife bought said deputy a Carhartt jacket. He thought it looked great, put it on, and went outside... To take care of his patrol dog. He came back in a little later, with the arm torn up, and told his wife it was a very nice gift, and PLEASE don't get him that, again! ;)


  16. I'll bet that petting time really is fun! Those photos are all fun ones too!!!

  17. Always enjoy these, thanks for the smiles.

  18. Hahaha! Love this! Pups. Good thing they’re cute...


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