
Friday, January 3, 2020

Pretty Blue Eyes (Feline Friday) and Friendly Fill-Ins


Feline Friday was started by Steve, The Burnt Food Dude, and i'm going to believe it's because he likes cats.
He has handed hosting duties off to Sandee, of Comedy Plus, and it's simple to join, just follow the link to Sandee's page for the rules and the code.

The blue eyes and contrast with her brother made me want to post these two lovelies:


Friendly Fill-Ins are easy to do. There are four statements: the first two statements are provided by Ellen of 15AndMeowing, and the final two are offered by Lorianne The Menagerie Mom of Four-Legged Furballs. They try to make sure the statements will be fun to both answer and share. The linky will be posted at or about 12:00 AM on Friday. Please head over to one of their sites, link up, and share your thoughts!      

Here are this week's statements with my responses underlined:

1. My plans for the weekend include ___________________________.

2. You will never find ______________________ in my home. 

3. I hope I always _________.

4. I hope I never _________.

1. My plans for the weekend include going to Grandma and Grandpa's house.

2. You will never find boredom in my home. If you do, it's because you brought it yourself!

3. I hope I always keep my wits about me.

4. I hope I never outgrow fairy tales.


Today is:

American Historical Association Annual Meeting -- New York, NY, US (134th annual, with over 300 sessions covering a wide range of scholarly topics; through the 6th)

Day of Remembrance for Princess Olga -- Slavic Pagan Calendar

Hakozakigu Tamaseseri -- Fukuoka, Japan (ceremony of the red ball which brings good luck to the team which catches it)

Humiliation Day -- drawing attention to the fact that it's okay to be humble, but not to humiliate others

Icing Morning -- Fairy Calendar

J.R.R. Tolkien Day -- birth anniversary

Memento Mori / "Remember You Die" Day -- Wellcat Holidays suggests putting these words where you can see them often, to remind you to cherish what you have today

National Chocolate Covered Filled Cherry Day

National Write to Congress Day -- US (the new session begins today or, if the 3rd is on a weekend, the following Monday; write your Congress-persons and Senators and tell them what you think)    

Revolution Day -- Burkina Faso

Rhode Island Boat Show -- Providence, RI, US (start of the boating season; through Sunday)

Shigoto-hajime -- Japan (first work day of the New Year; work begun well today will prosper)

St. Genevieve's Day (Patron of females in the military; Paris, France; against plague, disasters, fevers)

Tamaseseri Festival -- Hakozaki Shrine, Fukuoka, Japan (men in fundoshi - loincloths - compete for the ball; if the winning team is from a seaside town, it will be an auspicious year for fishermen, if the land team wins, there will be a good harvest)

Tenth Day of Christmas

Anniversaries Today:

Alaska becomes the 49th US State, 1959
Establishment of Wind Cave National Park, SD, US, 1903

Birthdays Today

Eli Manning, 1981
Danica McKellar, 1975
Joan Chen, 1960
Mel Gibson, 1956
Victoria Principal, 1950
John Paul Jones, 1946
Stephen Stills, 1945
Van Dyke Parks, 1943
Dabney Coleman, 1932
Robert Loggia, 1930
George Martin, 1926
Jan Walsh Anglund, 1926
Maxine Andrews, 1918
John Sturges, 1911
Victor Borge, 1909
Ray Milland, 1905
Zasu Pitts, 1898
Marion Davies, 1897
Clement Richard Attlee, 1883
J.R.R. Tolkien, 1892
Father Joseph Damien, 1840
Lucretia Coffin Mott,  1793
William Tucker, 1624 (first African American child born in North America)
Cicero, BC106

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"The Arsenio Hall Show"(TV), 1989
"Queen for a Day"(TV), 1956
"Look Up and Live"(TV), 1954
"Symphonic Dances"(Rachmaninoff, Op. 45), 1941
"An Ideal Husband"(Play), 1895

Today in History:

Joan of Arc is handed over to the bishop for trial, 1431
Leonardo da Vinci unsuccessfully tests a flying machine, 1496
Martin Luther is formally excommunicated from the Roman Catholic Church, 1521
The first theater in Amsterdam, the Schouwburg, opens, 1638
Benning Wentworth issues the first of the New Hampshire Grants, leading to the establishment of Vermont as a separate state, 1749
Stephen F. Austin receives a grant of land in Texas from the government of Mexico, 1823
Joseph Jenkins Roberts is sworn in as the first president of the independent African Republic of Liberia, 1848
The Meiji Restoration returns authority to Japan's emperors, 1868
Oleomargarine is patented by Henry Bradley, Binghamton, NY, 1871
The wax drinking straw is patented, by Marvin C Stone in Washington DC, 1888
The refracting telescope at the Lick Observatory, then the largest in the world, is put into use, 1888
The first known use of the word automobile was seen in an editorial in The New York Times, 1899
British explorer Howard Carter discovers the sarcophagus of Tutankhamen in the Valley of the Kings, near Luxor, Egypt, 1924
Benito Mussolini announces he is taking dictatorial powers over Italy, dissolves the Italian parliament, 1925
Minnie D. Craig becomes the first female elected as Speaker of the North Dakota House of Representatives, the first female to hold a Speaker position anywhere in the United States, 1933
Frances Bolton and her son, Oliver from Ohio, become the first mother and son to serve simultaneously in the U.S. Congress, 1953
Edmund Hillary reaches South Pole overland, 1958
The West Indies Federation is formed, 1958
Apple Computer is incorporated, 1977
Margaret Thatcher becomes the longest-serving British Prime Minister in the 20th Century, 1988
In Moscow, George H. W. Bush and Boris Yeltsin sign the second Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START), 1993
More than seven million people from the former Apartheid Homelands, receives South African citizenship, 1994
The People's Republic of China announces it will spend fight erosion and pollution in the Yangtze and Yellow river valleys, 1977
The Mars Polar Lander is launched, 1999
Australian researchers discover the 1912 plane that was the first taken to Antarctica, 2010
The Ezadeen, an abandoned ship carrying 450 Syrians, is rescued from choppy waters and brought safely to shore in Italy; the ship is the second to be abandoned by human traffickers off the nation's coast in the last four days, 2015
Scientists in Rome unveil the first bionic hand with a sense of touch that can be used outside of a laboratory, 2018
Archaeologists in Mexico announce the discovery of a pre-Aztec (around 900-1150AD) temple to god Xipe TΓ³tec in Puebla state, 2019
The Chinese Chang'e-4 spacecraft becomes the first ever to touch down on the far side of the Moon, 2019


  1. The cats are precious. Love your fill-ins - and hope your weekend is good.

  2. Great Fill-Ins especially number two. Boring people are barred from my place!

  3. God created boring people so we can appreciate normal ones.

    God bless.

  4. Thank you for reminding me of J.R.R Tolkien's birthday. I had my Happy Birthday Poem (by him, not me) sceduled for the wrong date :)

  5. National Write to Congress Day -- US (the new session begins today or, if the 3rd is on a weekend, the following Monday; write your Congress-persons and Senators and tell them what you think)

    The link was broken.
    Perhaps they did not want to know what I was thinking!!!
    OR perhaps they already knew what I was thinking!!
    Interesting either way. :)

  6. So, if I see "Mememto Mori" spelled out in chocolate-covered cherries today, I'll know what's going on!
    It's good to be prepared...

  7. What cuties looking straight at the camera lol :-)

    I liked the fill-ins especially 2 heheh!

    Have a borelesstastic weekend :-)

  8. Adorable kittens! There isn't any boredom at our house either. Sometimes Mom wishes she would have the time to get bored now and then.

  9. Happy New Year! An beautiful pair of kitties with contrasting colours. My plan for the weekend is to finish my spring cleaning in preparation for the Chinese New Year.

  10. Lovely little kits! I love your #2 fill in!

  11. Those little cuties sure are pretty and we enjoyed your fill in answers.

  12. Oh my, your blue-eyed lovey is just that! She is adorable (well, they both are!) Hope you have a warm and wonderful weekend. xoxo

  13. Aw on the kitties. I love cat eyes. They are mesmerizing.

    Love your fill-ins and especially the last one. I love fairy tales too.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend, my friend. Big hug. ♥

  14. here are my answers 1. My plans for the weekend include Vegging out.
    2. You will never find any more Furbabies in our home.
    3. I hope I always will be kind.
    4. I hope I never disrespect someone again (Tall Order I know). πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

  15. Gorgeous kitties and quite the blue eyes with the white fur ~ ^_^

    Happy Moments to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  16. I can relate to #2. Never a dull moment here!
    Those two sweeties are quite the pair!
    Have a fabulous weekend!

  17. Such cute babies. I hope they get a home together. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I am never bored. I hope you always have your wits about you too. Have a wonderful weekend!

  18. Love those beautiful blue eyes.
    And how I miss my grandparents.

  19. The kittens are sweet. I'm wondering if the blue eyed one will stay blue eyed, since most cats eyes turn green fairly soon after about three months I think. I could be wrong on that point.

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  21. What beautiful kitties! And thank you for joining in on the Friendly Fill-Ins! I really like how you answered #2. And I also really relate to and agree with your #3 and #4. Fairy tales are for everyone! Have a wonderful day!


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