
Thursday, February 6, 2020

No More (Six Sentence Story), Mardi Gras Fence (Good Fences), Family Love (Sammy's Poetry Day) and Nap! (Brian's Thankful Thursday)


"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I guess so."

"Then why the big sigh when you sat down?"

"I'm just not sure I'm ready to face fish sticks for dinner, no matter how tight the budget is."

"I know it's not your favorite, that's why I only do it once a month, and no matter how much the kids love it, I promise once the budget loosens up I will not serve them to you ever again."

"That's something I'll be looking forward to not having!"

Linking up with Denise at Girlie On The Edge Blog, where she hosts Six Sentence Stories, and the cue is Face.      
(Sweetie didn't mind fish sticks about twice a year, but he ate them once a month until our food budget got to where i was able to eliminate them completely from his menu, and he has never missed them for a moment!)


Gosia at Looking for Identity has taken over Good Fences, and it's now Good Fences Around The World.  Post a picture of a fence or gate, link back to her blog, and go visit other blogs to see what interesting fences there are out in this big world.      

Mardi Gras Fence:


It's Angel Sammy's Poetry Day!  This week's image and my poem:    

We'll say it in rhyme
It's group hug time!
Our family likes to spoon
Under sun or moon.
How we love our family
Every branch of the whole tree!


Brian of Brian's Home hosts the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.   It's time to share something for which i am thankful.  

Today i am thankful for a short but sweet nap yesterday, i really needed it.


Today is:

Aldus Day -- death anniversary of Aldus Manutius, inventor of italics

Asahikawa Winter Festival -- Asahikawa, Japan (through the 11th)

Bob Marley Day / Reggae Day -- Jamaica (birth anniversary)

Calgary Boat and Sportsmen's Show -- Calgary, AB, Canada (through Sunday)

Desert Festival -- Jaisalmer, India (three days of local culture, contests, and fun)

Gamelia -- Ancient Greek Calendar (anniversary celebration of the marriage of Zeus and Hera; date approximate)

Hadaka Matsuri -- Inazawa Cho, Japan (thousands of loincloth-wearing men try to touch the closely guarded Shin-otoko [a man chosen, stripped naked, and shaved totally] as he is on his way to the shrine in the oldest "Naked Festival" in Japan, held every year since 767)

International Day of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation -- United Nations

Lame Duck Day -- US, on the anniversary of the passage of the 20th Amendment to the US Constitution; a day to recognize those whose tenure is running out

National Chopsticks Day

Oto Matsuri -- Shingu, Wakayama Prefecture, Japan (fire festival)

Pay-A-Compliment Day

Rubik-Cube Muddling Championships -- Fairy Calendar

Sami National Day -- Finland, Norway, Russian, and Sweden

St. Dorothy of Caesarea's Day (Patron of brewers, brides, florists, gardeners, midwives, newlyweds; Pescia, Italy)

St. Peter Baptist's Day (Patron of Caceres, Philippines; Japan)

Waitangi Day -- Maori, New Zealand and Niue (treaty with Britain, 1840; also considered National Day)

Anniversaries Today:

Accession of Queen Elizabeth II, 1952 (upon the death of her father, George VI)
Massachusetts becomes the 6th US State, 1788
The College of William and Mary in Virginia is founded by royal charter, 1693

Birthdays Today:

Axl Rose, 1962
Barry Miller, 1958
Kathy Najimy, 1957
Robert Townsend, 1957
Natalie Cole, 1950
Bob Marley, 1945
Michael Tucker, 1944
Fabian, 1943
Gayle Hunnicutt, 1943
Gigi Perreau, 1941
Tom Brokaw, 1940
Mike Farrell, 1939
Francois Truffant, 1932
Rip Torn, 1931
Mamie Van Doren, 1931
Zsa Zsa Gabor, 1919
Mary Leakey, 1913
Ronald Reagan, 1911
Babe Ruth, 1895
Aaron Burr, 1756
Nicolaus II Bernoulli, 1695
Chongzhen, Emperor of China, 1611
Christopher Marlowe, 1564

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Masque of Kings"(Play), 1936
"Rhenisch"(Schumann's 3rd Symphony), 1851

Today in History:

The United States signs its first treaty, in which France recognizes the US and promises aid, 1778
New Jersey issues the first US railroad charter to John Stevens, 1815
Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles founds Singapore, 1819
The first 86 African American immigrants sponsored by the American Colonization Society started a settlement in present-day Liberia, 1820
Signing of the Treaty of Waitangi, establishing New Zealand as a British colony, 1840
Harper's Weekly publishes the first picture of Uncle Sam with chin whiskers, 1869
The international arbitration court at The Hague is created when the Netherlands' Senate ratifies an 1899 peace conference decree, 1900
The Young Women's Hebrew Association organizes in NYC, 1902
The "Monopoly" board game goes on sale for the first time, 1935
Turkey holds its first election in which women can vote, 1935
K Elizabeth Ohi becomes the first Japanese-US female lawyer, 1937
Elizabeth II becomes the first Queen regnant of the United Kingdom and several other realms since Queen Victoria, upon the death of her father, George VI, 1952
Jack Kilby of Texas Instruments files the first patent for an integrated circuit, 1959
Justice Mary Gaudron is appointed to the High Court of Australia, the first woman to be appointed, 1987
The Round Table Talks start in Poland, thus marking the beginning of overthrow of communism in Eastern Europe, 1989
Russia captures Grozny, Chechnya, forcing the separatist Chechen Republic of Ichkeria government into exile, 2000
A magnitude 8.0 earthquake causes significant damage to villages along the coast of the Solomon Islands, 2013
Qatar Airways achieves the longest-ever commercial flight in service when its B777 aircraft lands in Auckland after a 16 hour and 23 minutes flight from Doha, 2017
SpaceX launches Falcon Heavy, the world's most powerful rocket, 2018
According to research from RMIT University in Australia, honeybees are able to add and substract and understand concept of zero, the first invertebrates shown to demonstrate this capacity, 2019


  1. I don't mind having fish sticks once in a while but I know kids love fish sticks. Now as i grow older I learn to appreciate fresh fish.

  2. How did you get that fence in the car? Or is the car within the fence. As for fish sticks. We should not eat fish sticks because there are a lot of old fishes falling over without their sticks.

    God bless.

  3. Mimi,

    I loved fish sticks as kid but I don't think I'd be all that fond of them today. I wouldn't mind trying the again just for the fun of it, though. I might have to put it my store list. :) Very cute poem!

  4. Fish sticks ... hmm I have not had thenm for a long time, since out kids were small. I wonder how I'd like them today. I like your story and poem, You are a good writer.

  5. There is no real mention of Mardi Gras up here in MN, so we forget about it, but if you live in an area that celebrates, that fence is great!

  6. I remember regular fish stick dinners, this too will pass - MOL! I love, love, love those Meer Cats and the poem is PAWSOME!

  7. Too funny, we'd be thankful for no fish sticks too but we are always thankful for happy napping! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  8. Happy Aldus day! What ever would we do without italics. annnnnnd...we were just talking last evening about how terrible fish sticks have become. We used to LOVE them. Now, not so much. The muses are at work.

  9. Great story and poem. Those meerkats are so cute. I am not a fish fan, I used to hate it when that was for lunch in school.

  10. Your first words are " Are you OK?" My answer is

    NO! I'm sick today. It's amazing that every time I come back affter a cruise, I get sick. Oh well. Have a great day Mimi.

    Cruisin Paul

  11. Great creativity! You sure have a lot of good prompts to use, too. Have a great day!

  12. I'm not a fan of fish sticks either. I'm glad Mr. Sweetie doesn't have to eat them anymore.

    Love the poem.

    Naps are such wonderful things.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday, my friend. ♥

  13. wasn't fish stix for my family but peanut butter !!! I didn't eat the stuff for years, regardless if it was on bread or a cookie !!! :) ☺☺♥♥

  14. What a lovely poem😸Pawkisses for a Happy Thursday🐾😽💞

  15. I remember fish sticks! We had them for dinner 1 night out of the week when I was a kid. My mom put a big ole cookie sheet of them in the oven, then fried up some frozen breaded shrimp, all served with a ton of tartar sauce. As a kid, I loved it. As an adult, well, the times I tried to replicate those dinners from childhood, they just didn't taste the same :D

    Your poem has brought a smile to my face. No pun intended :)

    Oh, the wonders of a good nap.

    Long live Aldus Manutius! lol

  16. Hee hee, I love fish sticks, but have not had any in years. I hope they are able to get past them soon! Loved that cute poem!

  17. I liked fish sticks as a child, because they didn't really taste like fish :-)
    Nothing beats a good nap when you need it most.
    Have a wonderful Thankful Thursday!

  18. You two have such a lovely relationship. I admire it and wish you more of the same wonderful love.

  19. oddly (or not) I have a remarkable tolerance for the same food, or maybe say, I don't particularly crave variety in diet.
    fun Six, as par usual!

  20. I group hug with my two furry mates. All I have to say 'Cuddle and a kiss!" and they're right there!

    I'm referring to Remy and Shama, my two beloved cats, of course! :)

  21. In Australia they are called fish fingers, which always made the kids laugh because fish don't have fingers, but we also ate a lot of them, with mashed potatoes and peas, when the kids were young and I had no $$$ to spare. I loved them myself as a teenager, I don't think we had them out here when I was younger than that.

  22. Fun story ~ great shot of the Mardi Gras fence and glad you got a nap ^_^

    Happy Moments to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  23. Oh yeah, fish sticks.
    The faceless fish that's hard to face. Still, a good vehicle for tartar sauce, something that has no place on real fish.
    Fun flash!


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