
Thursday, February 20, 2020

Not Yours (Six Sentence Story), Bead Decor (Good Fences), Magicked (Sammy's Poetry Day), and Brian's Thankful Thursday


"You are mine!" it hissed in her ear.

She lowered her head, took a deep breath, and called to mind Truth.

Truth came and said, "It owns nothing, it tries to destroy your peace by making you think it does.  It is a liar and the father of the Lie."

She looked up and said, "I belong to Truth, you have no claim on me!"

Knowing it could no longer fool her, it fled with a howl of fury.

Linking up with Denise at Girlie On The Edge Blog, where she hosts Six Sentence Stories, and the cue is Claim.      


Gosia at Looking for Identity has taken over Good Fences, and it's now Good Fences Around The World.  Post a picture of a fence or gate, link back to her blog, and go visit other blogs to see what interesting fences there are out in this big world.     

Two more fences for Mardi Gras, one that has seen better days, and someone decided to sparkle it up a bit with a lonely set of beads:


It's Angel Sammy's Poetry Day!  This week's image and my poem:    

Be very quiet,
Don't make a sound,
The leprechauns who use me
Might be around.

They decided long ago
They also wanted a truck,
So they spirited me away
And turned me green for luck.

I know I look a wreck but
That's part of their disguise
They clean me up and turn me blue
When they fly me through the skies!


Brian of Brian's Home hosts the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.   It's time to share something for which i am thankful.  

Today i am thankful for my heating pads, as it's only February and so winter is not quite finished yet.   (Please remember that the groundhog can only predict for the area in which he lives, he is not responsible for the press making him into the forecaster for the whole country.  If the area in which he lives is sunny and bright that day, he will see his shadow and there will be six more weeks of winter.  If the area where he lives is gloomy and overcast that day, no shadow and so an early spring.  Here, the nutria saw their shadows quite clearly on Feb. 2, which was a bright, sunshiny Sunday, so winter is not over, at least for us.)


Today is:

Adopt a Goblin Orphan Day -- Fairy Calendar

American Birkebeiner Race -- Cable to Hayward, WI, US (largest and most prestigious cross-country ski marathon; through the 23rd)

Berlin International Film Festival -- Berlin, Germany (a premier international film festivall; through Mar. 1)

Blessed Wulfric's Day

Charro Days Fiesta -- Brownsville, TX, US and Matamoros, Mexico (Two Nations - Twin Cultures, the sister cities put on a beautiful celebration of the charro horsemen of Mexico, with dances, parades, and a carnival; through March 2)

Cherry Pie Day

Clean Out Your Bookcase Day -- supposedly begun in 1985, but i can't find information on who started it; donate books you don't need any more to a local friends of the library group

Feast of the Incappucciati -- Gradoli, Italy (members of the Confraternity of Purgatory make the rounds of the town gathering food for the souls in Purgatory, which is served at a banquet next week on Ash Wednesday)

Fettiger Donnerstag  -- Swabia, Germany ("greasy Thursday", so called because of the greasy Kuchli cakes and pastries made today to use during carnival before the Lent fast)

Flying Car Day -- the Arrowmobile, the first flying car, patented this day in 1937 (and can you imagine, as bad as driving is, how many accidents we would have if these people were flying around instead?)

Georgia National Rodeo -- Perry, GA (winners here qualify for the National Finals in December; through Saturday)

Hoodie Hoo Day (Northern Hemisphere) -- at noon local time, citizens are requested to go outside and yell "Hoodie-Hoo" to chase away winter and call in spring; sponsored by Wellcat Holidays

Khajuraho Dance Festival -- Khajuraho, India (annual gathering of Indian classical dancers from across the country and abroad; through the 26th)

Love Your Pet Day -- a day to pamper pets, like they don't get pampered enough

Newport Seafood and Wine Festival -- Newport, OR, US (featuring seafood and wine from Oregon, Washington, California, and Idaho; through Sunday)

Ottawa Boat and Sportsmen's Show -- Ottawa, ON, Canada (weekend long celebration of all things outdoors)

St Leo of Catania's Day (a/k/a Leo the Wonderworker, Patron of Rometta, Longi, and Sinagra, Sicily)

Toothpick Day -- first machine used to make them patented this day in 1872

Weiberfastnach -- Cologne, Germany (Women's Carnival, the day the women run the pre-Lent celebration)

World Day for Social Justice -- UN

Anniversary Today:

John Cleese marries Connie Booth, 1968
US Post Office, 1792 (George Washington signed the act which created it)

Birthdays Today:

Rihanna, 1988
Andrew Shue, 1967
Lili Taylor, 1967
Cindy Crawford, 1966
French Stewart, 1964
Charles Barkley, 1963
Ron Eldard, 1963
James Wilby, 1958
Patty Hearst, 1954
Gordon Brown, 1951
Ivana Trump, 1949
Jennifer O'Neill, 1948
Peter Strauss, 1947
Brenda Blethyn, 1946
Sandy Duncan, 1946
Phil Esposito, 1942
Buffy Sainte-Marie, 1941
Nancy wilson, 1937
Bobby Unser, 1934
Sidney Poitier, 1927
Robert Altman, 1925
Gloria Vanderbilt, 1924
Carl E. Stotz, 1920
Gale Gordon, 1906
Ansel Adams, 1902
Joseph Jefferson, 1829
William Prescott, 1726

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Der Stellvertreter. Ein christliches Trauerspiel"(Play), 1963
"Barber of Seville"(Rossini Opera), 1816
"Giulio Cesare in Egitto"(Opera, HWV 17), 1724

Today in History:

King Christian I, ruler of Denmark and Norway, pawns the islands of Orkney and Shetland to Scotland so he can pay his daughter's dowry, 1472
An unnamed comet approaches withing 860,000 miles of Earth, the closest a comet has ever come to our planet, 1491
The first recorded wine auction is held, in London, 1673
The Postal Service Act, establishing the United States Post Office Department, is signed by President George Washington, 1792
Austria declares bankruptcy, 1811
Concepcion, Chile, is destroyed by an earthquake, 1835
The US Congress prohibits dueling in the District of Columbia, 1839
Luther Crowell patents a machine to manufacture paper bags, 1872
In New York City the Metropolitan Museum of Art opens, 1872
The first minor league baseball association is organised, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1887
King O'Malley drives in the first survey peg to mark commencement of work on the construction of Canberra, 1913
A new volcano, Paricutin, erupts in a farmer's cornfield in Mexico, 1943
The Avro Arrow program to design and manufacture supersonic jet fighters in Canada is cancelled by the Diefenbaker government amid much political debate, 1959
While aboard Friendship 7, John Glenn becomes the first American to orbit the earth, making three orbits in 4 hours, 55 minutes, 1962
Ranger 8 crashes into the moon after a successful mission of photographing possible landing sites for the Apollo program astronauts, 1965
The Southeast Asia Treaty Organization disbands, 1976
Texas industrialist Ross Perot's U.S. presidential campaign begins, 1992
Spain becomes the first country to vote in a referendum on ratification of the proposed Constitution of the European Union, passing it by a substantial margin, but on a low turnout, 2005
Estonia becomes the first country in the world to establish a national electric car charging network , with cars charging in less than 30 minutes, 2013
A 4-inch lock of John Lennon's hair sells at auction for $35,000 to a memorabilia collector, 2016
Famine is declared in Unity State, South Sudan, affecting 4.9 million, 2017
Venezuela becomes the first country to launch a virtual currency, the petro, to counteract their financial crisis, 2018


  1. Love your poem - and the victory of Truth.

  2. The 6 sentence story is scary! and the poem tickling. Thanks for the lists.

  3. Like your poem, you are a good author!

  4. The Postal Service Act establishing the United States Postal Service was signed by President George Washington in 1793??

  5. Both fences have their individual charm.

    God bless.

  6. Never thought about decorating a fence for Mardi Gras, but why not. Mom has lots of those beads from when she was at Mardi Gras years ago.

  7. That was truthfully a really good story and we enjoyed your poem too. We will be thankful when winter is over, we're supposed to get snow today. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  8. excellent six. we often have to tell the voice in our ear to pack it in! Also, clean out your bookcase day. NEVER!

  9. Truth sets us free. We need discernment which voice is the Truth.

  10. I enjoyed the poem especially the photo of the green truck in the entire forest. Amazing Mimi.

    Cruisin Paul

  11. I love your stories. Always most entertaining as is your poems.

    I don't care what Phil says. It's always six more weeks of winter. Always.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Big hug. ♥

  12. Love your poem! Really liked your six too!

  13. I read "fear". Fear dressing as doubt, ever so subtle in its subterfuge, tries always to deliver the ultimate sabotage
    Excellent Six.

    Angel Sammy's Poetry Day is very cool. I love your poem. Talk about color as inspiration :D Perfect!

    No, unfortunately, winter is not over yet so good thing you have those pads!

  14. Heating pads make winter so much more bearable. Winter is still not finished here as well, so I still keep them close.
    Have a wonderful Thankful Thursday!

  15. Purrfect poem for that photo, love the leprechauns.

  16. I love your six sentence story! May Lie always depart in a howl of fury. Also love your poetry prompt response. it would have made a fantastic St. Pat's day poem. I hope we're on the backside of winter here in middle Missouri. But, today's temp is very cold so I'm not very hopeful. xoxo

  17. I love your poem - and I love the picture too. Well done for seeing the magic in a poor old car! I notice it's Clear out your Bookcase day... well, that's a good idea! I have been thinking of doing it all day, and this is a sign that it's time to stop thinking and get doing!

  18. Well, I started to clean out MY bookcases in 1985, and I'm still not finished, so I'm glad the holiday has stuck around for me!

  19. Great story and poem, so clever.

  20. excellent Six!
    That thing (within most of us) that lies by nature ( fool her) draws must of it's power from the fact that it all too often is a solitary voice... sounding so reasonable.

  21. I really like the Six Sentence story. The green car has story possibilities too, and the poem about leprechauns is great.

  22. Great story! I like the fences too.

  23. Great story ~ wonderful fences ~ amazing green vehicle ~ neat photos ~

    Happy Moments to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  24. Loved the six sentence story - 'it' is sure creepy, while she is calm and has faith in her guides!

  25. What a cool six!! And love your poem and fences! Whee! I saw a photo on FB with fences made from doors! Thought of you :)

  26. Great Six. I especially like "I belong to truth, you have no claim on me!"
    Your poem is delightful and you found a great photo to accompany it.


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