
Friday, February 28, 2020

What's This Selfie Thing All About? (Feline Friday) and Friendly Fill-Ins


Feline Friday was started by Steve, The Burnt Food Dude, and i'm going to believe it's because he likes cats.
He has handed hosting duties off to Sandee, of Comedy Plus, and it's simple to join, just follow the link to Sandee's page for the rules and the code.

Horizon is partly feral still, and doesn't trust me because i am the dispenser of medication when it is needed.  Thus when i offered to show him how to take a selfie, he was quite suspicious and this was the result:


Friendly Fill-Ins are easy to do. There are four statements: the first two statements are provided by Ellen of 15AndMeowing, and the final two are offered by Lorianne The Menagerie Mom of Four-Legged Furballs. They try to make sure the statements will be fun to both answer and share. The linky will be posted at or about 12:00 AM on Friday. Please head over to one of their sites, link up, and share your thoughts!      

Here are this week's statements with my responses underlined:

1. I know spring is almost here when ___________________.

2. I find ____________________confusing.

3. I have a strong opinion on _________.

4. _________ is the strangest thing I have ever eaten.

1. I know spring is almost here when   the Japanese maple (tulip trees) and the azaleas bloom.  You know spring is here when the pecan trees bloom.  You can fool all of the other trees, but when the pecans bloom, there will be no more frost and it is safe to plant your tomatoes.

2. I find  people being unkind  confusing.

3. I have a strong opinion on   what true faith/religion is and what it is not.

4. Crawfish    is the strangest thing I have ever eaten.  The rest of the world considers these little fresh-water crustaceans to be fish bait, only the Cajuns were hungry enough to eat them and turn them into a staple.  Yes, i tried them once years ago (before i gave up all forms of meat) and i didn't like it.  You might, though, so if someone actually cooks a real crawfish étouffée for you someday, at least give it a try.


Today is:

Car Keys and Small Change Day -- ???

Dia de Andalucia -- Andalucia, Spain

DNA Day -- day in 1953 when Watson and Crick determined the double helix structure of DNA

Februalia -- Ancient Roman Calendar (purification of Rome performed by citizens making sacrifices to the dead)

Floral Design Day -- a day to acknowledge this art form, sponsored by Rittners Floral School     

Kalevala Day -- Finland (Finnish Culture Day)

Lionel Hampton International Jazz Festival -- University of Idaho, Moscow, ID, US (students from elementary to college from all over the US participate in student performances and attend concerts and clinics in vocal and instrumental jazz performance; through tomorrow)

Lost Dutchman Days -- Apache Junction, AZ, US (through Sunday; celebration of the legend of the Superstition Mountains and the Lost Dutchman Mine)

National Chocolate Souffle' Day

National Science Day -- India

National Tooth Fairy Day - and/or August 22, depending on whom you ask

Nylon Day -- the first aliphatic polyamides were produced on this day in 1935

Peace Memorial Day -- Taiwan

Public Sleeping Day -- this one even has a wikiHow page 

Shabbat Across America/Canada -- sponsored by the National Jewish Out-reach Program, encouraging Conservative, Orthodox, Reform, and Reconstructionist Jews to observe the Sabbath from sundown tonight until sundown tomorrow 

St. Hedwig of Poland's Day (Patron of queens)

St. Romanus' Day (Patron of the mentally ill; against drowning, insanity)

Teacher's Day -- Algeria; Bahrain; Egypt; Jordan; Libya; Morocco; Oman; Saudi Arabia; Tunisia; United Arab Emirates; Yemen

Anniversaries Today:

University of Pittsburgh is chartered, 1787

Birthdays Today 

Ali Larter, 1976
Robert Sean Leonard, 1969
John Tuturro, 1957
Gilbert Gottfried, 1955
Bernadette, Peters, 1948
Charles Aaron "Bubba" Smith, 1945
Brian Jones, 1942
Mario Andretti, 1940
Tommy Tune, 1939
Gavin MacLeod, 1930
Frank Gehry, 1929
Svetiana Allilueva, 1926
Charles Durning, 1923
Zero Mostel, 1915
Earl Scheib, 1907
Milton Caniff, 1907
Benjamin "Bugsy" Siegel, 1906
Vincente Minnelli, 1903
Linus Pauling, 1901
Ben Heckt, 1894
Charles Blondin, 1824
John Tenniel, 1820
Mary Lyon, 1797
Michel Eyquem de Montaigne, 1533

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"On Golden Pond"(Play), 1979
"La Reine de Saba"(Opera), 1862
The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling(Publication date), 1749

Today in History:

Coronation ceremony of Liu Bang as Emperor Gaozu of Han takes place, initiating four centuries of the Han Dynasty's rule over China, BC202
The first edition of Henry Fieldings' "Tom Jones" is published, 1749
John Wesley charters the Methodist Church, 1784
The first commercial railroad in US, Baltimore & Ohio (B&O) is chartered, 1827
Robert Nelson, leader of the Patriotes, proclaims the independence of Lower Canada (today Québec), 1838
Regular steamboat service from the west to the east coast of the United States begins with the arrival of the SS California in San Francisco Bay, 4 months 22 days after leaving New York Harbor, 1849
The Bulgarian Exarchate is established by decree of Sultan Abd-ul-Aziz of the Ottoman Empire, 1870
The American Telephone and Telegraph Company is incorporated in New York State as the subsidiary of American Bell Telephone, 1885
The USS Indiana, the lead ship of her class and the first battleship in the United States Navy comparable to foreign battleships of the time, is launched, 1893
Queen Ranavalona III, the last monarch of Madagascar, is deposed by a French military force, 1897
Egypt regains independence from Britain, but British troops remain, 1922
DuPont scientist Wallace Carothers invents Nylon, 1935
Basketball is televised for the first time, 1940
In Taiwan, civil disorder is put down with the loss of 30,000 civilian lives, 1947
James D. Watson and Francis Crick announce to friends that they have determined the chemical structure of DNA; the formal announcement takes place on April 25 following publication in April Nature (pub. April 2), 1953
The first-ever color television sets using the NTSC standard are offered for sale to the general public, 1954
The United States and People's Republic of China sign the Shanghai Communiqué, 1972
Andalusia approves its statute of autonomy through a referendum, 1980
GRB 970228, a highly luminous flash of gamma rays, strikes the Earth for 80 seconds, providing early evidence that gamma-ray bursts occur well beyond the Milky Way, 1997
First flight of RQ-4 Global Hawk, the first unmanned aerial vehicle certified to file its own flight plans and fly regularly in U.S. civilian airspace, 1998
Over 1 million Taiwanese participating in the 228 Hand-in-Hand Rally form a 500-kilometre (300-mile) long human chain to commemorate the 228 Incident in 1947, 2004
Jupiter flyby of the New Horizons Pluto-observer spacecraft, 2007
Egypt annunces the discovery of a granite head from a statue of King Tut's grandfather, Amenhotep III, 2010
Scientists announce they've been able to connect the brains of two rats so that they share information, 2013
The Caravaggio painting "Judith and Holofernes" (1607), lost for many years and rediscovered in an attic in Toulouse in 2014, is finally brought to auction, selling for to $171 million, 2019


  1. Horizon doesn't seem to mind posing when needed heheh!

    I liked your fillins especially no 2

    Have a tanfastical weekend :-)

  2. I love that expression on Horizon's face! I always think spring is on the way when I see all the daffodils. The weather has been so confused lately though, and they started coming out before Christmas! They are mostly finished flowering now.

  3. Hey, I lost a Dutchman once! ;-)

  4. It certainly doesn't feel like spring is on the way yet. But I love to see the little snowdrops that are hiding behind my rosemary bush. Their delicate white hanging bell rings out to me - spring is not so long away ...
    Our mad, gorgeous, excitable puppy is a bundle of love - a soft, soppy furball, he sits on my feet keeping them warm.

  5. 1. I know spring is almost here when: I eat dinner as the sun sets and not after.

    2. I find most of life confusing.

    3. I have a strong opinion on politics and love of fellow mankind.

    4. Live squid is the strangest thing I have ever eaten.

  6. I can see why he's suspicious of you. Medicine is needed now and then. He knows that, he's just being careful that it's not a medicine day.

    Love all your answers. I love my escargot, but crawfish I don't care for one bit.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend, my friend. Big hug. ♥

  7. Horizon is so handsome- our Lucy was very feral atfirst, but now at the age of almost 9 she's pretty calm! Crawdads are delicious! Have a great day!

  8. dood...we wood bee suspect two; medicine & all ~~~
    N uz catz wood like ta try sum oh that fish; de FSG haz seen em but never bringed one inn side ta show uz ;) ☺☺♥♥

  9. Crawfish are delicious! We hold crawfish-eating parties ;) It's a Swedish tradition, which we have adopted. The strangest thing I ever ate was sheep's brains.

  10. Horizon doesn't look very happy, but tell him we all appreciated him taking a selfie for all of us.
    I don't know why people often are so grumpy too, because life is so much easier with friendliness.
    Have a fabulous weekend!

  11. I have seen the look that Horizon is giving you more than once. And I don't do selfies either.
    Unkindness I find not confusing precisely, but definitely saddening.

  12. Horizon you look as suspicious and Inspector Clouseau ~ and love etouffe ~ Spent time in New Orleans (son went to Tulane ) and my deceased husband would make New Orleans food like beignets and crayfish ~ ^_^

    Happy Moments to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  13. Yep, Horizon says whatchauptonow! Good answers, the Dad has had crawfish and he didn't care for them either.

  14. I love mudbugs, but you can't pay me enough to suck the heads. EWWWWWW!!!

  15. Horizon is a handsome boy. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I will pas son the crawfish, just the name makes my skin crawl. :) Have a nice weekend. XO

  16. Horizon does look suspicious. I don't think I have tasted crawfish. It looks like mini lobsters.

  17. Horizon is a handsome fellow, but I can see his suspicions: "where are you hiding the medicine?"
    I've tasted mudbugs and prefer prawns and lobster.

  18. Oh, Horizon is so handsome! And thank you for joining in on the Friendly Fill-ins! Just today I saw the first flowers trying to bloom in my yard. That's such a wonderful thing to see. Last year my daffodils bloomed and then got snowed on, so I'm hoping that doesn't happen again this year. And I've never had crawfish. That's probably because I've never been much of a seafood sort of person. I hope your week is going wonderfully!


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