
Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Because We All Need To Laugh (Wordless Wednesday) and Find Your Sanity Spot (Words for Wednesday)


Linking up with Wordless Wednesday and Sandee at Comedy Plus.     


Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and has become a moveable feast of word or picture or music prompts to encourage us to write stories, poems, or whatever strikes our fancy.    

This month, the prompts are being provided by Mark Koopmans, and are being posted by Elephant’s Child.            

This week's prompts are:

  1. Toilet
  2. Sunlight
  3. Dogma
  4. Spurs
  5. Vine
  6. Wilting


  1. Ashen
  2. Brexit
  3. Colgate
  4. Distillery
  5. Elegance
  6. Flighty

"Well, at least people have something to discuss besides BREXIT," Ralph said with a sigh.

Giving him a sideways glance, Brad countered, "How is all this endless talk of TOILET paper better?"

"Never said it was better," Ralph responded, pouring himself and his friend each another glass of the fruit of the VINE.  "I simply noted that it's something different."

"Hmph," Brad grunted, noncommittally.  Then, "Let's move our chairs over, out of the direct SUNLIGHT, I'm WILTING out here.  Why are we dining al fresco tonight?"

"Because the rest of the world has gone nuts, and none of my family want to talk about anything but how the SPURS not playing is ruining their leisure time.  My FLIGHTY mother is afraid they will run out of her favorite COLGATE toothpaste and she will lose all of her teeth, ruining the ELEGANCE of her appearance.  Uncle Pete is passing on rumors of conspiracies as if they were DOGMA, and I tried visiting my cousin Al and his family, place smells like a DISTILLERY they are all staying half-lit they said until it's all over.

"I had to get out of there, get some fresh air, so I have a key to the community pool, I figured you and I could come over here, use the BBQ pit to cook something decent then sit and eat in peace."

"No wonder you looked ASHEN when I first got here," Brad noted.  "It was a great idea, how about we do it again in a couple of days.  It could help keep us sane."

"Next time, you bring the meat, I'll bring the sides, and we'll call Tom, he can bring the wine," Ralph said.

"Sounds like a plan.  See you then!"


Today is:

Awkward Moments Day -- harness the power of humor in life's more uncomfortable situations

Asklepieia -- Ancient Greek Calendar (festival of Asklepios; date approximate)

Bindus Diena -- Ancient Latvain Calendar (believed to be the day bears woke from hibernation)

Celtic Tree Month Fearn (Alder) begins

Cheikh Al Maarouf Day -- Comoros

Dieticians Day -- Canada   

Electric Razor Day -- Schick, Inc., marketed the first one today in 1931

Forgive Mom and Dad Day -- because we all make mistakes; sponsored by Wellcat Holidays

Goddess of Fertility Day -- a modern celebration of all goddesses of fertility

Grandparents' and Grandchildren's Day -- Michigan, US

Jacques de Molay's Day -- death anniversary of the last Grand Master of the Knights Templar

Men's and Soldiers Day -- Mongolia

Mi-Careme -- Guadeloupe; Saint Barthelemy; Saint Martin (Mid-Lent)

National Anthem and Flag Day -- Aruba

National Biodiesel Day -- birth anniversary of Rudolph Diesel, who unveiled his engine at the World Fair in 1900

National Lacy Oatmeal Cookie Day

Oide Matsuri -- Hakui, Japan (horse-back archery; through the 23rd)

Sheelah's Day -- Ireland (probably Sheela Na Gig, goddess of fertility; celebrated the day after St. Patrick's Day by those who say she was either his wife or his mother)

Sheep and Goats (Separation) Day -- Fairy Calendar

St. Anselm of Lucca's Day (Patron of Mantua, Italy)

St. Edward the Martyr's Day

Supreme Sacrifice Day -- an internet generated holiday now used to honor those who have made a supreme sacrifice, all who have given their lives for others

Take Down Tobacco Day (formerly Kids Kick Butts Day) -- Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids   

Usajingu Reitaisai -- Japan (offerings to the Kami from the Imperial Household are shared in this very important festival)

Anniversary Today:

Eddie Murphy marries Nicole Mitchell, 1993

Birthdays Today:

Alexei Yagudin, 1980
Dane Cook, 1972
Queen Latifah, 1970
Bonnie Blair, 1964
Vanessa Williams, 1963
Irene Cara, 1959
Brad Dourif, 1950
Kevin Dobson, 1944
Wilson Pickett, 1941
Charlie Pride, 1938
Sashi Kapoor, 1938
F.W. deKlerk, 1936
John Updike, 1932
George Plimpton, 1927
John Kander, 1927
Peter Graves, 1926
William H. Johnson, 1901
Edward Everett Horton, 1886
Rudolph Diesel, 1858
Grover Cleveland, 1837
John Caldwell Calhoun, 1782

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Do I Hear a Waltz?"(Musical), 1965
"Tovarich"(Musical), 1963
"Tales of Wells Fargo"(TV), 1957
"The new Babylon"(Silent Film), 1929
"Verklarte Nacht"(Schonberg, Op. 4), 1902

Today in History:

Crusaders kill 57 Jews in Bury St Edmonds England, 1190
German emperor Frederick II crowns himself king of Jerusalem, 1229
Kraków is ravaged by Mongols, 1241
According to legend, Tenochtitlan is founded on this date, 1325
John Berkeley, 1st Baron Berkeley of Stratton sells his part of New Jersey to the Religious Society of Friends, commonly known as Quakers, 1673
Henry Wells and William Fargo form American Express in Buffalo, NY, 1850
Former Governor General Lord Stanley pledges to donate a silver challenge cup, later named after him, as an award for the best hockey team in Canada, 1893
Mohandas Gandhi is sentenced to six years in prison for civil disobedience (he served only 2 years), 1922
The first public celebration of Bat mitzvah, for the daughter of Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan, is held in New York City, 1922
The Tri-State Tornado hits the Midwestern US states of Missouri, Illinois, and Indiana, killing 695 people, 1925
The eruption of Mount Vesuvius in Italy kills 26 and causes thousands to flee their homes, 1944
Cosmonaut Aleksei Leonov, leaving his spacecraft Voskhod 2 for 12 minutes, becomes the first person to walk in space, 1965
The U.S. Congress repeals the requirement for a gold reserve to back US currency, 1968
In Egypt, a 4,400-year-old mummy is found nearby the Pyramid of Cheops, 1989
White South Africans vote overwhelmingly in favour, in a national referendum, to end the racist policy of Apartheid, 1992
Bosnia's Bosniaks and Croats sign the Washington Agreement, ending warring between the Croatian Republic of Herzeg-Bosnia and the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and establishing the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1994
British Sign Language is recognised as an official British language, 2003
For the first time, a woman served as imam, leading a public, mixed-gender, Muslim congregation in Jum'ah prayer and delivering the sermon, 2005
The Messenger spacecraft enters Mercury's orbit, 2011
Russia formally annexes Crimea, previously part of Ukraine. by signing the Treaty on Accession, 2014
A bushfire in Tathra, New South Wales, Australia, destroys over 70 buildings, 2018


  1. LOVE your story. And yes, letting a cat out of the bag is so much simpler than trying to coax them back inside.

  2. LOL I liked those quite witty :-)

    I liked your story too :-)

    Have a storytastic week :-)

  3. We all need one of those picnics...

  4. Thanks for some humor. Since we are scent work dogs, we look up to the K9 dogs as our role models but we don't catch criminals or sniff out contraband.

  5. Your wordless' were really giggleworthy today. Tghanks. And I love your story as well, well writteh and let's preserve our sanity.

  6. Both funnies made me laugh, and we really do need things to make us laugh the way the world is going crazy.
    I went shopping for some essentials this morning and it was stupid there! There is a maximum of 2 er item, fair enough, it gives us all a chance.
    I get repeated gallstones attacks and am on the urgent list (Please don't call me in until this is over!) When I get an attack the only things I can eat for a few days are soup and the small tubs of ready cooked rice pudding. I asked an assistant if I could get more of them and she said no. Then she told me that the rice was on a multibuy so if I bought 8 it was okay. She also said I could have as much soup as I wanted as long as it was only 2 of each flavour. At least that way I was able to get enough to last a week if I need it. I do also make my own soup so that is not really a problem.

    1. I forgot to say, I enjoyed the story, and it also reminded me I had forgotten toothpaste!

  7. We need laughter Mimi or we will go crazy in these times. Keep safe my friend.

    Cruisin Paul

  8. Great story. That police dog sign is funny too :)

  9. Love the signs and especially the last one. I wonder.

    You do so very well with the prompts. Always most entertaining.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Big hug. ♥

  10. Humor is greatly appreciated today. Thank you.

  11. It is getting the cat out of the bag that is a problem - MOL!

  12. Thanks for sharing. We laughed so much at the one if a dog sees a police dog. We hope you are doing well and having a great week so far.
    World of Animals

  13. number two is beyond hilarious !!!!

    I remember the Palm Sunday tornadoes in "65...hit the same area and then some ~~~

  14. You have to trick a cat to get one in a bag.

  15. Bwahahaha Love the funnies you have posted. Straight & to the point. Have a great day & hugs from afar I guess is better, right? hahaha Thanks for sharing.

  16. Love the signs, Mimi! Thanks for the smiles.

  17. Those were cute funnies and a really good story!

  18. I like what you did with the words. A BBQ by the pool sounds good to me.

  19. Fun signs ~ we all need a good chuckle ~

    Keep Calm, Be well.
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  20. Indeed, letting the cat out of the bag is much easier than putting back in. I have found that electric razors can come in very handy. Have a blessed day.


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