
Thursday, March 26, 2020

Mama Love (Six Sentence Story), Good Fences, Best Friends (Sammy's Poetry Day), and Happy Birthday (Brian's Thankful Thursday)


You were so impatient to make your debut, you sent me into labor two days ahead of the schedule, so we had to rush to the hospital.

Because i needed a C-Section and we knew it, they did not delay, and i was so relieved when they put you into the safety of my arms.

How i wish i could hold you in that safety now, my precious Bigger Girl.  It's been 26 years, and you are working online to complete your degree and graduate on time this semester, a degree you will be awarded even though you won't get to walk across a stage like so many have before you, and it makes me sad for you and for the world in which we live.

No, i can't protect you any more, like i did then, when you were the tiny babe in my arms.

Fly free, precious child, i hope this danger passes and you get to live a beautiful life in a beautiful world.

Linking up with Denise at Girlie On The Edge Blog, where she hosts Six Sentence Stories, and the cue is Safety.      


Gosia at Looking for Identity has taken over Good Fences, and it's now Good Fences Around The World.  Post a picture of a fence or gate, link back to her blog, and go visit other blogs to see what interesting fences there are out in this big world.    

These flowers along a fence say spring to me:


It's Angel Sammy's Poetry Day!  This week's image and my poem:    

Best friends on the road of life,
Best friends to the end.
Best friends in this world of strife,
To each other we will tend.


Brian of Brian's Home hosts the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.   It's time to share something for which i am thankful.  

Today i am thankful for Bigger Girl, whose birthday is today. 


Today is:

Day to Mourn Victims of Biological Weapons -- commemorates the day they were outlawed in 1975

End of Zimbor-Quattor's Revenge Week and Day of Reconcilliation with All Those Whose Hats Have Been Damaged -- Fairy Calendar

Feast of Pak Tai -- Macau (Pak Tai who conquered the Demon King, on the 3rd day of the 3rd lunar month)

Fiesta del Arbol -- Spain (Tree Festival or Arbor Day)

Independence Day and National Day -- Bangladesh(1971)

Khordad Sal -- Zoroastrian (Birth of the Prophet Zaranhushtra)

Legal Assistants' Day

Make Up Your Own Holiday Day -- Wellcat Holidays, which has made up a bunch, wants you to do the same today!

Martyr's Day / Democracy Day -- Mali

National Letting Go of Stuff Day -- see for details

National Nougat Day

Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalanianole Day -- Hawaii, US (Hawaiian Royal who worked to preserve the Hawaiian culture)

Purple Day -- International (supporting epileptics around the world)   

Shangsi Festival -- China (ancient Double Third festival, on the 3rd day of the 3rd lunar month)

Spinach Day -- on this day in 1937, spinach growers in Crystal City, Texas, erected a statue of Popeye in honor of their favorite veggie

St. Braulio's Day (Patron of Aragon, Spain)

St. William of Norwich's Day (Patron of kidnap and torture victims)

Synaxis of the Archangel Gabriel -- Eastern Orthodox Christianity (celebration of his role is the Annunciation)

Anniversaries Today:

Ricki Lake weds Rob Sussman, 1994
Founding of the University of Utrecht, 1636

Birthdays Today:

Keira Knightley, 1985
Amy Smart, 1976
T.R. Knight, 1973
Josh Lucas, 1972
Leslie Mann, 1972
Kenny Chesney, 1968
John Stockton, 1962
Marcus Allen, 1960
Jennifer Grey, 1960
Catherine Keener, 1960
Leeza Gibbons, 1957
Curtis Sliwa, 1954
Teddy Pendergrass, 1950
Martin Short, 1950
Vicki Lawrence, 1949
Steven Tyler, 1948
Diana Ross, 1944
Bob Woodward, 1943
Erica Jong, 1942
James Caan, 1939
Alan Arkin, 1934
Leonard Nimoy, 1931
Sandra Day O'Connor, 1930
Pierre Boulez, 1925
Tennessee Williams, 1911
Viktor Frankl, 1905
Robert Frost, 1874
Jane Arminda Delano, 1862
Nathaniel Bowditch, 1773

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Fences"(Play), 1988
"The Young and the Restless"(TV), 1973
"Cannon"(TV), 1971
"Funny Girl"(Musical), 1964
"Die Ehe des Herrn Mississippi/The Marriage of Mr. Mississippi"(Play), 1952

Today in History:

William Caxton prints his translation of Aesop's Fables, 1484
The first British Sunday newspaper is published (British Gazette & Sunday Monitor), 1780
The US Congress orders removal of Indians east of Mississippi to Louisiana, 1804
An earthquake destroys 90% of Caracas, Venezuela, leaves 20,000 dead, 1812
The Book of Mormon is published in Palmyra, NY, 1830
Eastman Film Co manufactures the first commercial motion picture film, 1885
New Delhi replaces Calcutta as capital of British-Indies, 1931
William H. Hastie becomes the first black Federal Judge in the US, in the US Virgin Islands, 1937
Jonas Salk announces the first successful test of his polio vaccine on a small group of adults and children, 1953
East Pakistan declares its independence from Pakistan to form People's Republic of Bangladesh, 1971
Anwar al-Sadat, Menachem Begin and Jimmy Carter sign the Israel-Egypt Peace Treaty in Washington, D.C., 1979
The "Melissa worm" infects Microsoft word processing and e-mail systems around the world, 1999
A jury in Michigan finds Dr. Jack Kevorkian guilty of second-degree murder for administering a lethal injection to a terminally ill man, 1999
The Taiwanese government calls on 1 million Taiwanese to demonstrate in Taipei, in opposition to the Anti-Secession Law of the People's Republic of China, 2005
Richard III of England (1452-1485) is reburied at Leicester Cathedral in England, after being discovered under a carpark in Leicester in 2012, 2015
US, European Union and Ukraine expel more than 100 Russian diplomats in response to Russian use of nerve gas in UK, 2018
The US Federal Trade Commission confirms it will investigate Facebook over privacy concerns, 2018


  1. Your six sentence story made my eyes leak. Truly beautiful and thank you.

  2. Congratulations to your Bigger Girl. May she prosper.

  3. Tired fence, yet beautiful.

    Happy birthday Bigger Girl.

    God bless.

  4. Happy birthday to your little girl. She will always be your baby girl. It is so sad that so many have to miss out on special moments. We hope the world gets back to normal soon.

  5. very nice

    (and, pass along our congrats and best wishes)

  6. First off Happy Birthday to Bigger Girl. Nice fence photo, spring is deffinetly in the air and fantastic six and so fitting for your daughters birthday! Oh and I really like your poem.

  7. Happy Birthday to your Bigger Girl. To us moms, we have to release them to live their own lives even though it is not easy.

  8. Happy Birthday from all of us Bigger Girl!!! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  9. Happy Birthday! Love that poem and the fence is a nice photo.

  10. I think every day should be make up your own holdiday day. Today is "it's going to get up to 10C day" and I'm going to celebrate it.

  11. ♪♫Happy Birthday to you,♪♫
    ♪♫Happy Birthday to you,♪♫
    ♪♫Happy Birthday Dear Bigger Girl,♪♫
    ♪♫Happy Birthday to you.♪♫

    What a lovely tribute to your baby that's all grown up now.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Big hug, my friend. ♥

  12. Love the poem, love the picture, love the story. Great job. And it's your baby's birthday along with Diana Ross'...still a big fan. HA Good six.

  13. Beautiful. Congratulations and best wishes to your daughter on all accounts!
    Sweet and tender picture to match the sweet sentiment of your words.

  14. Happy Birthday to your precious Bigger Girl!
    I pray all of you get through this hard time alright.

  15. Beautiful story ~ heart wrenching ~ so true as parents we need to 'let them fly' and are ache for them when difficult times arise ~ Happy Birthday to 'Bigger Girl' and may more happy ones.

    Stay Calm and Be Well,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  16. I have to say, the Fairy Calendar often comes up with things that make me very sorry I don't live in fairy territory...

  17. Happy Birthday to your daughter. Nice story and poem. Praying you and your family stay healthy. XO

  18. That was a beautiful Six. I share your hopes and prayers for your daughter and for all our children.

  19. Happy birthday to Bigger Girl. What a lovely tribute to her in your 6 sentences. Love your photo and poem, too.

  20. Love the six sentence story! Stay well.

  21. Wonderful poem.....beautiful fence....sweet six sentence story - you are so busy but we're happy you have time for some poetry too!

    Hugs, Pam and Teddy

  22. Beautiful SIX about your precious Bigger Girl. There are times when we dream that things could be different for our children but we don't write their stories. May she "live a beautiful life in a beautiful world."

  23. The first part of your post was very touching. It would be nice if the schools could do make-up ceremonies. The love you have for your daughter comes shining through. Great post, a wonderful read.

  24. This tugs at my heart so! My kids are 21 and 24 and so many classes and activities have been canceled. The disappointment is in the front of their minds, but their safety is in the front of mine, and I am relieved.

  25. Happy Birthday to Bigger Girl and may her future hold al your heart pours into it. Lovely, touching six. And I like your poem.


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