
Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Ripping Into the Fun for the A to Z Challenge, a Random and Happy Tuesday Post

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It's time once again for a random and happy Tuesday, linking up with Stacy's Random Thoughts at Stacy Uncorked and Sandee at Comedy Plus.  

It's been a while since i shared a good Dr. D story or two.

She's not been feeling well for a while.  For about a month, she was weak, lethargic, had no appetite and lots of gastric trouble.  It had me so concerned, as it was so unlike her, that i made sure her kids have my phone number so they could call and ask me to go over there if she wasn't answering their calls.  (One lives a 3 hour drive away and the other an 8 hour drive.)

Well, she's baaaaack.  And feeling sassy.  Just going for her physical therapy isn't wiping her out to the point of needing a two day nap.  She's arguing again.

As is normal for her, that meant work.  This time, she sent me on an adventure to get her a watch battery.  (This was after the first set of errands, to get groceries and the mail, and before the third set, for copies.)

She was most put out with her watch for stopping, and asked where to go, so i told her the best place, which is right up the road from her house.  Over i went.

They couldn't get the back off of the watch, of course.  It's a special watch, it requires a jeweler to do it, and the only place in town that does that is closed due to the virus and won't reopen until May 4.

Last week, she showed me a bag of watches that she was going to give to Goodwill when it opens up again, and she handed me one in a pretty lavender color.  Since i have a watch and i wasn't going to get a battery for it right away (none of the watches in that bag work at the moment) i'd dropped it in my work bag.  How about, i proposed to her over the phone, we put a battery in this lavender one that you gave me last week and that i haven't seen to yet, you take it back until the jeweler opens who can fix your favorite, and then you can give me this one back and it will be running.

Great idea, except that a battery did not do the trick, the lavender watch is actually broken!  (And now in the trash, may it rest in peace.)

Back to her place to get the whole bag of watches, and i took them to the battery place.  The Battery Guy and i picked the Timex as the most likely to be fixable with just a new battery, and it was.  She now has the Timex to hold her until her favorite can get seen to, and it only took two trips and three tries, not bad when Dr. D is involved.

Of course, since i had started on watches, she had to move on to sorting the jewelry again.  When i left, we had the "goes into the safe deposit box" pile, the "goes to her daughter" pile, the "keep it here with me" pile, the "going to be donated to Goodwill when it reopens" pile, and the "going to sell it" pile.

How much do you want to bet when i get back next week, we'll have to sort it again, for the third time?  Hint, don't take the bet.

Now for some funnies, starting with more museum imitators: 

Hope everyone has a wonderful and blessed Tuesday!


Today is:

Administrative Professionals Day (original date)

Aggie Muster -- Texas A&M University

Birthday of Rome -- Rome, Italy (753 BCE)

Feast of Wadjet (a/k/a Udjet or Buto) -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

First Day of Ridvan -- Baha'i (began sunset yesterday; through May 2)

Grounation Day -- Rastafari (one of the Rastafarian's most important festivals, in honor of Haile Selassie's 1966 visit to Jamaica)

Heroica Defensa de Veracruz -- Mexico (Heroic Defense of Veracruz)

Homecoming of the Elves -- Fairy Calendar (Singing Festival)

Iroquois Corn Planting Ceremony -- Iroquois Native Americans (three day celebration, always around this time of year)

John Muir Day -- US (American conservationist)

Kartini Day -- Indonesia (honoring a leader who helped emancipate women)

Kindergarten Day -- Germany; US (birth anniversary of Friedrich Froebel, in 1782, who began the first Kindergarten in Germany in 1837)

Lailat al-Bara'ah (Shab Barat) -- Islam (Night of Forgiveness, or sometimes Night of Records, a preparation for Ramadan; began at sunset yesterday, local custom dates may vary)

Mata Tirtha Aunsi -- Nepal (Mother's Day, or literally "Mother Pilgrimage New Moon")

Mibu Dainembutsu Kyogen -- Mibu Temple, Kyoto, Japan (nine day festival of kyogen performances which dates back to 1299)

National Chocolate-Covered Cashew Truffle Day

National Library Workers Day -- US (always the Tuesday of National Library Week)

National Tree Planting Day -- Kenya

Paralia -- Ancient Roman Calendar (shepherd's festival of Pares, goddess of herders)

Queen's Birthday -- Falkland Islands; St. Helena(except Tristan da Cunha)

San Jacinto Day -- Texas, US

St. Anselm of Canturbury's Day

St. Bueno Gasulsych's Day (Patron of diseased cattle, sick animals, and sick children)

Tiradentes Day/Brasilia Day -- Brazil (honors Joaquim José da Silva Xavier, called "tooth puller", who fought for Brazilian independence)
    Inauguration of Brasilia, Distrito Federal -- Brazil (anniversary of the 1960 inauguration of the new federal capital)

World Creativity and Innovation Day -- final day of World Creativity and Innovation Week, which always begins on DaVinci's birth anniversary

Yom HaShoah -- Judaism (Holocaust Remembrance Day; begins at sunset)

Birthdays Today:

Robert Smith, 1959
Andie MacDowell, 1958
James Morrison, 1954
Tony Danza, 1951
Patti LuPone, 1949
Iggy Pop, 1947
Charles Grodin, 1935
Elaine May, 1932
Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom, 1926
Anthony Quinn, 1915
John Muir, 1838
Charlotte Bronte, 1816
Friedrich Wilhelm August Fröbel, 1782
Catherine the Great, 1729
Jan van Riebeeck, 1619

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Annie"(Musical), 1977
"Inherit the Wind"(Play), 1955
"Arms and the Man"(Play), 1894

Today in History:

Traditional date for the founding of Rome by Romulus and Remus, BC753
Marc Antony continues to battle the senators who assasinated Julius Caesar in the Battle of Mutina, which he loses, BC43
Henry VIII ascends the throne of England, 1509
Hernan Cortez lands in Veracruz, 1519
The Maryland Toleration Act is passed, granting religious freedom to all in that colony, 1649
Catherine the Great ends noble privileges in Russia, 1785
Tiradentes, leader of the independence movement in Brazil, is executed, 1792
Republic of Texas forces under Sam Houston defeat Mexican troops under Santa Ana, winning the Battle of San Jacinto and the independence of Texas, 1836
The first train crosses the first bridge over the Mississippi River, crossing from Rock Island, Illinois to Davenport, Iowa, 1855
Alexander Douglas patents the bustle, 1857
Baha'u'llah, the founder of the Baha'i' faith, declares his mission, 1863
The first firehouse pole is installed in a firehouse in NYC, 1878
The Red Baron (Manfred von Richthofen)is shot down, 1918
The first Aggie Muster is held, a remembrance of fellow Texas A&M graduates who had died in the previous year, 1922
Brasilia is officially inaugurated as the capital of Brazil, 1960
In Beijing, around 100,000 students gather in Tiananmen Square to commemorate Chinese reform leader Hu Yaobang, 1989
Alexander Wolszczan announces his the discovery of extrasolar planets, 1994
The ashes of Timothy Leary and Gene Roddenberry are launched into orbit, 1997
By order of an Egyptian court, the name of Egypt's former President, Hosni Mubarak, is stripped from public spaces, schools and streets, 2011


  1. I'm glad Dr D is well again, but poor you, having to do everything several times over.
    Love the lady sprawled on the sofa, I reckon I could do that easily. If I had a sofa...

  2. I am also glad that Dr D is back to her usual self - despite it making you very, very busy.
    Love the funnies, and the last one is right on the money.

  3. Great photos and great cartoons too. Thank you so much, Mimi, for all your hard work in writing this blog and keeping us entertained, informed and educated. You are an encyclopaedia and a treasure.

    God bless.

  4. Love the funnies! Finding toilet paper is a real project and one our mom has really gotten tired of working on. It's just ridiculous!

  5. I love your memes. The banana in the mouth made me laugh out loud. Such a sad state of affairs these days. My daughter had been sheltering with us for a month. Today, she headed home to Atlanta because she'd rather shelter with her boyfriend than us. Can you imagine?

    Also, please vote for me. I've wishlisted $100 of Dovie's clipart, so I've got to keep up the momentum. 😂 Thanks.

  6. Dr. D wears me out. She's a whirlwind and then some. She flits from one thing to the next and the she repeats in numerous time. I am glad she's back to feeling good again.

    Love all the funnies. I chuckled with some and laughed out loud with others.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Big hug, my friend. ♥♥♥

  7. Good to know that Dr D is back to her normal self again. Thanks for the funnies. Stay safe.

  8. Fun quotes and photos ~ LOL ~ Glad Dr. D is well again ~ Hope you are too ~ She is work!

    Be Well
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  9. Tht harlequin is a dead ringer for the original but I really like the still life of 'tea time'....perfect.

  10. Dr. D reminds me of Mr. Phipps on the Seinfeld Show.

  11. I'm so glad Dr. D is doing better. She always seems to have interesting challenges for you to work out.

  12. I wasn't initially as taken with the Harlequin, until I realized he was covered with PostIt notes and napkins. Now I like him best!

  13. That was quite the ordeal with those watches! Those artsy funnies and the others were really good!

  14. I love the museum picture of the guy with the dogs. I wonder if it's photoshopped. Maybe they were just well trained dogs. ! I bet Dr D's family are glad that you are near and know her so well to help her if she needs it. Have a good week!

  15. It's National Tea Day too! I love the info you have here. The watch story was quite fun! I have a couple watches that need a jeweler to replace the batteries. You are sure kind hearted taking care of matters. I love hearing stories during this time. We are all getting along. Hubby works at his office this week. It is quite the life with all that goes on. They get lunch everyday. At home it is hard finding good things to eat and we have been too much fresh baked bread thanks to two of our daughters. SO time to go more healthy and boy that is hard. Have a great week and thanks for your shares. Love the photos too. Very cool

  16. I love, love, love these!!!!!!! Thanks for the laughs, messymimi...many laughs. :)

    Keep taking good care...and stop barking at the passing cars and people!!! :)

  17. Glad Dr. D is back. I was wondering if she had you stop going because of her age. I enjoy stories about her, it would make a fun comedy show :)

  18. oh these are all just too funny! Love the art retakes! Cheers and be well! xoxo

  19. Mimi,

    Glad to know Dr. D is okay. Anytime an elder can argue you know all is well, right? That woman is a character! The funnies are priceless,too.I love the one about absorbing so much soap and disinfectant that every time you go to the bathroom the toilet gets cleaned. lol Thanks for the giggles!


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