
Thursday, April 23, 2020

Too Far for the A to Z Challenge, a Four Hop Thursday Post

To enjoy more blogs participating in the A to Z Challenge, click here.     


“You know what I like best about this working from home is never being late for work because work starts whenever I get to the computer to do it.”

“Something only a person who is never prompt would point out.”

“Just because I’m not uptight about being early doesn’t mean I’m never prompt!”

“You are going to be late for your own funeral.”

“And your funeral could come way earlier than you thought if you can’t be nice!”

“Now, that’s going a bridge too far, don’t you think!”

Linking up with Denise at Girlie On The Edge Blog, where she hosts Six Sentence Stories, and the cue is Bridge.      


Gosia at Looking for Identity has taken over Good Fences, and it's now Good Fences Around The World.  Post a picture of a fence or gate, link back to her blog, and go visit other blogs to see what interesting fences there are out in this big world.    

Two fences with greenery: 


It's Angel Sammy's Poetry Day!  This week's image and my poem:    

Totally, totally,
Same, same,
Boring, boring,
What a shame.

Not every house
Should be like the others
No way do i want one
Just like my brother’s!


Brian of Brian's Home hosts the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.   It's time to share something for which i am thankful.  

Today i am thankful that Little Girl is off of her military assignment for now and back to restaurant work and catching up on her schoolwork online.  She was falling behind on her schooling, and there were other medics who wanted a slot because they have been laid off from their regular jobs, so she was sent home.


Today is:

Alfred G. "Alferd" Packer Day -- Colorado

Book Day and Lover's Day -- Spain, especially Catalan (women give books to men, while men give flowers to the women. Celebrated in the Spanish city of Barcelona since 1714 to honor Spanish writer Miguel de Cervantes [author of "Don Quixote"] and in observance of St. George's Day)

Canada Book Day

Chance Day -- Fairy Calendar

Children's Day -- Nepal; North Cyprus; Turkey

Community Day -- CL, Spain

Community Day/St. George's Day -- AR, Spain

Harpa Month Begins -- Traditional Icelandic Calendar (Harp, dedicated to young women as last month was dedicated to young men)
    Sumardagurinn Fyrsti -- first day of summer, a legal holiday

Impossible Astronaut Day -- if you are a Dr. Who fan, you know, and if not, go here and find out    

Independence Day -- Conch Republic, Key West, FL. US (a tongue-in-cheek micronation which seceeded from the Union in 1982; celebrated yearly with a week long festival)

International Pixel-Stained Technopeasant Day -- on St. George's Day, encouraging members of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America to continue to be what Howard V. Hendrix derrogatorily termed "webscabs", posting their stories free on the internet

International Sing Out Day -- no one will claim responsibility for this one, but i promise not to observe it!

Jurgi Festival -- Ancient Latvian Calendar (day sacred to Usins; first day outdoor work began for the summer)

National Cherry Cheesecake Day

National Picnic Day -- US

National Sovereignty and Children's Day -- Turkey

Sigurd the Dragon Slayer's Day -- because he was probably the inspiration for the legends about St. George

St. Adalbert's Day (Patron of Bohemia; Czech Republic; Poland; Prague, Czech Republic; Prussia)

St. George's Day (Patron of archers, armourers, Boy Scouts, butchers, cavalry, chivalry, Crusaders, equestrians, farmers, field hands, field workers, horsemen, horses, husbandmen, knights, lepers, Order of the Garter, Palestinian Christians, riders, Romanian Army, saddle makers, saddlers, sheep, shepherds, soldiers, Teutonic Knights; Canada; England; Ethiopia; Georgia; Germany; Greece; Lithuania; Malta; Portugal; Cappadocia; Catalonia; Palestine; over 20 cities and diocese around the world; against herpes, leprosy, plague, skin diseases, skin rashes, syphilis; by the middle ages, St. George was revered in much of Europe as the personification of chivalry)*

Support Teen Literature Day -- US (on the Thursday of National Library Week)

Take a Chance Day -- internet generated encouragement to try something different

Take Action for Libraries Day -- US (Sponsored by the ALA)

Talk Like Shakespeare Day -- on The Bard's birth anniversary     

Vinalia Priora -- Ancient Roman Calendar (tasting the first wines of the year)

World Book & Copyright Day -- UN (this date chosen because of how parts of Spain celebrate St. George's Day, with books)     
    World Book Night -- Germany; Ireland; UK; US (anniversary of the birth and death of Shakespeare, and the death of Miguel de Cervantes; over 20 book titles have been specially chosen for this year and special editions of those books printed so you can share books and your love of reading with those who don't read muc

*To save a Maid, St. George the Dragon slew
A pretty tale, if all is told to be true
Most say, there are no Dragons, and tis said
There was no George: pray God there was a Maid.
-- John Aubrey, Remains of Gentilism (1688)

Birthdays Today:

Dev Patel, 1990
John Cena, 1977
Kal Penn, 1977
Scott Bairstow, 1970
Melina Kanakaredes, 1967
George Lopez, 1961
Valerie Bertinelli, 1960
Craig Sheffer, 1960
Jan Hooks, 1957
Judy Davis, 1955
Michael Moore, 1954
Joyce DeWitt, 1949
Bernadette Devlin McAliskey, 1947
Sandra Dee, 1942
David Birney, 1940
Lee Majors, 1940
Roy Orbison, 1936
Shirley Temple Black, 1928
Vladimire Nabokov, 1899
Lester Bowles "Mike" Pearson, 1897
Sergei Prokofiev, 1891
Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck, 1858
Granville T. Woods, 1856
James Buchanan, 1791
William Penn, 1621
William Shakespeare, 1564(attributed -- only the day of his baptism, April 26, is known for certain)

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Baywatch"(TV), 1989
"No Man's Land"(Play), 1975
"She Loves Me"(Musical), 1963
"Patience; or, Bunthorne's Bride"(Opera), 1881
"Il re pastore/The Shepherd King"(Mozart opera, K 208)1775
"The Tender Husband"(Comedy), 1705

Today in History:

The founding of the Order of the Garter by King Edward III is announced on St George's Day, 1348
William Shakespeare's The Merry Wives of Windsor is first performed, with Queen Elizabeth I in attendance, 1597
The first public school in the United States, Boston Latin School, is founded in Boston, Massachusetts, 1635
Connecticut is chartered as an English colony, 1662
Canada issues its first postage stamps, 1851
The Vitascope system of movie projection debuts the first motion picture at Koster & Bial's Music Hall in NYC, 1896
Namibia becomes the 160th member of the UN and the 50th member of the Commonwealth of Nations, 1990
Eritrians vote overwhelmingly for independence from Ethiopia, 1993
Beijing closes all schools for two weeks because of the SARS virus, 2003
The gamma ray burst GRB 090423 is observed for 10 seconds. The event signals the most distant object of any kind and also the oldest known object in the universe, 2009
Despite an initial ban on the film 'Borat,' Kazakhstan issues and official 'thank you' to actor Sacha Baron Cohen for his character, Borat Sagdiyev, 2012
Loretta Lynch is confirmed as the first African-American woman as US Attorney-General, 2015


  1. Smiling at your six sentence story. I am always early. Very early - but don't want to be early for my funeral.
    And no, I don't want to live in a house just like everyone elses either. 'Little boxes, on the hillside, little boxes made of ticcy, tacky.....'

  2. Like EC I began singing Little boxes. No not even a castle is fun if each one is the same. I like the poem on Saint George and the dragon.

  3. Remote working is more challenging than I ever thought! While "late" only once or twice, I'm sticking to my normal "going into the office" schedule. Disaster for me if I didn't, lol
    No cookie cutter neighborhoods for me either :D
    Little Girl is juggling a lot. I hope she catches up on her schooling quickly!

  4. “Something only a person who is never prompt would point out.
    damn! what a great observation... either as a line of dialogue or the not-uncommon life occurance.
    good Six

  5. I look forwards to your fencing.

    God bless.

  6. I am always nervous about being late, so I really admire folks with a promptness deficit!

  7. That was a funny story and a funny poem too! We're glad Little Girl is back and getting caught up. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  8. Love your stories and your poems. You do them both so well.

    I'm happy that your baby is home and catching up on her schooling.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday, my friend. ♥

  9. That's great that your daughter is back home! Your Six Sentences was fun- hilarious actually! Take care see ya tomorrow!

  10. I can't stand being late! Early is on time! Good six. And it's lovers; day in Spain. That should be every day and world wide!

  11. My husband is a person that is always late and it has always drivin me crazy as I'm the total opposite.

  12. I like your fence love from Europe

  13. I like your poem and am intrigued by the photo. I suspect it is in one of those strange chinese developments which are rarely occupied.

  14. Fun story and neat fence photos ~ ^_^

    Be Well,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  15. Great poem and story.I am glad your daughter got to get back to her studies.

  16. Yeah, the day starts with the dreaded lifting of the lid. I've noticed those that are usually late for meetings are also late for zoom meetings. See, everything the same.

  17. I think opposites attract even when it comes to being on time or getting there sooner or later. :-)
    So glad Little Girl is back home.


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