
Saturday, April 25, 2020

Veritable Treasure Trove of Thankfuls for the A to Z Challenge, a Ten Things of Thankful Post

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Very blessed, that’s what i am, and so on this Thankful Day i will talk about a veritable fountain of blessings, all courtesy of the letter of the day.

Vacation has to top the list, even though there probably will not be one this year.  We love our vacation, and will look forward to it even more next year.

This vegan loves her veggies, as she should, and that’s about all there is to say about that.  Long live broccoli!

My favorite color comes into play again.  Anything is the violet spectrum is fair game (with the exception of puce).

Verse!  Who knew it was so much fun to write poems?  Read them, yes, but write?  Lots of people, including those who actually have gotten me to write several, Diane of On the Border, Jenny of Procrastinating Donkey, and Angel Sammy, and i’m thankful they did.

While my pets may not agree, i am very thankful for veterinarians, vet techs, and all who work to keep our pets healthy.

This world would be a much poorer place without music, and i do love violins and violas (and cellos and basses, but today only the V instruments get to star in the show).

Then there’s vinegar.  While it won’t kill the current virus, it does kill lots of other stuff, and mixed half and half with Dawn dish detergent, it actually does get soap scum off of bathroom surfaces.  It has to be left on a hard case of scum for about an hour, then scrubbed, then rinsed forever, but it does eventually work.

Vitamins are a blessing, they catch the gaps in even the healthiest eater’s food plan, and we are certainly blessed to have them in this day and age.  Life was much tougher when deficiency diseases were common.

The funny videos people are putting out about this virus situation is helping keep my sense of humor intact, and i am very thankful for those clever people.

Learning new vocabulary in my Spanish lessons is a thankful thing, as at least some of the words seem to be sticking.

There, a veritable treasure trove of V things for which to be thankful.

Please write up your own list and link up to Ten Things of Thankful, where Kristi and her co-hosts always have a warm welcome waiting.  

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Today is:

Adonia -- Greece (women's festival mourning the death of Adonis; date approximate)

ANZAC Day -- Australia; Christmas Island; Cocos (Keeling) Islands; Cook Islands; New Zealand; Niue; Norfolk Island; Tonga

Army Day -- North Korea

DNA Day -- structure of DNA first published this day in 1953; human genome project ended today in 2003

Duck Appreciation Society Day -- The Duck Appreciation Society (some sites say May 10; either way, go feed the ducks if you like them, but not stale white bread, it's no better for them than it is for us)

East Meets West Day -- Allies from the East and West finally met up this day in 1945 about 75 miles from Berlin

Festival of Robigalia -- Ancient Roman Calendar (to protect against corn blight; festival of Robiga and Rogibus, the brother and sister fertility gods)

Flag Day -- Faroe Islands; Swaziland

Hairstylist Appreciation Day -- if you have a good one, let him/her know (some sites put this on the 30th)

Hug A Plumber Day -- because when you are knee deep in it, you really need them around

International Marconi Day -- a 24-hour amateur radio event annually near the birth anniversary of Marconi (Apr. 25, 1874)

Liberation Day -- Italy; Portugal

National Crayola Day -- no one claims starting this holiday, observe it with your children/grandchildren/nieces/nephews/kids down the street, and remember how fun it is to color pictures

National Go Birding Day -- US (but feel free to participate wherever you are, birding is fun!)

National Herb Day -- different from the HerbDay in May, and unsponsored

National Sense of Smell Day -- US (sponsored by the Sense of Smell Institute, encouraging museums and science centers to focus on how the sense of smell plays an important role in daily life and how it interacts with other senses; While celebrating, remember those with anosmia [diminished ability or totaly inability to smell])

National Zucchini Bread Day -- they hold this at a time when you are not yet sick of all that zucchini you grew in the garden

Parental Alienation Awareness Day -- raising awareness of Parental Alienation or Hostile Aggressive Parenting   

Ramadan -- Islam (began sunset yesterday, through May 24)

Red Hat Society Day -- first Red Hat Tea Party held this day in 1998

Save the Frogs Day -- the world's largest day of amphibian education and conservation action  

Sinai Liberation Day -- Egypt

St. Mark the Evangelist's Day (Patron of attorneys/barristers/lawyers/notaries, captives, glaziers, imprisoned people/prisoners, lions, stained glass workers, struma patients; Egypt; Boretto, Italy; Creazzo, Italy; Infanta, Philippines; Ionian Islands; Pordenone, Italy; Sonnino, Italy; Venice, Italy; against impenitence, insect bites, scrofulous diseases, struma)

Tag des Baumes -- Germany (Tree Day/Arbor Day)

World Healing Day / World Tai Chi and Qigong Day  

World Malaria Day / Malaria Awareness Day -- WHO and the International Community

World Penguin Day -- because they begin migrating on or around this day 

World Veterinary Day -- World Veterinary Association    

20-Something Service Day -- can't find who started this one, but it's a good idea, whomever it was, whether you are 20 or older to do some community service or volunteer work regularly

Anniversaries Today:

Theodore Roosevelt National Park is established, ND, US, 1947
The United Negro College Fund is founded, 1944

Birthdays Today:

Jacob Underwood, 1980
Emily Bergl, 1975
Jason Lee, 1970
Renee Zellweger, 1969
Hank Azaria, 1964
Jeffrey DeMunn, 1947
Talia Shire, 1946
Stu Cook, 1945
Bjorn Ulvaeus, 1945
Al Pacino, 1940
"Meadowlark" Lemon, 1932
Paul Mazursky, 1930
Albert King, 1923
Ella Fitzgerald, 1918
Edward R. Murrow, 1908
William Joseph Brennan, Jr., 1906
John Henry "Pop" Lloyd, 1884
Guglielmo Marconi, 1874

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Little Murders"(Play), 1967
"Romulus the Great"(Play), 1949
"Another Language"(Play), 1932
"Turandot"(Opera), 1926
Robinson Crusoe(Publication date), 1719

Today in History:

Lysander's Spartan Armies defeated the Athenians and the Peloponnesian War ends, BC404
German geographer and mapmaker Martin Waldseemuller publishes his Cosmographiae Introductio map in which he gives the American continents their name, 1507
Highwayman Nicholas Pelletier becomes the first person executed by guillotine, 1792
Charles Fremantle arrives in the HMS Challenger off the coast of modern-day Western Australia prior to declaring the Swan River Colony for the United Kingdom, 1829
The last survivors of the Donner Party arrive back in civilization, 1847
The Governor General of Canada, Lord Elgin, signs the Rebellion Losses Bill, outraging Montreal's English population and triggering the Montreal Riots, 1849
British and French engineers break ground for the Suez Canal, 1859
New York State becomes the first US state to require automobiles to be licensed, 1901
First DC Comic with Batman is published, 1939
Fifty nations gather in San Francisco, California to begin the United Nations Conference on International Organizations, 1945
Francis Crick and James D. Watson publish Molecular structure of nucleic acids: a structure for deoxyribose nucleic acid describing the double helix structure of DNA, 1953
The St. Lawrence Seaway, linking the North American Great Lakes and the Atlantic Ocean, officially opens to shipping, 1959
Robert Noyce is granted a patent for an integrated circuit, 1961
Israel completes its withdrawal from the Sinai peninsula per the Camp David Accords, 1982
American schoolgirl Samantha Smith is invited to visit the Soviet Union by its leader Yuri Andropov after he read her letter in which she expressed fears about nuclear war, 1983
Pioneer 10 travels beyond Pluto's orbit, 1983
The Hubble Telescope is deployed, 1990
The Human Genome Project comes to an end 2.5 years before first anticipated, 2003
The final piece of the Obelisk of Axum is returned to Ethiopia  after being stolen by the invading Italian army in 1937, 2005
Bulgaria and Romania sign accession treaties to join the European Union, 2005
The U.S. government 'condemns' international media outlets, including 'The New York Times' for publishing confidential files, 2011
The United Kingdom reopens its embassy in Somalia after 22 years, 2013
A fossil unearthed in China has been identified as a new pterosaur species; named Kryptodrakon progenitor, the fossil is the first of its kind to show traits of pterodactyls, giant flying reptiles, 2014
Microsoft becomes the third US firm to be listed with a market worth of 1 trillion, after Apple and Amazon, 2019


  1. I'm thankful that this morning was sunny so six of us could gather, two meters apart, in a circle to celebrate an 84th birthday.

  2. So thankful for so many things. Thank you Lord.

    God bless.

  3. I am a recent convert to the vinegar/Dawn cleaning product but goodness, am I happy with it! Sooo much less scrubbing needed than with scouring powder and so much nicer smelling than the chemical crap that doesn't work as well.
    *nod, nod*

  4. Top of my list would be vacations too - I was due to visit Cuba in a a couple of months, now I'm going nowhere, not even camping in the UK which is something I do between trips. My feet have never been so itchy!

  5. You, Miss M, are the veritable champion of versatility :)
    I'm sorry your vacation this year won't be the vacation expected. I'm with you on vitamins, appreciate the tip about vinegar and had no idea you were vegan! While I am not, I do love me some broccoli. And HUGE salads :D Good luck with your Spanish lessons and music? Oh, yeah..the air we breath. Have a wonderful week, Mimi!

  6. Beautiful thankful list. I am thankful for each new day to be able to see the sunrises and harvesting the produce from my garden and getting to enjoy them too.

  7. Your thankful list is so thoughtful. Have a lovely day and don't forget the frogs! We have a lot of tree frogs here and they make me laugh-so very very small but with a very very LOUD croak! Cheers!

  8. Wonderful thankful list of V's ~ almost a bit poetic at times too.

    Be Well,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  9. How very interesting that World Veterinary Day fell on your TToTs beginning with V!
    Hope you can go on two vacations when COVID-19 decides it is done!
    Have a good week, Mimi!

  10. I'm not a vegan, but I'm definitely a fellow broccoli lover.
    And I'm thankful for Diane (On the Border) too, she's a great friend.

  11. Excellent list of v's to be thankful for. I am most thankful for the veterinarians too.

  12. Very .... (damn! totally sure I could do a V-Illiterative comment and get stopped in my tracks!)
    Excellent work as always, and surely V is not the most versatile of letters.*
    have an excellent week

    *oh, sure, now they show up at the end of the comment! lol

  13. I love your list again this week. I took violin lessons for a very short time, but have been thinking I should use this time to rosin up my bow and practice again. (I also probably should review Spanish, too--it's been decades since my last Spanish class, and I've forgotten much more than I remember!)Thanks for the encouragement through your example! (And while I'm vegetarian, and mostly vegan, I'm still struggling to go 100%, so once more, thanks for your example!)

  14. Veggies and vitamins are pretty good things!

    I haven't heard of the thankful post. That'd be something I could get into. Maybe next month.

    I hope you and yours are staying safe and healthy during this difficult time.

    J Lenni Dorner~ Co-host of the #AtoZchallenge, Debut Author Interviewer, Reference& Speculative Fiction Author


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