
Sunday, May 10, 2020

But First (Cajun Joke) and Sunday Selections


Just because Sandee of Comedy Plus is no longer hosting a Silly Sunday blog hop, do not expect me to quit telling Cajun jokes, especially as it has now become a habit.

Yesterday at Grandma and Grandpa's, a serious discussion was held of great importance, namely, what's for lunch?

Grandma is thin.  She's never been seriously overweight, but lately she just has no appetite.  Unlike in years past when, as i said, she wasn't fat, but she did watch her weight and sometimes diet to lose a few pounds.

Clothile done be complain to Aline dat she need her to lose some weight.

An' Aline say, "Mère, how 'bout we bot' go on de diet, an' we make it de contes' to see who lose de mos', an' if you win, I gots to pay you back de ten dollar I done borrow las' mont', and if'n I win, I don' gots to pay you back."

An' Clothile say, "Dat be de great idea, but how 'bout we start in two weeks?"

An' Aline say, "What fo' we wait two weeks?"

An' Clothile say, "Mais, if'n I be goin' on a diet, I gots me some t'ings i be wantin' eat firs'!"


Sunday Selections was started as a way for bloggers to use photos that might otherwise just languish in their files.  The rules have been relaxed, and it is now simply a showcase for your photos, new or old, good or bad, although nothing rude, please.  It is now hosted by Elephant's Child.   

A sign of the day:

The tree Mr. BA called "Turk's cap":


Happy Mother's Day to all who celebrate!


Today is:

Clean up Your Room Day -- one of those holidays that no one knows how it got started, but it's a good idea, especially if your house is decorated by teens in "Recently Ransacked" style!

Constitution Day -- Federated States of Micronesia

Golden Spike Day -- finishing the first US Trancontinental Railroad in 1869

Infant Mortality Awareness Day -- as so many of us celebrate mothers today, let's remember those who have lost children

Mother Ocean Day -- celebrate the wonders of the ocean, wherever you happen to be; day originally proposed by the South Florida Kayak Fishing Club

Mother's Day -- Anguilla; Antigua and Barbuda; Aruba; Australia; Austria; Bahamas; Bangladesh; Barbados; Belgium; Bermuda; Bonaire; Botswana; Brazil; Brunei; Canada; Cambodia; Chile; China(People's Republic of China); Colombia; Croatia; Cuba; Curaçao; Cyprus; Czech Republic; Denmark; Dominica; Ecuador; Estonia; Ethiopia; Fiji; Finland; Germany; Ghana; Gold Coast; Greece; Grenada; Guyana; Honduras; Hong Kong; Iceland; India; Italy; Jamaica; Japan; Kurdistan; Latvia; Liberia; Liechtenstein; Macao; Malaysia; Malta; Myanmar; Netherlands; New Zealand; Pakistan; Papua New Guinea; Peru; Philippines; Puerto Rico; Saint Kitts and Nevis; Saint Lucia; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; Samoa; Singapore; Sint Maarten; Slovakia; South Africa; Sri Lanka; Suriname; Switzerland; Taiwan; Tanganyika; Tonga; Trinidad and Tobago; Turkey; Uganda; Ukraine; United States; Uruguay; Vietnam; Venezuela; Zambia; Zimbabwe                  

Mother's Day -- Belize; El Salvador; Guatemala; Mexico (always May 9 in these countries)

National Shrimp Day

Nazul Al-Quran -- Brunei Darussalam; Malaysia (Quran Revelation Day)

Pithi Chrat Preah Neanng Korl -- Cambodia (Royal Ploughing Ceremony, to mark the beginning of the rice growing season)

Resistance and Liberation Day -- Lebanon

State Flag and State Emblem Day -- Belarus

St. Cathal's Day (Patron of blind people, drought relief, epileptics, paralyzed people; Taranto, Italy; against blindness, drought, epilepsy, hernias, paralysis, plagues, storms)

St. Father Damien of Moloka'i's Day (Patron of lepers, outcasts, those with HIV/AIDS; Hawaii)

St. Job the Patriarch's Day (Patron against depression and ulcers)

Trust Your Intuition Day -- practice, and you'll get better at it

Birthdays Today:

Kenan Thompson, 1978
Amanda Borden, 1977
Jason Brooks, 1966
Paul "Bono" Hewson, 1960
Phil and Steve Mahre, 1957
Donovan, 1946
Dave Mason, 1946
Marie-France Pisier, 1944
Judith Jamison, 1943
Gary Owens, 1936
Barbara Taylor Bradford, 1933
Pat Summerall, 1930
Ara Raoul Parseghian, 1923
Nancy Walker, 1922
T. Berry Brazelton, 1918
"Mother" Maybelle Carter, 1909
David O. Selznick, 1902
Fred Astaire, 1899
Max Steiner, 1888
Karl Barth, 1868
George Ross, 1730
Emperor Fushimi of Japan, 1265
Emperor Claudius, 213

Debuting/Premiering Today:

Twister(Film), 1996
"The Rest of the Story"(Radio), 1976
Piano Concerto No. 2 in F major(Shostakovich Op. 102), 1957

Today in History:

The Roman armies under Titus open a full scale assault on Jerusalem, 70
Vienna's church orders all Jews to wear a distinctive garb, 1267
Scottish nobles recognize authority of English king Edward I, 1291
Amerigo Vespucci allegedly leaves on a voyage to the New World, 1497
Christopher Columbus "discovers" the Cayman Islands, 1503
Jacques Cartier visits Newfoundland, 1534
Scottish Protestants under John Knox uprise against queen-mother Mary, 1559
England forcefully annexes Jamaice from Spain, 1655
Benjamin Franklin first tests the lightning rod, 1752
Louis XVI becomes King of France, 1774
The Barbary pirates of Tripoli declare war on the United States of America, 1801
New York City banks fail, and unemployment reaches record levels, 1837
In India, the first war of Independence begins, 1857
The First Transcontinental Railroad, linking the eastern and western United States, is completed at Promontory Summit, Utah (not Promontory Point, Utah) with the golden spike, 1869
Romania  declares itself independent from Turkey, 1877
The Supreme Court of the United States rules in Nix v. Hedden that a tomato is a vegetable, not a fruit, under the Tariff Act of 1883, 1893
The first Mother's Day is observed, 1908
J. Edgar Hoover is appointed Director of the FBI, 1924
First successful launch of a V-2 rocket at White Sands Proving Ground, 1946
Bill Haley & His Comets release "Rock Around the Clock", the first rock and roll record to reach number one on the Billboard charts, 1954
The nuclear submarine USS Triton completes Operation Sandblast, the first underwater circumnavigation of the earth, 1960
The Federated States of Micronesia  becomes self-governing, 1979
François Mitterrand becomes the first Socialist President of France in the French 5th republic, 1981
Nelson Mandela is inaugurated as South Africa's first black president, 1994
Deadliest day on the mountain: a rogue storm on Everest claims 8 lives, including experienced climbers, 1996
The Maeslantkering, a storm surge barrier in the Netherlands that is one of the world's largest moving structures, is opened by Queen Beatrix, 1997
Solicitor General Elena Kagan is the youngest Justice and third woman nominated for the Supreme Court of the United States, 2010
Microsoft announces plans to purchase Skype, 2011
An Indian fertility clinic announces that a 70 year old woman has successfully gave birth to a baby boy, 2016
The United States Geological Survey releases a report saying that some glaciers in Montana have receded by 85% in the last 50 years, 2017
Mahathir Mohamad is sworn in as the seventh Prime Minister of Malaysia, the world's oldest leader at 92, 2018


  1. love the joke, I ate up a few things from my fridge too before I got serious about the diet.
    "Turks Cap"? It's beautiful! Does it have any other name? A name I could take to the nursery and find out more about it?

    1. Looked up the image on google, and came up with flowering maple and Chinese lantern, i don't know if that helps.

  2. Happy Mothers' Day.
    Turks Cap is an absolute stunner and thank you for following the progression of the blooms.

  3. Turk's Cap - what a beautiful flower. And a new one to me. Thanks for this visual treat!

  4. Happy Mothers Day

    LOL @ the joke that would be me too start the diest after I have ate everything heheh!

    I liked all the photos fab blooms :-)

    Have a bloomingsafetastic Sunday 😷😷😷

  5. I start a diet the same way.

  6. Count me in, let's eat! Happy Mother's Day from all of us!

  7. ☆¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.¸☆ ★ ☆¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.¸☆
    ╔╗╔╦══╦═╦═╦╗╔╗ ★ ★ ★
    ║╚╝║══║═║═║╚╝║ ☆¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.¸☆
    ║╔╗║╔╗║╔╣╔╩╗╔╝ ★ MOTHER’S DAY ☆
    ╚╝╚╩╝╚╩╝╚╝═╚╝ ♥¥☆★☆★☆¥♥ ★☆ ♥♥♥

  8. Cute joke! Beautiful photos of the stages of the plant. Happy Mother's Day! XO

  9. Drat!
    I'm 2 away from the right zone to grow Turk's Cap!

  10. Great Cajun joke and gorgeous floral pics ~ that orange and red one is unique looking ~ ^_^

    Be Well, Happy Mother's Day
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  11. Our best topic for discussion is always about what to eat. I have been trying to go on a diet to lose some weight but it haven't really got started. That is an interesting looking plant and flower. Happy Mother's Day!


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