
Monday, June 15, 2020

Budding Architects (Awww Monday), Inspiring Quote of the Week, and Growing (Poetry Monday)


Awww Monday is hosted by Sandee at Comedy Plus.

Join us every Monday for Awww...Mondays.  Post a picture that makes you say Awww... and that's it.

Make sure you get the code from Sandee's site, linked above, and leave a link to your post so we can visit you.  What better way to start the week than with a smile!

Budding architects at the beach:


Sparks, the brainchild of Annie of McGuffy's Reader, is on hiatus, so here's an Inspiring Quote of the Week in her honor.



Poetry Monday was started by Diane at On The Alberta/Montana Border.  She and Jenny at Procrastinating Donkey take turns providing a theme each week.   Charlotte/Mother Owl almost always participates, too.  This week the theme is The Delights/Disasters of Growing Your Own.                    

It’s sad to say
There will not soon
Come a day
Someone will swoon
Over veggies i have grown.

If i try
To grow a flower
It will die,
Not become a bower,
No flowers have i grown.

All i can raise
Is a kid or cat
And so i praise
All of you that
A garden you have grown.


Today is:

A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed Day -- simply a good day to remember this, and thank a friend

Dia del Arbol -- Costa Rica (Tree Day/Arbor Day)

Fly A Kite Day (on the anniversary of Ben Franklin's kite experiment)

Global Wind Day -- to celebrate wind energy   

Magna Carta Day -- UK (King John set his seal on the document this day in 1215)

Mangaia Gospel Day -- Mangaia, Cook Islands

Native American Citizenship Day -- US (passage, in 1924, of the legislation recognizing citizenship of Native Americans in the US)

National Heroes' Day -- Bermuda

National Lobster Day

Nature Photography Day -- sponsored by the North American Nature Photography Association   

Peace of Chaco Day / Chaco Armistice Day -- Paraguay and Bolivia (commemorates the end of a war between the two)

Queen's Birthday -- Anguilla; Cayman Islands; Gibraltar; Montserrat; Norfolk Island

Ride to Work Day -- ride your motorcycle or scooter!  if you don't have one, watch out for those who do  

Salvation Day/National Day of Salvation -- Azerbaijan

Separation Day -- Delaware, US (date of declaration of separation from England and Pennsylvania)

Smile Power Day -- test out smile power today, it's free!

Sneak a Kiss Day -- usual litany of cautions with this internet generated holiday

St. Vitus' Day (Patron of actors, comedians, dancers, dogs, epilepsy sufferers; against animal attacks, dog bites, epilepsy, lightning, oversleeping, rheumatic chorea, Saint Vitus' Dance, snake bites, storms, wild beasts; Badia Calavena, Italy; Czech Republic; Forio, Italy; Prague, Czech Republic; Recanati, Italy; Vacha, Germany; Wetsens, Netherlands; Zeven, Germany)

Valdemar's Day and Reunion Day -- Denmark (an official Flag Day)

Vestalia -- Ancient Roman Calendar (main and final celebration, in which the Temple of Vesta was swept clean)

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day -- because our elders deserve to be protected and cared for properly     

Anniversaries Today:

King Hussein of Jordan marries Lisa Halaby (Queen Noor), 1978
Gustaf, Crown Prince of Sweden marries Princess Margaret of Connaught, 1905
Arkansas becomes the 25th US State, 1836

Birthdays Today:

William Dean Martin, 1981
Neil Patrick Harris, 1973
Leah Remini, 1970
Ice Cube, 1969
Lisa McCall, 1969
Dina Meyer, 1969
Courtneney Cox Arquette, 1964
Helen Hunt, 1963
Julie Hagerty, 1955
Jim Belushi, 1954
Simon Callow, 1949
Nicola Pagett, 1945
Waylon Jennings, 1937
Mario Cuomo, 1932
Erroll Garner, 1921
Muzaffer Tema, 1919
Bob Wian, 1914
Edvard Grieg, 1843
Rachel Donelson Robards Jackson, 1767
Henry FitzRoy, illegitimate son of Henry VIII, 1519
Edward the Black Prince, 1330

Debuting/Premiering Today:

The Lion King(Animated film), 1994
Dick Tracy(Film), 1990
"Hee Haw"(TV), 1969
"My Little Margie"(TV), 1952

Today in History:

The Assyrians record a solar eclipse that is later used to fix the chronology of Mesopotamian history, BC763
King John of England puts his seal to the Magna Carta, 1215
The first human blood transfusion is administered by Dr. Jean-Baptiste Denys, 1667
Benjamin Franklin proves that lightning is electricity, 1752
Delaware votes to suspend government under the British Crown and separate officially from Pennsylvania, 1776
Jean-François Pilâtre de Rozier, co-pilot of the first-ever manned flight (1783), and his companion, Pierre Romain, become the first-ever casualties of an air crash when their hot air balloon explodes during their attempt to cross the English Channel, 1785
Charles Goodyear receives a patent for vulcanization, a process to strengthen rubber, 1844
The Oregon Treaty establishes the 49th parallel as the border between the United States and Canada, from the Rocky Mountains to the Strait of Juan de Fuca, 1846
Crown Prince Wilhelm becomes Kaiser Wilhelm II and is the last emperor of the German Empire, 1888
The most destructive tsunami in Japan's history kills more than 22,000 people, 1896
A fire aboard the steamboat SS General Slocum in New York City's East River kills 1000, 1904
Tabulating Computing Recording Corporation (IBM) is incorporated, 1911
U.S. President Woodrow Wilson signs a bill incorporating the Boy Scouts of America, making them the only American youth organization with a federal charter, 1916
A German expedition led by Karl Wien lost sixteen members in an avalanche on Nanga Parbat (9th highest mountain), the largest single day loss of life on an 8,000m peak, 1937
In the Saskatchewan general election, the CCF, led by Tommy Douglas, is elected and forms the first socialist government of North America, 1944
Israel and Vatican City establish full diplomatic relations, 1994
Near earth asteroid 2002 MN misses the Earth by 75,000 miles (121,000 km), about one-third of the distance between the Earth and the Moon, 2002
In Bulgaria, remains that some believe to be the bones of John the Baptist, are scientifically proven to be from a Middle Eastern man and dated to be from the first century AD, 2012
Scotland Yard launches criminal inquiry and British Prime Minister Theresa May announces a public inquiry a day after the Grenfell Tower fire, 2017


  1. I love the sand castle, it's been a long while since I made one. About 18 years I think, with my grand daughter who is now 26.
    I like your poem :)

  2. You grow different things. All of those people who raise children have my respect. And awe.

  3. That's so clever the sand sculptures such talent :-)

    I liked the quote and your poem too

    Have a safetastic day 😷😷😷

  4. We love seeing sand creations on the beach. Some people really have a talent for it.

  5. Building sand castles at the beach is a great way for any budding architect hone their design skills.
    I haven't photographed much nature lately and it's starting to get a little too hot to be out in the middle of the day. Besides, morning and evening are the best times to capture images of nature. Have a blessed week.

  6. Are you at the beach? I hope so. You so need some quiet time.

    Love the Spark. That's me.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Big hug. ♥

  7. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful post today!

  8. Ooooh! Love the sandcastle ~ and great quote ^_^

    Be Safe, Be Well,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  9. that beach house is built better than mine !! ☺☺♥♥

    IBM is older than my grandparents ☺☺☺☺☺

  10. ....... All i can raise
    Is a kid or cat
    And so i praise
    All of you that
    A garden you have grown.

    Mimi, I just love the poems you show each week. Thank you my friend. It helps me to get through these times.

    Cruisin Paul

  11. Growing kids and cats are vital skills, Mimi - what would we do without folks who can do those things? I like what you've expressed with this poem.

  12. I agree - we can't all be good at everything. How boring would that be! I like the way you managed to convey your thoughts so succinctly. A short poem often says just as much as a long one.

  13. Great castles! Admiring the skill and patience you all took to make them.

  14. Cute poem and excellent spark. I like the sandcastles too. XO

  15. Boy! It's a long, long time since I've built sand castles, other than in my mind! :)

  16. I love the story of the children and the storyteller at the beach. When I lived in NC they had sand sculpture competitions periodically and those were always fascinating.

  17. Alcalador decided right from the beginning that he should have stayed in dragon form in order to soar to their destination. He decided he would obtain a larger bag for his clothes and his gold which he could hang round his neck whilst he was in dragon form, it would be easy enough to carry the witch on his back. He would have to do all his flying by night of course, he had to make an allowance for all the disbelieving souls who would be terrified by his appearance. He discussed it with Eleuthera and she agreed. However, she had a large shoulder bag with her which she said would take his clothes so long as she moved things around to distribute the garments evenly, They had arrived at a beach so they decided to sit on an available log – being careful which way they entered the circle – and make the necessary arrangements. Being a witch of course, her bag was bottomless and she could store all kinds of things including a brush and comb and even so the clothes would come out looking quite elegant. Alcalador said he was in her debt. So, waiting until it was dark, he asked her to turn her back, more for her modesty than his own, he undressed and turned back into a gorgeous black dragon with the moonlight glinting from his scales. He carefully walked out of the circle whilst Eleuthera picked up his clothes and folded them for him. She then followed him and he squatted so she could climb onto his back. Brushing the sand off her feet she did just that and with an enormous jump, Alcalador took to the air lofting above like a giant eagle.


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