
Saturday, June 6, 2020

Full List (Ten Things of Thankful)


This month marks the 7th Anniversary of the Ten Things of Thankful Blog Hop.

While i am not sure how long i’ve been participating, i know it’s not been nearly that long.

You would think by this time i’d have had learned to give myself more time to get a Thankful Day post done, but here i am again, after a 10 hour day, behind several other long days, wondering what i’m going to say.

Yes, i am thankful, so very thankful for so much.  Being introduced to the TToT for one.

This past week, Bigger Girl sent me a text with a picture of a very, very ugly bruise on her leg.

The text read, in part, that while she was delivering a pizza for her job, she fell through a customer’s porch!  She had to pry boards up to get her leg loose.

We are thankful she wasn’t seriously injured, just her dignity and a bit of bruising.

We are thankful the leg is healing just fine, and showing no signs of having been seriously damaged.

Then i am thankful she called me for advice.  She was very upset with the person who lived there, who was not only not really concerned that someone might have been injured falling through the porch, but was trying to scam the pizza place out of free food, and didn’t give her a tip.

She wanted to know if she should write the woman a nasty, anonymous letter.  My advice was to remember that there are people of every income level that are high class, and people of every income level who are low class, and this woman of obviously not much means was low class.  When dealing with a low class person, always behave with high class yourself.  If you always take the high road, you have no regrets and don’t end up feeling badly about yourself later.

Thankfully, she liked the advice and took it, and i hope she will remember it in the future.

Also, she is thankful her manager went to see the homeowner and scolded her for both trying to scam the company and putting his workers in danger with her house.  That made her feel better that he looked out for her, and it made me feel thankful for him, too.

Sweetie had two days of work this past week with The Big Boss, and we are thankful for the extra pay.

The oldest of our cats, Little Girlie, Tripod SissyCat, and Horizon, are all 14 and starting to look a little thin in the haunches, as so many older cats do at times.  We are thankful they are responding to being given a bit of extra food, the canned stuff, and i am sure they are thankful for it, too.  (Dansig and Link, both a bit overweight, are not thankful that they can tell other cats are getting treats they are denied, but that’s “a cat of a different color”, so to speak.)

Coda, our Little Girl’s dog, is spending the weekend with us, we are always thankful for that.  (Enigma SissyCat is not thankful, she despises dogs, but again, a whole different topic.)

We, meaning Coda and i, get to go to Grandma and Grandpa’s today, and i am thankful i can go help them and Coda will be very thankful to play with Lulu, her best buddy that she doesn’t see often enough.

There we are, a full Thankful Day list.

Please write up your own list and link up to Ten Things of Thankful, where Kristi and her co-hosts always have a warm welcome waiting.  

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!
Click here to enter


Today is:

Bonza Bottler Day™

Children's Day -- North Korea

Drawing Day/Pencil Day -- used to be sponsored on the first Saturday with the motto "Drop Everything and Draw", but even though no longer promoted by any specific group, you can still enjoy some time drawing today

D-Day -- 71st Anniversary

Drive-In Movie Day*

Helicopter Day -- the first one was tested in Berlin on this day in 1936

Hyun Choong Il -- South Korea (Memorial Day)

Judgement Day -- Fairy Calendar (Petal Hats)

National Applesauce Cake Day

Nationaldagen -- Sweden (National Day)

National Family Recreation Day -- US (seems to have been started by the community of Arvada, CO, US, wanting families to enjoy the great outdoors together)

National Gardening Exercise Day -- because gardening is good for the body and soul

National Health and Fitness Day -- Canada 

National Huntington's Disease Awareness Day -- US

National Trails Day -- US (be safe out there, if you want help becoming a hiker there's info from the American Hiking Society)    

National Yo-Yo Day -- Donald F. Duncan, Sr.'s, birth anniversary; go get out your old Duncan and see if you still remember how to go around the world (but not near Great Aunt Mabel's antique lamp she left you, please)

North American International Auto Show -- Detroit, MI, US (a showcase for the world's vehicle introductions; through the 21st)

Russian Language Day -- UN

Sjómannadagurinn -- Iceland (traditional Seaman's Day was alternately celebrated June 6 or the first Sunday of June, depending on which authority you ask, but is now a weekend long Festival of the Sea)

St. Norbert of Xanten's Day (Patron of peace; Bohemia; Madgeburg, Germany; against birth complications)

Teachers' Day -- Bolivia

Birthdays Today:

Staci Keanan, 1975
Max Casella, 1967
Paul Giamatti, 1967
Ena, 1966
Amanda Pays, 1959
Bjorn Borg, 1956
Kenny G, 1956
Sandra Bernhard, 1955
Harvey Fierstein, 1954
Harvey Fierstein, 1952
Robert Englund, 1947
Gary U.S. Bonds, 1939
Marian Wright Edelman, 1939
Billy Whitelaw, 1932
Thomas Mann, 1875
Robert Falcon Scott, 1868
Alexander Pushkin, 1799
Nathan Hale, 1755

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"20/20"(TV), 1978
"Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust"(Album release), 1972
"(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction"(Song release), 1965

Today in History:

Twenty-four wagonloads of Talmudic books are burned in Paris, 1242
The Qing Dynasty Manchu forces led by the Shunzhi Emperor capture Beijing during the collapse of the Ming Dynasty; the Manchus would rule China until 1912 when the Republic of China is established, 1644
The Ashmolean Museum in Oxford, England, opens as the world's first university  museum, 1683
A devastating fire destroys one-third of Moscow, including 18,000 homes, 1752
Napoleon's brother, Joseph Bonaparte is crowned King of Spain, 1808
The Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) is founded in London, 1844
More than 100,000 inhabitants of Bombay are killed as a cyclone in the Arabian Sea pushes huge waves into the harbour, 1882
The eruption of Novarupta in Alaska begins, the second largest volcanic eruption of the 20th century, 1912
The Chrysler Corporation  is founded by Walter Percy Chrysler, 1925
*The first drive-in theater opens, in Camden, New Jersey, United States, 1933
A new Instrument of Government is promulgated making Sweden a parliamentary monarchy, 1974
Mongolia  holds its first direct presidential elections, 1993
A near-Earth asteroid estimated at 10 meters diameter explodes over the Mediterranean Sea between Greece and Libya with an estimated force slightly greater than the Nagasaki nuclear bomb, 2002
Tamil is established as a Classical Language in India, 2004
In east London, archeologists find remains of the Curtain Theatre, which opened in 1577 and was where some of Shakespeare's plays were performed, 2012
A solar plane, called The Solar Impulse, lands in Morocco after completing the world's first intercontinental flight powered by the Sun, 2012
LeBron James eclipses Michael Jordan's record (109) for most 30-point games in NBA playoff history in Cleveland's Game 3 Finals loss to Golden State, 2018
A Frenchman is announced to have won France's €1 million My Lottery for the second time in 2 years, with odds of 1 in 16 trillion, 2018


  1. It is, as usual, a wonderful list. I am really impressed that your daughter's employer looks out for his staff, and does so with action as well as words.

  2. I'm so thankful Bigger Girl wasn't seriously hurt. I've fallen off porches, but never through one. Also thankful her manager stepped up to say something to the woman. I wonder if he will continue to allow pizzas to be delivered there. I think I might be inclined to blacklist her.

  3. Happy 7 - and as I said earlier you sure live a dramatic life. Soo good that nothing more than bruises happened. And hooray for a good boss!

  4. Praying for your daughter's return to good health. Thank you Lord.

    God bless.

  5. I, for one, don't see how you manage to organize and post such full (of cool info) posts as you do every day.
    I usually scramble to complete a simple post with a music video
    have a good week.
    best to your daughter (and v excellent advice... trying to descend to their level is taxing, she clearly does not have the lifetime of practice the other person does.)

  6. That's quite the good list of thankfuls and we're so glad Bigger Girl was not seriously injured.

  7. I always enjoy your thankfus. I am glad your daughter is OK. Most of my older cats are hyperthyroid. It is an easy fix with a pill or liquid, you may want to get those 3 a blood test. XO

  8. I'm glad your daughter is OK. You gave her good advice.

  9. Yikes to your daughter falling through the porch. I'm glad she's ok and that her boss looked out for her.

  10. Oh my, to your daughter! I delivered pizza in college and had some spooky experiences - like a guy not leaving on his porch light and his four German Shepherds jumping on me. Luckily they didn't bite but one bruised me with the impact. And he did give a large tip after. Glad she's ok!!


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