
Monday, June 29, 2020

Here’s Why (Awww Monday), Inspiring Quote of the Week, and Ugh! A Bug! (Poetry Monday)


Awww Monday is hosted by Sandee at Comedy Plus.

Join us every Monday for Awww...Mondays.  Post a picture that makes you say Awww... and that's it.

Make sure you get the code from Sandee's site, linked above, and leave a link to your post so we can visit you.  What better way to start the week than with a smile!

If you ever want to know why we volunteer with animal rescue, here’s your answer:

If you cannot read it, it says,

                                      Feb. 14, 2020
Dear (NameOfShelter),
I have loved Biscuits since the first day we adopted her.
Thank you for rescuing Biscuits.
We love her very much.
(smiley face)(heart) Thank you,


Sparks, the brainchild of Annie of McGuffy's Reader, is on hiatus, so here's an Inspiring Quote of the Week in her honor.


Poetry Monday was started by Diane at On The Alberta/Montana Border She and Jenny at Procrastinating Donkey take turns providing a theme each week.   Charlotte/Mother Owl almost always participates, too.  This week the theme is Bugs.          

Summer is the season
To go outside and play,
While there you will see bugs
‘Cause out is where they should stay.
But sometimes rogues will wander
The wild things like to roam,
And in their quest for foodstuff
Will come into your home.
Some of them are germy
Have a fly swatter near,
Some are really harmless,
Set them outside with no fear.
But some of them are awful,
To them i give no aid,
But just say “ugh! a bug!”
And grab a trusty can of Raid!


Today is:

Autonomy Day -- French Polynesia

Camera Day -- internet generated, but a fun one to celebrate

Feast Day of Saints Peter and Paul -- Christian
    St. Paul, Patron of Greece, Malta, rope makers, tentmakers, upholsterers
    St. Peter, Patron of clockmakers, fishermen, Russia; against fever, foot trouble, wolves
    a recognized holiday in Chile; Holy See; Italy; Malta[l-Imnarja]; Peru; GR and TI, Switzerland; Wallis and Fortuna
    Haro Wine Festival -- Haro, LaRioja, Spain (a festival that includes a Battle of Wines, where wine is thrown from buckets at opposing teams; on the feast day of the city's patron, San Pedro)
    Rat-Catcher's Day -- often cited because some of the earliest legends of the Pied Piper claim he took the children on the Feast Day of Sts. Peter and Paul

Hug Holiday -- while the National Hug Holiday Week has been moved to the beginning of May, this is the original day, and was for quite a while, so go give someone a big hug!

Independence Day -- Seychelles

Kirkpinar Oil Wrestling Festival -- Kirkpinar, Edirne, Turkey (since 1362, the oldest wrestling festival in the world as well as the oldest continually running, sanctioned sporting event in the world, in which men clad in leather britches and covered in olive oil wrestle; through Sunday)

National Almond Butter Crunch Day

Oharai/Grand Purification Festival -- Shinto

Please Take My Children To Work Day -- originally sponsored by; a tongue-in-cheek way to request that you give a full- or part-time stay-at-home mom a break today!

Runic Half-month Feoh (wealth) commences

Waffle Iron Day -- don't know why today, but it's a great gadget, and if you have one, pull it out and use it today

Wicked Fairies Summer Debate -- Fairy Calendar (i'd love to hear this!)

Birthdays Today:

Prince Aristide Stavros of Greece and Denmark, 2008
Amanda Donohoe, 1962
Sharon Lawrence, 1962
Fred Grandy, 1948
Richard Lewis, 1947
Gary Busey, 1944
Robert Evans, 1930
Ray Harryhausen, 1920
Slim Pickens, 1919
Bernard Herrmann, 1911
Nelson Eddy, 1901
Antoine de Saint-Exupery, 1900
James Van Der Zee, 1886
William James Mayo, 1863
George Washington Goethals, 1858
Julia Clifford Lathrop, 1858

Debuting/Premiering Today:

Moonraker(Film), 1979

Today in History:

An Irish monastic chronicler records a solar eclipse, 512
Jacques Cartier makes the European discovery of Prince Edward Island, 1534
The Globe Theatre in London, England burns to the ground, 1613
Alexander Macdonell and over five hundred Roman Catholic highlanders leave Scotland to settle in Glengarry County, Ontario, 1786
Coal is discovered on Vancouver Island, 1850
Ninety-nine people are killed in Canada's worst railway disaster near St-Hilaire, Quebec, 1864
France annexes Tahiti, 1880
The first known recording of classical music, Handel's "Israel in Egypt", is made on a wax cylinder, 1888
Street railway in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, commences operation, 1891
Doukhobors burn their weapons as a protest against conscription by the Tsarist Russian government, 1895
France grants 1 km² at Vimy Ridge "freely, and for all time, to the Government of Canada, the free use of the land exempt from all taxes," 1922
Joseph-Armand Bombardier of Canada receives a patent for sprocket and track traction system used in snow vehicles, 1937
Isabel Perón is sworn in as the first female President of Argentina, 1974
The Seychelles  become independent from the United Kingdom, 1976
The space shuttle Atlantis docks with the Russian Mir Space Station for the first time, 1995
Two car bombs are found at Piccadilly Circus, in the heart of London, 2007
News that European Union members agree on a deal to help some struggling Eurozone members causes world stock markets to soar, 2012
The Beijing Times reports that up to 30% of the Great Wall of China has disappeared, partly due to natural forces of decay and partly due to people stealing bricks, 2015
Iraqi forces retake the remains of the destroyed Great Mosque of al-Nuri from the Islamic State; it was the symbolic site where their leader had declared a "caliphate", 2017


  1. Funny poem :)
    We used to have spray called Baygon which worked really well, now we have Raid which is useless in my opinion, so I don't buy it anymore. I squish the bugs instead.

  2. That is definitely an awww moment.
    Baygon gave me an instant migraine and nausea. I am glad it is gone.
    I escort bugs outside. Jazz eats some and himself, like River, squishes them.

  3. I will use Baygon or Shelltox or a fly swatter.

  4. Aww! what a lovely message it's ones like that that make a lot of difference :-)

    Spot on quote and I liked your poem :-)

    Have a safetastic Monday 😷😷😷

  5. Hehe, funny poem, I see you running around alternately escorting, swatting or spraying bugs. I'm almost with you on the bug front, only eviction or swatting ever happens here. The worst in chemical wars are those small thingies containing something delicious - and poisonous - for ants, as I cant swat them all inside their nests under the house.
    Letters like the one you show really makes you r day (or month).

  6. Mom says fighting change is usually a huge waste of time and energy. Go with it and in time you will learn to accept it.

  7. That was such a nice little note from Ethan! That was a wonderful Spark and a cute poem too.

  8. I have to admit, I celebrate camera day at least once a week.
    Socrates was right, the quickest way to kill progress is to say, "We've never done it that way before." Have a blessed week.

  9. Aw on that letter from Ethan. Yes that's why you do what you do.

    Love the Spark. Spot on.

    Love the poem. That's the way we roll around here too.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Big hug. ♥

  10. That letter is just the sweetest thing, makes it all worth it.

  11. that shelter note is priceless !! and happy birthday mr harryhausen; I've several of your movies in my dvd collection !!! ☺☺☺♥♥♥

  12. That is such a sweet letter. Great poem and excellent spark too.

  13. Perfect poem! Raise your raid can with pride!
    I know I've said it before, but I just love your days and dates. Husby and I toured the Canadian cemetary in Normandy. One of the most memorable and tender times in my life!

  14. That Spark quote is wonderful. We need to think about that a lot right now especially.

    I've noticed many people (and I'm one) make a big distinction between bugs outside and bugs in the house, lol

  15. Mimi,

    The note left at the shelter was sweet. When our girls were teens they brought on two street kittens that they named Biscuits and Butter. They were the cutest little things. It was joy to have them playing around in the yard but then one night they both disappeared never to be seen again. I don't know what happened to them but it made us all sad. I hate bugs period. I don't care what kind they are, I kill and inspect afterwards.

  16. Quite the variety post ~ and Socrates definitely got it right ~

    Be Safe,Be Well,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)


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