
Saturday, August 8, 2020

By the Notes, a Ten Things of Thankful Post


This week, i took notes.  Yes, it's been crazy, so to get to Thankful Day with all of my thankful things still straight somewhere, most of it had to be jotted down on my phone with the hopes i could remember what the notes meant when i got to them later.  Thankfully, yes, i did remember most of them.

Working with Carl on Monday went well this week, and he remembered and understood when i came on Thursday that i was not there to help him, but his mom.  We are thankful he seems to be understanding and sticking to the plan, especially as work is very difficult for him right now.

It also looks like working with him a half day every Monday is going to free up time for me to help another friend every other Monday afternoon.  That is yet to be worked out, but we are both hopeful.

A couple of weeks ago a friend of #2 Son who has come to our prayer group a few times was asking me about a specific book we were using for our prayer study.  Sunday i asked Mr. BA if we still had a spare copy stashed in the library, and he said yes and to take it.  Bonus, i found the other book we had studied just before that by the same author, kind of a prequel.  Not only am i thankful i was able to get the two books for this nice young man, i was even able to work in dropping them off to him at his work between my own jobs.

This past Tuesday was another Zoom meeting with the Ladies' Circle.  Now, more than half of the ladies who attend this meeting are 75-95 years in age, and getting them on a Zoom meeting is a joy and delight and can be crazy funny to boot.  We are thankful, mostly, to be able to stay in touch and get some encouragement, even when we have to keep restarting with a new meeting every 40 minutes.

Wednesday, you saw the picture.  While i was changing Ms. S's sheets and washing the old set, i noticed the dryer was venting the hot air right back into the apartment.  When i asked, she said she'd had Tim, the maintenance guy, come in but he said there was nothing wrong, that this is how it's supposed to work.

Since i didn't want to have to move the stacked washer/dryer out from the wall by myself (since i was using it at the time, after all), i am thankful i was able to carefully stick my phone behind it and take pictures from several angles until i got a clear shot of the vent hanging straight to the floor.  Then i marched to the front desk and the maintenance supervisor was there, so i showed him the picture and he had someone over in a jiffy.

(My next project is to get them to figure out hooking up her TV again.  The TV worked when it was in the living room, then Ms. S's son got her a bigger TV for the living room and they moved the original one to the bedroom.  They've never been able to hook it up correctly since, and keep saying the TV is defective and too old and won't work with their box.  If that's so, how come it worked for the first 10 months she lived there?  We will keep after them on this one, someone is not hooking it up correctly somehow.  Maybe the maintenance director needs another head's up!)

#1 Son came by to get a package he'd had delivered, and we were so thankful to see him.  Also, about his car, with the mix up and them putting on a new headlight instead of a new turn signal, they've fixed it now, and they didn't charge us a penny because of all that went on!

Once again we are so thankful for good mechanics we trust.

Friday started in a fog, and i don't know why.  For some reason, i just could not get my brain together for the longest time.  Thankfully my client was patient, Sweetie let me stop and sit and figure when i needed to, and it all cleared up and got better as the day went on.

Then we got to the shelter and, oh happy day, Queen Cassie has gone to a home!  Ms. W, one of the founders of the non-profit that started this shelter and the former director, lost one of her very elderly cats not long ago.  She loves working with difficult and hard to live with cats.  In fact, every one she has it like that.  Thus Ms. W came for Cassie and she is now Queen of her own climate controlled Catio.

Today, Thankful Day, as usual i am heading for NOLA and a bout with Grandma and Grandpa's house, trying to rid it of as much Lulu hair as can be gotten rid of in one attempt.  Yes, i am thankful for client's pets, the fact that the mess will be back is job security.

Bonus thankful!  Just as i was finishing up, i got a text from Little Girl.  She got her promotion and is now a Sergeant!

Please write up your own list and link up to Ten Things of Thankful, where Kristi and her co-hosts always have a warm welcome waiting.  

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Today is:

BaBa Day -- Taiwan (ba ba is Mandarin for both "father" and "8-8")

Bonza Bottler Day™

Celebrate Your Lakes Day -- originally a senate resolution in the US state of New Hampshire to celebrate local lakes and ponds, now more widely observed; go enjoy some recreation at a pond, lake, or even river or stream near you!

Dalek Day -- on the birth anniversary of the creator of these Scifi baddies, Terry Nation

Eid-e-Ghadir -- Iran

Elvis Week -- Memphis, TN, US (celebrating The King of Rock 'n Roll through the 16th)

Festival for Venus -- Ancient Roman Calendar (sunset to sunset)

Finest Fairy Finals -- Fairy Calendar (Do only the finest fairies take finals? How do the others get a final grade? :D )

Fourteen Holy Helpers' Day (Patrons against diseases)

Happiness Happens Day -- sponsored by the Secret Society of Happy People, to encourage sharing happiness and discourage parade raining; on the anniversary of their founding in 1997   

Kranti Diwas -- Mumbai (former Bombay), India (a/k/a Freedom Day or Quit India Day; anniversary of Gandhi's Quit India speech to the British authorities in 1942)

Namesday of the Queen -- Sweden (Queen Sylvia; an official Flag Day)

National Frozen Custard Day

Odie Day -- Garfield's pal Odie, who first appeared in the strip on this day in 1978

Sneak Some Zucchini Onto Your Neighbor's Porch Night -- sponsored by Wellcat Holidays, and i love the stuff but can't grow plants to save my life, i'll leave the porch light on for you if you will bring me some!

St. Cyriacus' Day (Patron of the eyes; Altidona, Italy; against diabolical possession, eye disease, and temptations, especially temptations at the time of death)

St. Dominic's Day (Founder of the Dominican Order[Friars]; Patron of astronomers and astronomy, falsely accused people, scientists; Batanes-Babuyanes, Philippines; Bayombong, Philippines; Dominican Republic; Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic; Santo Domingo Indian Pueblo; Valletta, Malta)

St. Mary MacKillop's Day (First native-born Australian saint; Patron of Australia; Wagga Wagga, Australia)

The Date To Create -- can't find anything on this one, just listed at a couple of sites, but go have fun creating something!

Wakulima ya Nane Nane -- Tanzania (Peasants' Day/Farmers' Day)

World Cat Day / International Cat Day -- begun in 2002 by the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) and other animal rights groups    

Birthdays Today:

Roger Federer, 1981
Michael Urie, 1980
Drew Lachey, 1976
The Edge, 1961
Deborah Norville, 1958
Randy Shilts, 1951
Roberta Cooper Ramo, 1942
Keith Carradine, 1949
Connie Stevens, 1938
Dustin Hoffman, 1937
Mel Tillis, 1932
Esther Williams, 1923
Rory Calhoun, 1922
Dino De Laurentis, 1919
Russell Markert, 1899
Fredric March, 1897
Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings, 1896
Emiliano Zapata Salazar, 1879
Matthew Henson, 1866
Emperor Horikawa of Japan, 1079

Today in History:

The Romans destroy the Tower of Antonia, 70
Otto I (The Great) crowned German king, 936
Vijayanagara Empire is rebegun with the crowning of emperor Krishnadeva Raya, 1509
The cornerstone for Tycho Brahe's Uraniborg observatory is laid on Hven, 1576
John Davis enters Cumberland Sound in search of the Northwest Passage, 1585
The first known ascent (indoors) of a hot-air ballon by Bartolomeu de Gusamao, 1709
Jacques Balmat and Dr Michel-Gabriel Paccard become the first to ascend Mont Blanc, 1786
Metal bullet cartridges are patented by Smith and Wesson, 1854
Mimeograph is patented by Thomas Edison, 1876
Wilbur Wright makes the brother's first public flight, at a racecourse in Le Mans, France, 1908
The millionth patent is filed in the United States Patent Office by Francis Holton for a tubeless vehicle tire, 1911
The German airship Graf Zeppelin begins a round-the-world flight, 1929
The United Nations Charter is signed by the United States, the 3rd nation to join, 1945
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is founded by Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand, 1967
Richard Nixon announces his resignation as President of the United States, effective the next day, 1974
The lights go on at Wrigley Field for the first time, making it the last staduim in the majors to host a night game (which was subsequently rained out!), 1988
Iraq occupies and annexes Kuwait, leading to the Gulf War to liberate Kuwait within a couple of weeks, 1990
Confederate submarine H.L. Hunley is raised to the surface after 136 years on the ocean floor, 2000
Archeologist excavating the Templo Mayor, one of the Aztec's main temples in their capital city of Tenochtitlan (now Mexico city), make an unprecedented find - the skeleton of a young woman surrounded by piles of 1,789 human bones, 2012
The Walt Disney Company announces plans to create a new streaming service and cut ties with Netflix, 2017
Australia's most populous state, New South Wales, is declared to be 100% in drought, 2018


  1. Hooray for thankfulness - and congratulations to Little Girl.

  2. Echoing EC here, what a great week you've had!

  3. What a week. So many things to be thankful for.

    God bless.

  4. Congrats to your Sgt 'daughter' ~ what a week ~ you have earned your 'crown' and then some ^_^

    Live each moment with love,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  5. I'm glad you were able to help Ms. S. get her dryer vent fixed properly. It sounds like the maintenance guy does need to be spoken to by his supervisor.

  6. Wow, you had quite a week. A lot of people have been telling me about Zoom. Is it easy to get through your computer? Have a wonderful week end Mimi.

    Cruisin Paul

  7. You must sleep well because you work so darn hard! I always enjoy everything I see and read here. Have a restful weekend and take care. HUGS across the miles XO

  8. That's a great list and congrats to Little Girl! Hey, on the TV thing, lots of stations had to change frequencies lately so maybe that had something to do with it, maybe scanning the channels again would help.

  9. Those continuous Zoom meetings sound like a great way to keep in touch with all those ladies 75-95 years in age. That is impressive.
    You do such a great job taking care of people and making sure every thing is functioning as it should be when they are not able to understand as clearly what needs to be done.
    Glad Son#1 now has the new turn signal he needed.
    Hope you have a good week.

  10. Wonderful list! I use Google meetings for my poetry group. It's free and will keep going as much time as needed.

  11. hey! I did that this week! well, kinda, I did write two of the Grat Items in mid-week, 'cause of the storm and all.
    Nice adapt with the technology!
    Have a boring week ahead!*

    *well, have you read some of these posts!?!

  12. Congrats to Little Girl!
    I am so happy for Cassie. That is nice that you can do Zoom meetings and the elderly can join in as they are probably suffering from isolation right now.

  13. What did we do before we had cameras on our phones? They sure come in handy!


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