
Thursday, August 13, 2020

Like A Candy Shop For Grownups (Six Sentence Story), Ironworks (Good Fences), Not So New Idea (Sammy's Poetry Day), and Just Enough (Brian's Thankful Thursday)


"Are you actually using our Amazon account?" he asked, knowing she preferred to shop more locally whenever possible.

"Yes, the neighbor's daughter and her fiancé are registered there, so I'm looking at what's on their list for their couple's shower next week -- it's nothing like back when we were getting hitched and you registered only your silver service, china pattern and crystal stemware."

"See anything good?"

"I'm thinking the extra large woven storage baskets, they are beautiful and useful, and the really nice shop vac for grubby outdoor work."

"I agree, those would be great and -- hey, they've picked out a nice cordless drill combo, I could use one of -- hey, where are you going with the laptop?"

"Not today you don't, today we are only getting gifts,  you have to save up for the drill!"

Linking up with Denise at Girlie On The Edge Blog, where she hosts Six Sentence Stories, and the cue is Useful.          


Gosia at Looking for Identity has taken over Good Fences, and it's now Good Fences Around The World.  Post a picture of a fence or gate, link back to her blog, and go visit other blogs to see what interesting fences there are out in this big world.    

A nice wrought iron fence:


It's Angel Sammy's Poetry Day!  This week's image and my poem:    

The kids these days think delivery
Of food to the house is new
But here's a flash of insight, kids,
It's only new to you!

The milkman, he came daily,
His many wares to ply,
He'd sell you milk and cream and eggs,
On him you could rely.

During the seafood seasons,
Fresh seafood came our way,
In ice chests in the back of a truck,
Whatever was caught that day.

The baker had a truck as well,
Greengrocer came each week,
The grocer also delivered,
And the peddler we did seek,

As he would come with many
Of the things needed all the time,
When mom bought from him he also
Handed out candy most sublime.

We had Schwan's with the cooked dinners,
And Omaha Steaks as well,
Then the Watkins' Man would come,
His spices for to sell.

Kentwood man delivered water,
In his uniform of brown,
Long before that Brittney
Made famous a small town.

There was Stanley cleaners and Fuller Brushes,
Diaper service for the babies,
Dry cleaner brought back clothes so fresh,
And Avon for the ladies.

Charles Chips was a favorite,
And the Ice Cream Man, what a taste!
Chips and many frozen delights,
All ended up on my waist!

Tinkers and rag men and knife grinder men,
The ice man and one bringing coal,
They may have been before my time,
But they too prove that on the whole,

The idea that home delivery is new,
Well it's just plain to see
That all such door to door service
Long predates you and me!


Brian of Brian's Home hosts the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.   It's time to share something for which i am thankful.  

We are thankful for the refreshing rain that fell yesterday.  Not enough to wash us away, just enough to keep our swamps healthy, that's how we like it!


Today is:

Anniversary of Snick-Snacker's Right Foot -- Fairy Calendar

Day of Battle between Horus and Set; Aset gains the Horns of Hathor -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

Festival of Aventine Diana / Nemoralia -- Ancient Roman Calendar (commemoration of the dedication of her temple; celebrated between now and the 15th, and rededicated as the Festival of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin after Christianization)

Festival of Xocotl Huetzi -- Ancient Aztec Calendar (first fruits of harvest festival; date approximate, but two weeks around the end of August)

Independence Day -- Central African Republic(1960)

International Left-Hander's Day -- sponsored by Lefthanders International  

Lao Issara -- Laos (Day of the Free Laos)

Lesser Festival of Flora -- Ancient Roman Calendar

National Filet Mignon Day

Obon -- Buddhist (celebration to revere the ancestors; celebrated at different times even within Japan, but usually the biggest dates are in mid-August)

Runic Half Month As begins (the gods)

Skinny Dipping Day -- funny t-shirt:  I no longer skinny dip. I chunky dunk!

St. Cassian's Day (Patron of students and teachers; Brixen, Italy; Comacchio, Italy; Imola, Italy; Mexico City, Mexico)

St. Concordia's day (Patron of nursing mothers and wet nurses)

St. Hippolytus' Day (Patron of horses, prison guards/officers/workers; Bibbiena, Italy)

Wall Day -- anniversary of the day in 1961 that the Berlin Wall began going up; observe it by trying to break down a wall or communication barrier somewhere in your own life

Women's Day -- Tunisia

Birthdays Today

Shani Davis, 1982
Midori Ito, 1969
Quinn Cummings, 1967
Danny Bonaduce, 1959
Dan Fogelberg, 1951
Kathleen Battle, 
Philippe Petit, 1949
Kevin Tighe, 1944
Don Ho, 1930
Pat Harrington, Jr., 1929
Fidel Castro, 1926
George Shearing, 1919
Ben Hogan, 1912
Alfried Felix Alwyn Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach, 1907
Alfred Hitchcock, 1899
Bert Lahr, 1895
Annie Oakley, 1860
Lucy Stone, 1818

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Zaire/The Tragedy of Zara"(Voltaire's "Tragedy in Verse"), 1732

Today in History

The English army under King Henry V lands at the mouth of the Seine River, 1415
Tenochtitlan of the Aztecs is conquered by the Spanish, 1521
Tenbun Hokke Disturbance, in which Buddhist monks from Kyoto's Enryaku Temple set fire to 21 Nichiren temples throughout Kyoto, 1536
John Smith submits the story of Jamestown's first days for publication, 1608
Christiaan Huygens discovers the Martian south polar cap, 1642
Founding of Litchfield, CT, 1651
Marie Antoinette and other French royals are imprisoned by Revolutionaries, 1792
Nat Turner sees the solar eclipse which he interprets as a sign from heaven to begin his ill-fated slave rebellion, 1831
Earthquake in Peru and Ecuador kills 25,000, 1868
Ferdinand von Zeppelin patents his "Navigable Balloon", 1889
First production in the UK of stainless steel by Harry Brearley, 1913
Opha Mae Johnson is the first woman to enlist in the United States Marine Corps, 1918
Bayerische Motoren Werke AG (BMW) is established as a public company in Germany, 1918
The first barbed wire fence that would become the Berlin Wall is erected, 1961
The Apollo 11 astronauts are released from a three-week quarantine to enjoy a ticker-tape parade in New York, 1969
Michael Phelps sets the Olympic record for most the gold medals won by an individual in Olympic history, 2008
Footage of the previously unseen Kawahiva tribe is released; the Kawahiva is an indigenous tribe living in Brazil's Amazon rainforest, and is thought to have had very little contact with the outside world, 2013
Iranian mathematician Maryam Mirzakhani becomes the first woman to win the Fields Medal in mathematics, 2014
Measles cases have tripled so far worldwide in 2019 according to the WHO, 2019 


  1. If I remember correctly, the thing about all those people coming to the door to sell things, you only paid for the items, there was no delivery fee tacked on, like now when you order from a store they charge extra to deliver.

  2. Smiling at your six sentence story - and yes, I remember home delivery. Regular, fee free home delivery.

  3. Yes, the home delivery already existed even before i was born.

  4. Home deliveries existed years ago. The midwife would come home and help with the delivery. Better than mail order!

    God bless.

  5. That poem! It is so rigth. Home delivery was a thing long before we were born. I liked your poem.

  6. The bridal registry has definitely changed. The fancy china and crystal are now fairly rare as are formal dining rooms in new homes. Life is always evolving. At least now one can get practical things they can use like drills and stuff.

  7. lol
    alas, today's convenience comes at a price we rarely see all at once.

  8. What is it with men and drills? I swear Cat Dad has seventy billion drills - MOL! That poem is just precious, and so very true - I'd forgotten all of those deliveries back in the day.

  9. EVery time I use my amazon account I want to slap myself. Jeff has enough money. Also, my wife looks like the milkman...cause her dad was one. HA. Great six. Reading through the historical events, it's quite a day for revolution. Good job.

  10. Fun six sentence ~ neat fence photos and glad you got some gentle rain ~ ^_^

    Live each moment with love,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  11. That was a great story, Amazon is too easy for impulse buys. Your poem was sure true, our Grandpa was a Dutch Oven man delivering fresh bread and our uncle was a milkman. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  12. Oh my goodness Mimi. Today's poem is so correct. I could remember some of these even to my day. During the 50's some of them occurred. Our world is going to fast to enjoy for this to occur. I guess I'm getting old but haven't forgotten what's real. THanks for the poem my friend.

    Cruisin Paul

  13. Shopping online can be most dangerous. We're with you, save up the money and then buy what you want.

    Loved your poem. I remember all the home deliveries back in the day.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday, my friend. ♥

  14. That is an incredibly amazing poem - so full of wonderful memories. Things have changed a whole lot in EVERY SINGLE WAY since then. I just love that you mentioned so many things that I clearly remember. Thanks for playing poetry with us every week!!!

    Hugs, Pam

  15. Oh My Goodness Dad forgot about all the other deliveries! We had a diner so did not get much at the house but he would visit his friends and on certain days they would all have goodies. Yay for things going around

  16. That was satire at it's best. Does on line shopping exclude emotional buying when you can't touch or feel the item.

  17. My brother used to be a Fuller Brush man...

  18. Nice story and poem. Good point about home delivery.

  19. I am of the age that when I was a kid milk in bottles was delivered to our door (or to the bottom of our stairs); and we had an ice chest/ice refrigerator.

  20. I am late! But I am here! I am celebrating triple birthdays today! MY SIL Zach, his twin Alexa and my childhood hero Annie Oakley. Oh we will have milk delivery and I am thankful and grateful for it. The company we use has been in business since 1927. They really pride themselves in trying to use many local vendors for many items and that is a great thing! I always love my visits here. Thank you HUGS across the miles XO

  21. I remember when my mama would go get the milk out of the crate on the side of the house, and sometimes there would be butter and juice too. Oh, and it was sooooo good. Then of course we had the vegetable man that went up and down the street or the peanut man too he'd blow his horn so we would know he was here. My Uncle would go up & down the streets in his truck too with tomatoes, celery, lettuce all kinds of vegetables and some fruit, but he'd yell from the truck TOE-MAY-TOES... GET YOUR TOE-MAY-TOES at the top of his lungs (of course it wasn't toes or May time... but it sounded like that and he also yelled WATER-ME-LOW.... WATER-ME-LOW & THAT WAS WATERMELON & AT THE END OF THE DAY IF WE HELPED HIM He'd breat a watermelon on a fire hydrant and give it to us kids that helped or a tomato if we wanted one. mmmmm So fresh & so good! Give me the good old days! Have a great day! It's wonderful to think of the old days isn't it? hahaha Have a nice evening!

  22. Ah. The lure and seduction of online shopping! Can be a slippery slope. Wedding registries are very different nowadays.

    Your poetry, Mimi, is pure delight!

    Fingers crossed for just enough rain :)

  23. What a delightful poem! Yeah...seems there's always something to want online.

  24. Gift registries have more than once introduced me to products which I didn't even know existed.

    Your poem is a great lesson in what it was like to shop in the old days, at least for some people.

  25. You're right about home delivery. I remember the bread man and the milk man from my childhood.

  26. Love the six. For me Ebay surfing is a bit addictive and I have to excercise will power. Am I just impulse buying like when you go out physical shopping and see something unexpected? Yes, sometimes I am.
    But browsing online for a gift is a good feeling, and easy to cross-reference prices/sizes/colours etc.
    Ford, TVTA

  27. And those getting married now could not care less about china and stemware!

  28. Ha! Sounds like he was inspired. It can be a hard place to remain focused, those online shops.


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