
Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Feeding Rituals, Technology Glitches, and Funnies, a Random and Happy Tuesday Post


It's time once again for a random and happy Tuesday, linking up with Stacy's Random Thoughts at Stacy Uncorked and Sandee at Comedy Plus.  

For the past six days, my schedule has been a bit unusual.  Ms. GA and Mr. BA went out of town, so every  morning by around 6-6:30am i was over at their house for the ritual feeding of the cats and watering of the gardens.

First, a can of cat food is divided between Abigail, Little Orphan Annie, Oliver Twist, Big Red, and Puddin' Puff.  There's a problem right there in that Puddin' Puff, Oliver Twist, and Little Orphan Annie will not let me near them and won't come out to eat if i am nearby.  Thus, put the food out, step out to do the watering and trip over the outdoor semi-feral cats who are waiting for their portion, and stay out, trying to give them a chance to all get over their fear and come eat a bit.

Once i am reasonably sure everyone has had a bite, i mix their leftovers with another can of food and give it to the outdoor cats, Summer, Sunshine, Louis, and Miss Alice.

While the outdoor cats are eating their canned food, dry cat foods, both adult and kitten chow, are generously distributed indoors and out.

This whole process is repeated every evening after i'm done working.

Yes, there is no chance any of these cats will starve, even the ones who hide from me.  While i'm out of the house, they have ample opportunity to eat the dry food.

Also, all of the indoor cats but Abigail often go out and have plenty of food out there, too.

As noted, there is also watering of the gardens to be done, requiring two hoses and sprinklers and lots of ringing of the timer on my phone as i try to make sure every section gets about the same amount of time.

That house is a production.

Yesterday was my morning to be with Carl, but Carl and his parents were out of town, so it was just me over there cleaning his area.  While there, i heard the house phone ringing and on a whim, looked at the Caller ID.

It was Mr. LS, Carl's father.

Thinking he may have been calling his house phone to try to speak to me, even though i had my phone with me, i called him.

While i could hear him, he could not hear me, so he hung up and tried calling me with the same result.

Then he hung up and sent me a text, asking why i'd called.

As i was telling him about his mobile phone calling his home phone, he texted me about how his Netflix account had debited his Paypal.

Now this was getting really odd, and i was starting to wonder what in the world could be going on.  Then he called with the solution.

Turns out, he had seen his phone light up with a text, but did not hear any sound from it.  So he'd picked up the mobile and tried to dial his home phone, to see if he could hear anything.  Nothing.  Then the calls with me, nothing.

Then he realized he didn't have his hearing aids in, and his are the fancy ones where the sounds from your phone go straight to your hearing aids, so of course he couldn't hear anything when using his phone.  His hearing aids were listening without him. 

This technology is getting to be too much for us.

As for the Netflix, he saw the charge to Paypal and was wondering if i was watching something special on their TV that was being charged.  Nope, i don't watch TV at client's homes, i use my pad to listen to the radio.

It was his usual Netflix charge for the month, he'd just never noticed before that they send  him a receipt every month.

It all just moves too fast.

Anyway, it's time for some of Grandma's stuff that she forwards to me..  Any clue what these are?

              A Knight Mare

              Whole Milk

              A Light Beer

And finally, to make you laugh:

Have a blessed and beautiful day, everyone!


Today is:

Another Look Unlimited Day -- sponsored by Envira Myntyl, a day to look around and see what you don't need and can donate to charity, to lessen the flow to landfills

Feast of Honor for Lada and Lela -- Slavic Pagan/Asatru (harvest festival, a holiday of bread and farewell to summer)

Feast of 'Izzat(Might) -- Baha'i

Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin -- Catholic Christian; related observances
     Jum il-Vittorja -- Malta (Feast of Our Lady of Victories)
     Matki Boskiej Zielnej -- Poland (Feast of Greenery, also harvest celebration)
     Public Holiday -- Liechteinstein
     Virgen de la Victoria -- Spain

Independence Day -- Macedonia

International Literacy Day -- UN

Kosrae Liberation Day -- Micronesia

La Vierge de Meritxell -- Andorra (Feast of Our Lady of Meritxell, a National Day and official flag day)

National Boss/Employee Exchange Day -- US (or anyone else who wants to foster understanding between bosses and employees, trade places for a day and see how the other half lives!)

National Date Nut Bread Day

Navy Day -- Pakistan

Pardon Me Day -- anniversary of the 1974 pardon of Nixon

Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Nurses Day

Play Days -- sponsored by the HUMOR Project, add humor to your life; through Saturday

St. Adrian's Day (Patron of arms dealers, butchers, prison guards, soldiers; against plague)

St. Elizabeth's Day (Orthodox Churches; Mother of John the Baptist; Patron of expectant mothers; Fulda, Germany)

Birthdays Today:

Jonathan Taylor Thomas, 1981
Pink, 1979
David Arquette, 1971
Henry Thomas, 1971
Alan Feinstein, 1941
Frankie Avalon, 1940
Guitar Shorty, 1939
Patsy Cline, 1932
Peter Sellers, 1925
Sid Caesar, 1922
Claude Pepper, 1900
Antonin Leopold Dvorak, 1841
Richard I (Lionheart), 1157

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"The Oprah Winfrey Show"(TV), 1986
"Star Trek: The Animated Series"(TV), 1973
"Star Trek"(TV), 1966
"Tarzan"(TV), 1966
"That Girl"(TV), 1966
"F Troop"(TV), 1965
The Old Man and the Sea(Publication Date), 1952
"Blondie"(Comic strip debut), 1930

Today in History:

The Statute of Kalisz, guaranteeing Jews safety and personal liberties and giving battei din jurisdiction over Jewish matters, is promulgated by Boleslaus the Pious, Duke of Greater Poland, 1264
Michaelangelo's David is unveiled in Florence, 1504
St. Augustine, FL, becomes the first permanent European settlement of the New World, 1565
The US "Pledge of Allegiance" makes its first appearance in print, in the Youth's Companion, 1892
Galveston, TX, is struck by a hurricane and tidal surge that kill 6,000, 1900
First appearance of the comic strip "Blondie", 1930
3M begins marketing Scotch transparent tape, 1930
The original Star Trek series premiers, 1966
The Beatles perform their new hit "Hey Jude" as their last live TV performance on the David Frost show, 1968
Chinese athlete Wang Junxia sets a new women's 10,000 m world record of 29:31.78, breaking the former record by 42 seconds, 1993
Two EMERCOM Il-76 aircraft land at a disaster aid staging area at Little Rock Air Force Base; the first time Russia has flown such a mission to North America, 2005
Pakistan and India announce plans to mutually ease visa requirements, 2012
The government of Hong Kong backs down on plans to introduce Chinese patriotism classes in schools after weeks of protests, 2012
A giraffe DNA study published in "Current Biology" reveals that there are 4 species not just 1, as previously assumed, 2016
NASA launches the Osiris-Rex probe to retrieve a rock sample from the 500m-wide Bennu asteroid, 2016


  1. Technology is frequently beyond me.
    Please thank Grandma (again) for the gems that she sends.

  2. Lovely photos. Don't eat greens.

    God bless.

  3. Diet water is hilarious! What in the world is that? We always wonder how animals get so big eating grass, craziness, really.

  4. You can't mess with us geriatric folks to much. We're special you know. I love hearing about your clients. Always entertaining.

    Love all the funnies. I think the dog one is my favorite.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Big hug. ♥

  5. Mimi,

    Hearing aids that works with your phone? That's really cool but poor fella. How confusing is that? My late FIL had horrible hearing and it only worsened in his later years. The recurring payments get confusing even for me. I keep thinking, didn't I just get that payment notice the other day? The months zip by so fast that I can't even keep up anymore. I'm thankful for auto pay or else I'd be late on my obligations a lot. :)

  6. We can relate to that feeding ritual! Love those Grandma funnies!!!

  7. I love all the funnies especially the Knight - mare. LOL See ya Mimi.

    Cruisin Paul

  8. not to sound like the paranoid person I have become; but watch out for the netflix debit from paypal, there is//was a scam about that going on. I get an email everyday in my junk folder about netflix wanting "payment" and I don't even have an account; much less a TV hooked up to watch anything on

    and with that being said, the dobie poster is too funny !! ☺☺♥♥

  9. Your employers sure give you lots to write about :) grandma finds a lot of funny things.

  10. So, you're telling me it's Spock's birthday?!?

  11. I didn't get the (k)nightmare, but I got the others. Diet water! Hahaha! That was quite a story about Carl's father. Technology is great... when it works the way we want it to!

  12. I really love the funnies, especially the dog warning one.

  13. You have some great jokes here, and Lord knows we all need a good laugh! You're duh best and I really got a belly laugh out of these to say the least. Have a great safe day, don't forget your mask and be kind to one another. Hugs

  14. Grandma's funnies are great ~ dog one is a favorite and all your clients ~ what a hoot ~ and you have such energy ~ don't know how you do it ~ bless you ^_^

    Live each moment with love,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)


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