
Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Routines and Dust Bunnies and Funnies, a Random and Happy Tuesday Post


It's time once again for a random and happy Tuesday, linking up with Stacy's Random Thoughts at Stacy Uncorked and Sandee at Comedy Plus.  

Carl is still on vacation, he doesn't go back to work until Wednesday.  When i arrived at 8am yesterday, he was still asleep as usual.

So i knocked, opened the door, and asked if he was ready for me to help him with his room.  He said, "Just a minute," and so i shut the door and got his previous load of laundry out of the dryer.  When i went back to his room, he was in a t-shirt and jeans, and asked if he could go back to sleep in the living room.

Knowing i wasn't going to get much help from him in that sleepy state (he was yawning his head off) i told him sure, he could go back to sleep.

He then went and brushed his teeth and got back into his pajamas, because of course if you are getting up, you get dressed, and when you go to bed, you brush your teeth and get into your pajamas.  He does the same if he takes a nap in the afternoon.  Then he grabbed half of his bedding that i would need to wash and headed out for more shut-eye.

About ten minutes later he showed up saying, his hair felt sticky for some reason, so he got a wet towel and wiped his hair, then gargled, then went back to sleep in the living room.

When Ms. V rousted him to get up and get with it a couple of hours later, he first brushed his teeth (because that's what you do when you first get up in the morning), then took a shower, got dressed, and decided on breakfast while i finally got the rest of the linens washed.

This week, it was cereal.  But we can't have just one cereal, of course.  Two bowls, one of Frosted Mini Wheats and one of Wheaties, the raisins in the mini wheats and the prunes in with the Wheaties, one bite from one bowl, then a bite from the other.  This was followed by oatmeal and washed down by iced tea.

By the time he was ready to help me get his room straight, of course, it was done.  Three loads of laundry, putting his closet back together, cleaning the bathroom and his kitchenette, getting his clothes ready for the week, vacuuming, mopping, tidying, getting the dead food and drinks out of the fridge, generally adds up to about 4 hours of work.  He helped me get his snack ready for work on Wednesday.

We also danced.  He was playing some kind of dance game on the Wii once he woke up, and we would both dance around as we did whatever it was we were doing.  He's a better dancer than i am.

My second client for the day was Ms. PA, and her main thing was to get the front picture window cleaned.  She was lamenting how awful it was, and she was certain it would take a long time to get it done.  Once i had grabbed the step stool, it took me about 5 1/2 minutes.  The real work there is moving furniture to vacuum under and behind things that have not been moved in years.  Room by room, it's getting done.

Okay, enough of the shop talk, it's time for some of the stuff Grandma sends me.

Have a blessed and beautiful Tuesday, everyone!


Today is:

Aizu Byakko Matsuri -- Aizuwakamatsu-shi, Fukushima, Japan (ceremonial recreation of a march to war in 1868; through the 24th)

American Business Women's Day -- US (anniversary of the founding of the American Business Women's Association)  

Autumnal Equinox -- 13:30 UTC, 9:30am EDT; related observances
     Mabon -- Wicca/Pagan Northern Hemisphere
     Ostara -- wicca/Pagan Southern Hemisphere
     Alban Elfed -- Celtic Winter Finding
     Chuseok -- Korean harvest festival (high point of the festival)
     Feast of Carpo -- Greek Horae, goddess of autumn
     Kukulcan Snake God Celebration -- Chichen Itza, Yucatan, Mexico (the snake appears at the equinox, a time to honor this Mayan god)
     Festival of the Sea Goddess -- Eskimo
     Higan -- Japan
     Mabon/Fallfest -- Asatru/Norse Pagan (harvest festival, time to make wine and mead for the next winter)
     Oenach Carman -- Ancient Celtic Calendar
     Sendai Great Tug-of-War -- Sendai, Japan (festival on the equinox that dates back over 400 years)     
     Svarog's Holiday -- Slavic Pagan Calendar/Asatru (day to drink mead in honor of Svarog, god of fire and the sky)

Boidromia -- Ancient Greek Calendar (date approximate; honor Apollon as god of rescue during war)

Breakfast, Snack, Elevenses, Snack, Lunch, Snack, Tea, Snack, Dinner, Snack, More Snacks, Supper, Snack, and Bilgewack Celebration Day -- Fairy Calendar (Borms; they are little known relatives of Goblins, given to being overweight and sedentary and lying around feeling ill; bilgewack is their term for having eaten too much and having to lie down.)

Coya Raymi -- Inca Native Americans (festival to honor Moon Goddess Quilla, with a focus on purging sickness and evil; through tomorrow, dates approximate)

Dear Diary Day -- sponsored by Wellcat Holidays; get it down on paper! 

Elephant Appreciation Day -- sponsored by "Elefunteria

Feast of Mikeli -- Ancient Latvian Calendar (harvest celebration; through the 24th)

Hobbit Day -- Bilbo's and Frodo's Birth anniversary

Ice Cream Cone Day -- Italo Marchiony applied for a patent for an ice cream cone mold on this day in 1903

Independence Day -- Bulgaria(1908); Mali(1960)

National Centenarians Day -- US

National Voter Registration Day -- US (Celebrating Democracy in America) 

National White Chocolate Day


Princess Martha Louise's Birthday -- Norway (an official flag day)

Ritual of the Netjers of the Two Lands (Upper and Lower Egypt) -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

St. Maurice's Day (Patron of armies, cloth dyers, cloth makers, infantrymen, soldiers, swordsmiths, weavers; Austria; Manresa, Spain; Pianello Val Tidone, Italy; Piedmont, Italy; Sardinia; Stadtsulza, Germany; Pontifical Swiss Guards; against cramps and gout)

Woman Road Warrior Day -- to recognize the traveling businesswomen in today's world

World Car Free Day -- UN (encouraging all of us to go car free for a day, and see the world from a different perspective) began as:
     Car-Free Day -- this has spread to much of the world; try it for yourself! 

Birthdays Today:

Billie Piper, 1982
Ronaldo, 1976
Bonnie Hunt, 1964
Catherine Oxenberg, 1961
Scott Baio, 1961
Joan Jett, 1960
Andrea Bocelli, 1958
Debby Boone, 1956
Shari Belafonte, 1954
Arthur O. Sulzberger, 1951
Paul Le Mat, 1945
Junko Tabel, 1939 (first woman to summit Everest)
Tommy Lasorda, 1927
John Houseman, 1902
Michael Faraday, 1791
Philip Dormer Stanhope, 4th Earl of Chesterfield, 1694(O.S. Date)

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Friends"(TV), 1994
"Family Ties"(TV), 1982
"Charlie's Angels"(TV), 1976
"A Delicate Balance"(Play), 1966
"Fiddler on the Roof"(Musical), 1964
"The Man from U.N.C.L.E."(TV), 1964
"Maverick"(TV), 1957

Today in History:

Legion I Italica is created by Emperor Nero, 66
Switzerland becomes an independent state, 1499
The General Provincial Court at Patuxent, MD, US, empanels the first all female jury in the colonies to try the case of a woman accused of murdering her child, 1656
A final 8 people are hanged for witchcraft in Salem, Mass., 1692
Nathan Hale is hanged for spying during American Revolution, 1776
Russia establishes a colony at Kodiak, Alaska, 1784
City of Des Moines, Iowa, is incorporated as Fort Des Moines, 1851
Abraham Lincoln, by executive proclamation, declares that the slaves in the rebelling states shall become free on Jan. 1 of the upcoming year, 1862
Richard Wagner's opera Das Rheingold premieres in Munich, 1869
The first issue of National Geographic Magazine is published, 1888
Queen Victoria surpasses her grandfather, King George III, as the longest reigning monarch in British history, 1895
Italo Marchiony granted a patent for an ice cream cone, 1903
The Duke of York's Picture House opens in Brighton, now the oldest continually operating cinema in Britain, 1910
Ralph J. Bunche becomes the first black winner of the Nobel Peace Price, 1950
The Dead Sea Scrolls are made available to the public for the first time by the Huntington Library, 1991
David Hempleman-Adams becomes the first person to cross the Atlantic Ocean in an open-air, wicker-basket hot air balloon, 2003
CERN scientists announce their discovery of neutrinos breaking the speed of light, 2011
NASA's MAVEN space probe successfully arrives in orbit over Mars, 2014


  1. Donuts are healthier than Crystal Meth? No less addictive though.
    Carl is a very clean young man. His breakfast does my head in though.

  2. Weird relatives? Tell me more ...

    God bless.

  3. It's nice to be able to dance while you work. Love the funnies.

  4. Hobbit day! I'll have to celebrate! Thanks.

  5. You just made my happy Tuesday even happier!

  6. You are such a patient person to deal with some of your clients. It would drive my mom over the edge after a while! Love the pics from gramma!

  7. the raisins in the mini wheats, is that new Mimi? I've never seen it in the grocery.
    Waking up next to Mary Lou everyday is a blessing.
    Have a wonderful Tuesday my friend.

    Cruisin Paul

  8. Grandma sends great photos ~ fun post ~ Happy Tuesday to you ^_^

    Live each moment with love,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  9. Mimi,

    Sometimes when I have shredded wheat I'll put a handful of raisins in my bowl. It's a great combo and quite filling. I never brush my teeth upon waking. I wait until after breakfast to brush. It just makes more sense to me to do it that way. I also prefer to take a shower at night, instead of the mornings. Of course, when I worked outside the home I took a shower twice a day. I'm really quick. :) Have a terrific Tuesday, my friend!

  10. Carl is something else. You have some very entertaining clients. You work so hard.

    Love all the funnies. Tell Grandma thank you for the fun.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Big hug. ♥

  11. You sure have some interesting clients! Loved those funny pics!

  12. You work so hard and are a SAINT with your clients. I hope you they know what a rare find you are. - The funnies from Grandma... I loved the 1990/2011 tv and fat guy/slim guy, and the donut! Hahahaha. - Have a great day Mimi. Happy fall!

  13. your days with carl are always interesting indeed !! ♥♥♥

    the photos today are awesome...happy fall ☺☺☺

  14. I prefer donuts anyway, but sadly I'm addicted to them ��.
    Thanks for brightening our Tuesday!

  15. MOL, The Female Human loved the donut one, especially since she's on a very strict, healthy eating regime which she says has very little taste! Glad we felines can eat what we want!
    Purrs & Head Bonks,

  16. I get tired just reading about all the work you do. Nice collection of funnies.

  17. I SO need that puppy slide!!!!

  18. You have some very interesting clients and you are very, very patient person. Love the dogs pictures. Have a great day.


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