
Thursday, September 17, 2020

Take a Guess (Six Sentence Story), Contrast (Good Fences), Sister and Brother (Sammy's Poetry Day) and Generators (Brian's Thankful Thursday)


“Okay, you two, those are some Halloween costumes you've made yourselves — what are you supposed to be?”

“Go on and take a guess, Dad,” brother said.

“Well, I’d say you look more like a couple of cast iron pots than anything else.”

“And that doesn’t remind you of anything?” asked sister, stifling a laugh.

“No, you’ve got me stumped.”

“We’re Ma and Pa Kettle!” they practically burst out, then laughed with Dad as he finally got the joke.

Linking up with Denise at Girlie On The Edge Blog, where she hosts Six Sentence Stories, and the cue is Kettle.     


Gosia at Looking for Identity has taken over Good Fences, and it's now Good Fences Around The World.  Post a picture of a fence or gate, link back to her blog, and go visit other blogs to see what interesting fences there are out in this big world.    

This green fence makes a nice contrast with the yellow house:


It's Angel Sammy's Poetry Day!  This week's image and my poem:    

(This picture reminded me of a line in the book Little Men, the sequel to Little Women.  Demi, the brother, talks about Daisy, his twin sister, and says he doesn’t understand boys who won’t come right out and say they love their sister.  This poem is something i imagine they might have said about each other.)

I really love my sister,
And I don’t care who knows,
If anyone tries to hurt her,
I’ll stomp on all his toes!

A boy should protect his sister,
Stand up for her and fight,
So one day when she grows up
She expects a man to treat her right.

I really love my brother,
I’m not ashamed to say,
We very seldom argue,
And happily do play.

A girl should like her brother,
And stand with him for life,
So when he’s older he knows just what
To look for in a wife.


Brian of Brian's Home hosts the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.   It's time to share something for which i am thankful.  

Today we are thankful that the way has been paved for us to get a good, used generator to replace the one that is totally kaput.  It will be installed in October, and the small, gasoline powered one will be set up as a spare to be plugged in just in case.


Today is:

Birthday of Crown Prince Tupouto'a 'Ulukalala -- Tonga

Citizenship Day -- US

Eleven Days of Global Unity -- Day 7, Women (sponsored by We, the World

Feast of Hathor -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

Fundacion de Melilla -- ML, Spain

Ig® Nobel Prize Ceremony -- Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, US (each winner has done improbable research, something that makes people laugh, then think)
     in 2020, the whole ceremony will take place online

International Country Music Day

National Apple Dumpling Day

National Heroes Day -- Angola

National Teach Ag Day -- US (streamed live from CHS Inc. headquarters)  

Niketeria -- Ancient Greek Calendar (date approximate)

Operation Market Garden Remembrance -- Netherlands

Return of Kelp-Koli Celebration -- Fairy Calendar (under duress, of course)

Stigmata of St. Francis' Day

St. Hildegard von Bingen's Day (author of treatises on natural healing and the first musical composer whose biography is known)

St. Lambert's Day (Patron of Middelaar, Netherlands)

Time's Up Day -- created by Wellcat Holidays; time's up on holding that grudge, you need to make amends with people today, since you aren't guaranteed a tomorrow

VFW Ladies Auxiliary Day -- anniversary of founding in 1914

Anniversary Today:

The Constitution of the United States is signed, 1787
American Professional Football League (later the NFL) founded (a/k/a the Swallowing Up of Weekends), 1920

Birthdays Today:

Chuck Liddell, 1969
Kyle Chandler, 1965
Rita Rudner, 1956
Cassandra "Elvira" Peterson, 1951
John Ritter, 1948
David H. Souter, 1974
Ken Kesey, 1935
Maureen Conolly, 1934
Anne Bancroft, 1931
Roddy McDowall, 1928
George Blanda, 1927
Hank Williams Sr., 1923
Chaim Herzog, 1918
Warren E. Burger, 1907
Jerry Colonna, 1904
John Willard Marriot, 1900
Andrew "Rube" Foster, 1879
Baron Friedrich Von Steuben, 1730

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Home Improvement"(TV), 1991
"Head of the Class"(TV), 1986
"M*A*S*H"(TV), 1972
"McMillan and Wife"(TV), 1971
"Mission: Impossible"(TV), 1966
"Bewitched"(TV), 1964
"The Fugitive"(TV), 1963
"Car 54 Where are You?"(TV), 1961
"Outward Bound"(Play), 1923

Today in History:

The Battle of Thermopylae, fought between 300 Spartans, led by their king, Leonidas, and the Achaemenid Empire begins, BC480
Arabs conquer Alexandria, and destroy its library for the last time, 642
Netherland sailors discover Mauritus, 1598
Massachusetts Bay Colony gets a new charter, 1691
Presidio of San Francisco is founded in New Spain, 1776
US Constitution is adopted by the Philadelphia convention, 1787
Sprinkler system for extinguishing fires is patented by Phillip W. Pratt, 1872
The Wright Flyer flown by Orville Wright, with Lieutenant Thomas Selfridge as passenger, crashes killing Selfridge, who becomes the first airplane fatality, 1908
The first transcontinental airplane flight, from New York to Pasadena, is completed after 82 hours 4 minutes, 1911
The Okeechobee Hurricane strikes southeastern Florida, killing upwards 
of 2,500 people, the third deadliest natural disaster in United States history, behind the Galveston Hurricane of 1900 and the 1906 San Francisco earthquake, 1928
The Canadian steamship SS Noronic burns in Toronto Harbour with the loss of over 118 lives, 1949
Television is first broadcast in Australia, 1956
Malaysia joins the United Nations, 1957
Bangladesh, Grenada and Guinea-Bissau join the United Nations, 1974
The first Space Shuttle, Enterprise, is unveiled by NASA, 1976
The Camp David Accords are signed by Israel and Egypt, 1978
Vanessa Williams becomes the first black Miss America, 1983
Estonia, North Korea, South Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, the Marshall Islands and Micronesia join the United Nations, 1991
The first version of the Linux kernel (0.01) is released to the Internet, 1991
Fourpeaked Mountain in Alaska erupts, marking the first eruption for the long-dormant volcano in at least 10,000 years, 2006
A drill finally reaches the 33 Chilean miners trapped after the Aug. 5 Copiapo mining accident, 2010 
In an attempt to curb child marriages, Indonesia raises the legal marriage age of females to 19, the same as males, 2019


  1. I love the little brother/sister poems, they remind me of my own kids who would tease each other at home but look out for and stand up for each other at school.

  2. Echoing River. Sadly as adults my brothers do not get along which makes me sad. They will only talk to each other through me.

  3. What a sweet verse. I did not know Little Women had a sequel. I've got to lok for it.

  4. Good one, Mimi! I've heard of Ma & Pa Kettle but daresay a bit before my time :D
    Your poem is beautiful. Wish this were true for everyone.
    Excellent thankful. Was thinking of you and hoping all were safe. Having a spare generator can only be a good thing!

  5. Wish I have a brother. Nice poem. Have a great day.

  6. Cute. good take on the cue and international country music day! Yeah to both. Have a great weekend.

  7. That was a great story, it made our Dad smile since he really liked watching Ma & Pa Kettle. That was such a sweet poem too. Hooray, I'm glad you were able to find a generator, they sure are must haves. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  8. What a great idea, Ma and Pa Kettle! We need to get a generator, thanks for the reminder. I love that poem.

  9. Great story ~ Sweet poetry and photo ~ Having generator is always a big plus ~ glad for you! Neat fence photo too ^_^

    Live each moment with love,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  10. Love your story. Such fun. The poem is adorable. As it should be.

    I'm so happy you're getting a new generator. I'm doing a happy dance with you. :)

  11. Great story and I love the poem. I always wished I had a brother instead of a sister.

  12. A fun six. I had to look up 'Ma & Pa Kettle' to see if it was a thing - and it is :)

  13. Ma and Pa Kettle! Those of our generation remember Sunday afternoon matinees at the local movie theater where we totally enjoyed this fare! Your poem was wonderful too, sweet and true, And I wish all children were raised to have hearts like that! ♥️💜

  14. ma and pa kettle is toooooo funny !!

    st francis; ewe iz R heer roe dood ♥♥♥♥♥ we lovez ewe ~~~~~~~~~~~~

  15. LOL! Ma and Pa Kettle! Great take on the prompt.

  16. We really laughed at that six sentence. Great post

  17. So now I am visualizing different ways to create those costumes. HaHa
    Cute SSS!

  18. bar...rum...bump!

  19. Wonderful poetic words for this week's photo. I have a brother and I can only hope that maybe somewhere along the way he taught me things and I taught him things.

    Hugs, Pam

  20. I still remember the Ma and Pa Kettle movies from Saturday mornings cinema for children only. Price of admission was sixpence and hundreds of noisy children.

  21. Lovely six and funny too and your poem was so cute!

  22. A fun Six! Ma and Pa Kettle came to mind but you did them justice with this story.

  23. Oh my goodness! I was going to write about Ma and Pa Kettle, too - they are characters from one of my favorite books in the world. But I got off on some twisted tangent instead. Nice six!


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