
Saturday, October 17, 2020

Autumn Seems To Be Here, a Ten Things of Thankful Post


Good morning and happy Autumn, who's ready for Thankful Day!

Thankful number one, it seems to be not so hot outside, as in, we need a sweater on occasion.  It feels very nice, and it has the added thankful of not having to turn on the A/C all of the time, only during the middle of the day some days.

Another thankful is the answers several of you gave me on yesterday's post about how to caption a picture on this new blogger.  While i'd tried hitting that underlined letter, it didn't do anything the first couple of times i tried it.  As Sweetie would say, you weren't holding your mouth right.  (That's what his dad used to tell him when the fish weren't biting.)

This past week was the remainder of my yearly checkup with the doctor, where he gives me my test results and actually spends time poking and prodding.  Not only am i thankful to have a doctor, and health insurance, and to live where that is possible, i am thankful my numbers are good all around, blood pressure and thyroid under control, and i've only shrunk a half inch, not a whole inch as the nurse thought.  Hey, when you are short, you take what you can get and don't want to lose any of it!

This is, what, the third time this year we've been thankful that we didn't get much from the hurricane that came through.  This one gave us very little rain, but a lot of wind, and we did lose power for a while, but that's why we are thankful for the generator.

Ms. S's son and daughter-in-law came to take her to their place for a visit for the weekend.  This makes me thankful that i was able to help her pack, and that i am taking care of Kiki for her while she's gone.

This weekend, Little Girl has drill and Coda is here already.  Thus i am thankful that this time, she really will be coming with me to see Lulu. 

Please write up your own list and link up to Ten Things of Thankful, where Kristi and her co-hosts always have a warm welcome waiting.   

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Today is:

Black Poetry Day -- birth anniversary of the USA's first published black poet, Jupiter Hammon (some sites say this is on the 3rd Friday each year)

Dashain Festival -- Hindu (also called Dussehra, Dashera, Dasara, Phulpati/Fulpaati, or Navratri, a 9-day celebration of victory of Lord Rama over evil and a Festival of Dirva, wife of Shiva, and a time to go back home and reconnect with family, especially in Nepal and parts of India; official government holidays for this multi-day festival vary throughout India, Nepal, Bhutan, and other countries with large populations of Hindus)

Dessalines Day -- Haiti

Festival of Hengest -- Asatru (approximate date of the Norse celebration of Hengest and Horsa, who fought to establish Norse settlements in Eastern Britain)

Four Prunes Day (only if you dare!)

Gaudy Day a/k/a Wear Something Gaudy Day 

International Day for the Eradication of Poverty -- UN

Large Fairies Come First Day -- Fairy Calendar (because the rest of the year they let the little ones go first)

Loyalty Day -- Argentina

Mulligan Day -- C. Daniel Rhodes wants you to give yourself or someone else a free do-over today

National Pasta Day

National Police Day -- Thailand (Wan Tamruat)

Paint a Mural on a Sidewalk Day -- let your inner child go a bit wild, but please use paint that will wash away so you don't get in trouble!

Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan -- Beginning of the Hebrew month of Cheshvan, Hebrew Year 5780, at sundown today

St. Ignatius of Antioch's Day (Patron of the Church in the Eastern Mediterranean and North Africa; against throat diseases)

St. Richard Gwin's Day (Patron of large families, parents of large families, torture victims)

Sweetest Day -- begun by Herbert Birch Kingston, a candy company employee who decided it would be wonderful to distribute candy to the sick, shut-ins and orphans in Cleveland, OH; today is the day to do something for someone that makes him/her say, "Oh, that is so sweet!"

Work on Your Charisma Day -- because what else are you going to do on a lazy October afternoon?

World Toy Camera Day -- now with a Flickr page   

Anniversaries Today:

Radio Corporation of America (RCA) is founded, 1919

Composer Johann S. Bach marries his niece Maria Bach, 1707

Crown Prince Fernando of Aragon marries Princess Isabella of Castile, 1469

Birthdays Today:

Eminem, 1972

Ermie Els, 1969

Norm MacDonald, 1963

Richard Roeper, 1959

Alan Jackson, 1958

Mae Jemison, 1956

Howard Rollins, 1950

Margot Kidder, 1948

George Wendt, 1948

Michael McKean, 1947

Ronn Owens, 1945

Evel Knievel, 1938

Beverly Garland, 1926

Jimmy Breslin, 1930

Tom Poston, 1921

Montgomery Clift, 1920

Rita Hayworth, 1918

Arthur Miller, 1915

Albino Luciani, Pope John Paul I, 1912

Jean Arthur, 1905

Spring Byington, 1893

Buck Ewing, 1859

Jupiter Hammon, 1711

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Hair: The American Tribal Love-Rock Musical"(Musical), 1967

"The Hollywood Squares"(TV), 1966

"On a Clear Day You Can See Forever"(Musical), 1965

Jailhouse Rock(Film), 1957

"Chayka/The Seagull"(Chekhov play), 1896

"Don Sanche"(Liszt opera), 1825

Today in History:

King Cyrus the Great of Persia marches into the city of Babylon and releases the Jews from their 70 years of exile and making the first Human Rights Declaration, BC539

Battle of Neville's Cross, the defeat of King David II of Scotland by Edward III of England, 1346

German astronomer Johannes Kepler observes a supernova in the constellation Ophiuchus, 1604

Boston blacks petition the legislature for equal school facilities, 1787

The political rights of Jews are suspended in the Duchy of Warsaw, 1808

Thomas Edison files a patent for the Optical Phonograph (the first movie), 1888

Guglielmo Marconi's company begins the first commercial transatlantic wireless service between Glace Bay, Nova Scotia, Canada, and Clifden, Ireland, 1907

Albert Einstein arrives in the US as a refugee from Nazi Germany, 1933

The first commercial nuclear power station is officially opened by Queen Elizabeth II in Sellafield,in Cumbria, England, 1956

Prime Minister of Australia Robert Menzies opens the artificial Lake Burley Griffin in the middle of the capital Canberra, 1964

Botswana and Lesotho join the United Nations, 1966

Quebec Vice-Premier and Minister of Labour Pierre Laporte murdered by members of the FLQ terrorist group, 1970

OPEC starts an oil embargo against a number of western countries, considered to have helped Israel in its war against Syria, 1973

Mother Teresa is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, 1979

The pinnacle is fitted on the roof of Taipei 101, making it the World's tallest highrise, 2003

Australia's first Saint, Mary MacKillop, is canonized by Pope Benedict XVI, 2010

Astronomers confirm the identification of the nearest planet outside of our solar system, orbiting Alpha Centauri B, 2012

Big Bird and Oscar the Grouch muppeteer Caroll Spinney leaves "Sesame Street" after 50 years, 2018

Canada legalizes the sale of recreational cannabis, the second country after Uruguay, 2018


  1. I'm thankful you have so much to be thankful for and also thankful that my cat, Lola, seems to be handling the hayfever better this year, still hiding under the bed, but coming out to eat and watch TV after dark. Usually she hides under the bed not eating at all for days so I take her to the vet for a shot. This year, no shot, but she will need to go soon for a manicure, her claws are beginning to shred the sheets.

  2. Love your list - and am very glad that your numbers are so good.

  3. Great list of thankfuls. Happy to read that all your tests were good and you are healthy. Have fun with Coda. :)

  4. Those are good thankfuls and a good report from the Doctor is always a winner!

  5. Mimi, I'm glad that you can see your doctor. As of now I have a virtual doctor and all I deal with him on my computer ( internet ). It's so stupid. I want to see a person and be able to speak to him. YUK!

    Cruisin Paul

  6. Wonderful lists of thankful~ I bet many people are thankful for you ~ I am ~ so glad Coda gets to visit you ~ Happy Weekend ^_^

    Live each moment with love,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  7. Now I'mthankful for your clean bill of health :D Big smile. And as usual your tankful list makes me smile.

  8. Congrats on only 1/2 inch! I was shocked the year I found out I could no longer claim 5'6". What a huge sigh of relief x3. Having lived in Florida, I can identify - the stress that comes with wondering if or when, doesn't even come close to the relief felt after being spared a direct hit.

  9. I am hoping that you are ok. Missing your Sunday Selections post and just checking in.

  10. I'm glad you weren't terribly impacted by the storm, and hurray for a clean bill of health!

  11. Trying to determine exactly where to set the A/C or heat is sometimes a little confusing this time of year and the same goes for whether a sweater or sweat shirt is in store or a light weight top. I find myself changing clothes more often during the day, because I guessed wrong that morning.
    I'll soon be finding out the answer to whether or not I shrunk anymore this past year. Yeah for the good numbers on your health tests.
    I hope you have a good and a safe week ahead, Mimi.

  12. Good to hear the good news from the medical front, boring is good when sitting in front of a doctor reading reports.
    Have an excellent week. (I would trade you some of the frozen water on the windshields of our cars for the noonday need of ac)


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