
Saturday, October 24, 2020

Enough for One List, a Ten Things of Thankful Post


Hooray for Thankful Day!

One of the things we've been missing since the current crisis began is our rEcess gatherings.  We can't have group get-togethers, of course, with special kids who would be very vulnerable to illnesses.

What to do?  Ask what the parents need, and see if there's a way to help them get what they need. 

Mr. and Mrs. H, parents of Becca, one of the special kids i've cared for often, had been invited out to a distanced gathering with friends.  In fact, they'd been invited to at least 3 such gatherings, and hadn't been able to go.

Last Saturday, after i got back in town from NOLA, i'm thankful i went over to their house and took care of Becca for them so they could get out for an evening. 

Becca and i had a great time.  We played some easy board games, and when the timer went off for bedtime, she took her meds, we prayed and sang Jesus Loves Me, and then she went to bed, all very thankful things.

It was a nice evening for us, and her parents had a great time, which was the point.  Parents of special kids are stretched even more than usual right now.

Sunday morning, Becca had a meltdown, and Mrs. H texted to ask if i could meet them at the church where she was singing with the worship team and had to be at practice for 8am.

Thankfully, my breakfast was portable, i threw everything in GusGus and made it with a minute to spare.

First i asked Becca what was wrong, and she said she was scared.  We prayed together, then Becca and i went to Burger King for hash browns and to get Mrs. H a cup of coffee.  By the time she'd eaten the hash browns and we got the coffee back to her mama at the church, she was ready to sit with me for the service, meltdown over.

It makes me so thankful to be able to do things like that.  Also, thankful that i had a couple of extra dollars and some loose change.

Also, thankfully, i was able to take care of Kiki cat until her mama got back in town.

On Wednesday, Ms. G was hurting, and i was thankful that i was not, so i took care of the 40lb. sacks of bird seed, got the heavy stuff unloaded from the car and the truck, reloaded the truck with all of her spay day stuff, and got the extra supplies into the attic.  Ms. G is a strong lady, but when her knee and back give out at the same time, well, i'm just glad i was able to get to it all for her.

Sweetie and Brother-in-Law had a birthday yesterday, as noted, and so they both were thankful for a free adjustment from the chiropractor (the clinic gives you a freebee on your birthday each year) and a day off work.

Two of the staff at the cat shelter have been out with a stomach bug, so i am thankful we got plenty done last night, and Carl showed up to help me.  He loves helping, and he's getting less and less shy of actually handling the cats.

That, i believe, is enough for one list.

Please write up your own list and link up to Ten Things of Thankful, where Kristi and her co-hosts always have a warm welcome waiting.   

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


Today is:

Fall Back Night -- all areas that end Daylight Saving Time tomorrow; set your clock back one hour before you go to bed and change the batteries in your smoke alarms/carbon monoxide detectors (Aland Islands; Albania; Andorra; Antarctica (Troll Station); Austria; Belgium; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Bulgaria; Croatia; Cyprus; Czech Republic; Denmark; Estonia; Faroe Islands; Finland; France; Germany; Gibraltar; Greece; Greenland; Guernsey; Hungary; Ireland; Isle of Man; Israel; Italy; Jersey; Kosovo; Latvia; Lebanon; Liechtenstein; Lithuania; Luxembourg; Macedonia; Malta; Mexico; Moldova; Monaco; Montenegro; Morocco; Netherlands; North Macedonia; Norway; Poland; Portugal; Romania; San Marino; Serbia; Slovakia; Slovenia; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; Ukraine; United Kingdom; Vatican City[Holy See])

     Note:  This does not apply to the United States, we have one more week of "summer time" left

Feast of Good & Plenty (the candies)

Food Day -- US (inspiring people to change their diets and our food policies)   

Gormanudr -- Old Icelandic Calendar (beginning of "Innards Month," after all the animals have been butchered and fresh innards figure predominantly in the menu, as the rest of the meat has been preserved for winter)

Independence Day -- Zambia(1964)

Lilith's Day -- Ancient Mesopotamian Calendar (Lilith, legendary first wife of Adam, mother of the giants; date approximate)

Make A Difference Day -- US (Whoopie Goldberg once said that if every American would donate 5 volunteer hours a week, it would be the equivalent of several million full time jobs; whether or not it's strictly accurate, volunteering is a great thing to do no matter where you live.  This day is no longer sponsored, but if you are looking for volunteer opportunities in your area, go here.)   

Maladay -- Discordianism

National Bologna Day

Pit Bull Awareness Day -- it's not the breed, it's the owner   

Share a Pop Tart With Someone You Love Day -- internet generated, and i wonder if the Kellog company may have had a hand in it?

St. Anthony Claret's Day (Patron of weavers; Catholic press; Claretians; Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary)

St. Crispin's Eve Celebration -- Tenby, Wales

St. Raphael the Archangel's Day (traditional date; Patron of health inspectors, druggists, happy meetings, leaving home, travelers; against blindness)

Suez Victory Day -- Egypt

Take Back Your Time Day -- Canada; U.S. (anniversary of the day in the US that the Fair Labor Standards Act went into effect, specifying a 40-hour work week as the standard, in 1938)

United Nations Day

     Disarmament Week begins

     World Development Information Day

World Origami Days -- held each year from today, the birth anniversary of Lillian Oppenheimer, founder of the first origami societies in Britain and the US, until Nov. 11, which is Origami Day in Japan; a couple of good sites to explore are here and here         

Birthdays Today:

Monica, 1980

Kevin Kline, 1947

F. Murray Abraham, 1939

Bill Wyman, 1936

David Nelson, 1936

J. P. "Big Bopper" Richardson, 1930

Y. A. Tittle, 1926

Moss Hart, 1904

Melvin Purvis, 1903

Alexandra David-Neel, 1868 (first female foreigner to explore Tibet)

Belva A. Bennett Lockwood, 1838

Sarah Joseph Hale, 1788 (author of "Mary had a little lamb")

Antony van Leeuwenhoek, 1632

Domitian, Roman Emperor, 51

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Dancing at Lughnasa"(Play), 1991

"Voices for Today"(Britten Op. 75), 1965

"Take Me Out to the Ball Game"(Single release), 1908

"Zibeunerbaron/The Gypsy Baron"(Strauss Opera), 1885

The first Transcontinental Telegram is sent, 1861

Today in History:

Cathedral of Chartres is dedicated, 1260

The Treaty of Westphalia ends the 30 Years War, recognized the independence of Switzerland, and marks the end of the Holy Roman Empire, 1648

Felix Mendelssohn, age 9, performs his first public concert in Berlin, 1818

The match is patented, by A. Phillips, 1836

The first US transcontinental telegram is sent, from San Francisco to Washington, DC, ending the need for the Pony Express after only 2 years, 1861

Levi P. Morton, US ambassador to France, drives the first rivet for the Statue of Liberty, 1881

Dr. Robert Koch discovers the germ that causes tuberculosis, 1882

Anna Taylor becomes the first woman to go over Niagara Falls in a barrel, 1901

The first NYC subway opens, 1904

Harry Houdini's last performance, 1926

The Hershey Company is incorporated, 1927

"Black Thursday", the start of the stock market crash, Dow Jones down 12.8%, 1929

Al Capone is sentenced for tax evasion, 1931

The George Washington Bridge, connecting NY to NJ, opens, 1931

US forbids child labor in factories, 1938

The United Nations Charter is signed by the first member nations, 1945

Eisenhower pledges US support to South Vietnam, 1954

Government of Poland legalizes Solidarity trade union, 1980

Launch of Deep Space 1 comet/asteroid mission, 1998

The Concorde makes its last commercial flight, 2003

Justice Rutherford of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice struck down the "motive clause", an important part of the Canadian Anti-Terrorism Act, 2006

"Bloody Friday" saw many of the world's stock exchanges experience the worst declines in their history, with drops of around 10% in most indices, 2008

The Northern Lights become visible over much of North America due to a coronal mass ejection, 2011

The E.U. plans to reduce carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions by 40 percent compared to 1990 levels and increase renewables to 27 percent of all energy sources, 2014

Iditarod officials confirm that some dogs in the race have been doped after they tested positive for banned substances, 2017

The remains of Spanish dictator Francisco Franco are removed from the mausoleum in Valley of the Fallen and reburied in private family vault in Madrid, 2019


  1. I am pretty certain that you head up the list of things that quite a number of people are thankful for.

  2. What a wonderful list of thankfuls. I want to add: Fall back day! I'm so thankful that we get to geet up in daylight again for at least three weeks more!

  3. Wishing you a wonderful weekend.

    God bless.

  4. That was quite a nice list and filled with lots of good things too.

  5. It is a beautiful thankful list. It is a blessing to be able to help those who needs a helping hand. You have a good heart.

  6. Mimi, you can tell Becca that I had a meltdown yesterday when We had a walk around in our new home. The first thing I found was that our shower didn't have a door. They don't include it and then when I looked at the screen door, it had a large tear in it. I blew up and I'm still hot this afternoon. They new I was angry. We have another walk around on Thursday and it better be great or else.

    Cruisin Paul

  7. That is a wonderful list of thankfuls. I miss your photos of rEcess. How kind of you to help the parents out. I want BK hashbrowns now- they are so good. I am thankful the nearest BK is 30 minutes away or I would get them all the time. :)

  8. I see sparkling stars above and all around you Mimi. What a blessing you are to others. How nice that you were not hurting so you could help Mrs. G when she was. What a wonderful thing that the chiropractor gives free adjustments on a patient's birthday!

  9. Nicely done. Opportunities still require a person to step up, you have that quality.
    POE* to all of us.
    Good to 'see' that your weather has been benign this week.
    Careful with the lifting heavy objects. (As I'm sure you know, it isn't the lifting that's dangerous, its the staying 'connected' to them when they move in un-intended directions, that causes the hurt.)
    Have a good week.

    *Power of Example**
    ** into the acronyms this weekend

  10. You have a good heart. Thank you for all the service you give, and for your ability to take challenges in stride. Happy birthday to your sweetie and brother-in-law!

  11. I bet you are at the top of Becca's family's list of thankfulness. You are so good, with all that you do to help and support others.

  12. You are always able to see 'the blessings' ~Xox

    Live each moment with love,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    p.s. Had death in family so am way behind in returning comments.

  13. That touches my heart about you helping with respite. This is something of great value. Take it from one who has been blessed with people like you.

  14. I think it says such a lot about your character, Mimi, that so many of the things you are thankful for are the opportunities for service you were given. And which you then gave! This was truly an inspirational post!

  15. How lucky Becca and her family are to have you in their lives! You always do so many kind things for others.


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