
Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Prince Charming? and Other Funny Stuff, and Random and Happy Tuesday Post, Plus the Wednesday Words


It's time once again for a random and happy Tuesday, linking up with Stacy's Random Thoughts at Stacy Uncorked and Sandee at Comedy Plus 

This past Friday night was a long one after the electricity went out.  By Saturday morning, we'd gotten very little sleep, but went to NOLA to clean for Grandma and Grandpa anyway.

Because her electricity went out also, Little Girl didn't wake up in time to bring Coda to us, so that's been rescheduled for this coming weekend.

After we got back, our neighbor came over to help us get the generator up and running.  He has one just like it, and this is the first time that our electric has gone out and his has not.  He knows the drill, and showed us everything we needed to know to get the spare one started.  Then i went inside and flipped the transfer switch, and we were back in business.

Of course, you have to turn it off and refill it with gas every 6-8 hours, and then reset all of the clocks again, but that's better than no electricity in the heat and humidity.

Sunday after church i went to help Ms. S.  While helping her, Sweetie called in a panic.

"You have to get home now, I need you!  The breakers have flipped or something, there's no lights in the kitchen and I don't know what to do!  You have to drop everything and come home now!"

After taking a calming breath, i told him, this means the electricity is back on, go flip the transfer switch in the box and then go turn the generator off, i'll be home soon. 

He hung up and i am guessing he did what i suggested because he didn't call back and the electricity was running when i got there.

Reminds me of a joke i read years ago that said, Today's Prince Charming doesn't ride in on a white horse and rescue his Princess, he drives in behind the wheel of his Toyota and needs help with the payments.

Time for a few of the funnies Grandma sends me.  Since this virus has abated somewhat but is not going away:

And for those of us getting older and feeling it:

Today is my annual check-up with Dr. BowTie.  If you haven't had a check-up yet, do your family a favor and schedule it soon.

Have a blessed and beautiful Tuesday!


It's my month to provide the prompts for Words for Wednesday.  Since it becomes Wednesday in some parts of the world while it is still Tuesday here, i am providing the prompts today, so you can work on them and post them when it's Wednesday where you are.

This week's prompts are:







and/or the following somewhat archaic words

God’s acre—a churchyard


Weed—garment or outfit worn during mourning


Today is:

Assassination of the Hero of the Nation Day/Prince Rwagasore Day -- Burundi (Commemorates the assassination of Prince Louis Rwagasore in 1961.)

Belfast International Arts Festival  -- Belfast, Ireland (International arts festival; through Nov. 1st)

Clean the Crumbs Out of the Broiler Oven Day -- keep it working longer, and prevent a potential fire

Face Your Fears Day -- Stephen Hughes encourages you to use this as a day to try to do something you've always been afraid to do     

Fontinalia -- Ancient Roman Calendar (garlanding of fountains)

H.M. King Bhumibol Adulyadeg The Great Memorial Day -- Thailand

International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction -- UN 

International Skeptics Day -- while there are skeptic organizations around the globe, there's no documentation of this being celebrated internationally; maybe the creator of the day wanted us to be skeptical about it?   

John Peel Day -- UK (in honor of his last broadcast)

Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness Day -- find information about this disease here

Modern Mythology Day -- internet generated, go look up a few modern myths on or snopes and have a good laugh

National M&M Day

National Yorkshire Pudding Day

Navy Establishment Day -- US

Runic Half-month Wyn (joy) begins

St. Colman's Day (Patron of horned cattle, horses, and those who are to be hanged; Austria; against death by hanging and plague; a blessing of horses and cattle is still held at Melk on this day)

St. Edward the Confessor's Day (Patron of kings, those in difficult marriages, separated spouses; the English Royal Family)

Train Your Brain Day -- spread around the internet by no one knows whom, but today is a good day to commit to doing what you can to keep your brain young

Anniversaries Today:

Founding of Georgia Institute of Technology (Ga. Tech), 1885

Cornerstone of the White House laid, 1792

US Navy is authorized by the Continental Congress, 1775

Birthdays Today:

Ashanti, 1980

Sacha Baron Cohen, 1971

Nancy Kerrigan, 1969

Kate Walsh, 1967

Kelly Preston, 1962

Jerry Rice, 1962

Glenn Anton "Doc" Rivers, 1961

Marie Osmond, 1959

Chris Carter, 1957

Sammy Hagar, 1947

Pamela Tiffin, 1942

Paul Simon, 1941

Melinda Dillon, 1939

Nan Mouskouri, 1934

Jesse Leroy Brown, 1926

Lenny Bruce, 1925

Margaret Thatcher, 1925

Nipsey Russell, 1924

Yves Montand, 1921

Cornel Wilde, 1915

L. L. Bean, 1872

Rudolf Virchow, 1821

Mary Hays "Molly Pitcher" McCauley, 1754

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?"(Play), 1962

"Kukla, Fran and Ollie"(TV), 1947

Today in History:

Nero becomes emperor, 54

The Vandals and Alans cross the Pyrenees and appear in Hispania, 409

Rabbi Issac Abarbanel begins his exegesis on the Torah, 1483

Jonathan Swift publishes the last of Drapier's letters, 1724

Charles Messier discovers the Whirlpool Galaxy, 1773

First publication of the "Old Farmer's Almanac", 1792

George Washington lays the cornerstone of the "Executive Mansion" (White House), 1792

Founding of B'nai B'rith, 1843

The first arial photo taken in the US, from a balloon over Boston, 1860

Eliezer Ben-Yehuda & friends agree to use Hebrew exclusively in their conversations, which begins the revival of it as an active and growing language, 1881

Greenwich, in London, England, is established as Universal Time meridian of longitude, 1884

Edward Emerson Barnard discovers D/1892 T1, the first comet discovered by photographic means, on the night of October 13–14, 1892

Ankara replaces Istanbul as the capital of Turkey, 1923

Premier of "Kukla, Fran, & Ollie", 1947

Fiji joins the United Nations, 1970

The first electron micrograph of an Ebola viral particle was obtained by Dr. F.A. Murphy, now at U.C. Davis, who was then working at the C.D.C, 1976

Ameritech Mobile Communications (now AT&T) launched the first US cellular network in Chicago, Illinois, 1983

End of the Lebanese Civil War, 1990

The 2010 Copiapó mining accident in Copiapó, Chile comes to an end as all 33 miners arrive at the surface after surviving a record 69 days underground awaiting rescue, 2010

In China, 23 elder members of the Communist Party of China call for ending the country's restrictions on free speech, 2010

Singer-songwriter Bob Dylan is awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature, 2016

Simone Biles becomes the most decorated gymnast in history when she wins a record 25th medal at the World Championships in Stuttgart, Germany, 2019


  1. Thanks for the funnies from Grandma. Have a beautiful week.

  2. Weed is a garment or outfit worn during mourning? now the term "Widow's Weeds" makes more sense.
    Love the funnies.

  3. Please thank Grandma from me again.
    I hope your medical goes well.
    And thanks for the prompts which I hope to get to - tomorrow.

  4. Good point - why do we use turn signals when driving? It wastes electricity. I'll stop doing it in future.

    God bless.

  5. Praying for your good health.

    God bless, Mimi.

  6. I love the interplay between you, hubby and technical things. You know husbands can learn those things ;)
    Thanks for the funnies - where do I buy these big band aids?
    And thanks for the words. I love archaic expressions and they were all new to me!

  7. Thankfully we have only had the power out for maybe a half hour since we moved here in 2007. Gramma loses power all the time. Having a generator would be ideal if you lose power more often. Glad it is back on. Great funnies too.

  8. Ha, ha, ha,ha, Old West. No that was funny Mimi. I hope that I never need one of those. See ya.

    Cruisin Paul

  9. You have such an interesting life. Hubby is calling your for help? I see you're a one woman show aren't you. I know a couple of women like that.

    Love all the funnies. Over 40? I'm way, way over 40.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. ♥

  10. Oh my, these are fantastic! I love the generator story and it's's Prince Charmings have fallen a long way off that white horse! All your "funnies" made me laugh. xoxoxo

  11. Those were all funny, poor Sweetie though!

  12. Oh my goodness....the generator story is a hoot! Take care and give all the family big hugs!

  13. the gram maw's are TOOOOOOOOOO funny today !!!

    thanx for sharing :) ☺☺♥♥

  14. Love your generator story. Just proves that we women run the planet!
    And those funnies! Ohmyword, I laughed!

  15. Glad you got the power back fairly quickly. Great collection of funnies. :)

  16. Wow, massive post of information!

  17. Thanks for the smiles, messymimi...smiles and laughter are always most welcome. :)

  18. Fun signs Grandma sent ~ be well ~ Xox

    Live each moment with love,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)


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