
Saturday, October 10, 2020

The Good Outweighs It All, a Ten Things of Thankful Post


Is everybody ready to be thankful?  Because i am sure right now that i am.

Let's go back to last Sunday.  Beautiful day, and our church was doing a blood drive, as we often do.  So i stepped up, hoping that i was not anemic.

Not this time, hooray!  So i did my donation and went on to see Ms. S.

Once i'd taken care of her, i went home for a bit of Sunday afternoon attendance at Bedside Baptist and got a little bit of rest.

Eventually i got up and decided something wasn't quite right, i had a bit of a sinus headache, which is unusual for me.  Because of that, i just did not feel up to driving back to church for the prayer meeting.

It's a good thing i did not, because about halfway through eating my supper i got dizzy and passed out.  Hitting the floor, i got a good, serious bump on my head that actually brought me back to consciousness from the pain of it.

Thankfully, i'd had my phone near and it fell to the floor with me.  Sweetie walked in from outside, saw me and ran to get ice for the rapidly swelling bump on my head, and i was able to call my doctor.

It was mostly dehydration, sinus trouble, and just tiredness that caused it all, so the doc told me to go to bed and stay there with my feet propped, get some fluids, keep ice on my noggin, and he texted me two more times before i went to sleep for the night to check on me. 

Yes, i am thankful for the doctor.

Monday morning i was back at work, and though i did not feel quite like myself yet, i was able to keep ice on my neck, keep my water in the freezer so it  had bits of ice in it, and later i bought some crushed ice cubes to eat so as to rehydrate without nausea, and get everything done.

On Monday afternoon, while i was taking Ms. S for her walk, i noticed that i would not be able to get to the bank before it closed if i did not hurry.  So after the walk, i ran to the bank and thankfully was just in time, then went back to finish up at her place.

Tuesday, i had my ladies' circle meeting online.  Thankfully, i was working for Ms. R, who is a member of the church (although she goes to a different circle), so i was able to put in my little ear buds and listen to the zoom meeting while i worked.  Also thankfully, Ms. R has an ice maker, so i was able to keep trying to rehydrate.

Tuesday evening, Ms. G texted to say that Wednesday was a no go for her, and i was quite thankful, as i was hoping for a bit of an afternoon "feets up" time.

Wednesday morning is the shelter, so Sweetie and i did the kitten cages and the office cats, and i went to do a couple of things, including take Ms. S for another walk.

This one was excellent, she actually got all of the way to the commons area!  Once there, she sat a while and talked to some folks, then met another friend on the way back to her apartment and spoke to that friend for a while.  It's great to see her doing something besides watching TV.

Wednesday afternoon, thankfully, i did get a bit of down time.

We also got a call from Little Girl because, guess what!  She was being called up for storm duty again, could we keep Coda?  Of course, that's a thankful thing, to be able to have the dog here.

Thursday worked out great.  Although i was still not able to hydrate fast enough (only ice or very, very cold water stays down, and in small amounts, and i get cold too easily to drink it fast enough) and occasionally had a touch of vertigo, Sweetie and i got the office done in record time, as two people have been out of the office since our last cleaning and we didn't have to touch their offices at all.

The house, well, Ms. SE's house is what it is.  This time, the precious pup, Cookie, had had a bladder infection, necessitating the professional carpet cleaners come in, then one of the A/C units died and they were using fans to blow cold air from one side of the house to the other.  On the very thankful side, it wasn't that huge of a mess even with the toys everywhere and the kitchen in a muddle, the carpets were cleaner than we could get them with just the vacuum, the dog is over the infection, and there was only one large load of clothes to fold!

Thursday evening, Little Girl brought Coda and left for duty.  Coda and i had a good walk, played with some new friends in the woodsy area, and i fed her dinner.  Before we got settled for the night, Little Girl was back to pick her up!

It seems that while one platoon leader told her she was on duty, the person above that leader had marked her as excused for school, to be called up only if it gets really, really bad.  She was told to go home and stay within an hour of base just in case, so it was the shortest Coda visit ever, but i am thankful for it anyway.

Also on Thursday evening, Ms. GA and Mr. BA texted the prayer group to come to their house instead of to the church for prayer the next morning, they were going to make "French toast" for breakfast.  We are all always thankful for a prayer breakfast.

It was a lovely time, and Ms. GA makes some great vegan "French toast," as well as the regular variety for those who want it.  Once we prayed and ate, i went to see Ms. S for a walk and a bit more cleaning.  She took her best walk in a long time, all the way to the commons area and back without stopping.  Then she showed me how to change her oxygen tank, and we got it done so she could walk by herself on Saturday.

Once back at Ms. GA's house, i got the cleaning done, and was very thankful when the weather held up long enough for me to get some work done for Mr. BA also.  Because i am still not feeling my best, he sent me off early.

As i was driving up to the house, Sweetie was tearing away at breakneck speed in Lunceford the Land Yacht.  He slowed just enough to open his door and yell at me through my open window, "I've got to go find where I left my phone!"

Shaking my head, i prayed he'd find it, wherever he'd been, pulled into our driveway, got out of GusGus and there, on the ground right under Brother-in-Law's car, was his phone.  It had, as usual, dropped out of his pocket and fallen where he wouldn't notice it.

Once he came back, madder than a hornet because he couldn't find it at the store where he'd been earlier, i handed it to him, showed him where i'd found it, and he asked if i was ready to go the shelter.

At that moment, i was not, as i still haven't quite recovered from everything since last Sunday.  He and Brother-in-Law went to the shelter to take care of it, and were told it had already been done in anticipation of the weather, to stand down and go home.  Talk about thankful!

Today, Little Girl is letting us borrow Coda for a morning to take her to see Lulu while Sweetie and i clean Grandma and Grandpa's house.

We are thankful for everything, from soup to nuts, that has happened, i believe it all shows that The Almighty is very good and always in charge and there are always, always many things for which to be thankful.

Please write up your own list and link up to Ten Things of Thankful, where Kristi and her co-hosts always have a warm welcome waiting.   

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Today is:

Alex Kivi Day a/k/a Kivi Day -- Finland (The Day of Finnish Literature)

Arbor Day -- Poland

Bonza Bottler Day

Cephalopod Awareness Days:  Squid Day/Cuttlefish Day -- celebrating the most intelligent invertebrates in the world; today, celebrate the tentacular species

Curacao Day -- Curacao

Double Tenth Day/National Day -- China; Taiwan (In remembrance of the revolution against the Imperial Manchu Dynasty.)

Festival for Juno Moneta -- Ancient Roman Calendar (Juno as goddess of money)

Independence Day / Deed of Cession Day -- Fiji(1970)

Journee Nationale de la Femme Marocaine -- Morocco (National Women's Day)

Kruger Day -- South Africa

KWP Foundation Day -- North Korea (1945)

Maroons Day -- Suriname (celebration of indigenous peoples)

Moi Day -- Kenya

National Angel Food Cake Day

National Cake Decorating Day -- some websites say today, some say the 17th

National Handbag Day -- started by

Naval Academy Day -- US

Ruler's Birthday Holiday -- SRW, Malaysia 

Simchat Torah -- Judaism (day to celebrate the reading of the Law; begins at sunset, through sunset tomorrow)

St. Francis Borgia's Day (Patron of Portugal; Rota, Marianas; against earthquakes)

St. Paulinus of York's Day (Patron of Rochester, England)

Tag der Volksabstimmung -- Austria (Referendum Day)

Universal Music Day -- celebrate music as our universal language

War of Independence Anniversary -- Cuba World Day Against the Death Penalty -- International

World Homeless Day -- no one should be homeless   

World Mental Health Day -- International

World Porridge Day -- celebrating Scotland's traditional national dish    

Anniversaries Today:

Edward M. Kennedy, Jr., marries Katherine Anne "Kiki" Gershman, 1993

Richard Burton marries Elizabeth Taylor, 1975 (second time)

The United States Naval Academy opened with 50 midshipmen and 7 professors, 1845

Birthdays Today:

Adrian Grenier, 1976

Bob Burnquist, 1976

Dale Earnhardt, Jr., 1974

Mario Lopez, 1973

Brett Favre, 1969

Daniel Pearl, 1963

Tanya Tucker, 1958

David Lee Roth, 1955

Nora Roberts, 1950

Jessica Harper, 1949

Charles Dance, 1946

Ben Vereen, 1946

Harold Pinter, 1930

Richard Jaeckel, 1926

Thelonious Monk, 1917

Edward D. Wood, Jr., 1924

Helen Hayes, 1900

Giuseppe Verdi, 1813

Henry Cavendish, 1731 (discovered hydrogen)

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Upstairs, Downstairs"(TV), 1971

"The Bob Newhart Show"(TV), 1962

"Milk and Honey"(Musical), 1961

"Porgy and Bess"(Folk opera), 1935

"Die Chinesische Mauer/The Great Wall of China"(Play), 1946

The Tuxedo, 1886 (introduced at The Tuxedo Club in New York)

Today in History:

The Great Hurricane of 1780 kills 20,000 to 30,000 in the Carribean, 1780

The first non-Native American settlement is founded in Oklahoma, 1802

William Lassell discovers Neptune's moon Triton, 1846

The first "Dinner Jacket" is worn to the Autumn Ball at Tuxedo Park, NY, 1886

President Woodrow Wilson triggers the explosion of the Gamboa Dike thus ending construction on the Panama Canal, 1913

Ho Chi Minh enters Hanoi after the French pull out of the city, 1954

U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower apologizes to the finance minister of Ghana, Komla Agbeli Gbdemah, after he is refused service in a Dover, Delaware restaurant, 1957

The Windscale fire in Cumbria, U.K. is the world's first major nuclear accident, 1957

The opening ceremony at The 1964 Summer Olympics in Tokyo, Japan, is broadcast live in the first Olympic telecast relayed by geostationary communication satellite, 1964

The Outer Space Treaty, signed on January 27 by more than sixty nations, comes into force, 1967

In Montreal, Quebec, a national crisis hits Canada when Quebec Vice-Premier and Minister of Labour Pierre Laporte becomes the second statesman kidnapped by members of the FLQ terrorist group, 1970

Sold, dismantled and moved to the United States, London Bridge reopens in Lake Havasu City, Arizona, 1971

After having closed borders for about two hundred years, Armenia and Turkey sign protocols in Zurich, Switzerland to open their borders, 2009

Pope Benedict XVI adds Arabic to the languages in which the weekly Vatican address is broadcast, 2012

The Nobel Peace Prize is awarded to Malala Yousafzai and Kailash Satyarthi for their work in advocating children's rights; 17-year-old Yousafzai, who was shot by Taliban in retaliation for her activism, is the youngest recipient in history, 2014


  1. With the continuing nausea, might I suggest a test to see if you have picked up some kind of gastro-intestinal bug? you don't want to end up in hospital on a drip.

  2. I do hope you recovery completely - and echo River's suggestion. You are important to many, many people. Please look after yourself.

  3. Praying for your good health, Mimi. Take care and slow down.

    God bless always.

  4. Stormy week indeed, and echoing those others get a check up and take care of yourself.

  5. Dang, I'm sure glad you are okay and ended up with so many thankfuls.

  6. Glad you are healing well ~ do take good care of you ~ otherwise, how can you care for others ~ You are treasure. Xox

    Live each moment with love,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  7. WOW! That was quite a week. I am glad you didn't get badly injured when you passed out. I wonder if it could have been from giving blood. I used to give blood, but passed out a few hours later twice so I stopped. I hope you can rest tomorrow. XO

  8. Holy smokes, woman!
    Take care of yourself...

  9. Hope you get back to feeling AOK. It is too bad you couldn't take a few days off until you were feeling up to par. I had the same thought as pilch92.

  10. hey, seeing how small they are nowadays, I've been considering getting a case with a coiled attachment so that I can keep my phone either up my sleeve or on the seat nearby... phone searches are less and less fun
    take it eas(ier) in the upcoming week!

  11. Oh my, Mimi! Please take care of you! I can't believe you went on to work after taking that fall! I'm praying for angels to guard your steps and keep you safe!


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