
Sunday, November 29, 2020

Memories (Cajun Joke) and Sunday Selections


Just because Sandee of Comedy Plus is no longer hosting a Silly Sunday blog hop, do not expect me to quit telling Cajun jokes, especially as it has now become a habit.

Grandma and Grandpa are funny to listen to, especially when they are both in the kitchen at the same time.  "He gets in my way," Grandma said on Thanksgiving Day when Grandpa was getting his turkey ready and she wanted to assemble a couple of dishes.  So she went and sat down to wait for him to finish, giving orders from the kitchen table.

"You can spread the butter under the turkey skin more easily if you don't melt it.  Here, what kind of spices are you using?"  She kept on in that vein until Grandpa asked her if she had anything else she could be doing.

"Oh, I almost forgot, I have a date for the Black Friday sales with Mr. Amazon!" she said, to which he replied, "You really know how to make my day, don't you!"

When we were putting the probe into the turkey and plugging it into the oven, Grandpa said, "I'm glad you are showing me this now, that way I'll know how to do it for next time."

"No, you won't remember by next time!" Grandma piped up.  He laughed and said, "You're right, I won't, but it doesn't matter, she can show me again!"

Boudreaux be standin' in de middle o' de room, lookin' confuse, an' Tee ax, "Père, what you be doin'?"

An' Boudreaux shake hims head an' say, "I don' remember what I be goin' fo' to do.  My memory jes' ain't what it usta be."

An' Tee say, "Père, I's sorry you be havin' so much trouble wit' you memory."

An' Boudreaux jes' smile an' say, "Mais, it be okay, in a few hour I won' remember dat I gots memory trouble!"


Sunday Selections was started as a way for bloggers to use photos that might otherwise just languish in their files.  The rules have been relaxed, and it is now simply a showcase for your photos, new or old, good or bad, although nothing rude, please.  It is now hosted by Elephant's Child. 

Some pretties, and some random photos.


Today is:

Dita e Clirimit -- Albania (Liberation Day)

Electronic Greetings Day -- sponsored by Wellcat Holidays

Fairy Flute Fantasy -- Fairy Calendar

Festival of Saturnia -- Ancient Roman Calendar (for the Sons of Saturn; Jupiter, Neptune, and Pluto)

First Sunday of Advent -- Christian (start of the Liturgical Year in the Western Church) related observances

     Lighting the Candle of Hope

     Midwinter Horn Blowing -- rural Netherlands (folkloric custom announcing the birth of Jesus, celebrated through Epiphany)

Full Beaver Moon / Full Frosty Moon

     Ill Full Moon Poya Day -- Sri Lanka

     Palden Lhamo Festival -- Tibet (protectress of Tibet, celebrated mostly by women)

     Loy Krathong -- Thailand (Floating of the Lamps festival; to appease the water spirits, dedicated to Mae Kongkha, Goddess of Rivers)

     Tazaugmone/Thasaung Mong Full Moon -- Myanmar (Festival of Lights begins)

     That Luang Festival -- Laos (Ventiane's most important Theravada Buddhist festival)

International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People -- UN

National Chocolates Day -- yes, another one

National Lemon Creme Pie Day

National Unity Day -- Vanuatu

St. Andrew's Eve -- in many traditions, a night to fortell the future, especially whom you will marry

St. Saturnius of Toulouse's Day (Patron of Toulouse, France)

Square Dance Day -- internet generated, and fun to do, but here's some information about square dancing 

William Tubman's Birthday -- Liberia (the country's longest serving President)

Anniversaries Today:

Erwin Rommel marries Lucie "Lu" Mollin, 1916

Birthdays Today:

Jon Knight, 1968

Don Cheadle, 1964

Andrew McCarthy, 1962

Kim Delaney, 1961

Cathy Moriarty, 1960

Jeff Fahey, 1956

Howie Mandel, 1955

Joel Coen, 1954

Garry Shandling, 1949

Petra Kelly, 1947

Chuck Mangione, 1940

Peter Bergman, 1939

John Mayall, 1933

Jacques Rene Chirac, 1932

Diane Ladd, 1932

Vin Scully, 1927

Madeline L'Engle, 1918

Adam Clayton Powell, Jr., 1908

C.S. Lewis, 1898

Busby Berkeley, 1895

Nellie Tayloe Ross, 1876

Louisa May Alcott, 1832

Wendell Phillips, 1811

Christian Doppler, 1803

Charles Thomson, 1729

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Tatort"(TV), 1970

"I Want to Hold Your Hand"(Beatles single release), 1963

"Bells Are Ringing"(Musical), 1956

"Kukla, Fran, and Ollie"(TV), 1948

"Gay Divorce"(Musical), 1932

Today in History:

Jews of Augsburg, Germany, are massacred, 1349 (Sometimes, it seems, the more things change...)

King Philip II devalues Spanish currency, 1596 (See above...)

Sir James Jay invents invisible ink, 1775

San Jose, California, is founded as el Pueblo de San José de Guadalupe, 1777

Dessalines & Christophe declare St Domingue (Haiti) independent, 1803

First Italian opera in US, "Barber of Seville" premieres (NYC), 1825

Thomas Edison demonstrates hand-cranked phonograph, 1877

The first motorcycle race ever is held in Surrey, England; the distance was one mile and the winner was Charles Jarrot in a time of 2 minutes, 8 seconds, 1897

The first US patent for inventing the traffic lights system is issued to Ernest Sirrine. 1910

Fire destroys most of the buildings on Santa Catalina Island, California, 1915

Howard Carter opens the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun to the public, 1922

Richard Byrd becomes the first person to fly over the South Pole, 1929

The first surgery (on a human) to correct blue baby syndrome is performed by Alfred Blalock and Vivien Thomas, 1944

The United Nations General Assembly votes to partition Palestine, 1947

Mercury-Atlas 5 Mission – Enos, a chimpanzee, is launched into space, orbits earth twice, and is successfully recovered after splashdown, 1961

Canadian Space Agency launches the satellite Alouette 2, 1965

Nolan Bushnell (co-founder of Atari) releases Pong (the first commercially successful video game) in Andy Capp’s Tavern in Sunnyvale, California, 1972

The United Nations General Assembly passes a resolution stating that Soviet Union forces should withdraw from Afghanistan, 1983

The Czechoslovakian Parliament votes to end Communist rule, 1989

The United Nations Security Council passes two resolutions to restore international peace and security if Iraq did not withdraw its forces from Kuwait and free all foreign hostages by the following January 15, 1990

A 7.4 magnitude earthquake occurs off the northern coast of Martinique, 2007

Pablo Picasso's electrician reveals 271 previously unknown works he claims were gifts from the artist, 2010

NASA announces its space probe MESSENGER has almost certainly found water ice buried beneath the surface of the north pole of Mercury, 2012

Tens of thousands Indian farmers protest the agrarian crisis at parliament in Delhi, 2018


  1. Grandpa and grandma sound like a loving couple. I don't have a chance to enjoy my grandparents. It is wonderful to prepare thanksgiving meal with love ones. Love the random pictures. Have a blessed Sunday.

  2. Love the way grandpa and Grandma get along. I love everything else too, the roses, the paintings on the wall, the blue Dutch girl who I think is a salt dish, everything :)

  3. Thank you for ALL the very pretties you shared.

  4. Lovely traditional wall art. Thanks for the funny and I so agree as hubby forgets that he is forgetful.

  5. Looks like an elegant place to live. Each setting is so perfect. I would suggest, however, that you eat those bananas soon.

  6. Cooking show and tell is most useful! Those photos are all very nice!

  7. At least forgetting you don't remember stops you worrying about it! A lovely collection of pictures.

  8. What lovely photos a nice mix :-)

    LOL @ the joke (•◡•◍)

    Have a safetastic day :-)

  9. Pretty and random photos to brighten up our days. Thank you. I sometimes wish my memory was like Bordieu's, so thai I coúld forget all the reouble.

  10. Sweet joke and lovely series of photos ~ especially like the sky ones as well ~

    Live with love each moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  11. Many lovely pieces....and a beautiful rose :)

  12. I love the repartee between Grandpa and Grandma. Years in the making! And I love, too, your Cajun jokes!
    Beautiful pictures!

  13. I love your Cajun stories. I love stopping by here. ALways something fun and interesting. HUGS across the miles XO XO XO XO


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