
Thursday, November 12, 2020

That Kind of Day (Six Sentence Story), We've Got This (Sammy's Poetry Day), and Generator Happiness (Brian's Thankful Thursday)


She sat on the front porch, swinging and just enjoying the breeze, the warm sun, the day.

It was a day to watch the world go by, and it did go by.  The two ladies who made a circuit of the neighborhood almost every day went past, waving their greetings and continuing deep in their conversation that seemed to never end, no matter how often or how far they went.  Joggers went by at a faster clip, while some dog-walkers were pulled along faster still by their excited-to-be-out pooches.

Eventually she yawned, stretched, and got up from the swing, determined to wander on in and see what she could scrounge up for a nibble.  A nibble, a nap, and then whatever came up next -- a day off was meant to be spent this way.

Linking up with Denise at Girlie On The Edge Blog, where she hosts Six Sentence Stories, and the cue is Clip.           


It's Angel Sammy's Poetry Day This week's image and my poem:    

We've got this, friend,

Just you and me,

We've worked and trained

So tirelessly,

And this is going

To be the day

We reach our goal,

Together all the way!


Brian of Brian's Home hosts the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.   It's time to share something for which i am thankful.  

This week i am thankful that Handyman Mike, the Generator Guy, came back with all the fuses needed to make sure the generator will run without us having to manually flip the transfer switch.  

It used to be, if the electricity went out, the generator would sense the loss of power and start to run, but not flip the switch that allowed it to power the house, we had to go flip it ourselves.  When the electricity came back on, the opposite would happen, the generator would shut itself off, but not let the electric power through to the house until we went and flipped that switch again.

This new-used generator has a different computer panel type, so it will flip the switch for us.  The house is protected in case of an outage, even if no one is home!


Today is:

A&W Rootbeer Mug Day -- see if you can frost your mug like they did

Birth of Baha'u'llah -- Baha'i

Birth of Sun Yat-Sen, Doctors Day, and Cultural Renaissance Day -- Taiwan

Chicken Soup for the Soul Day -- "Changing the world, one story at a time."

Constitution Day -- Azerbaijan

Dia del Cartero -- Mexico (Postman's Day; postal carriers are shown appreciation with small gifts left in mailboxes)

Fancy Rat and Mouse Day -- the American Fancy Rat and Mouse Association wants you to know these little critters can give you a lot of love

Journee Nationale Maore -- Comoros (Admission to the UN Day)

Khalkeia -- Ancient Greek Calendar (festival of smiths, associated with Hephaists and Athena; date approximate)

National Pizza with the Works Except Anchovies Day

National Youth Day -- East Timor

St. Emillian's Day (Patron of Spain, finding lost objects)

St. Josaphat's Day (Patron of Edmonton, Alberta; Toronto, Ontario; Ukraine)

Tewa Buffalo Dance -- Native American Tewa of the Tesuque Pueblo rites on the feast day of their Patron, San Diego, to honor Mother Earth, Father Sky, the four directions, and the elements; through the 15th

World Pneumonia Day -- because we lose a million children a year to this preventable illness 

Anniversaries Today:

The Arches National Park established, 1971

Ellis Island closes, 1954

Birthdays Today:

Anne Hathaway, 1982

Ryan Gosling, 1980

Sammy Sosa, 1968

Michael Moorer, 1967

David Schwimmer, 1966

Nadia Comaneci, 1961

Megan Mullally, 1958

Neil Young, 1945

Al Michaels, 1944

Wallace Shawn, 1943

Grace Kelly, 1929

Jo Stafford, 1918

Harry A. Blackmun, 1908

Sun Yat-sen, 1866

Auguste Rodin, 1840

Elizabeth Cady Stanton, 1815

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Grand Hotel"(Musical), 1989

"Irma la Douce"(Musical), 1956

"Paint Your Wagon"(Musical), 1951

Song of the South(Disney film), 1946

The first Sunday American-style football game is held in Philadelphia, 1933

Today in History:

Tibetan troops occupy Chang'an, the capital of the Chinese Tang Dynasty, for fifteen days starting today, 764

Plymouth, England, becomes the first town incorporated by the English Parliament, 1439

Sir James Young Simpson, a British physician, is the first to use chloroform as an anaesthetic, 1847

Jules Leotard performs 1st Flying Trapeze circus act (Paris); he also designed garment that bears his name, 1859

World's Fair in Paris opens, 1900

The first movie stunt: man jumps into Hudson river from a burning balloon, 1910

Norway holds a referendum in favor of monarchy over republic, 1905

Robert Scott's diary & body are found in Antarctica, 1912

Austria becomes a republic, 1918

The first underwater tunnel, the Holland Tunnel connecting NY to NJ opens, 1927

The first photo of whatever is in Loch Ness is taken, 1933

Morocco, Sudan and Tunisia join the United Nations, 1956

Equatorial Guinea joins the United Nations, 1968

The Comoros joins the United Nations, 1975

The NASA space probe Voyager I makes its closest approach to Saturn and takes the first images of its rings, 1980

The Space Shuttle Columbia becomes the first time a manned spacecraft launched into space twice, 1981

Crown Prince Akihito is formally installed as Emperor Akihito of Japan, becoming the 125th Japanese monarch, 1990

Tim Berners-Lee publishes a formal proposal for the World Wide Web, 1990

Shanghai Transrapid sets up a new world speed record (501 kilometres per hour (311 mph)) for commercial railway systems, 2003

The Comparative Toxicogenomics Database is launched on the web and revolutionizes chemical-gene-disease information for research scientists, 2004

Philippine volcano Mount Bulusan erupts again, 2010

European Space Agency's Rosetta lands the Philae probe on the comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko,2014

For the first time Prince Charles lays the wreath to Great Britain's war dead, instead of Queen Elizabeth, 2017


  1. That sounds like a lovely day.
    I do hope that all the hard work that pair put in is bounteously rewarded.
    And hooray for a much 'smarter' generator.

  2. That sounds like a wonderful, relaxing day off. Good to have a computerized generator that switch on and off by itself.

  3. Loved this, Mimi. It reminded me of the times I used to sit on a screened in porch with my grandparents and watch people stroll by on the sidewalk.

  4. Love your six-sentence this week, a lovely way to spend a day off.

  5. Sounds like a perfect day off :)
    Training with a friend always takes the edge off of it feeling like "work".
    Excellent! May you never need (or at least the rest of this year) that switch to flip :D

  6. Good to 'hear' that your surprise day off went well!

  7. Glad you have the generator and power working on their own. One less thing to worry about for you. that first story reminded us of us. We run with Mom in the morning and pass by people walking, in deep conversation, and whoever didn't run gets a long walk, and they pull Mom by those same people walking. It made us chuckle reading that.

  8. Love your poem.....perfection!!!!!

    Hugs, Pam

  9. That was a good day off story! We enjoyed your poem and a really terrific thankful, we're sure thankful for our generator too. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  10. Mimi,

    Sometimes I'll sit outside on our porch to listen mostly for the activity in our neighborhood. It offers a peaceful, comforting feeling causing me to think of all those yesterdays long ago on my childhood home porch. That such a good feeling.

  11. you had me at this... She sat on the front porch, swinging and just enjoying the breeze, the warm sun, the day... and happy birthday anne hathaway !! one of my faves.

  12. You poem was perfectly suited to the photo.

  13. That is how you spend a day off! That generator upgrade sounds purrfect, still haven't got one yet, gotta put it on a list. Have a wonderful Thursday all.

  14. " We've got this, friend,
    Just you and me,
    We've worked and trained
    So tirelessly,
    And this is going
    To be the day
    We reach our goal,
    Together all the way!"

    I loved this poem Mimi. We all have goals and it's great to see that we all have those goals.
    Thanks for being a friend Mimi.

    Cruisin Paul

  15. Perfect six sentences for a day off. And that poem describes the coupe in the picture to a T. Well done!

  16. My kinda day off - just watching the world go by! Perfect poem too.

  17. Perfect day off. I do this most of the time.

    I love your thankful. I hope your new generator works wonderful for many years.

    Love the poem.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. ♥

  18. A cool day off. Just had a day like that today myself. Bliss!

  19. thoroughly enjoyed the porch on the swing story !!!

    it COULD refer to a cat also :) =^..^=

    and happy root beer mug day; those were the good ole days; the root beer stands at the A & W "drive in"

    { which are making a come back I think, because of the times we live in now } ☺☺♥♥

  20. My thankful thursday is availble to see,it's a little weird for me to do what i did.

  21. Cute story and great poem. I wish your handyman lived near me- I bet he could fix our gernerator.

  22. Wonderful and creative post and Yea! for generators ^_^

    Live each moment with love,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  23. Thank you for your comment yesterday on Good fences.I could not find an email address on your blog so have had to resort to this post. I think that is a very good idea as she obviously life is too busy to organise the meme at present.

  24. Always great shares. You have a great talent for writing and poetry too. Great photos always and good shares. Thank you and enjoy your weekend. HUGS XO XO XO XO

  25. Is this how you spent your day off last week? Sounds delightful!

  26. Nothing like a relaxing day off. Love your poem.


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