
Saturday, December 5, 2020

Happiness is Ten Things of Thankful


The longer the week, the happier the thankful list!

We've had rain, enough and not too much, and i am thankful.

We've had cold, and the heaters work, so we haven't been too cold, and i am thankful.

My hands are back to their red, swollen, cold sensitive selves, and one finger got a scratch that wasn't looking so good.  Dr. BowTie sent in a prescription just on a photograph, no actual visit to the office needed.  That's a big thankful on a busy week.

The generator has been running its weekly test as it should, and i am very thankful.

Also, i am thankful we haven't had to use it yet, and hope we don't for a long time to come.

Becca taught me how to play a couple of new games on Thursday night, and i am thankful to know how much she enjoys them, it is a great way to keep her busy and happy when i stay with her, something besides just staring at a screen.

Ms. S was very, very grumpy on Friday, a great sign that she is feeling better and i am thankful.

Mr. BA's windows are almost done, i just need Sweetie to come with me next time so one of us can be inside and one outside to find the streaks and clean them up.  It's always a thankful thing to get a job done and done well.

Today is the run-off election, and then we don't have to hear political ads for a while, which is a relief and i am thankful.

We have Coda with us to take her to see Lulu while we clean Grandma and Grandpa's house.  It's always a thankful thing to get the best buddies together for a play date.

Please write up your own list and link up to Ten Things of Thankful, where Dyanne and her co-hosts always have a warm welcome waiting.   


Today is:

AFL-CIO Day (date of merger in 1955)

Bartender Appreciation Day -- with a guide to help you show your appreciation to the Heroes Behind the Bar   

Bathtub Party Day -- celebrate how much fun it is to take a nice, long, hot bath in these days when showers prevail; sponsored by Wellcat Holidays

Boycott Day -- commemoration of the city bus boycott begun this day in 1959 in Birmingham, AL, US in response to the arrest of Rosa Parks

Coats and Toys for Kids Day -- ME, US (charity drive across the state; even if you aren't in that state, there is probably a charity near you that would love to have your help)

Constitution Day -- Sudan

Day of the Ninja -- sponsored by Ninja Burger! with its own website     

Dingle-Fritter, Gooseberry Humple, Tiger-Get-By, LoneFolding, and Zimbor-Quattor's (Multiple Squishing of) Celebration -- Fairy Calendar

Discovery Day -- Haiti

International Volunteer Day for Economic and Social Development -- UN

King's Birthday -- Thailand, also National Day and Father's Day (for His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej’s birth anniversary, the founder and "father" of the nation)

National Sacher Torte Day

Nones of December -- Ancient Roman Calendar; also observed

     Faunalia -- rural festival of Faunus

Repeal Day -- US (celebrating the repeal of Prohibition)

SKYWARN Recognition Day -- National Weather Service, NOAA, and Amateur Radio Operators, working together to report dangerous weather conditions

St. Bassus of Nice's Day (Patron of Nice, France)

St. Nicholas' Eve  -- Belgium; Czech Republic; Hungary; Netherlands; Romania; Slovakia; parts of the UK; special observances include

      Avond -- Leewvarden, West Friesland (St. Nicholas visits and, if you are good, promises to return with trinkets and candies, which are left in waiting shoes)

      Bonhomme Noel -- France (Celebration of "Goodman Christmas")

      Klausjagen -- Arth and Kussnacht, Switzerland (with a procession of mitre-wearing figures by the Lake of Four Cantons)

      Krampuslauf -- Austria (St. Nicholas celebration, which begins the evening before the Saint's day, involving chasing and throwing snowballs at the Krampus, the imp who travels with St. Nick to punish the bad children)

      Zwarte Piet -- "Black Peter", the companion of St. Nicholas who keeps track of the good and bad children, arrives in many areas tonight

Swap a Christmas Cookie Recipe Day -- because it's fun to try new ones

World Soil Day -- International Union of Soil Sciences     

Birthdays Today:

Frankie Muniz, 1985

Margaret Cho, 1968

Gary Allan, 1967

John Rzeznik, 1965

Art Monk, 1957

Morgan Brittany, 1950

Jim Messina, 1947

Jose Carreras, 1946

Jeroen Krabbe, 1944

J.J. Cale, 1938

Chad Mitchell, 1936

Calvin Trillin, 1935

Joan Didion, 1934

Little Richard, 1932

Otto Preminger, 1906

Strom Thurmond, 1902

Walt Disney, 1901

Bill Picket, 1870

George Armstrong Custer, 1839

Christina Rossetti, 1830

Martin Van Buren, 1782

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Catskills on Broadway"(Revue), 1991

"I Do! I Do!"(Musical), 1966

"Band on the Run"(Album), 1973 (US release date)

"The Dark at the Top of the Stairs"(Inge play), 1957

"The Abbot and Costello Show"(TV), 1952

"Dragnet"(TV), 1951

"Kejser og Gililaer/Emperor and Galilean"(Ibsen play), 1896

"Symphonie Fantastique"(Berlioz symphony), 1830

Today in History:

Cicero reads the last of his Catiline Orations, BC63

An earthquake in Naples leave about 35,000 dead, 1465

All Jews are expelled from Portugal by order of King Manuel I, 1496

London auctioneers Christie's hold their first sale, 1766

Henry Knox begins the transport of Fort Ticonderoga artillery to Cambridge, Massachusetts, a key to later forcing the British Fleet out of Boston Harbor, 1775

C F Schoenbein obtains patent for cellulose nitrate explosive, 1846

President Polk confirms that gold has been discovered in California, triggering the next year's "Gold Rush", 1848

Daniel Stillson of Massachusetts patents the first practical pipe wrench, 1876

The first automated telephone switching system is patented, 1879

The first electric car makes its debut; it could go 15 miles between charges, 1893

University of Pittsburg makes the first use of numbers on football jerseys, 1908

The American League for Physical Culture is founded in NYC, the first US nudist organization, 1929

The 21st Amendment, which repealed Prohibition, is ratified, 1933

Sister Elizabeth Kenny's new treatment for infantile paralysis receives approval, 1941

A cold fog descends upon London, combining with air pollution and killing at least 12,000 in the weeks and months that follow, 1952

The United Nations General Assembly adopts Pakistan's resolution on security of non-Nuclear States, 1976

Shuttle Atlantis launches world's 1st nuclear-war-fighting satellite. 1988

The Civil Partnership Act comes into effect in the United Kingdom, and the first civil partnership is registered there, 2005

Human remains previously found in 1991 are finally identified by Russian and American scientists as those of Tsar Nicholas II, 2008

Malta becomes the first country in Europe to outlaw conversion therapy, 2015

Russia is banned from the next Winter Olympics in South Korea over state-sponsored doping, 2017

The letter by Albert Einstein from 1954 on the concept of religion sells for $2.9 million at Christie's in New York, 2018


  1. Hooray for so many things to be thankful for - and I hope your poor sore finger is feeling much better.

  2. Thankful for another day and what it brings.

    God bless.

  3. That's a really good list and I'll bet Coda is happy to see you!

  4. You always seem to be in a good place no matter what fate has in store!

  5. I love ypur thankful lists! Thank you for composing them.

  6. " Ms. S was very, very grumpy on Friday, a great sign that she is feeling better and i am thankful." Wow, whats Ms. S like is she really feeling well? LOL I glad she's doing well. Have a great day my friend.

    Cruisin Paul

  7. I love days when the rain is enough without being too much, but also love the cloudburst downpours days. They almost make up for all the months we never see a drop from the sky.

  8. can identify with cold-sensitive hands... not that it takes much (in the way of lesser temperatures) but its a special kind of discomfit... not especially fun
    ... we deliberately had the installer set the weekly test on the generator for Sunday morning so we could enjoy having a generator... lol seriously. the generator turns itself on and one of us will say, "We have a generator' and smite.
    Have a good week

  9. Wonderful list MiMi ~ do take care of your self ~ xox

    Live with love each moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  10. I have to wash my hands at work so often, plus using hand sanitizer in between, and my poor hands are so rough and dry! I need to be better about moisturizing them. Glad the generator is doing its thing and the rain was just the right amount.

  11. I love how you found the "thankful" about Mrs. S. Glad she is feeling better.
    That is nice that you and Becca can both enjoy playing games together rather than just staring at the screen.
    Getting a job done and done well❤️

  12. I would love having someone come clean my windows for me and now that we are redoing our home I am going to add that to the list and we can do it together as a family giving us a chance to spend time together.


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