
Saturday, January 9, 2021

Every Week An Adventure, a Ten Things of Thankful Post


Every week is an adventure, and this one was no exception.

Bigger Girl came with me to NOLA last Saturday instead of Sweetie, and we had a wonderful time cleaning and visiting.  She went back to California yesterday, and i am so thankful for the time we had together.

Then on Sunday afternoon, Red-headed Alec, Sweet Sue and Little Lee came over to get their Christmas gifts.  Lee is speaking in complete sentences now and his first words to me were, "Do you have a present for me?"  It made me laugh, and of course i did, i get him books (and give his parents some money to buy things for him that they know better than i what he needs). 

It was his first pop-up book and he was fascinated.  It's always a joy to see them.

We had a wonderful Ladies' Circle zoom meeting on Tuesday morning, then i headed over to see Ms. S.  The interstate was locked up (again), and on the main street to her house, the railroad cross arms were stuck down long after the train was gone, most frustrating.

Even so, i got to her place just in time.  Her insurance is sending a different home health agency in, and i got to meet the new nurse just as she was leaving.

The best part is this new nurse is a go-getter.  She has recommended Ms. S to a hospice that focuses on keeping people in their homes as long as possible, so Ms. S will get more help than i can give her by myself.  As the nurse said, she likes to see her patients getting help from hospice for their last years, not just days or weeks, it actually improves their quality of life if it is done right.

Then came Wednesday, and, well, it all goes back to falling out of a tree when i was 11.  At one point on the way down, i landed on a limb in such a way that i know it did some damage to my back, i just don't know what.  Since i was young, not much was made of the fall, and the spot on my back where i landed on that limb has only given me the occasional twinge over the years.

Wednesday at Ms. G's house it was more than a twinge.  A muscle bunched up and wouldn't budge, so i did what i could at Ms. G's and called the doctor.

The rest of the week i am thankful i got the work done for Ms. V, Ms. GA, and Ms. S, and i am very thankful for G-d's grace, grit, cyclobenzaprine, naproxen, lidocaine pain patches, Tiger Balm, heating pads and a short nap on Friday afternoon.  It's starting to feel marginally better, as long as i am careful.

The thankful news from the shelter is that adoptions are going well and a lot of kitties have gone to their forever homes.

Please write up your own list and link up to Ten Things of Thankful, where Dyanne and her co-hosts always have a warm welcome waiting.   


Today is:

Balloon Ascension Day / Aviation in America Day -- the first manned free balloon flight in the US was on this date in 1793 at Philadelphia

Children's Day -- Thailand

Duelo Nacional -- Panama (Martyrs' Day)

Feast of All Fairies -- Fairy Calendar

Feast of the Most Holy Black Nazarene -- Quiapo District, Manila, Philippines (culmination of the celebrations; a 400 year old Catholic procession with a black life-sized wooden statue of Jesus)

Festival of the Agonalia -- Ancient Roman Calendar (gifts given to Janus)

"I Will Stay" Day -- Brazil (anniversary of the start of the Independence Movement in 1922)

National Apricot Day

Peace Agreement Day -- South Sudan

Positively Penguins Day -- a day to celebrate all things penguin

Republic Day -- Republika Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Static Cling/Static Electricity Day -- on some sites, listed as April 26; i can only ask why it's listed anywhere for any reason

St. Marciana's Day (Patron of those with wounds)

Stepfather's Day -- not official, but it should be, there are some great stepfathers out there

Stuffed Animal Laundry Day -- give that old bear a bath!

Anniversaries Today:

Connecticut becomes the 5th US State, 1788

Birthdays Today:

Sergio Garcia, 1980

Dave Matthews, 1967

Joely Richardson, 1965

Mark Martin, 1959

Imelda Staunton, 1956

J.K. Simmons, 1955

Crystal Gayle, 1951

Jimmy Page, 1944

Joan Baez, 1941

Susannah York, 1941

Byron Barlett "Bart" Starr, 1934

Bob Denver, 1935

Judith Krantz, 1928

Lee Van Cleef, 1925

Les Paul, 1915

Gypsy Rose Lee (Rose Hovick), 1914

Richard Nixon, 1913

Simone De Beauvoir, 1908

Chic Young, 1901

Carrie Lane Chapman Catt, 1859

Gracie Fields, 1898

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"It Takes a Thief"(TV), 1968

"Rawhide"(TV), 1959

"Dear Abby"(newspaper column), 1956

"Edison Kinetoscopic Record of a Sneeze"(Film), 1894

Today in History:

Byzantine Emperor Zeno is forced to flee his capital at Constantinople, 475

Seven hundred Jews, believed to be causing the Black Death, are burned in their homes in Basel, Switzerland, 1349

The first sighting of manatees by a European (Columbus), 1493

Philip Astley stages the first modern circus in London, 1768

The first hot-air balloon flight in the US lifts off in Philadelphia, 1793

Income Tax is introduced in the UK (to fund the war against Napoleon), 1799

Admiral Horatio Lord Nelson receives a state funeral and is interred in St Paul's Cathedral, 1806

Sir Humphry Davy tests the Davy lamp for miners at Hebburn Colliery, 1816

The Daguerrotype photo process is announced at French Academy of Science, 1839

Thomas Henderson makes the first measure of stellar parallax, of Alpha Centauri, 1839

The Astor Library opens in NYC, 1854

The first hostilities of the Civil War, at Fort Sumter, South Carolina, 1861

The Great Gale of 1880 devastates parts of Oregon and Washington with high wind and heavy snow, 1880

New England Telephone and Telegraph installs the first battery-operated telephone switchboard in Lexington, Massachusetts, 1894

Alfred Tennyson's son, Hallam, the Second Baron Tennyson, becomes the second Governor General of Australia, 1903

Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc., the first historically black intercollegiate Greek-letter fraternity to be officially recognized at Howard University is founded, 1914

The Ottoman Empire prevails in the Battle of Çanakkale, as the last British troops are evacuated, 1916

Juan de la Cierva makes the first autogiro (helicopter) flight, Spain, 1923

A fire at the Laurier Palace movie theatre in Quebec, Montreal, kills 78 children, 1927

Several Panamanian youths try to raise the Panamanian flag on the U.S.-controlled Panama Canal Zone, leading to fighting between U.S. military and Panamanian civilians, 1964

Elections are held to replace Yasser Arafat as head of the Palestine Liberation Organization. He is succeeded by Rawhi Fattouh, 2005

Government of Sudan and the Sudan People's Liberation Movement rebel group sign a peace agreement in Naivasha, Kenya, 2005

Venezuela's Supreme Tribunal of Justice determines they can defer the latest inauguration of President Hugo Chavez while his cancer operation recovery continues, 2013

Car manufacturer Hyundai unveils a model of a proposed walking car for first responders, 2019  


  1. Try to remember to be careful with your back, as it can be very painful. End of last year I had a fall. I slipped and fell from a wooden stool I was on. Thankfully, I fell and sat on my butt on the ground (soft ground with lawn grass) but my back hit the edge of the flower pot. Thank God, no damage to my backbone. My back muscle had a bad trauma and bruised and it took almost 2 months for the pain to go away when getting laying down and getting up from bed. Take care and stay safe.

  2. I do hope your poor sore back gets better quickly. Take care of yourself please.

  3. I love your positive approach to everything. That back would have most of us staying at home with a hot pack and whining. Take care and mend. And yes we pay now for all the craziness of youth. Still I would not NOT have climbed those trees etc. Thank you.

  4. Praying for your good health.

    God bless.

  5. I hope your back is better soon! Like Charlotte says, most of us wouldn't deal with this so well.

  6. That was a good bunch of thankful things and I hope your back is much better super soon.

  7. Mimi, your positive attitude is well needed in the United States today, A lot of people today need that attitude. People are crying but things will get back to normal, hopefully. I pray that love and respect will be there.

    Cruisin Paul

  8. I am thankful for more than 10 things and one is thankful that you are surviving your back pain with such grace.

  9. Great thankfuls. I am sorry about your back though.

  10. I can think of few things more maddening than sitting and staring at stuck railroad crossing arms...

  11. Have you thought of having your back x-rayed to see if there is any permanent damage from that long ago fall? I do hope you don't get any more of the back spasms, I've had a couple over the years and know how that feels. Stuck railroad crossing arms are no problem for us pedestrians :)

  12. So sorry that you are experiencing back pain. Hopefully the meds are helping, but I know how sometimes they can make one feel a little loopy.
    Hospice is so helpful.
    I hope this next week goes better, Mimi. Take care.

  13. Thanks to the 'enes' and 'ens' and other pharmcolgies... hopefully they world quick and let your body go back to a certain level of forgetfulness (in a good way... not the forget I'm not 14 and jump down the last four stairs kinda way)

    Hey! Saw that Boudreaux is still gracing the 'Meanderings' Totally enjoy them fellas....

    Take it easy, at least until lunch tomorrow.

  14. Wonderful thankful list and so glad kitties got adopted at the shelter ~ Now ~ I hope your back is healing ~ sending you lots of healing energy hugs ~ Be well ~ be safe.

    Moment by moment....

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  15. I do so admire your positive attitude to everything life throws at you. With it, you will always overcome, although back spasms might slow you down for a while. I know you will keep smiling. And thank you for the smiles you give me.

  16. Praying for your back pain to resolve. As one who is sometimes painfully reminded, it does like to stick it's bones in our business, I don't know why, I think it is bratty behavior on the part of our backs. haha I am glad that the new worker has good planning skills and resources and hope your tasks lighten up. Healing hugs and prayers for the week.

  17. Ooo, sorry about your back! I fell down a flight of stairs, bouncing all the way down on my bottom, and my tailbone has never been the same. And that was 40 years ago, when I was in college!


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