
Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Coffee, Driving, and Memory, a Random and Happy Tuesday Post


It's time once again for a random and happy Tuesday, linking up with Stacy's Random Thoughts at Stacy Uncorked and Sandee at Comedy Plus 

Carl has decided that, for some reason, he needs two cups of coffee.

They aren't both from the same cup, drink a cup, refill, repeat.  He quite literally has two cups of coffee.

Yesterday, Sweetie called me to tell me he'd locked his keys in the car again.  This man with a Master's Degree, who can play every note of every Beatle's song ever written and had the entire Verdi Requiem memorized when his college chorus recorded it with the Roger Wagner Chorale cannot remember the code to push to get into his car through the keyless entry.  He has to call me every single time.

At Ms. JAI's house, she could not find the remote control for her adjustable bed.  We looked everywhere, and finally found it behind her landline telephone.  "I sat up in bed to answer the phone!" she said.  Then she almost carried it out of the room with her as she was in a hurry, i had to relieve her of it and put it back on the night stand.

The call was a reminder that she had a doctor's appointment that day.  As she headed out of the house, she was saying she hadn't eaten yet, and was carrying her coffee cup.  The cup was in danger of sloshing over as she went out the door, so i offered to carry it.  "Take it in the house," she yelled back as i tried to follow her to the car, "I can't drink and drive!"

Okay, how about some of the great stuff Grandma sends me:

Have a blessed and beautiful Tuesday, everyone!


Today is:

Check for Change in Every Coin Return You Pass Day -- because someone has a sense of humor and put it on the internet

Culture and Traditions Day -- Micronesia

Doctors Day -- US (begun by Eudora Almond in 1933 because she thought her husband, Dr. Charles B. Almond deserved recognition for his hard work; for ideas on how to thank your doctor)

Fairies of the First Wand Reunion Dinner -- Fairy Calendar

Feast of Janus and Concordia -- Ancient Roman Calendar

Festival of Bast -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (cat goddess; date approximate)

Festival of Reality Fabrication  -- internet holiday to celebrate your imagination

Festival of Salus -- Ancient Roman Calendar (god of health)

Grass Is Always Browner On The Other Side Of The Fence Day -- remember how good you have it; sponsored by Wellcat Holidays

I am in Control Day -- remember Alexander Haig's words on this date in 1981? well today, if you find the phones won't stop ringing, the kids got into the glue again, the coffee maker is on the fritz, and somebody dyed the poodle purple, stand up and declare that you are in control!

Land Day Commemoration -- West Bank/Palestinian remembrance

Limited Liability Day -- because no one can be responsible for everything

Pencil Day -- the pencil with an eraser top was patented this day in 1858 by Hyman Lipman

Runic Half-Month Ewhas (Horse) begins

Spiritual Baptist/Shouter Liberation Day -- Trinidad and Tobago

St. Leonard Murialdo's Day (Patron of apprentices)

Take a Walk in the Park Day -- begun by someone who wanted to get out of the office

Turkey Neck Soup Day

Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day -- US 

Birthdays Today:

Scott Moffatt, 1983

Jason Dohring, 1982

Norah Jones, 1979

Matt Doran, 1976

Mark Consuelos, 1971

Celine Dion, 1968

Ian Ziering, 1964

Tracy Chapman, 1964

M.C. Hammer, 1962

Paul Reiser, 1957

Robbie Cotrane, 1950

Eric Clapton, 1945

Astrud Gilberto, 1940

Warren Beatty, 1937

John Astin, 1930

Rolf Harris, 1930

Peter Marshall, 1930

Richard Dysart, 1929

Peter Marshall, 1927

Frankie Laine, 1913

Sean O'casey, 1880

Anna Sewell, 1820

Vincent Van Gogh, 1853

Francisco Jose De Goya, 1749

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Agnes of God"(Play), 1982

"Applause"(Musical), 1970

"Jeopardy"(TV), 1964

"Verkaufte Braut/The Bartered Bride"(Comic opera), 1866

Today in History:

The first recorded perihelion passage of Halley's Comet, BC240

Ketsugan, Zen teacher, performs exorcisms to free aizoji temple, 1422

Henry VIII divorces Catherine of Aragon, 1533

British and coalition forces march into Paris after the defeat of Napoleon, 1814

Dr. Crawford Long of Georgia, US, performs the first operation with anesthesia (ether), 1842

A pencil with attached eraser is patented by Hyman L Lipman of Philadelphia, 1858

Alaska is purchased from Russia by US Secretary of State William Seward, for $7,200,000 (about 2 cents per acre), 1867

Amelia Earhart becomes the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic, 1932

Einstein announces his revised unified field theory, 1953

The Yonge Street Line, the first subway in Canada, opens in Toronto, 1954

President Ronald Reagan is shot in the chest outside a Washington, D.C., hotel by John Hinckley, Jr., 1981

The oldest copy of Codex Holmiensis, dating from 1280, is returned to Denmark from Sweden after 300 years, and 45,000 Inca artifacts are returned to Peru's Machu Picchu after spending 100 years at Yale University, 2011

North Carolina repeals its controversial bathroom law that restricted transgender use, 2017

Pope Francis arrives in Rabat, Morocco, on his first-ever visit to the Magreb region of Northern Africa, 2019

Zuzana Caputova is elected President of Slovakia, becoming the country's first female head of state, 2019


  1. Thanks for those funnies. I can drink and drive - and eat too only not soup.. Carl's two cups cracked me up. He has a very literal mind.

  2. Grandma's offerings are brilliant - as always. I like the analogy between bras and masks.

  3. Oh my goodness - a gated community is good as is bras and masks. Good thing you have a sharp memory and patience with those your work for and your hubby! Happy Tuesday!

  4. A great selection of humour, Mimi. Thank you so much for brightening our day.

    God bless.

  5. Looks like you are the problem solver for your hubby and your clients. Thanks for the fun stuffs Grandma sent to you.

  6. LOL sayings ~ great post ~ Xo

    Living moment by moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  7. You shared some sage advice for growing old.

  8. Bwa! Haa!! Haaa!!! You made Mom laugh so hard, coffee came out her nose! We LOVE it when that happens. And I am in control day! Purrfect! We need Mom to go to grocery store and she has to go passed where she hit the deer! Wish us luck!

  9. hahaha, funny. I think gated community made me laugh most.

  10. I use the notes function of my phone to save numbers I might forget.

  11. So true about masks. :) Carl is funny with 2 cups of coffee.

  12. Your clients do the funniest things :)

  13. Glad Ms. JAI isn't drinking and driving, she's setting a good example for others.

  14. Oh lordy - sounds like Carl may be a Literal Man - my hubby is one of those, but he carries around a 24 oz coffee cup so at least he's not dirtying two just to have two cups of coffee... ;) LOVED the funnies from your grandma as usual! So true about masks! :D


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