
Sunday, May 9, 2021

Keeping Account (Cajun Joke) and Sunday Selections


Just because Sandee of Comedy Plus is no longer hosting a Silly Sunday blog hop, do not expect me to quit telling Cajun jokes, especially as it has now become a habit.

With Grandma's birthday usually falling within a few days of Mother's Day, the two often get celebrated together.  Today is the big celebration of both events.

No, i don't reveal a lady's age without her express permission.

Aline be done growed an' marry an' one day she an' Clothile done decide dey's gonna go shop an' spen' some time wit' each other, Mère an' Fille [mother and daughter].

While dey be's out, dey meet some o' Clothile frien's, an' Aline done hear dey coversatin', an' at one point, one o' dem ax how old Aline be gettin' now.

An' Clothile done tole de woman a number, an' it not be right, but Aline not want to say nothin' in front Clothile an' make her Mère embarrass, so she jes' done stay quiet.

After dey be alone agin, Aline done ax, "Mère, what fo' you done tell dem de wrong age when dey ax how old I be's?  I know you 'member my age."

An' Clothile say, "Mais, I done been lyin' 'bout my age fo' so long, I done figure I gots to start lyin' 'bout you age, too, or dey goin' figure it out!"


Sunday Selections was started as a way for bloggers to use photos that might otherwise just languish in their files.  The rules have been relaxed, and it is now simply a showcase for your photos, new or old, good or bad, although nothing rude, please.  It was hosted by River, who still participates, and is now hosted by Elephant's Child.      

This week was a blur, please enjoy some of the lovely things in Ms. G's house.

The book in front is a Bible from 1836.

Detail of the Bible cover.

A birdhouse shaped like a cat.  It says, "What bird?" right over the entrance hole.

Another Bible, 1878, if i remember.  She used to collect antique Bibles.


Today is:

Europe Day -- European Union

Hanswijk Procession -- Mechelen, Belgium (since the year 1272, the Sunday before Ascension Thursday, the town celebrates Our Lady of Hanswijk, in thanks for the ending of plague and war)

Independence Day -- Romania (1877, from the Ottoman Empire)

Infant Mortality Awareness Day -- as so many of us celebrate mothers today, let's remember those who have lost children

Lailat al Kadr (Lailat al Qadr) -- Islam (Night of Destiny; began at sundown yesterday, through sundown tonight, although local observances may vary and governmental days off vary from country to country)

Lawn Mower Day -- a rotary blade mower was patented this day in 1899

Lemuralia -- Ancient Roman Calendar (first of 3 non-consecutive days dedicated to getting rid of the spirits of the malevolent dead; rituals performed today, the 11th, and the 13th)

Liberation Day -- Guernsey; Jersey

Lost Sock Memorial Day -- they go to the hozone layer!

Mother Ocean Day -- celebrate the wonders of the ocean, wherever you happen to be; day originally proposed by the South Florida Kayak Fishing Club

Mother's Day -- Anguilla; Antigua and Barbuda; Aruba; Australia; Austria; Bahamas; Bangladesh; Barbados; Belgium; Bermuda; Bonaire; Botswana; Brazil; Brunei; Canada; Cambodia; Chile; China(People's Republic of China); Colombia; Croatia; Cuba; Curaçao; Cyprus; Czech Republic; Denmark; Dominica; Ecuador; Estonia; Ethiopia; Fiji; Finland; Germany; Ghana; Gold Coast; Greece; Grenada; Guyana; Honduras; Hong Kong; Iceland; India; Italy; Jamaica; Japan; Kurdistan; Latvia; Liberia; Liechtenstein; Macao; Malaysia; Malta; Myanmar; Netherlands; New Zealand; Pakistan; Papua New Guinea; Peru; Philippines; Puerto Rico; Saint Kitts and Nevis; Saint Lucia; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; Samoa; Singapore; Sint Maarten; Slovakia; South Africa; Sri Lanka; Suriname; Switzerland; Taiwan; Tanganyika; Tonga; Trinidad and Tobago; Turkey; Uganda; Ukraine; United States; Uruguay; Vietnam; Venezuela; Zambia; Zimbabwe                  

National Butterscotch Brownie Day

National Moscato Day   

Olympieia -- Ancient Greek Calendar (spring festival for Zeus; date approximate)

Remembrance for Gudrod of Gudbrandsdal -- Slavic Pagan/Asatru (pagan martyr)

Resistance and Liberation Day -- Lebanon

Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Fairies Founded -- Fairy Calendar

State Flag and State Emblem Day -- Belarus

St. Beatus of Lungern's Day  (Apostle of Switzerland)

St. Nicholas Albergati's Day (Patron of learning)

Tear Tags Off of Mattresses Day  -- yes, you can!  If you bought it, you're allowed to.

Victory Day / Victory and Peace Day -- countries that didn't celebrate V-E day yesterday, mostly Russia and former SSR's

Xotira va Qadirlash Kuni -- Uzbekistan (Day of Remembrance and Honors)

Yom Yerushalayim -- Israel (Jerusalem Day; begins at sunset)

Birthdays Today:

Rosario Dawson, 1979

Steve Yzerman, 1965

Tony Gwynn, 1960

Billy Joel, 1949

Candice Bergen, 1946

James L. Brooks, 1940

Charles Simic, 1938

Glenda Jackson, 1937

Albert Finney, 1936

Glenda Jackson, 1936

Richard Alonzo “Pancho” Gonzales, 1928

Mike Wallace, 1918

Howard Carter, 1873

J.M. Barrie, 1860

Belle Boyd, 1843

John Brown, 1800

Today in History:

The first battle recorded with what is considered historic accuracy and detail, the Battle of Megiddo between Thutmose III and a large Canaanite coalition under the King of Kadesh, BC1457

Christopher Columbus leaves Spain for his 4th and final voyage, 1502

Thomas Blood, disguised as a clergyman, attempts to steal England's Crown Jewels from the Tower of London, 1671

British inventor Joseph Bramah patents beer-pump handle, 1785

The city of Reno, Nevada, is founded, 1868

The Vienna stock market crash (Der Krach) heralds the Long Depression, 1873

The first horse-drawn bus makes its début in the city of Mumbai, 1874

Buffalo Bill Cody's Wild West Show opens in London, 1887

The first horseless carriage show in London opens, featuring 10 models, 1896

The lawn mower is patented, 1899

Australia opens its first parliament in Melbourne, 1901

The steam locomotive City of Truro becomes the first steam engine in Europe to exceed 100mph, 1904

The Australian Parliament  first convenes in Canberra, 1927

Edgar Bergen and Charley McCarthy take to the airwaves, becoming an overnight radio sensation, 1937

Rainier III of Monaco becomes Prince of Monaco, 1949

Sam and Friends, with Jim Hensen and his muppets, debuts, 1955

The FDA announces it will approve birth control as an additional indication for Searle's Enovid, making Enovid the world's first approved oral contraceptive pill, 1960

Iranian Jewish businessman Habib Elghanian is executed by firing squad in Tehran, prompting the mass exodus of the once 100,000 member strong Jewish community of Iran, 1979

The South African parliament chooses Nelson Mandela as president, 1994

Estonia ratifies the European Constitution, 2006

A report reveals that hackers using fraudulent ATM cards in February, 2013, stole $45 million, 2013

The fossil of a Chinese feathered baby dinosaur is formally given the identification of Beibeilong sinensis (baby dragon in Chinese), 2017

The discovery of the oldest viral DNA, a form of hepatitis B in 7,000 year old skeleton found in Germany, is reported, 2018

French adventurer Jean-Jacques Savin (72) successfully crosses the Atlantic Ocean in a barrel arriving in Martinique; the journey took four months, 2019

A full published report of the contents of an Anglo-Saxon tomb found in 2003 in Prittlewell, England, is hailed by archaeologists as being Britain's equivalent of Egypt's tomb of Tutankhamen, 2019


  1. Thank you for sharing some of the beauty you saw this week.
    I hope your blur was mostly a happy one.

  2. What fab selections this week :-)

    LOL @ joke haha!

    Happy Birthday to your Grandma and Happy Mother's day 👍

    Hope you all have a fantabulosa day

  3. What a wonderful collection of things Ms G has! As usual, I loved the joke!

  4. Age, does it really make any difference? LOL Have a wonderful Mother's Day Mimi.

    Cruisin Paul

  5. That was pretty funny! Those were very interesting items from Ms G too. Happy Mother's Day from all of us.

  6. Some beautiful and interesting objects there. I would be terrified about knocking them over, as I am a bit clumsy, so photos are the best way for me to see them, I think!

  7. Great joke. Ms. GA has a lot of nice items. Happy Mother's Day! XO

  8. Great Joke! Great Photos! And
    (¯`♥´¯)´´¯`•°*”˜˜”*°•. ƸӜƷ
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    ✿ нαppy мoтнer´ѕ dαy ✿

  9. I love MsG's trinkets, the antique Bibles look especially well cared for.

  10. Hahahaha! I love your Cajun jokes! My Mom was always '39'. I remember when she and Daddy were celebrating the 39th anniversary of her 39th birthday! What a treasure trove Ms. G's house is! I think I would get happily lost there!


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