
Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Now, Those Are Tweezers! (Wordless Wednesday) and Words for Wednesday


Linking up with Wordless Wednesday and Sandee at Comedy Plus.     


Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and has become a moveable feast of word or picture or music prompts to encourage us to write stories, poems, or whatever strikes our fancy.    

This month, the prompts are being provided by yours truly.

The whole point is to write and have fun, so please join in, you don't even have to use the prompts if you don't want.  Let them be a springboard, not a straight jacket.

This week's prompts are:














"You want us to try to enter into a NEGOTIATION with him?  You're crazy!"  Ryan was looking at Blake across the table where the whole crew was meeting, wondering what had gotten into his partner.

"Crazy like a FOX."  Alissa was a doer, and it was RARE that she had much to SAY, but when she did, the rest listened.

"Think about it," she continued.  "This project isn't a quick one and done like so many others.  It's a long ROAD, we need to PACE ourselves, and we need an INJECTION of some cash to get through until the profits start to come in.  Negotiation for some time and capital up front in return for his company being our first go-to to partner in future projects may CONSOLIDATE our position in the industry."

Ryan shook his head and said, "I'm trying to come up with a parallel here to illustrate what I think, and the only one that comes to mind is the mice that wanted to put a BELL on the cat.  These are big players, and most of them don't take kindly to newcomers trying to change how things are done.  They eat mice like us!"

"Let's get everyone's thoughts," Blake said.  "SOAP box style, each gets the floor for two minutes to make the case for or against."

After each member of the team had her or his say, it was obvious that Blake's plan had their approval.

"Well," Ryan summed it up, "I'll stand behind you and support the team the whole way, but I hope we're not planning our own FUNERAL."


Today is:

Anxiety Disorders Screening Day -- if you have symptoms, get checked, there is help   

Arbegnoch Qen -- Ethiopia (Patriots' Victory Day)

Arrival Day -- Guyana

Bevrijdingsday -- Netherlands(Liberation Day)

Bonza Bottler Day™

Cartoonists Day -- celebrates the first color cartoon ever published, The Yellow Kid, on this day in 1895.

Children's Day -- Japan (Kodomo-no-hi); South Korea (Orininal)

Cinco de Mayo / Anniversary of the Battle of Puebla -- Mexico, and anyplace that beer brewers want to make a minor battle into a big deal to increase beer sales today

Constitution Day -- Kyrgyzstan

Coronation Day -- Thailand (crowning of King Bhumibol Adulyadej in 1950)

Day of Adoration of Anubis -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

Europe Day -- Council of Europe

Fairy Ring Day (Receiving) -- Fairy Calendar

Great American Grump Out Day -- encouraging everyone to avoid grumpiness and rudeness for 24 hours; who knows, you might enjoy it so much it will stick!

Halfway Point of Spring/Autumn

Hidirellez  -- Turkey (arrival of spring and a religious holiday of the Alevi peoples, celebrating the meeting on Earth of the Prophets Al-Khidr and Elijah; begins this evening and goes through tomorrow)

International Day of the Midwife  

Lusophone Culture Day -- Community of Portuguese-speaking countries

National Bike to School Day -- US (encouraging kids to have fun, get their exercise, and get to school under their own steam) 

National Chocolate Custard Day

National Day to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy -- US   

National Ferret Day -- UK  (previously sponsored, but the link is no longer available)

National Hoagie Day

Occupational Safety and Health Professionals Day -- US (info here)   

Perfect Game Day -- Cy Young pitches baseballs first officially recorded perfect game on this day in 1904

Save Lives Clean your Hands Day -- WHO (the day gets its own web page)   

Senior Citizens Day -- Palau

St. Judith's Day (Patron of Prussia)

Totally Chipotle® Day 

World Asthma Day -- International (Global Initiative for Asthma; this year's theme is "Uncovering Asthma Misconceptions")  

Anniversary Today:

The American Medical Association is founded, 1847

Birthdays Today:

Harry Cavill, 1983

Danielle Fishel, 1981

Tina Yothers, 1973

Brian Williams, 1959

Richard E. Grant, 1957

Jean-Pierre Leaud, 1944

Lance Henriksen, 1943

Michael Palin, 1943

Tammy Wynette, 1942

Michael Murphy, 1938

Pat Carroll, 1927

Ann B. Davis, 1926

Alice Faye, 1915

Tyrone Power, 1913

James Beard, 1903

Nelly Bly, 1864

John Batterson Stetson, 1830

Karl Marx, 1818

Soren Kierkegaard, 1813

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Damn Yankees"(Play), 1955

Today in History:

Rebel barons begin a chain of events that leads to King John of England's eventual signing of the Magna Carta, 1215

Kublai Khan becomes ruler of the Mongol Empire, 1260

Jews are expelled from Speyer Germany, 1430

Christopher Columbus lands at Jamaica and claims it for Spain, 1494

In France, the Estates-General convenes for the first time since 1614, 1789

Citizenship is denied to Jews of Canton of Aargau Switzerland, 1809

Mary Kies becomes the first woman issued a US patent, for a method of weaving, 1809

The American Bible Society organizes in NY, 1816

Emperor Napoleon I dies in exile on the island of Saint Helena, 1821

In Belgium, the first railway in continental Europe opens between Brussels  and Mechelen, 1835

The American Medical Association forms in Philadelphia, 1847

Cinco de Mayo in Mexico: troops led by Ignacio Zaragoza halt a French invasion  in the Battle of Puebla, 1862

The first train robbery in the US occurs in North Bend, Ohio, 1865

Sitting Bull leads his band of Lakota into Canada to avoid harassment by the United States Army, 1877

The Music Hall in New York City (later known as Carnegie Hall) has its grand opening and first public performance, with Tchaikovsky as the guest conductor, 1891

Cy Young pitches the first perfect game in modern baseball history, 1904

Coco Chanel introduces Chanel No. 5, 1921

John T. Scopes is arrested for teaching evolution in violation of Tennessee's Butler Act, 1925

West Germany gains full sovereignty, 1955

Alan Shepard becomes the first American to travel into outer space, 1961

Bobby Sands dies in the Long Kesh prison hospital after 66 days of hunger-striking, aged 27, 1981

The government of Sudan signs an accord with the Sudan Liberation Army, 2006

Mass protests in Greece erupt in response to austerity measures imposed by the government as a result of the Greek debt crisis, 2010

Scientists announce the discovery of the oldest & most distant galaxy known to man, EGS-zs8-1, 2015

King Vajiralongkorn is crowned King of Thailand, 2019


  1. I can never find the twezzers when I need them.

    God bless.

  2. Love your use of the prompts - as I always do.
    Mine is below:
    Frederik’s doctor told him straight, without soft soap. ‘I am a sorry Mr Fox, but there is nothing more we can do. Your cancer is rare and our consolidated treatments have failed. The road ahead is straight now, and there will be no turning back. I wish I could say something different but I cannot. If you pace yourself you might have a few more months, but no more than that. The district nurse can continue to alleviate your pain with injections, but there are no other treatments left.’
    Frederick smiled. ‘Thank you for your honesty’ he said. ‘I suspected as much. While this last ditch treatment has been underway I have been working in parallel – planning my funeral. My negotiation with my family is complete now. No bell will toll for me. Instead I will be buried quietly, beside a water way on our land. Several trees will mark my presence (no headstone) and I hope in the future my family and friends will find peace there with me. I hope that they will sit beside me (or even on me) and find solace and beauty in nature – as I do and as I always have done.’

    1. Well done, Sue. You could have written this with me in mind.

    2. Good story and kind of sad. Poor Mr. Fox but he did appreciate the doctor's honesty.

    3. He sounds like a man ready to deal with whatever the future brings, be it long or short. Well done!

  3. I haven't used tweezers in ages now where did i put them heheh!

    Have a tweezertastic week 👍

  4. It's always nice when someone can't spell and they write the word super big,LOL!

  5. Great job with prompts. If I have time I will give it a shot later.

  6. Tweezers, what are treezers Mimi? LOL Have a wonderful Wednesday.

    Cruisin Paul

  7. I am glad you got the words early this week. Great story, I want to hear more.

  8. Great prompts Mimi and loved your story. Here is mine this week:

    BEWARE PREDATORS by Granny Annie

    I watched the fox move parallel to the fence. He matched his pace to that of our young goat and listened to the bell the kid was wearing. If this predator tried a negotiation with the large billy goat, he knew it would be his funeral so he moved with stealth.

    The baby goat was approaching the road which was a rare thing. I screamed and injected a bad word. It was a word that to, say in my youth, would have caused my mother to get out a bar of soap. Our large Billy and I consolidated our efforts and managed respond together and frighten the fox away.

    1. Excellent story, excellent save of the baby!

    2. Hehe Saving goats with words worht a soapy rinse ;) Like it.

  9. I'm guessing twezzers is a name for very large tweezers! Great story Mimi.

  10. Love the Tweezers/Twezzers. Yes those are tweezers.

    I always enjoy your use of the prompts and today is no different. Well done.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Big hug. ♥

  11. There are times when I think I live in a PARALLEL universe. Last week I attended a Briss, a wedding and a FUNERAL. I can’t help but ponder that it is a little odd how major religions accept the body as God’s perfect creation, and immediately start to chop it up. No NEGOTIATION permitted, just slice it off. The ROAD to membership in the clan begins with a decorously clipped penis. How odd is that! Well, that’s how it begins, and as the PACE picks up we get married. We CONSOLIDATE our assets, have BELLS rung in our honour, and SAY to the world that we will eternally love, cherish, and blah, blah blah. See how long that lasts! It’s a RARE marriage that lasts ten years these days, and often those that do conceal a state of repressed hostility that is unhealthy at best and often downright destructive. And then there’s the funeral where there is an INJECTION of platitudes the like of which would make you want to retch. At the one I attended last week, the dearly (so they say) deceased was in fact the epitome of the FOX in the chicken coop and would stop at nothing to achieve personal gain. I hope the orators washed out their mouths with SOAP after all the lies they told.

    1. Total agreement from here. I have been to funerals where I wondered just who the eulogy was about. It certainly wasn't about the person I knew.

    2. It is sad when they have to lie at a funeral. Most of the people i am privileged to spend time with behave in such a way that i could honestly praise them in that circumstance. Not that they are perfect, none of us are, but they are good people.

    3. The orators having to wash their mouth with soap. I think we all know funerals like that, unfortunatelt. Well told.

  12. We've been properly twezzed today! That was a good story too.

  13. What does the sliver look like - yikes!

  14. I don't think I would be safe yielding tweezers that size!

  15. Your story is so good! Mine will be on my blog on Friday, as always.
    Those look like the 'craft' tweezers I got for holding things in place while glueing.

  16. OMG! Today is The Yellow Kid Comic Day! Wow! That cartoon played a major role in several pieces I did when I went to art school! Wowwzers! We loved your wordless and wordy! And YOU! We hope you had a marvellously happy Cinco De Mayo!

  17. Great story with the prompts. Have a wonderful week.

  18. They say if we consolidate giving away free rare soap with the COVID injection the road to herd immunity will be easier.

  19. Well now- you cannot lose those tweezers! Great use of the words - clever story! Have a lovely day!

  20. Wonderful story and post ~ Fun about the tweezers ~ LOL ~ Happy Days to you ~ Xo

    Living moment by moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  21. I like your story - as always,. I hope BLake's plan is sound. Thanks for the words. My contribution is up - Finally


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