
Monday, May 24, 2021

Sibling Sandwich (Awww Monday), Inspiring Quote of the Week, and Breakfast Delight (Poetry Monday)


Awww Monday is hosted by Sandee at Comedy Plus.

Join us every Monday for Awww...Mondays.  Post a picture that makes you say Awww... and that's it.

Make sure you get the code from Sandee's site, linked above, and leave a link to your post so we can visit you.  What better way to start the week than with a smile!

Kittens can be comfortable almost anywhere, it seems, even with a sibling sleeping on top of her/him.

This one looks content, even at the bottom of the pile.


Sparks, the brainchild of Annie of McGuffy's Reader, is on hiatus, so here's an Inspiring Quote of the Week in her honor.   



Poetry Monday was started by Diane at On The Alberta/Montana Border.  Jenny at Procrastinating Donkey is on a blog break and is sorely missed.   Charlotte/Mother Owl always participates, and now Karen at Baking in a Tornado is jumping in at least once a month, too.  Spike's Best Mate often leaves a wonderful poem in the comments on one of our blogs.

This week the theme is Favorite Breakfast.          


When he was just a little guy,

His favorite was Cap'n Crunch,

And if his mom would have let him,

He'd even have had it at lunch.

When he was an all-stomach teen,

His favorite was Cap'n Crunch,

He'd have eaten a box a day

If the budget had afforded that much.

When he went away to college,

His favorite was Cap'n Crunch,

He'd keep some around at finals time

So while studying he could munch.

When he was grown and married,

His favorite was Cap'n Crunch,

Sneaking half a box at midnight with a quart of milk,

And hide it from the kids in the china hutch.

And now, retired and near 70,

His favorite is Cap'n Crunch,

Sentimental favorites just don't change,

He still likes it a bunch!

(Yes, i'm talking about my Sweetie!)


Today is:

Aldersgate Day -- Methodism

Battle of Pichincha Day -- Ecuador

Bermuda Day -- Bermuda

Brooklyn Bridge Day -- the most often sold bridge in the US (or so i've been told) opened on this day in 1883

Brother's Day -- celebrate all forms of brotherhood, biological, adopted, fraternity brothers, or members of your labor union

Day for the Naming of Rocks and Planets -- Fairy Calendar

European Day of Parks -- Europe

Feast of Hermes Trismegistus -- Hellenistic Egyptian Calendar (thrice-blessed Hermes, patron of alchemy, date approximate)

Independence Day -- Eritrea(1993)

International Tiara Day -- ladies, celebrate your powers of leadership in your life; tiara wearing is optional, it's the fact that you rule that matters   

La Fete des Saintes Maries -- Les-Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer, France (Roma [gypsy] festival, to honor St. Sara, St. Marie Jacobe, and St. Marie Salome, their patrons; through the 25th)

Little Lamb Day -- publication anniversary, in 1830, of the original poem "Mary Had a Little Lamb"

Lubiri Memorial Day -- Buganda Region, Uganda

Morse Code Day -- anniversary of Morse's first message in 1844 (Morse Code Day is also celebrated on his birth anniversary, April 27)

National Escargot Day

Sara-la-Kali -- St. Sara, or St. Sara the Black's Day -- patron of the Roma (Gypsy) Peoples (pilgrimage)

Sovereign's Day Holiday / Commonwealth Day -- Belize 

Sts. Cyril and Methodius's Day (Orthodox Church celebration; Patrons of Macedonia) related observances

     Bulgarian Education and Culture and Slavonic Literature Day -- Bulgaria

     Slavonic Enlighteners' Day -- Republic of Macedonia

St. Susanna's Day (Patron of martyrs)

Victoria Day -- Canada

Whit Monday/Pentecost Monday

     Dicing for Bibles -- All Saints Church, St. Ives, Huntingdonshire, England (a ceremny dating back to a bequest in 1675 that provides Bibles for poor children of the parish; they play a dice game, in which they try to win one of the 6 Bibles provided)

Birthdays Today:

Billy Gilman, 1988

Alyson Hannigan, 1974

Joe Dumars, 1963

Kristin Scott Thomas, 1960

Rosanne Cash, 1955

Alfred Molina, 1953

Jim Broadbent, 1949

Priscilla Beaulieu  Presley, 1945

Patti LaBelle, 1944

Gary Burghoff, 1943

Bob Dylan, 1941

Tommy Chong, 1938

Lilli Palmer, 1914

"Engineer Bill" Stulla, 1911

Samuel I. Newhouse, 1895

Lillian Moller Gilbreth, 1878

Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom, 1819

Emanuel Leutze, 1816

Abraham Geiger, 1810

Gabriel Fahrenheit, 1686

Debuting/Premiering Today:

Spy Hard(Film), 1996

Indiana Jones and Last Crusade(Film), 1989

View to a Kill(film), 1985

"Jumpin' Jack Flash"(Single release), 1968

"Mame"(Musical), 1966

"Le roi l'a Dit / The King Has Spoken"(Opera), 1873

Today in History:

The Fifth Crusade leaves Acre for Egypt, 1218

Peter Minuit buys Manhattan, 1626

The English  Parliament  passes the Act of Toleration protecting Protestants; Roman Catholics are intentionally excluded, 1689

John Wesley is converted, essentially launching the Methodist movement; the day is celebrated annually by Methodists as Aldersgate Day, 1738

Antonio José de Sucre secures the independence of the Presidency of Quito, 1822

"Mary Had a Little Lamb" by Sarah Josepha Hale is published, 1830

The first passenger rail service in US, from Baltimore to Elliots Mill, Maryland, begins, 1830

Samuel FB Morse taps out the first telegraph message, "What hath God wrought", 1844

The Brooklyn Bridge in New York City is opened to traffic after 14 years of construction, 1883 

The United Kingdom annexes the Orange Free State, 1900

Amy Johnson lands in Darwin, Northern Territory, becoming the first woman to fly from England to Australia (she left on May 5 for the 11,000 mile flight), 1930

Igor Sikorsky performs the first successful single-rotor helicopter flight, 1940

Conclusion of the Sixth Buddhist Council on Vesak Day, marking the 2,500 year anniversary after the Lord Buddha's Parinibbana, 1956

Cyprus enters the Council of Europe, 1961

FLQ separatists bomb the U.S. consulate in Quebec City, 1968

The drilling of the Kola Superdeep Borehole begins in the Soviet Union, 1970

The International Court of Justice calls for the release of United States embassy hostages in Tehran, Iran, 1980

Eritrea  gains its independence from Ethiopia, 1991

Israel conducts Operation Solomon, evacuating Ethiopian Jews to Israel, 1991

15-year-old Sherpa  Temba Tsheri becomes the youngest person to climb to the top of Mount Everest, 2001

North Korea bans mobile phones, 2004

London's Metropolitan police remove belongings and sleeping bags of homeless people as part of 'a policy of reducing the impact of rough sleepers on the community', 2013

Kaduna state in Nigeria declares a state of emergency as a moth has destroyed 80% of the tomato crops and factories are shutting down, 2016

The world's largest cat-proof fence (44km) completed at Newhaven Wildlife Sanctuary, central Australia to protect endangered species, 2018 

Millions of 17-year cicadas emerge in the US South, posing crop danger and noise issues, 2020


  1. Beautiful kittens. Thank you Mimi.

    God bless.

  2. Definitely an awww moment with that cuddle of kittens.
    Your sweetie is consistent with his loves - which is wonderful.

  3. What a long and good poem on breakfast. I'm impressed. And had to look up Cap'n Crunch - Google is your friend.

  4. Kittens don't come cuter than that! I too Googled Cap'n Crunch and it sounds pretty addictive to me!

  5. They look the cutest ever heheh!

    Have a cutetastic Monday 👍

  6. Some things from childhood never go away and I guess for some it is Captain Crunch! The kittens are adorable.

  7. The kitten siblings are so cute. I think they like the closeness and comfort they get from each other. I googled for Captain Crunch and I have not seen it here. Have a happy week.

  8. Awww on those precious kitties. They can look so comfortable and piled on top of each other.

    Love your Spark. Spot on. Yes decisions are key.

    Love the poem. Mr. Sweetie is perfect for you.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Big hug. ♥

  9. Great quote of the day! and those kitties are so awdorable! Have a lovely day with Mr Sweetie!

  10. Awww, those kittens are uber cute! That spark is so very true, thanks for the reminder!

  11. Aww so cute ~ Xo ~ adorable and precious

    Living moment by moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  12. I love the Sparks quote. It's so true but many have not learned that lesson yet. And, I love to see kitties (and puppies) curl up with each other. So cozy!

  13. The kittens are adorable. Excellent spark and such a cute poem. I like Lucky Charms best. :)

  14. Oh, to be as flexible and boneless as those kitties!
    And to be bale to sleep!
    When you find your perfect food, you stay with it! ;)

  15. hay ewe wee kittehz; ewe bee priceless...and ya noe, we haz never meeted a nap spot we dinna like !! :) ♥♥....

    de food servizz gurlz furst bulldawg waza HUGE fan oh cap'n crunch peanut butter !!! ☺☺☺

  16. Nothing cuter then kittens!

  17. That's a cute kitten pile and a really nice Sweetie poem too@

  18. Loved seeing those kittens and great spark

  19. I'm glad for your Sweetie's sake that they still make Cap'n Crunch - so many cereals get discontinued, it seems. Maybe your Sweetie has kept demand so high they wouldn't dare take it off the market :)

    Those kittens are so sweet.

  20. what's a sibling for if not to keep your back warm?
    I never had a favourite cereal as a child, but these days my go-to breakfast is hot porridge every single day.

  21. Awwwww...I just love those pics of the kitties. :)

  22. Kittens sleeping almost makes me wish I were baby again. The cycle of life will eventually have me sleeping like again when I'm old. Great inspirational quote!


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