
Saturday, June 26, 2021

First Week Back, a Ten Things of Thankful Post


Has it been a week since vacation already?

Must be, since it is Thankful Day again.

We had a lovely day last Saturday, being home a day early and having no place to go and nothing in particular to do.  It was nice to be able to unpack and unwind.

Sunday morning Becca and i took Mr. Cal for a walk, and i was very thankful to get back to the air conditioned house.  It's getting very hot, very early in the day now.

Sunday afternoon, i went to meet Buster, the cat Sweetie and i would be cat-sitting for several days.  Buster actually came out and sniffed me and didn't run off, so his owners were quite thankful and it made them feel better about taking this trip.

Since then, he's become more friendly with me and lets me pet him when i go over, i'm thankful all is going well.

At Ms. PA's house on Monday, i was thankful to find where the fitted sheets had gone, they were in the wrong dresser.   The sitters and aids are nice ladies, they just don't know where stuff goes.  We're also thankful that Ms. PA finally got to come home on Tuesday, it's been about 4 weeks that she was in the rehab hospital.

Little Bit, her cat, was glad, too.  That poor cat has been mostly hiding under Mr. Jack's bed the whole time she was gone.

Prime Day was this week, and i had managed to save up and ordered a dehumidifier for our bedroom.  We think it's going to help the room unit A/C, which seems to be struggling a bit.

Wednesday morning, at Ms. G's house, i was reminded again how glad i am that i don't normally work outdoors.  Sweeping birdseed off the patio at midmorning had the sweat pouring off of me.

The rain has been hit or miss around here, but Thursday i ended up in it and it was deep enough to cover a pothole that i managed to cream thoroughly.  GusGus Die Fledermaus made a really scary noise when it happened, so i went straight to Kevin and Lenny's.  They checked her out underneath, and i am thankful it's just a scratch to the dust cover, as well as being thankful i have a good shop i can take my cars to.

Little Girl is gone for a few days, so we are glad to have Coda.  She's glad to get to play with Diamond (the dog next door) most evenings.  She's also glad to get to play with Lulu today.

The shelter is hopping right now, with all hands needed on deck.  While i was there Friday evening for feeding and watering kittens and scrubbing toilets, i also fielded questions from potential adopters and helped one lady find which kittens could go home that day.  In the end, three kittens went to forever homes just while i was there.

It's been a very busy first week back, and i'm thankful i didn't have to spend it doing jury duty.  That will be my next week off, in January!

Please write up your own list and link up to Ten Things of Thankful, where Dyanne and her co-hosts always have a warm welcome waiting.   


Today is:

Alexandra Rose Day -- anniversary of the tradition started by Queen Alexandra on this day in 1912, in which roses and rose emblems were sold in London and the UK, with the money going to smaller charities that are not usually in the national spotlight; also by tradition, the Lord Mayor of London bought the first rose

     Alexandra Rose Charities still exists, but uses other forms of fundraising and now supports healthy eating initiatives among lower income mothers and children

Armed Forces Day -- Azerbaijan; Great Britain

ARRL Field Day -- American Radio Relay League's most popular on-air operating event, in which amatuer/ham radio operators practice and drill for communications during emergencies; through tomorrow     

Barcode/UPC Day -- the first scanner, at Marsh's Supermarket in Troy, Ohio, scanned its first item, a pack of Wrigley's gum at 8"01am  this day in 1974

Beautician's Day -- on a couple of websites, while other list other days; if yours puts the "beauty" in beautician, remember her next time you go have your do tended to

Great American Picnic Day -- various dates given, with the most common being the final Saturday of June

Handing Back of Tiger-Get-By's Presents -- Fairy Calendar

Holiday for the Shemsu of Heru -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

Independence Day -- Madagascar[Fetin'ny Fahaleovantena]; Somalia

International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking -- UN

International Day in Support of Victims of Torture -- UN

Midsummer's Day -- Aland; Finland; Sweden (obs.)

National Canoe Day -- Canada

National Chocolate Pudding Day

St. Pelayo's Day (Patron of abandoned people, torture victims; Castro Urdiales, Spain; Torreira, Portugal) 

Sunthorn Phu Day -- Thailand (celebration of the country's best-known Royal Poet)

Veteranendag -- Netherlands (Veterans Day)

Ziua Tricolorului -- Romania (Flag Day)

Birthdays Today:

Jennette McCurdy, 1992

Jason Schwartzman, 1980

Derek Jeter, 1974

Gretchen Wilson, 1973

Chris O'Donnell, 1970

Paul Thomas Anderson, 1970

Sean P. Hayes, 1970

Harriet Wheeler, 1963

Greg LeMond, 1961

Chris Isaak, 1956

Claudio Abbado, 1933

Eleanor Parker, 1922

Charlotte Zolotow, 1915

"Babe" Didrikson Zaharias, 1914

Colonel Tom Parker, 1909

Peter Lorre, 1904

Pearl S. Buck, 1892

Sir Robert Laird Borden, 1854

Lord Kelvin, 1824

Abner Doubleday, 1819

Arthur Middleton, 1742

Debuting/Premiering Today:

For Your Eyes Only(Film), 1981

"Absurd Person Singular"(Play), 1972

"A Hard Day's Night"(Album, US version, release), 1964

"The Valkyrie"(Opera, WWV 86B), 1870

Today in History:

Roman Emperor Julian is killed during the retreat from the Sassanid Empire; General Jovian is proclaimed Emperor by the troops on the battlefield, 363

The legendary Pied Piper leads 130 children out of Hamelin, German, 1284

Richard III is crowned king of England, 1483

Francisco Pizarro is assassinated in Lima, 1541

W. K. Clarkson patents the first bicycle, 1819

The Christian  holiday of Christmas is declared a federal holiday in the United States, 1870

The Science Museum in London comes into existence as an independent entity, 1909

The United Nations Charter is signed in San Francisco, 1945

William Shockley files the original patent for the grown junction transistor, the first bipolar junction transistor, 1948

The Berlin Airlift begins, 1948

The Saint Lawrence Seaway opens, opening North America's Great Lakes to ocean-going ships, 1959

The Universal Product Code is scanned for the first time to sell a package of Wrigley's chewing gum at the Marsh Supermarket in Troy, Ohio, 1974

Indira Gandhi establishes emergency rule in India, 1975

The CN Tower, the world's tallest free-standing structure on land, is opened to general public, 1976*

Biologists J. Craig Venter and Francis S. Collins announced that their research groups had mapped the human genome, 2000

Wangdue Phodrang Dzong, the four thousand year-old ridge-top monastery in Bhutan catches fire and is destroyed; no relics were lost in the fire because the monastery was under renovation, 2012

Following the military coup in Thailand, people are warned that anyone calling for protest on social media will be prosecuted for sedition, 2014

The city of Falluja is freed from Islamic State control after a month-long campaign by Iraqi forces, 2016

Iceland’s presidential election is won by history professor Guðni Jóhannesson, 2016

The Panama Canal's third set of locks opens for commercial traffic, doubling the Canal’s capacity, 2016

A polio outbreak is confirmed in New Guinea by the World Health Organization, 18 years after it was declared free of the disease, 2018

More than 5,000 smuggled turtles are discovered in luggage at the Kuala Lumpur Airport, Malaysia, bound for India, 2019

*It is still the tallest in the Western Hemisphere


  1. How lovely to have three kittens go to forever homes. With your room A/C struggling perhaps you need to clean the filters? They catch an astonishing amount of dust, I clean mine twice a year.

  2. Lots of lovely things to be thankful for - not least having Coda visit again.

  3. It's good to be always thankful.

    God bless.

  4. Love your thankful list. Maybe your air con needs servicing. Our air con was making a lot of loud noise and finally we call the service man. After that the noise was gone and it was working very well and very cold.

  5. Very nice thankful list. I am glad the kittens got good forever homes. XO

  6. You had quite a week Mimi. Rain must be throughout the US and Canada. We've had rain throughout the week and more for this coming week. I feel like a prune. LOL

    Cruisin Paul

  7. Wonderful thankfuls ~ glad you don't have jury duty till Jan ~ seems you have enough to do ~ eh? ~ Xo

    Living in the moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  8. Such a nice list of thankfuls and we're glad you had one day to rest up for the full steam ahead!

  9. You sure had a week packed with work, and thankfulnes.

  10. I remember soon after we moved from one town to another, I drove to the store one night and drove through a pothole that was obscure because it was flooded and I immediately blew my tire. I didn't realize what had happened immediately. I just thought the water had made a very loud splash until I realized my car was acting strangely. After pulling over I saw a very flat tire. Had I had a chance to become familiar with the streets during daylight hours and not on a drenching wet night, I would have known how to drive to avoid that pothole. Glad your Gus Gus made it through with just a scratch and that you were able to have it checked out right away. I hope the dehumidifier makes things a little more comfortable for you. Hot and humid is no fun. Hope you have a good week, Mimi.

  11. I need a personal dehumidifier. Is there such a thing?! Playground time is 9:30-10:30, and even if it's only 80 degrees, the humidity is so stupid high that walking feels more like swimming. Don't you love it when a kitty warms up to you? They know cat people when they meet them!


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