
Saturday, June 5, 2021

That's Life, a Ten Things of Thankful Post


All the crazy things that happen aren't interruptions of a nice, smooth life, those things are life.

That's why i need Thankful Day.  That's also why i need patience as i catch up on my blog reading.  Most weeks i fall behind at least once during the week, i am thankful for my friends who understand.

Harking back to last weekend, Saturday went very well at Grandma's house.  Sunday was lovely, and since Becca had a difficult night the night before, she and i stayed home and took the dog for a walk.  We even got to see the turtles at the pond.

As noted earlier in the week, Ms. PA broke her arm.  Everyone is thankful she didn't need surgery and i am thankful Mr. Jack can stay home with the sitters they've hired.

While i was disappointed not to have Ms. G on Wednesday (she was called out of town again), i was thankful to get to the laundromat.  We have tentatively scheduled our re-opening of the laundromat library with kids books to coincide with the start of school in August.  Hooray!

That same day, i got the call to come get my new glasses, and i had time to do it, as well as talk to them about which eye drops they used so i will now know what to avoid when having my eyes dilated.

A trip to the pharmacy found a better finger support for Sweetie's broken finger.  The one he had was too tight and too cumbersome.  There's also a cold pack just for fingers, and it is working to bring the swelling down, bonus!

Our state seems to have entered the 21st century, finally, and i was able to pay our state taxes online.  It's so much better than hoping the mail goes through.

Speaking of mail, here's a good one for you.  Yesterday, June 4, i received a jury summons.  My date to report for duty is June 21.

Yes, the week after we get back from vacation.

A call to the jury office (thank heaven i got the mail early enough in the day that they were still there) was made and the nice lady told me that notice would have been mailed out on May 6.

A word to the wise, it can now take the United States Postal Service a month to get your jury notice to you.  

When i explained my self-employed status, how we would be gone the week before, and that the doggone notice just got here leaving me precious little time to deal with the whole thing, she said for me to send in a formal emailed request for delay and she would add her note that she talked to me and see if i could get put off until the end of summer.

It's a thankful thing that some people listen and care and do try to work with you.

Then there's the cat shelter.  Ms. Mary had called me to say she would be out of town and so i was going to cover rooms for her.  Another volunteer had signed up for cages, and i was going to leave her to it.

She didn't show up.

Evening caretaking is just food and water, so it worked out that i was able to do both rooms and cages.

And help with a cat that was having a meltdown.  Poor, sweet Duchess came back to us after her owner died.  She was trying to attack everyone, it took a concerted effort to get her into a room of her own so she could hopefully calm down and chill out a bit, and i cleaned the aftermath of spilled litter from her cage and the spills from the other cats that got scared when she went ballistic and they messed up their own areas.

Some days it's nice to just be in the right place to help, and that's one of my favorite thankful things of all.

Please write up your own list and link up to Ten Things of Thankful, where Dyanne and her co-hosts always have a warm welcome waiting.   


Today is:

15th Khordad National Uprising -- Iran (1963)

Apple II Day -- the Apple II first went on sale today in 1977

     note that some historians say it went on sale June 10, others say the first models were shipped out that day


Arbor Day -- New Zealand

California Artichoke Festival -- Castroville, CA, US (lots of fun in the Artichoke Capital of the World; through tomorrow)

Drawing Day/Pencil Day -- used to be sponsored on the first Saturday with the motto "Drop Everything and Draw", but even though no longer promoted by any specific group, you can still enjoy some time drawing today

Festival of Popular Delusions Day -- begun as this was the last day before D-Day that the Germans could delude themselves that they could win; thus a day to question your own assumptions and try to align your beliefs with facts and reality

Great American Campout Month -- sponsored by the National Wildlife Federation, and remember that Happy Campers Protect Wildlife   

Grundlovsdag -- Denmark and the Faroe Island (Constitution Day)

Indian Arrival Day -- Suriname (marking the arrival of indentured laborers from the Indian subcontinent)

Judgement Day -- Fairy Calendar (Nosegays)

Liberation Day -- Seychelles

Natalicio de Oblang Nguema Mbasogo -- Equatorial Guinea (President's Day)

National Attitude Day -- if this is really a day to celebrate, try to have a positive one

National Family Recreation Day -- US (seems to have been started by the community of Arvada, CO, US, wanting families to enjoy the great outdoors together)

National Gingerbread Day

National Health and Fitness Day -- Canada 

National Moonshine Day -- with its own sponsor     

National Trails Day -- US (be safe out there, if you want help becoming a hiker there's info from the American Hiking Society)    

Nones of June -- Ancient Roman Calendar; related observance

     Festival of Semo Sancus -- god of loyalty, honesty and oaths (one of the oldest Roman cults, probably Etruscan or Oscan originally)

St. Boniface's Day (Patron of brewers, file cutters, tailors; Fulda, Germany; Germamy; Saint-Boniface, Manitoba, Canada)

World Environment Day -- UN (this year's theme, "Reimagine, Recreate, Restore") 

Birthdays Today:

Chad Allen, 1974

Mark Wahlberg, 1971

Brian McKnight, 1969

Kenny G, 1956

Jill Biden, 1951

Suze Orman, 1951

Ken Follett, 1949

Spalding Gray, 1941

Margaret Drabble, 1939

Bill Moyers, 1934

Tony Richardson, 1928

Richard Mcclure Scarry, 1919

William "Hopalong Cassidy" Boyd, 1895

Panco Villa, 1878

Adam Smith, 1723 (O.S. Date)

Thomas Chippendale, 1718

Pu Songling, 1640

Today in History:

Traditional date for the sinking of Atlantis, 8498BC

Titus and his Roman legions breach the middle wall of Jerusalem  in the Siege of Jerusalem, 70

Kraków, Poland  receives city  rights, 1257

The first Great Lakes steamer, the Frontenac, is launched, 1817

Houston, Texas is incorporated by the Republic of Texas, 1837

Denmark  becomes a constitutional monarchy, 1849

Harriet Beecher Stowe's anti-slavery serial, Uncle Tom's Cabin or, Life Among the Lowly starts a ten-month run in the National Era abolitionist newspaper, 1851

Denmark  amends its constitution to allow women's suffrage, 1915

Elvis Presley introduces his new single, "Hound Dog", on The Milton Berle Show, scandalizing the audience with his suggestive hip movements, 1956

The first government of the State of Singapore is sworn in, 1959

The Apple II, the first practical personal computer, goes on sale, 1977

Prime Minister of India Indira Gandhi orders an attack on the Golden Temple, the holiest site of the Sikh religion, 1984

A severe heat wave across Pakistan  and India  reaches its peak, as temperatures exceed 50°C (122°F) in the region, 2003

The planet Venus makes its last transit of the 21st century beginning at 22:09 UTC June 5, and ending 4:49 UTC June 6, 2012

The Swiss vote to reject the referendum to give each citizen a guaranteed income of $2,500 Swiss francs per month, 2015

Puerto Rico declares its Zika virus outbreak to be over, 2017

Montenegro joins NATO, becoming its 29th member, 2017

The science journal Environmental Science and Technology publishes a study which estimates that the average person ingests 50,000 pieces of microplastic each year, and breathes in a similar amount, 2019


  1. Love your list.
    Thank you for all you do - not least giving support to poor Duchess.

  2. Marvellous list. Thank you for thankfuls.

  3. I've never heard of a laundromat library but I'm certainly intrigued.

  4. What a week, but those were nice thankfuls. That poor kitty though.

  5. Whew ! I commend you in all you do ~ hope the jury duty gets postponed ~ Happy Weekend to you with a bit of peace ~ Xo

    Living moment by moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  6. Poor Duchess, I hope she gets a forever home soon. That We usually get 3 months notice for jury duty.

  7. Oh my! When it was being decided which of us here on earth might be able to handle whatever was thrown their way, and do it with grace, you must have stood up and said, "Send me. I will." Dealing with ballistic cats would frighten me silly.

  8. Poor Duchess, I do hope she calms down enough to get some lovely cuddles.

  9. Gosh! What a week! And you are still happy so that is a marvellous thing! Mimi, you rock! Let's pray next week is less intense!

  10. Busy week. Good that they will be thoughtful and delay your jury duty.
    We are no longer in winter, so that's a good thing..
    Have the best week possible

  11. Talk about easy come easy go.

  12. I'm catching up as well!
    You amaze me, Mimi, with all the service you perform in a week. You are truly an amazing person! There are so many people (and quite a few kitties) who are grateful for you in their lives!

  13. How about I give you a big ole virtual HUG!

  14. A laundromat library with kids books is a terrific idea! Definitely avoid those eyedrops again - yikes! Poor Duchess! My heart goes out to her. Jury duty SUCKS. I haven't been called back since I was on a jury for three weeks almost 20 years ago. Horrible experience! I hope they never call me again!


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