
Thursday, October 21, 2021

Battle (Six Sentence Story), Halloween Good Fences, Sammy's Poetry Day, and Brian's Thankful Thursday

A bit of a word before we begin the blog hops.  Yesterday's picture was chewed gum in the bottom of Carl's trash can.  Yes, it's an environmental disaster that so many who don't really need them seem to wear gloves these days, but for the janitor, they are essential!


We've had a slight difficulty at the cat shelter lately.

Ringworm cases have been running rampant, and even aggressive treatment didn't seem to stop the spread.

All of the healthy kittens were sent to foster homes to protect them, and adoption days are on weekends at the pet store instead of daily in the shelter.

Healthy adult cats are in the colony rooms or offices on one side of the shelter and kept segregated with nothing shared between them and the infected cats except the fact that they're on the same piece of property.

The whole building has been cleaned and bleached and cleaned again to try to get rid of this persistent fungus.

Let's hope we are successful soon, the place isn't the same without kittens everywhere.

Linking up with Denise at Girlie On The Edge Blog, where she hosts Six Sentence Stories, and the cue is Treatment.      


Gosia at Looking for Identity has taken over Good Fences, and it's now Good Fences Around The World.  Post a picture of a fence or gate, link back to her blog, and go visit other blogs to see what interesting fences there are out in this big world.     

It's still spooky fence season:


It's Angel Sammy's Poetry Day Last week, out of habit, i posted a poem and it was supposed to be our week off.  This week i'm repeating last week's poem, and i wrote a new one for the same image.

 This week's image and my poems: 

Gotta get my exercise 

To keep up with this crew

There's quite a bit of crowd control,

That's most of what I do.

I keep them fed and comfy

And entertained, I'm no quitter,

But when I give them back at the end of the day,

I'm glad I'm just a daycare sitter!


We never believed it would happen to us,

To have to many kids we end up needing a bus,

Now that we've got them, gonna hang on tight,

And do what needs doing to raise them right!


Brian of Brian's Home hosts the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.   It's time to share something for which i am thankful.  

Today i am thankful to be getting back to cleaning the office every other Thursday.  We stopped when we got sick, and then for the funeral and the office closed for the hurricane, but now we are going over there again this morning.


Today is:

Apple Day -- U.K. (to inspire local orchard revival and celebrate local varieties)

Antillean Day -- Bonaire; Curacao; Saba; St. Eustatius 

Armed Forces Day -- Honduras (Dia de las Fuerzas Armadas; traditional date, now usually celebrated earlier in the month as part of Morazanica Week)

Babbling Day -- an internet generated day for Blatherskites

Boun Suang Heua -- on the Mekong River near Vientiane, Laos (second day of the Ok Phansa festival, the Boat Racing Festival)

Buffalo Racing Festival -- Chonburi, Thailand (lots of water buffalo contests, including fancy dress!)

Caramel Apple Day -- US (leave it to the US to add sugar to a delicious, nutritious snack!)

Conflict Resolution Day -- Association for Conflict Resolution   

Count Your Buttons Day -- whoever came up with this one needs to count his marbles maybe?

Egyptian Naval Day -- Egypt

Garbanzo Bean Day

Get Smart About Credit Day -- sponsored by the American Bankers Association   

Get to Know Your Customers Day -- third Thursday of every quarter

Global Iodine Deficiency Disorder Prevention Day

Humble Yourself By Having Your Picture Made Wearing A Bicycle Helmet Day -- no comment

Hurricane Bebe Day -- Funafuti, Tuvalu (commemoration of the destruction by this hurricane in 1972)

Independence Day -- Marshall Islands(1986)

International Credit Union Day -- World Council of Credit Unions   

International Day of the Nacho -- Mexico; U.S.

Jailhouse Rock Day -- Elvis' song hit #1 today in 1957

National Nurses Day -- Thailand

National Pumpkin Cheesecake Day

Overseas Chinese Day -- Taiwan (Republic of China)

President Ndadaye Day -- Burundi

Reptile Awareness Day -- hooray for snakes and turtles!  and lizards, don't forget lizards, and gators, and...

Seeking of King Look Under Your Mattress -- Fairy Calendar

St. John of Bridlington's Day (Patron against complications in childbirth)

St. Ursula's Day (Patron of educators/teachers, holy death, schoolchildren, students; British Virgin Islands; Catholic education, especially of girls; Cologne, Germany; University of Paris)

Trafalgar Day -- British Empire (noted, but no longer an officially holiday)

Anniversaries Today:

Juan Peron marries actress Evita (María Eva Duarte), 1945

Birthdays Today:

Jeremy Miller, 1976

Ken Watanabe, 1959

Carrie Fisher, 1956

Benjamin Netanyahu, 1949

Elvin Bishop, 1942

Judge Judy Sheindlin, 1942

Frances Fitzgerald, 1940

Ursula K. LeGuin, 1929

Edward Charles "Whitey" Ford, 1928 

Celia Cruz, 1925

Joyce Randolph, 1925

Dizzy Gillespie, 1917

Georg Solti, 1912

Edwin Myers "Ted" Shawn, 1891

Will Carleton, 1845

Alfred Nobel, 1833

Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 1772

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Butterflies are Free"(Play), 1969

"Orphee aux enfer/Orpheus in the Underworld"(Offenbach operetta), 1858

Today in History:

Sultan Kilidj Arslan of Nicea defeats 1st Crusaders, 1096

Martin Luther joins the theological faculty of the University of Wittenberg., 1512

Ferdinand Magellen arrives at Tierra Del Fuego (Pacific Ocean), 1520

Sea battle at Dunes, Lt Admiral Maarten Tromp defeats Spanish Armada under De Oquendo, 1639

First display of the word "Liberty" on a flag, raised by colonists in Taunton, Massachusetts and which was in defiance of British rule in Colonial America, 1774

US Navy frigate Constitution, Old Ironsides, launched in Boston, 1797

Battle of Trafalgar, Adm Nelson defeats French & Spanish fleet & dies, 1805

The Penang Free School is founded in George Town, Penang, Malaysia, by the Rev Hutchings. It is the oldest English-language school in Southeast Asia, 1816

Joseph Aspdin patents Portland cement (Yorkshire England), 1824

Thomas Edison perfects carbonized cotton filament light bulb, 1879

First transatlantic radiotelephone message, Arlington, Va to Paris, 1915

Women are allowed to vote in France for the first time, 1945

Comet Ikeya-Seki approaches perihelion, passing 450,000 kilometers from the sun, 1965

The European Patent Institute is founded, 1977

The metre is defined at the seventeenth General Conference on Weights and Measures as the distance light travels in a vacuum in 1/299,792,458 of a second, 1983

Images of the dwarf planet Eris are taken and subsequently used in its discovery by the team of Michael E. Brown, Chad Trujillo, and David L. Rabinowitz, 2003

The European Parliament awards Cuban Dissident Guillermo Farinas the Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought, 2010

Kateri Tekakwitha is canonized as the first Native American saint by Pope Benedict XVI, 2012

The Parliament of Canada confers Honorary Canadian citizenship on women's rights and education activist Malala Yousafzai, 2013

Oscar Pistorius is sentenced to five years in prison for killing his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp, 2014

The Spanish government suspends Catalonia's autonomy in the face of a deepening political crisis over the region's push for independence, 2017

Excavations at an 8,000 year old site at Marawah Island, near Abu Dhabi, UAE, uncover the world's oldest natural pearl, 2019


  1. Love your poems - and hope the ringworm can be controlled.

  2. Hope you have victory over the ringworm. Have a beautiful day.

  3. Oh Mimi, I hope the ringworm trouble gets sorted. Poor kitties!

  4. That is a real mess to have that in the shelter. Hopefully that nasty stuff will finally disappear so the kitties can all come back. We know gloves are necessary but we are just sad about so many using them that may not really need them and we also see them not even properly disposed of. We would wear gloves at Carl's house, definitely ;)

  5. Best of luck, Mimi with getting the shelter back to "normal". A lot of us take for granted the challenges faced running a shelter.
    Delightful 2nd outing for your poem :)
    There are some routines that simply lend a little balance to it all.

  6. Mimi,

    It's hard getting back to the normal flow of things with so many interruptions but it'll feel good to get your routine back again. I hope the shelter can get rid of the ringworm problem. Great poem. That stroller is amazing! I thought it was a struggle to keep up with two toddlers at one time. Our son came along after the girls were 4 and 6, so that made it easier. I always wonder how others juggle half a dozen small ones at once. I guess a whole of organization and patience might be key ingredients to one's sanity. :)

  7. Hopefully there'll be kittens back in residence soon! I enjoyed the poem just as much this time as last time!

  8. I hope the evil ring worms get banished forever. That was a fun poem and a really good thankful. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thrusday Blog Hop!

  9. great six , great poem, ugh to the ringworm

  10. was gum. I wasn't sure and yes on the gloves.

    Love your six. Always do. Ringworm is awful. Fingers and toes crossed that you get it under control.

    Love your poem. Great ending.

    Love your thankful. Excellent.

    Have a blessed Thankful Thursday, my friend. Big hug. ♥

  11. Phew! Your six were great, as is your writing.

    I want to have a fairy under my bed.

    My hometown area had orchards of apples. Mom and Dad made Apple butter in a large copper kettle outside. Good memeories.

  12. Oh do hope the fungi infestation is cured ~ sweet kitties need to be safe as do the humans ~ lovely fence photos ~ Xo

    Living in the moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  13. yow.....hoping here too that the nasty ringworm is eradicated ~~~~ blessings to all the cats from st francis ♥♥♥

    great take on the poem; betting a lot of people think this is "mom" !!! ☺☺

  14. wow- I sure hope the ringworm disaster goes away soon! Love the poem and oh my I hope that stroller is not just one family! whew!

  15. Hopefully normal will return to whatever extent as possible, as soon as possible.

  16. A ringworm infestation sounds awful and hard to control. I remember getting it once from an outdoor cat on the farm when I was a kid. There was some kind of awful medicine that had to be applied to get rid of it. Not a pleasant memory. Stay safe, Mimi and hope all the cats heal quickly.

  17. Fun poems. How awful about the shelter. I hope it is under control soon. XO

  18. Terrific Thankfuls! Terrific catch on the wastebins and your poem ROCKS! Ringworm is so dang hard to get rid of! And it is pretty easy to catch! We hope the shelter can get it eradicated. We hope you have a thoroughly marvellous day on Friday!

  19. I hope the ringworm problem is fixed very quickly. it's a fungal infection so maybe washing all the kitty bedding in antifungal liquid will help, drying things out in the sunshine helps too, if that is possible.

  20. Good Six and good luck getting the shelter back to healthy status! I remember years ago rescuing a kitten which had the dreaded ringworm, poor thing, she made a tip top recovery after a visit to the vet and treatment.


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