
Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Different Isn’t Always That Different, a Random and Happy Tuesday Post


It's time once again for a random and happy Tuesday, linking up with Stacy's Random Thoughts at Stacy Uncorked and Sandee at Comedy Plus 

In part i was right last week when i said Carl, Ms. V and Mr. L being out of town would make for a different week this week.

They were supposed to leave on Thursday, and that was the day i was cleaning their house (the main part, not Carl’s attached apartment, that’s on Mondays).  So i cleaned, they left, i tidied up after they left, and just as i was about to head home they walked back in, flights canceled due to bad weather.

This meant when i went yesterday, the house wasn’t clean like i left it, as they had stayed home one more day.  It’s amazing how much cleaning can be undone in a house in under 24 hours.

The apartment got cleaned, and Carl, bless him, left a surprise for me.  He’d taken some of his dirty clothes and put them on top of the dryer with the clean ones.  It was almost as if he was there.

The rest of the house got tidied, too, which took a bit longer than usual.   It’s okay, this is one client who pays by the hour, not the job.

 How about some inspiration, just look at this smile:

Another word or two from the animal kingdom:

And finally, in the spirit of Halloween, you’ve been mooned:

Have a blessed and beautiful Tuesday, everyone!


Today is:

Armed Forces Day -- Indonesia (Hari Tentara Nasional)

Bonn Phchum Ben -- Cambodia (Ancestors' Day; official holidays through the 7th)

Constitution Day -- Vanuatu

Do Something Nice Day -- internet generated; make someone's day brighter, it will brighten your own

Festival of the Five Toes -- Fairy Calendar

Festival of Mania -- Ancient Roman Calendar (held to placate the Manes, on dates when it was believed the doors to the underworld were open and the dead were free to roam)

International Day of No Prostitution -- information here    

Long Walk Day -- David Kunst finished his walk around the world on this day in 1974; go for a long walk in his honor

Most Common Birthday -- US (yes, according to, on average, more people are born in the US on this day than any other; wonder if it has anything to do with today being 9 months after New Year's Eve?)

National Apple Betty Day

Nobel Conference 57 -- Gustavus Adolphus College, St. Peter, MN, US (annual two-day symposium, this year, Big Data REvolution)

Noisy Munching Day -- a fun day for kids, or your own inner child; munch chips, celery, pickles, anything loud, to annoy others

Nubaigai -- Pagan Lithuanian Calendar (harvest festival; can't get independent confirmation that it's always on this day)

Republic Day -- Portugal

St. Placid's Day

Thesmophoria -- Ancient Greek Calendar (start of a 3 day women's festival of Demeter; date approximate)

Unicorn Questing Season begins -- as established by the late W. T. "Bill" Rabe, get your official license here   

Vegetarian Festival -- Phuket, Thailand (lots of purification rituals and a rigid vegetarian/vegan diet are observed for spiritual cleansing and ensuring good luck; through Oct. 15th)

World Teachers Day -- UN

Birthdays Today:

Jesse Eisenberg, 1983

Kate Winslet, 1975

Parminder K. Nagra, 1975

Josie Bissett, 1970

Mario Lemieux, 1965

Laura Davies, 1963

Michael Andretti, 1962

Maya Ying Lin, 1959

Bernie Mac, 1957

Bob Geldof, 1954

Clive Barker, 1952

Bob Geldof, 1951

Karen Allen, 1951

Jeff Conaway, 1950

Steve Miller, 1943

Vaclav Havel, 1936

Bill Dana, 1924

Glynis Johns, 1923

Bil Keane, 1922

Donald Pleasence, 1919

Allen Ludden, 1917

Larry Fine, 1902

Robert Hutchings Goddard, 1882

Louis Lumiere, 1864

Chester A. Arthur, 1829

Denis Diderot, 1713

Jonathan Edwards, 1703

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Monty Python's Flying Circus"(TV), 1969

"Love Me Do"(Single release), 1962

"Zane Grey Theater"(TV), 1956

"The Diary of Anne Frank"(Play), 1955

"You Bet Your Life"(TV), 1950

"Secret Service"(Play), 1896

"Orfeo ed Euridice/Orpheus and Euridice"(Opera), 1762

Today in History:

Founding of the city of Concepcion, Chile, 1550

The Gregorian calendar is introduced in Italy and other Catholic countries, 1582

March on Versailles by the women of Paris, 1789

Shawnee Chief Tecumseh killed in the battle of the Thames, 1813

Founding of the City of Anaheim, 1857

Destruction of most of Calcutta by cyclone, approximately 60,000 die, 1864

A strong hurricane devastates the Bay of Fundy region of Maritime Canada, 1869

The surrender of Chief Joseph, after the 1,700 mile retreat, marks the end of the Nez Pierce War, 1877

The first individual time trial for racing cyclists is held on a 50-mile course north of London, 1895

Sir Samuel Griffith is appointed the first Chief Justice of Australia and Sir Edmund Barton and Richard O'Connor are appointed as foundation justices, 1903

First appearance of the Little Orphan Annie comic strip in the NYC Daily News, 1924

Suffrage is extended to women in France, 1944

The 1948 Ashgabat earthquake kills 110,000, 1948

The first documented recovery meeting of Narcotics Anonymous is held, 

1953Dr. No, the first in the James Bond film series, was released, 1962

The first episode of the famous comedy show Monty Python's Flying Circus aired on BBC, 1969

Signature of the European Patent Convention, 1973

Raoul Wallenberg is made an honorary US citizen, 1981

Marc Garneau becomes the first Canadian in space, aboard the Space Shuttle Challenger, 1984

The first official version of the Linux kernel, version 0.02, is released, 1991

The Bulldozer Revolution begins in Belgrade, eventually leading to the resignation of Slobodan Milosevic, 2000

A new, though threatened, language known as Koro, is discovered by a team of linguists on an expedition to Arunachal Pradesh, in northeastern India, 2010

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine is awarded to Edvard Moser, May-Britt Moser and John O'Keefe, neuroscientists who discovered the brain cells responsible for positioning and navigation memory, 2014

Governor Jerry Brown of California signs a bill giving terminally ill patients the "right to die," 2015

The constitutional court of Spain suspends the Catalan parliament to prevent declaration of independence, 2017

The Nobel Peace Prize is awarded jointly to Congolese gynaecologist Denis Mukwege and Yazidi activist Nadia Murad for "efforts to end the use of sexual violence as a weapon of war", 2018

Jenny Saville's "Propped" brings a record price at auction for a living female artist, £9.5 million, 2018

The Nobel Prize for Medicine is awarded jointly to Harvey J. Alter, Michael Houghton and Charles M. Rice for the discovery of hepatitis C virus, 2020


  1. That is a WONDERFUL smile. Long may it continue and grow.

  2. Is’t it amazing how little time it takes to undo hours worth of cleaning?!
    Look at that little superstar! Awesome little boy grin!
    And those funnies made me laugh out loud! Thank you for the smile and for the laugh!

  3. Love the smile on that little boy1 He certainly enjoys the sports. love the funnies too.

  4. Living in MN we have seen cats in those predicaments first hand and it is always humorous! Love those pumpkins at the end.

  5. Precious child overcoming such obstacles. Your funny posts were the funniest.

  6. Mimi,

    Man, what a bummer get the house cleaned and then the owners don't leave on vacation as planned. Oh you pointed out at least they pay by the hour and it puts some extra bucks in your pocket. The inspirational photos of the little guy without legs is amazing and just look at the activities the little guy is involved in? You won't find many kids with two good legs doing even half of those things. I loved your funnies, especially there's a hare in my food. lol :D

  7. Oh that dear little boy is so handsome and brave ~ Wow!
    Other posts and photos are LOL fun ~ thanks, Xo

    Living in the moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  8. Thanks for those funnies. I love the "moonies"

  9. I love when you post about Carl. A whirlwind and then some.

    The little man is amazing. Bless his heart.

    Love all the funnies. Good ones.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Big hug. ♥

  10. I had kids so I too know how much cleaning can be undone in 24 hours.
    And that little boy, how can you not feel joy seeing his joy?

  11. Glad you get paid by the hour on that one. :)
    That little boy is amazing. XO

  12. Big smile! What a kid, and I complain about arthritis in my big toe.

  13. rock on little dood and never let anyone tell you; ya can't !!! 984 PAWZ up for all you've achieved and best fishez for achieving everything you want to, in the future ♥♥♥

  14. Carl sure did leave you a nice mess. Love those haapy smiles on those sweet kiddos and the funnies were great!

  15. What a brave and strong child. W O W ! That poor duck with the blonde jokes aw......such meanies. ALways lots of goodness here. Thank you Mimi.

  16. Laughing like crazee over the Pumpkin photo!


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