
Thursday, October 7, 2021

Sweet Baby (Six Sentence Story), New Fence (Good Fences), Yes, I Dare (Sammy's Poetry Day) and Brian's Thankful Thursday


A few times on this blog, usually on Feline Friday, i have featured Ms. G's cat The Baby (also known as Widdle -- say Little but with a lisp -- or Wart if she’s misbehaving).

Don't forget, this is my rug up here!

I'm watching you!

The floor's clean enough, put my rug back down!

Last June, she was diagnosed with leukemia, and Ms. G decided not to make her sick with chemotherapy that probably would just make her miserable and not extend her life.

Since then, she's gotten progressively weaker, eating less and less, not even wanting treats now.

Yesterday, even i could see it;  she was staggering, hunching down in her chair spot, able to watch her beloved red dot but not chase it.

Ms. G had already made the appointment for the afternoon, and she wanted it to be in the afternoon after i came so i could get to say good-bye.

My final photo of The Baby.

At times like this i wish i had the secret of the Fountain of Youth, but as i do not, i am going to look forward to seeing The Baby/Widdle/Wart at the Rainbow Bridge someday.

Linking up with Denise at Girlie On The Edge Blog, where she hosts Six Sentence Stories, and the cue is Fountain.      


Gosia at Looking for Identity has taken over Good Fences, and it's now Good Fences Around The World.  Post a picture of a fence or gate, link back to her blog, and go visit other blogs to see what interesting fences there are out in this big world.     

The neighbor's fence came down in the hurricane, and they got a company to come put up a whole new one.


 It's Angel Sammy's Poetry Day!  This week's image and my poem:    

This is such a fun job

As you can plainly see,

Wing-walking is a joy,

The perfect job for me!

No sitting around in a rocker,

That won't do at all,

Being a dare-devil,

That's my life and call!


Brian of Brian's Home hosts the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.   It's time to share something for which i am thankful.  

Today i am thankful that i did get to see Baby yesterday.  She wasn't quite up to prancing through the house telling her mama that i was moving things while cleaning, but she did sit and watch to make sure i put everything back where it belongs.  She was a good snoopervisor to the end.


Today is:

Bathtub Day -- can't confirm this one, but it's as good a day as any to be glad you have one!

BOL Foundation Day -- Laos

Bring Your Bible to School Day -- US 

Feast Day of Ma'at -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

Festival of the Deerk Toes -- Fairy Calendar (celebrating the toes on a fairy's "deerk", for which there is no human equivalent)

Ghatasthapana Dashain Festival-- Nepal (start of a nine day Hindu festival, the longest and most auspicious festival in the Nepalese annual calendar)

If At First You Don't Succeed Day -- in honor of Frank Sinatra, whose CBS-TV musical variety show debuted on this day in 1950; it and the other two shows that followed didn't succeed, but he never gave up and had a great carreer

Lepanto Day -- Greece

Nagasaki Kunchi -- Nagasaki, Japan (harvest festival, through the 9th)

National Day -- Maldives

National Depression Screening Day® 2021 -- US (find out where to get screened or help others get screened) 

National Flower Day -- US (anniversary of President Reagan signing the bill, in 1986, that made the rose the US National Flower)

National Frappe Day

Nones of October -- Ancient Roman Calendar; other observances

     Festival of Juno Cutitis and Jupiter Fulgor

     Victoria, Lady of Victories Day a/k/a Pallas Athena -- also celebrated by the Ancient Greeks

Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary -- Catholic Christian

Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan -- Beginning of the Hebrew month of Cheshvan, Hebrew Year 5782, at sundown today

St. Justina of Padua's Day (Patron of Padua, Italy; Santa Giustina, Italy)

Try To Start An Argument Over Which Is the Best Muppet Day -- Kermit, hands down (argue below, if you wish)(Possibly started by the International Association of People without a Life)

You Matter To Me Day -- because the phrase "you matter to me" can make a profound difference in someone's life    

Anniversaries Today:

Larry King married Julie Alexander, 1989

Dow Jones makes the first report, in the Wall Street Journal, of an average of the prices of 12 industrial stocks, 1896

Birthdays Today:

Toni Braxton, 1967

Simon Cowell, 1959

Michael W. Smith, 1957

Yo-Yo Ma, 1955

Vladimir Putin, 1952

John Cougar Mellencamp, 1951

Joy Behar, 1943

Charles Dutoit, 1936

Thomas Keneally, 1935

Amiri Baraka, 1934

Bishop Desmond Tutu, 1931

Al Martino, 1927

R. D. Laing, 1927

June Allyson, 1917

Vaughn Monroe, 1911

Andy Devine, 1905

Niels Bohr, 1885

Thomas J. Wise, 1859

James Whitcomb Riley, 1849

Caesar Rodney, 1728(O.S. date)

Debuting/Premiering Today:

The Independent(Newspaper, first issue), 1986

"Cats"(Musical), 1982

"Route 66"(TV), 1960

"Your Hit Parade"(TV), 1950

"One Touch of Venus"(Musical), 1943

"Eve of St. Mark"(Play), 1942

Today in History:

The epoch of the modern Hebrew calendar (Proleptic Julian calendar), BC3761

The first public burning of books in Louvain, Netherlands, 1520

Ralph Wedgewood patents carbon paper in London, 1806

The first chartered railway in the US, the Granite Railway, begins operations, 1826

Spain abolishes slavery in Cuba, 1886

Henry Ford institutes the moving assembly line, 1913

Georgia Tech defeats Cumberland college in the infamous 222-0 football game, 1916

160 consecutive days of 100*F+ temperatures begin at Marble Bar, Australia, 1924

Beat poet Allen Ginsberg reads his poem "Howl" for the first time at a poetry reading in San Francisco, 1955

U.S.S.R. probe Luna 3 transmits first ever photographs of the far side of the moon, 1959

Nigeria joins the United Nations, 1960

Oman joins the United Nations, 1971

Cats opens on Broadway and begins a run of nearly 18 years, 1982 

The Great Flood of 1993 ends at St. Louis, Missouri, 103 days after it began, 1993

Matthew Shepard, a gay student at the University of Wyoming, is found tied to a fence after being savagely beaten, 1998

The U.S. invasion of Afghanistan begins, 2001

A Southampton University research fellow discovers a long lost Antonio Vivaldi flute concerto at the National Archives of Scotland in Edinburgh, 2010

Scientists Stefan Hell of Germany and Eric Betzig and William Moerner of the U.S. share the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for developing 'super-resolved fluorescence microscopy'; the technology can be used to observe molecular activity in living cells, 2014

Jodie Whittaker debuts in her first full episode as the 13th and first female Doctor Who on BBC television, 2018

The Nobel Prize for Medicine or Physiology is awarded to Peter Ratcliffe, William Kaelin and Gregg Semenza for discovering how cells sense oxygen, 2019


  1. I am very glad that you got to see Baby - and that she had a kind and gentle end.
    I am NOT a dare devil. No wing walking for me.

  2. Goodbye Baby and she will be enjoying good health forever. I am sure you will miss your snoopervisor.

  3. So heart-breaking ...

    Thanx and God bless for all your good works, Mimi.

  4. Gone but never to be forgotten. A touching piece Mimi.

    Wing walking? Not for me!

  5. excellent six, sweet baby for sure. loved the wing walking poem and Vladimir Putin and I are the same AGE! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

  6. I won't argue. Kermit is best, and he can stay in my bathtub!

  7. Ahh, another sweet kitty roaming the happy hunting grounds. I bet she's having fun!

  8. I'm so sorry for Ms. G. Thank you for sharing pictures of Baby.
    Excellent poem, Mimi! :D
    As it should be.

  9. Prayers and purrs for all the folks who will be grieving sweet The Baby Widdle Wart today. Thanks for sharing this precious kitty with us.

  10. We send tons of purrs and prayers to Ms. G. to provide our support at this sad time. Dear Baby myself and many, many more Angel Kitties will be waiting to welcome you to the bridge. You will again chase that darn dot that, yes, seems to be everywhere even here in kitty heaven. Thanks so much for the post and sharing dearest Baby with us all

  11. Godspeed your journey to heaven Widdle; where you will start your 10th life~~~~~ You are a gorgeous gal..... we send hugs to your purrson ♥♥♥♥♥

  12. So sorry about Widdle, but mom did the right thing. You just know when it's time to go to the bridge. Healing hugs all around.

    Love the fence and love the poem. I'll take the rocker.

    I'm glad you got to see Widdle one more time.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday, my friend. Big hug. ♥

  13. Surely the most awful acts of love a person can be called upon to perform. The pain is in proportion to the joy our animal friends provide us.

  14. I'm very thankful that you got to see the Baby one last time but my heart aches for Mrs. G., it sure is never easy. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.

  15. Saying goodbye to a beloved pet is so hard to do. I am sure Baby/Widdle/Wart enjoyed being your snoopervisor to the very end.

  16. I am sorry to hear Baby has crossed the bridge, but also glad that she didn't suffer through chemo.
    If I lived in a hurricane area I'd probably have concrete fences.

  17. Does the cat not have 8 more lives, Mimi?

  18. Oh so hard to lose our fur persons ~ she is well now ~ lovely poem and fences ~ Xo

    Living in the moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  19. The Rainbow Bridge seems a perfect/purrfect place to meet up again, Mimi.

  20. A sad story, but it's the cycle of life, and you finish it beautifully with the hope of the Rainbow Bridge.

  21. oh my goodness- this kitty looks just like Lucy! and so sad a story, but so moving in that she did not suffer and was loved to the end. As we all should be so lucky.
    Your daredevil poem is big fun! Thanks always for your gift of writing.

  22. I appreciate Mrs. G's tough decision. Widdle seems like one of the good ones that we never forget.


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