
Sunday, November 7, 2021

It's In How You View Them (Cajun Joke) and Sunday Selections


Just because Sandee of Comedy Plus is no longer hosting a Silly Sunday blog hop, do not expect me to quit telling Cajun jokes, especially as it has now become a habit.

We've been talking a good bit about feeling our age around here (our motto:  2 Hesistations 37:278, "Getting old ain't for sissies, 'cause if it don't hurt, it don't work!").

Note:  anything that is just plain true but isn't found in the Holy Writ is ascribed to the book of Second Hesitations.  Feel free to use it as you see fit, it's a long book with as many chapters and verses as you want to add.

Boudreaux done come back from de car show talkin' 'bout some o' de antique cars he done seen dat he 'member from years ago.

He be tellin' Clothile, "Dere be dis one lady done tole me all 'bout her car, how she done be drivin' it fo' years, it be in beautiful condition..."

An' Clothile done ax, "Did she be an older lady?"

An' Boudreaux say, "Mais, I don' meet many old people no mo', dey all be our age an' younger!"


Sunday Selections was started as a way for bloggers to use photos that might otherwise just languish in their files.  The rules have been relaxed, and it is now simply a showcase for your photos, new or old, good or bad, although nothing rude, please.  It was hosted by River, who still participates, and is now hosted by Elephant's Child.       

First, our every-other-Thursday client, Ms. SE, and her husband, Mr. DE, have two boys.  Boys who went trick-or-treating and had a blast, of course.

While cleaning this past week, Sweetie saw one of Mr. DE's ammo boxes (the family owns property in a hunting club, and they hunt regularly, so we're used to seeing such things).  He pointed it out to Ms. SE and said, "Your husband might want to put this away," and then it came open.

That's one way to make sure the kids don't find your stash.

At Ms. A's house (Becca's mom), i found something i always wished existed but didn't know anyone had invented, a toaster oven that actually has a pop-up toaster built into it as well.

We had a rEcess feast.

Even in Autumn we have a few blooms.

Finally, a few sunrise and sunset photos.


Today is:

Commemoration Day -- Tunisia

Daylight Saving Time ends -- Bermuda; Canada (most areas); Cuba; Greenland (some areas); Haiti; Mexico (Baja area); Saint Pierre and Miquelon; The Bahamas; Turks and Caicos Islands; US (most areas)

     National Sleep-In Day -- begun by those who want you to spend the extra hour gained resetting your clocks catching up on your ZZZZ's

     Zero Tasking Day -- spend the extra hour gained when turning the clocks back doing nothing, just practice being

Day of Accord and Reconciliation -- Russia (formerly Great October Socialist Revolution Day, with the date determined by the Gregorian Calendar)

Deepavali/Diwali(Festival of Lights) -- Hindu; Jain; Sikh (fourth day of the festival)

     Goru Tihar/Goru Puja -- Day of Oxen (among most people)

     Gobardhan Puja -- Day of Cowdung (among followers of Krishna)

     Mha Puja -- Day of Self (among the Newar community)

Feast of Blessed John Duns Scotus (the Subtle Doctor, known for merging the views from many philosophies)

     Dunce Day -- from the word Dunse, a name for the followers of the philosophy of John Duns Scotus

Feast of Stolen Fire -- find it listed on several sites, but none have any background; maybe celebrate that Prometheus stole fire for us?

International Stout Day

International Tongue Twister Day -- internet generated

London to Brighton Veteran Car Run -- England (a race composed of only pre-1905 vehicles)

National Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds Day

October Revolution Day -- Belarus; Kyrgyzstan (also called Days of History and Memory); Transdniestria

Stay Away from Anyone named Honest John Day -- internet generated; no comment

St. Florentius' Day (Patron against gall stones, ruptures)

St. Willibrord's Day (Patron of epileptics; Luxembourg; Netherlands; Utrecht, Netherlands; against convulsions, epilepsy)

Wish Granting Championships -- Fairy Calendar (Fairies)

Anniversary Today:

The Old Stoughton Musical Society, the oldest choral society in the US, is founded, 1786

Birthdays Today:

Jeremy London, 1972

Keith Lockhart, 1959

Joni Mitchell, 1943

Johnny Rivers, 1942

Barry Newman, 1938

Joan Sutherland, 1926

Al Hirt, 1922

Billy Graham, 1918

Albert Camus, 1913

Dean Jagger, 1903

Leon Trotsky, 1879

Madame Marie Curie, 1867

Captain James Cook, 1728

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"America Hurrah"(van Itallie play), 1966

"Face the Nation"(TV), 1954

"Buck Rogers in the 25th Century"(Radio),1932

The Republican Elephant, as drawn by T. Nast in Harper's Weekly, 1874

"The Conscious Lovers"(Steele play), 1722

The Oxford Gazette(first edition), 1665 (Now The London Gazette)

Today in History:

The oldest meteorite with a known date of impact, the Ensisheim Meteorite, strikes around noon in a wheat field near the village of Ensisheim, Alsace, France, 1492

Pierre Gassendi observes the transit of Mercury as predicted by Kepler, 1631

Anne Htchinson is banished from the Massachusetts Bay Colony as a heretic, 1637

The first edition of the "London Gazette", the oldest surviving journal, is published, 1665

Lewis and Clark first sight the Pacific Ocean, 1805

The first Thomas Nast cartoon depicting the Republican Party Elephant is published, 1874

Edward Bouchet becomes the first black to receive a PhD from a US college (Yale), 1876

Women in the U.S. state of Colorado are granted the right to vote, 1893

The first air freight shipment is undertaken by the Wright brothers and department store owner Max Moorehouse (from Dayton, Ohio to Columbus, Ohio), 1910

Mao Tse Tung proclaims the "Chinese People's Republic", 1931

Fiorello H. La Guardia is elected the 99th mayor of New York City, 1933

Carl B. Stokes is elected as Mayor of Cleveland, Ohio, becoming the first African American mayor of a major American city, 1967

Douglas Wilder wins the governor's seat in Virginia, becoming the first elected African American governor in the United States, 1989

Mary Robinson becomes the first woman to be elected President of the Republic of Ireland, 1990

NASA launches the Mars Global Surveyor, 1996

U.S. voters in the state of Massachusetts approve a referendum legalizing the use of medical marijuana; Colorado and Washington approve the legalization of recreational use of the drug, 2012

Sierra Leone is declared free of Ebola by the World Health Organization (death toll 4,000), 2015

Extreme smog in Delhi, India, leads Indian Medical Association to declare "a state of medical emergency", 2017

The world's oldest figurative painting of an animal, at least 40,000 years old, is identified in Lubang Jeriji Saléh cave, Borneo, 2018

Queen Elizabeth II confirms that she is no longer buying any clothing that contains real fur, 2019


  1. Laughing at Boudreaux, but I'm getting close to that stage too, there's probably a dozen people in these flats older than me now and all the rest are younger. In my immediate family, only my sister is older than me.

  2. Boudreaux spoke (pretty much) for me too.
    Loved your selections and didn't know that there was a toaster oven with a pop up feature either.

  3. Toaster oven? Great invention.

    God bless.

  4. I am sighing from the lovely sunset photos. Days end....

  5. Love what Boudreaux said about old people, I might use that myself, but not with the Cajan accent!

    Great pictures especially the rising and setting sun.

  6. Love that candy stash and that toaster/oven is a pretty cool idea!

  7. Cute joke and so true. :) That is a cool candy box. XO

  8. Mimi, I chocked on my coffee when I read the Book of Second hesitations! Purrfect! You ROck! Terrific post. I loved the Beaudreu joke, the candy stash, and the sunsets! What a lovely end to a wonderful day!

  9. I shall definitely be adding verses to the Book of Hesitations!
    And Boudreaux is right. Where did all the old people go?
    My son was in the army for many years. He has a ton of those ammo boxes. Now I'll have to check each one for treats!

  10. Fun joke and for me so true ~ LOL ~ Awesome photos ~ great sky shots! Xo

    Living in the moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)


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