
Saturday, November 20, 2021

Parties, Celebrations, Annual PSA and Medical Stuff, a Ten Things of Thankful Post


Here i am again, skidding into Thankful Day rather breathless.  Lots of things haven't gone quite as planned this week, but they worked out perfectly anyway, and i'm thankful.

Last Saturday was an election day.  Nothing big, just a few amendments and a judgeship.  The polls are supposed to open at 7am, so i told Grandpa i'd vote and then head down there for shopping and cleaning.  He was fine with that, although i'd be a bit later than usual and he always wants to be finished with everything yesterday.

About ten minutes before the polls were to open, i pulled into the parking lot at the school and got out to get in what i thought was a line of voters.  It wasn't a line of voters, it was the poll workers.  The school had forgotten to send someone with the key, so they were locked out.

That's how i ended up getting to NOLA earlier than i'd planned, which made Grandpa thankful.  Also, Grandma had a lunch meeting with a friend for the first time in a long time, a very thankful thing.  Wen i was done cleaning, i was thankful to be able to head back home, vote, and i even got to go visit Ms. S that evening because my Sunday was already packed.

Sunday's plan was for me to go to Becca's house as usual, and after the first service at church and Sunday school, i was going to sit with her while her mother sang with the second service choir for one special song that was being done at both services.  Then i'd scoot out for the rest of my day's activities.  

After arriving, Ms. AH told me Becca was still asleep and asked me to let her rest another 45 minutes.  This was fine, i was thankful to take Mr. Cal for a walk and he was thankful to get one.  He got to play with his dog friend Ash.

While we were out, Ms. AH texted me and said she was feeling poorly and did not think she could make it to church at all, so she'd stay home with Becca.  She was sorry i'd come all that way for nothing, but to me it was a thankful thing, Mr. Cal and i had a good time.

After church, it was time for Lee's birthday party.  Red-headed Alec's boy Lee is now four!  It was a Sonic the Hedgehog party, and i'm thankful i got to go and see all of the family.

Once the party was over, i was thankful to go back to the church for the Children's Choir performance of "Table for Five...Thousand!"  They did a wonderful job, the choir is kindergarten to about 5th grade and you could tell they were having a good time.  They fed the audience, the "five thousand," goldfish crackers, which i found funny and appropriate.

Monday morning at 2am, i woke up and knew that i once again have a bladder infection.  Thankfully i now keep the medication that controls symptoms in the house, so i was able to take it right away.  Once i cleaned Carl's apartment, i ran by the doctor's office and left a sample, then went to Ms. PA.  Before i got home, the prescription was ready, i am so thankful for my doctor and the nearby pharmacy.

This past Tuesday was the first part of my annual physical and my appointment to take the twins in for their glamour shots (mammogram).

Interruption for my annual PSA -- get your annual physical and whatever tests your doc tells you to get.  Better safe than sorry!

Thankfully i had arranged to have the day off, so i wasn't in a rush, and my doc and the place where they do the testing is all under one big hospital roof.  Once i was done, i was able to have a nice, long visit with Ms. S.  It's a thankful thing to be able to see her twice a week.

Tuesday evening was our monthly Ladies' Circle meeting.  We had a wonderful time, and the dessert you saw on my Wordless Wednesday picture was the peanut butter/butterscotch rice crispy treats i brought.  Thankfully they are quick and easy to make, just do your regular rice crispy treats adding a bag of butterscotch chips and 1/3 cup peanut butter.

While i was at the meeting i fielded a call from Ms. G, my Wednesday lady.  She wanted to know if i was okay to skip cleaning her house and go volunteer at the other shelter instead.  Of course i was. 

That meant that on Wednesday i went and did the usual shelter stuff, then went out to the one in the next parish(county).  They'd had a bit of a disaster, 135 cats needed care and due to an unfortunate series of events they were down by 3 employees and a couple of volunteers.  It made me thankful to go and help, although at the end of 6 hours i was whipped.

When i got home, i was thankful to lie down for a while, and then i got the phone call from the doctor's office.  How soon could i come back in for more testing?  They needed more mammogram views, and i was thankful to be able to say that i would be in Thursday afternoon.

Ms. S wasn't home when we got there Thursday morning, and the lock box with the house key was gone.  When i called her, she said her husband had taken it to one of his jobs, and we're thankful he thought to leave the key in a hidden place where we could get to it.

The house was not quite as bad a disaster this time as last, even though they'd just had a birthday party for one of the boys, and Sweetie and i were thankful to get it done by noon.

One-thirty pm saw me back at the hospital for the further testing, and i'm thankful the radiologist is being so proactive.  The views and the ultrasound show a small cyst that he's pretty sure is nothing, but in an abundance of caution i'm going to have a biopsy done at the end of the month.

Again, go get your tests, please!

Thursday evening a neighbor called to ask two favors and i was thankful we could do both.  First, she wanted Sweetie to come and change a light bulb for her -- he's tall and she needs a tall person to do it, and he's always glad to go over there and help.  Second, could i start coming once a month to vacuum, sweep and mop the floors, since she broke her toe and just can't keep up with everything since it's not healing right, making her limp.

That's how on Friday i went to morning prayer group, cleaned Ms. GA's house, and then went to see Ms. DJ.  Thankfully i was able to get all of that in, and go back to the pharmacy for another prescription (thanks to all the antibiotics, i now have a yeast infection, too, so i needed more medicine, can you see why i'm so thankful for the modern medical community right about now?) and then back to the cat shelter.

At the regular shelter where i volunteer, we have a new director, and i was thankful to finally meet her.  She's a wonderful person and going to be a great director.

There we have it, folks, another week to remember how good we have it, i know i am thankful as so many of these things could have gone sideways or worse. 

Please write up your own list and link up to Ten Things of Thankful, where Dyanne and her co-hosts always have a warm welcome waiting.   


Today is:

Absurdity Day -- an internet generated absurd holiday

Africa Industrialization Day -- UN

Air Your Dirty Laundry Day -- internet generated, and be careful with this one!

Beautiful Day -- Fairy Calendar

Clean the Cat Hair Out of the Vacuum Cleaner Day -- internet generated, and always tops on my chore list

Dia de la Soberania Nacional -- Argentina (Sovereignty Day)

Day of Sekhmet and the Purifying Flame -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

Day of National Sovereignty -- Argentina (commemorates the Battle of Vuelta de Obligado)

Dia da Consciencia Negra -- Brazil (Black Consciousness Day)

Family Volunteer Day -- to get families working together to better their communities and the world  

Globally Organized Hug A Runner Day a/k/a G.O.H.A.R.D

International Games Day @ Your Library -- libraries in many countries are sponsoring a local Games Day, check with yours!

International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day   

     National Survivors of Suicide Day -- US (by Congressional designation since 1999, and now an international movement; remembering those who have lost loved ones to suicide, especially as Thanksgiving and the holidays are coming)

Name Your PC Day -- mine is Ol' Bessy, a/k/a Old Crankypants; sponsored by Wellcat Holidays  

National Adoption Day -- US (encouraging us to find a home for every child; many courts finalize thousands of adoptions of children from foster care on this day each year)    

National Peanut Butter Fudge Day

Praetextatus and Paulina's Day -- Ancient Roman Calendar (Guardians of the Eleusinian Mysteries, pagan activists and devotees who tried to save Roman religions; date approximate)

Revolution Day -- Mexico (traditional)

St. Edmund the Martyr's Day (Patron of kings, torture victims, wolves; East Anglia, England; against plagues)

Surin Elephant Round-Up -- Surin, Thailand (includes elephant football, elephant tugs-of-war, and parades; through Sunday)

Teachers' Day -- Vietnam

Transgender Day of Remembrance -- memorial for those who have been killed because of transphobia

Universal Children's Day -- UN

Zumbi Day -- Brazil (death anniversary of Zumbi dos Palmares, a day of Afro-Brazilian consciousness, as he was a hero and freedom fighter)

Anniversaries Today:

The Princess Elizabeth (now Queen Elizabeth II) marries Lieutenant Philip Mountbatten at Westminster Abbey in London, 1947

The first municipal airport in the US opens, in Tuscon, AZ, 1919

Birthdays Today:

Sabrina Lloyd, 1970

Ming-Na Wen, 1967

Sean Young, 1959

Bo Derek, 1956

Steve Dahl, 1954

Richard Masur, 1948

Duane Allman, 1946

Judy Wooodruff, 1946

Veronica Hamel, 1943

Joe Biden, 1942

Dick Smothers, 1939

Don DeLillo, 1936

Richard Dawson, 1932

Estelle Parsons, 1927

Kaye Ballard, 1926

Robert F. Kennedy, 1925

Nadine Gordimer, 1923

Gene Tierney, 1920

Robert Byrd, 1917

Alistair Cooke, 1908

Chester Gould, 1900

Edwin Hubble, 1889

Karl von Frisch, 1886

Kenesaw Mountain Landis, 1866

Selma Lagerlf, 1858

Sir Wilfred Laurier, 1841

Thomas Chattertn, 1752

Oliver Wolcott, 1726

Susanna Wesley, 1669 (mother of John, Charles, and 17 other children)

Peregrine White, 1620 (born on the Mayflower)

Maximinus, Roman Emperor, 270

Debuting/Premiering Today:

Beatles Antology 1(album release), 1995

The Day After(TV movie), 1983

"A Soldier's Play"(Fuller Pulizer winning play), 1981

"Cabaret"(Musical), 1966

"The Seven Year Itch"(Play), 1952

"The Children's Hour"(Play), 1934

"The Goldbergs"(Radio), 1929

The Sheik(Film, with Rudolph Valentino), 1921

"Das Lied von der Erde/The Song of the Earth"(Mahler symphony), 1911

"The Doctor's Dilemma"(Play), 1906

"Fidelio"(Opera, Beethoven Op. 72), 1805

Today in History:

Bögü, Khan of the Uyghurs, conquers Lo-Yang, capital of the Chinese Empire, 762

Zumbi, the last leader of the Quilombo dos Palmares of Brazil, is executed, 1695

New Jersey becomes the first state to ratify the US Bill of Rights, 1789

Curacao's government forbids slave work on Sunday, 1795

Howard University is founded in Washington, D.C., 1866

US State Department starts requiring photographs for passports, 1914

The first municipally owned airport in US opens, in Tucson Az, 1919

In response to the Soviet Union agreeing to remove its missiles from Cuba, U.S. President John F. Kennedy ends the quarantine of the Caribbean nation, 1962

The SETI Institute is founded, 1984

Microsoft Windows 1.0 is released, 1985

The number of protesters assembled in Prague, Czechoslovakia swells from 200,000 the day before to an estimated half-million, 1989

In England, a fire breaks out in Windsor Castle, badly damaging the castle and causing over £50 million worth of damage, 1992

The first module of the International Space Station, Zarya, is launched, 1998

The Dow Jones Industrial Average reaches its lowest level in eleven years, 2008

NATO agrees to begin handing over Afghanistan's security to the Afghan military, 2010

The UN World Meteorological Organization announces the 2011 greenhouse gasses reached record levels, 2012

A vote of the General Synod of the Church of England approves women to be ordained bishops beginning the next year, 2013

Atlanta's Georgia Dome, once the world's largest covered stadium, is destroyed in a controlled implosion, 2017

The Oxford Dictionary word of the year is "climate emergency," 2019


  1. Beautiful thankful list. Hope the bladder infection is cleared. Hope the biopsy result will be clear. I had a small cyst removed from one of the twins many years ago. Thankful it was nothing serious. Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. WHAT a week. I hope your bladder infection is a thing of the past, and that your doctor is right about the cyst. Hooray for thankfulness.

  3. Thankfulness for modern medicine - yes please. And as always I'm impressed over your weekly schedule and your thankfulness, thanks for being you!

  4. You always manage to do so much for so many. I hope all is okay with the cyst.

  5. You work to hard for others Mimi. Do you ever rest for yourself? Now this I never thought would happen to me. Yesterday my wife took me to this place to find a walker for me. Yes, I hate it but I guess I need one. My friends and neighbors are telling me that they are terrified for me every time I go outside. I guess my stroke that I got years ago has finally got to me. I'm only 72.
    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving my friend.

    Cruisin Paul

  6. The way you go through is perfect and gives us all ideas!

  7. Wonderful thankfuls- except I am sorry you have a bladder infection. I hope you feel better soon. Wow 4 already, time flies.

  8. Whew ~ you are one whirlwind of activity ~ hope all turns out well with your tests ~ lots of distant reiki healing energy hugs~ Xo

    Living in the moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  9. I had a small cyst too years ago and after an ultrasound imaging they declared it just fatty tissue and nothing more needed to be done. My next appointment is in January and I expect everything will be as fine as it always is. I hope your other infections are cleared up quickly. Have you discovered why you keep getting bladder infections? Perhaps you simply need to drink more water? A daily glass of cranberry juice helps too with flushing out nasties.

  10. Thank you so much for the wonderful information. I appreciate it very much.
    SLOT ONLINE_ស្លត់អនឡាញ

  11. ...I had a reason to use a lockbox this week!

    and there the energy similarities begin to unravel.

    Sounds like a net positive (props to being able to make the distinctions when something happens that is a total 'jump ball' as to positive/negative

    Have the best of weeks ahead.

  12. Your weeks always make my weeks curl up in the fetal position and cry. You amaze me!
    'Taking the twins in for their glamour shots' LOVE THIS!!! I just had it done as well, but the technician tore the skin on both really badly. It hurt SO much!
    I love health care, though!

  13. What a frustrating ordeal for all those poll workers waiting to open up for the voters. I am glad that you were able to vote, even though it was a little later than you had hoped.
    Those were a lot of cats that needed help due to a disaster. Glad you were able to help.
    Those yearly exams seem to come around faster and faster. Getting health questions answered and being able to decide what is best to do is a good thing. Being in limbo can weigh on one's mind.
    I can relate to the sense of gratitude your neighbor must feel for the help you and Sweetie are able to give her.
    Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving.


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