
Sunday, December 26, 2021

Living Proof (Cajun Joke) and Sunday Selections


Just because Sandee of Comedy Plus is no longer hosting a Silly Sunday blog hop, do not expect me to quit telling Cajun jokes, especially as it has now become a habit.

We had quite the time getting the Christmas dinner cooked yesterday.  Grandma forgot i was making coffee for everyone and turned on the microwave, which flipped the circuit breaker that controls both of those plus the kitchen refrigerator.  Since there are 3 breaker boxes for the house (long story), it took Grandpa, #1 Son and Uncle J several trips to figure out which one was the culprit.

Eventually power to the appliances was restored and the coffee pot was put off limits since the microwave had to be used.

Boudreaux done need him some 'lectric work at de house, an' he done hear dat Thibodeaux jes' had him some work done.  So he done ax Thibodeaux what 'lectrician he done use.

Clothile done ax Boudreaux, "How you know de 'lectrician dat done de work fo' Thibodeaux done be enny good?"

An' Boudreaux say, "Mais, de guy still 'bove de groun' instead o' six feet unner it, right?"


Sunday Selections was started as a way for bloggers to use photos that might otherwise just languish in their files.  The rules have been relaxed, and it is now simply a showcase for your photos, new or old, good or bad, although nothing rude, please.  It was hosted by River, who still participates, and is now hosted by Elephant's Child.     \   

Last week was the neighborhood luminary celebration.


Today is:

Awful Tie Day -- internet generated, go to the office and compare who got the worst tie as a gift

Blessing of the Wine -- Greiveldange, Luxembourg (winemakers parade to the church to have a barrel of wine blessed)

Boxing Day -- day on which boxes of goodies are given to the less fortunate or public servants, and sometimes to tradespeople with whom one frequently did business

Coffee Percolator Day -- patented by James Mason on this day in 1865

Day of Goodwill -- Namibia; South Africa

Day of Our Theotokos /  Synaxis of the Most Holy Mother of God -- Byzantine/Eastern Orthodox Christian

Family Day -- Namibia; Vanuatu

Independence and Unity Day -- Slovenia(1990)

J'Ouvert -- Saint Kitts and Nevis (carneval-style street party for Boxing Day)

Junkanoo (Junkanoo Jonkanoo, Jankunu, John Canoe or Johnkankus) -- Carribean Islands, also on New Year's Day (A special music and dance, mime and symbol that is an early traditional dance form of African descent.)

Kwanzaa, Day 1, Umoja (Unity)

Mauro Hamza Day -- Houston, TX, US (United States Fencing Association Foil Director)

Mummer's Day -- Padstow, Cornwall

National Candy Cane Day

National Thank-you Note Day

National Whiner's Day™ -- a day to encourage people to be happy with what they have; the previous year's worst whiners are announced (you don't want to be one!)   \

Proclamation Day -- South Australia (day South Australia was established as a Province in 1836 by royal Proclamation)

Recyclable Packaging Day -- started by someone who wants to remind us to gather up the reusable bags, boxes, etc., left from the holiday, and recycle the rest

Second Day of Christmas

Sports Days -- Falkland Islands (through the 28th, with the Boxing Day race at Stanley being the most famous part of the celebration)

St. James the Just's Day -- Orthodox Christian

St. Stephen's Day (Patron of casket makers, deacons, horses, masons, stone masons; Patron of over 80 cities throughout Italy; Kessel, Germany; Metz, France; Owensboro, KY; Toulouse, France; against headaches)

     Public Holiday in Alsace, France; Andorra; Austria; Catalonia; Croatia; Czech Republic; Germany; Holy See; Hong Kong; Ireland; Italy; Liechtenstein; Luxembourg; Poland; San Marino; Slovakia; Spain (regional); Switzerland (regional)

     Celebrated as Father's Day -- Bulgaria

     Day of the Wren -- Ireland; Isle of Mann (costumed mayhem)

Tehuantepec Festivities -- Oaxaca, Mexico

Thanksgiving Day -- Solomon Islands

Zarathosht Diso (Death of Prophet Zarathushtra) - Zoroastrian

Anniversary Today:

Rodney Dangerfield weds Joan Child, 1993

Establishment of Shenandoah National Park, VA, US, 1935

Birthdays Today:

Chris Daughtry, 1979

Jared Leto, 1971

Lars Ulrich, 1963

David Sedaris, 1956

Ozzie Smith, 1954

Carlton Fisk, 1947

John Walsh, 1945

Phil Spector, 1940

Alan King, 1927

Steve Allen, 1921

Richard Widmark, 1914

Mao Tse-tung, 1893

Henry Miller, 1891

Charles Babbage, 1791

Laurent Clerc, 1785

Juan Lovera, 1778

Thomas Nelson, 1738

Thomas Gray, 1716

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Do re mi"(Musical), 1960

"The Glass Menagerie"(Play), 1944

"Of Thee I Sing"(Musical), 1931

Judy Garland, as Baby Frances, makes her stage debut at age 2 1/2, singing Jingle Bells on the vaudeville stage, 1924

"Tragic Overture"(Brahms' Op. 81), 1880

Today in History:

Columbus founds the first Spanish settlement in the New World by leaving behind 36 men in what is now Haiti, 1492

The final trial of Louis XVI of France begins, 1792

A theater fire in Richmond, Virginia kills the Governor of Virginia George William Smith and the president of the First National Bank of Virginia Abraham B. Venable, 1811

The Erie Canal opens, 1825

Gilbert and Sullivan collaborate for the first time, on their lost opera, Thespis. It does modestly well, but the two would not collaborate again for four years, 1871

King Mwanga of Uganda signs a contract with the East Africa Company, 1890

Marie and Pierre Curie announce the isolation of radium, 1898

FM radio is patented, 1933

Time Magazine's Man of the Year is for the first time a non-human, the personal computer, 1982

The Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union meets and formally dissolves the USSR, 1991

A 9.3 magnitude earthquake creates a tsunami causing devastation in Sri Lanka, India, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, the Maldives and many other areas around the rim of the Indian Ocean, killing over 250,000 people, 2004

Brazil overtakes the United Kingdom as the world's sixth largest economy, 2011

China opens the world’s longest high speed rail route, from Beijing to Guangzhou, 2012

After a journey of 54 days, American Colin O'Brady is the first person to cross Antarctica solo and unassisted, 2018
An annular solar eclipse is visible from South and Southeast Asia, 2019


  1. What a brilliant luminiary. Thank you.

  2. Your neighbourhood certainly knows how to celebrate. Wonderful photos.

    God bless, Mimi.

  3. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas Mimi. My turkey was OK but rest the food was great. Now we wait for New Years.

    Cruisin Paul

  4. Great joke. And beautiful decorations. XO

  5. A live electrician is a good electrician - good point.
    Oh the trouble with too many appliances.

    Merry Christmas!

  6. Such wonderful photos, we have that same JOY in our yard! I'm glad you got the electric back on again.

  7. I do love seeing houses all lit up for Christmas :) Thank you.

  8. We have the same electrical problem in our house. We can't on too many electrical appliances at one time. Beautiful Christmas decorations. Wishing you and yours Happy New Year.

  9. Oh those Cajuns! I LOVE it! My Uncle Louie use to say unless you know your stuff, leave electricity alone unless you want to end up underground! We have a circuit that we often forget and we have to reset it. My husband wrote what most of them were for. Thank goodness our grandson Andrew knows his electricity. (wink wink).
    You share the best of the best. ALl you do and you faithfully make us smile or laugh and soemtime even shed a few tears. Love my visits here and will come again to catch iup. God Bless You.


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