
Saturday, December 18, 2021

Two Weeks, One Ten Things of Thankful List


Since last week's Thankful Day was dedicated to the fun we had at rEcess, i am listing a couple of weeks worth of doings today.

For any who may have missed it all, my biopsy came back clear, no cancer or precancerous changes.  Since i've had so much bladder trouble lately, they checked that, too, and again, nothing to worry about.  A major thankful in that.

In fact, i had my yearly checkup with Dr. BowTie, and he's pleased that i am in general good health.  That is always good to hear from the doctor.

Most Sunday mornings i go wake up Becca and get her ready and we go to church.  Two Sundays ago, i got to her house and got a call from Ms. G.  Could i go by her house and check to see if she'd unplugged the curling iron?  She was doing a spay day (she's the coordinator) and couldn't get back to her place for several hours.

These are the times i'm thankful to be able to quick-plan and change things up.  After getting Becca dressed, i took her and Mr. Cal, the dog, over to Ms. G's, ran in the house to find the curling iron safely unplugged, took Becca and Mr. Cal for a walk in Ms. G's neighborhood -- talk about a thankful dog, to be able to walk in a new place and smell new smells! -- then stopped to pick up breakfast for us, went back to the house and dropped of Mr. Cal, and finally to church.

In all of that i left my phone somewhere.  We're thankful the curling iron was unplugged, the dog was walked, we got to church, and eventually, we found the phone where i'd left it in the restroom at Becca's house.

Then there's the saga of my devices.  After Ms. PA's house i was able to get to the computer place in a pouring rain.  Trying to outwait the buckets of water proved fruitless, after about 30 minutes of relentless, driving downpour i made a dash for it and went into the computer repair place looking like a drowned rat.  They determined that my computer cord had a short in it so i paid for a new one and they ordered it right away.

The next week i called back, they'd checked on the order and the company hadn't even shipped it yet!  These wonderful people cancelled that order, found another one, and got it two me in a couple of days.  My computer is thankfully now back in business.

At some point over the last couple of weeks, Grandpa got to really feeling very poorly.  He's never one to admit he's sick, but he admitted he was sick.  It must have been a short-lived bug or something he ate, because he is now back to his usual "I am in charge and all is well" self, and we are all thankful.

Becca was not able to make it to the last rEcess because she was out of town with her father.  She was back by Saturday, and her father and mother had a wedding to attend.  That meant, after i got back from NOLA and cleaning Grandma and Grandpa's house, i was thankful to get a "rEcess" night with just me at Becca at their house.  We played games, read stories, had supper, and she went to bed at her usual time.  It was a lovely evening.

Speaking of lovely evenings, this past Tuesday was the ladies' circle meeting, and did we have a fabulous time.  We had supper together, studied our book, helped Ms. Anna with her projects (taping candy canes to Christmas cards for the children at her school) and we just generally had such a good time we were there until 10pm and some of the husbands were calling to make sure we were okay!  It was a beautiful time and i'm so thankful i got to go.

Ms. G, as we were talking Wednesday, told me about an OTC pill that is highly recommended by the best doctor in the region as a preventive of the recurring bladder infections i've had.  It's not cheap, but it's worth it, and i'm thankful she ordered me a bottle as a Christmas gift!

Please write up your own list and link up to Ten Things of Thankful, where Dyanne and her co-hosts always have a warm welcome waiting.   


Today is:

AKC/Royal Canin National Championships -- Orlando, FL, US (top dogs from around the world compete to see -- who really is top dog? through the 18th)

Bake Cookies Day -- the holiday for everyone!

Eponalia -- Ancient Roman Calendar (feast of Epona, goddess of fertility and horses, mules, and donkeys; during the Saturnalia and the only Roman honoring of a Celtic deity)

Flake Appreciation Day -- snow or human, your choice!

Hug a Soccer Player Day -- this "holiday" has a Facebook page, but no other history

Icelandic Yuletide Lad of the Day, Hurdaskellir -- Door-Slammer, a noisy fellow who tries to keep everyone awake

International Answer the Phone like Buddy the Elf Day -- for fans of the film Elf, starring Will Ferrel

International Migrants Day -- UN

Khoiak Ceremony for the Sokar Festival -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (falcon god; date approximate)

Let's See What We Find In the Fridge Day -- to bravely see if you've left anything in the back that you shouldn't have

National Day / Founder's Day -- Qatar

National Roast Suckling Pig Day

National Scrooge Week begins -- at least according to Mr. Ed

Nuestra Senora de la Soledad -- Oaxaca, Mexico (Our Lady of Solitude, Patron of the lonely, of Oaxaca, and of sailors who bring her pearls)

Republic Day -- Niger

St. Flannan's Day (Patron of Killaloe, Ireland)

Tulya's E'en -- Orkney Island (beginning of the Yule season when evil spirits roamed; date approximate, as we aren't sure if they equated Yule initially with Dec. 25 or the 22nd)

Urdhyauli Parwa -- Nepal (a festival of the Kirati People, celebration of the animals annual migration down from the mountaintops)

Wear a Plunger On Your Head Day -- observe this internet generated holiday at your own risk (and you will be one of the human flakes, i guess, that the rest of us appreciate)*

Anniversaries Today:

Benazir Bhutto, Pakistan's future president, marries Asif Ali Zardari, 1987

Capitol Reef National Park established, Utah, US, 1971

The 13th Amendment to the US Constitution, outlawing slavery, takes effect, 1865

New Jersey becomes the 3rd US State, 1787

Birthdays Today:

Christina Aguilera, 1980

Katie Holmes, 1978

Earl "DMX" Simmons, 1970

Rob Van Dam, 1970

Rachel Griffiths, 1968

"Stone Cold" Steve Austin, 1964

Brad Pitt, 1963

Ray Liotta, 1955

Leonard Maltin, 1950

Steven Spielberg, 1946

Keith Richards, 1943

Ossie Davis, 1917

Eddie "Cleanhead" Vinson, 1917

Douglas Fraser, 1916

Betty Grable, 1916

Willy Brandt, 1913

Benjamin O. Davis, Jr., 1912

Ty Cobb, 1886

Joseph Grimaldi, 1778

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"The Sunshine Boys"(Play), 1972

"To Tell The Truth"(TV), 1956

"The Nutcracker"(Ballet), 1892

Today in History:

Second Punic War: Battle of the Trebia - Hannibal's Carthaginian forces defeat those of the Roman Republic, BC218

Kublai Khan renames his empire "Yuan", officially marking the start of the Yuan Dynasty of China, 1271

The Mayflower lands in present-day Plymouth, Massachusetts with 102 Pilgrims on board, 1620

Abel Tasman becomes first European to land in New Zealand, 1642

Thomas Fleet publishes "Mother Goose's Melodies For Children", 1719

Empress Maria Theresa expels Jews from Prague, Bohemia & Moravia, 1774

The first celestial photograph (of the Moon) is made in US, by John Draper, NYC, 1839

William Bond obtains the first photograph of Moon through a telescope, 1849

Richard Wetherill and his brother in-law discover the ancient Indian ruins of Mesa Verde, 1888

The Upper Ferntree Gully to Gembrook Narrow-gauge (2 ft 6 in or 762 mm) Railway (now the Puffing Billy Railway) in Victoria, Australia is opened for traffic, 1900

The Piltdown Man, later discovered to be a hoax, is supposedly found in the Piltdown Gravel Pit, by Charles Dawson, 1912

Japan joins the United Nations, 1956

Saturn's moon Epimetheus is discovered by Richard L. Walker, 1966

Dominica joins the United Nations, 1978

HTML 4.0 is published by the World Wide Web Consortium, 1997

The first of a series of floods strikes Malaysia, 2006

The United Kingdom's Queen Elizabeth II attends a meeting of the Cabinet for the first time, receiving a gift honoring her Diamond Jubilee; this was first time a Cabinet meeting was attended by a British monarch since the reign of Queen Victoria, 2012

A meteor explodes in huge fireball over the Bering Sea with 10 times the energy of Hiroshima atomic bomb, 2018

The international community establishes Covax to distribute COVID-19 vaccines to low and middle income countries, announcing deals with vaccine manufacturers and methods for countries to share excess vaccines, 2020

*Unless this should have been Wear A Brand New, Never Before Used Plunger on Your Head Day, and was started by the plumbing supply industry


  1. LOTS of things to be thankful for - which is wonderful.

  2. There are so many things to be thankful for. Praise God.

    God bless.

  3. So good to hear you're healthy.
    You've been so busy this past week, what a whirlwind. The curling tongs were not causing any danger, but then you left your phone - a return journey.
    Thank you for your lovely post.
    So much to be thankful for.

  4. I am most thankful that my son and daughter are now both very close to me.

  5. I'm so happy that you results turned out be great. I love the name you had for your doctor, Doctor BowTie. I love it. I haven't seen my doctor, Doctor Disappear. I haven't seen him in two years. Only twice on the phone. This world is going crazy.

    Cruisin Paul

  6. Oh, I'm thankful with you on the clean health bill :) That's just so good.

  7. Wonderful thankfuls. That was a thoughtful gift. XO

  8. wow! great thankfuls ~ especially that you are well ~ Xo

    Happy Day to you,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  9. " is thankfully now back in business."

    Which we (selfishly) look at one of the best of Grats.

    (Liked the line about how much dogs enjoy new smells and such)

  10. You had a busy week by the looks of it. I'm so glad all is well with you, messymimi. The weight of concern has been lifted, thankfully.

    Keep taking good care. :)

  11. Those are wonderful thankfuls, especially the biopsy results, hooray for good news. I'd like to know what that bladder pill is!

  12. a very busy week and I am thankful you are able to cope wit the sudden changes. A daily glass of cranberry juice also helps with bladder infections. Have they determined why you keep getting them? If it was me I would certainly be wanting to know, so I could make the necessary changes to stop them occurring.

  13. As one who did miss it all, wonderful news about your biopsy.
    An awful feeling that - did I unplug the iron, curling iron...9.5 times out of 10 we know we but that nagging feeling. Aagh! That was good you could put Ms. G's mind at ease.
    A full and rich list, Mimi.


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