
Saturday, January 8, 2022

Sometimes a Friend Comes Through in the Clutch, a Ten Things of Thankful Post


Years may come and years may go, but thankfulness lasts forever!

That's a thankful in itself, isn't it.

We're still thankful to have Coda.  #2 Son has been taking her on occasion to spend the night with him, he loves that dog.

Coda has a good friend in the neighborhood, Jazzie.  They play every afternoon and wear each other out.  It certainly looks to me like they are thankful for each other.

Most Sundays i go get Becca and take her to church, but this past Sunday her mother was very, very worried about the recent Covid surge.  She asked me to keep Becca at home, and so we had an extra long walk with Mr. Cal.  He was thankful for that, and i was thankful Becca and i had a good time doing that and playing games and reading when we got home.

Sunday i also had a visit with Ms. S.  As it turned out, it was my last one at her place here in town, and i'm thankful i got to go.  We knew she was moving, we didn't know her son was coming to move her on Monday.  As sad as i am that she's further away from her friends here, i am very glad she's able to get the care she needs and her son/daughter-in-law are just up the street, ready and willing to make sure she's okay.

Ms. PA is also going to be moving soon, and i got to have a good talk with her daughter-in-law.  They don't have a date yet, but it's soon, so it was a bittersweet thankful thing when i cleaned her house Monday.  

For the past two weeks i've been reminding all of my clients that i have Jury Duty coming up, and that i might not be available for a week or maybe even longer (Heaven forbid!).  When i told Ms. G, my Wednesday lady, she said, "You don't need to be down there with this virus surge!  You have too many vulnerable people you tend, especially your parents."

When i rhetorically replied, Sure, but whatcha gonna to do? she responded with, "I'm going to call someone."

She called someone, and my Jury Duty has been postponed, we don't know until when but it's not right now, and i'm thankful.

The bonus in my Duty being postponed comes from the fact that i've managed to do something to my back again.  It seems i should be sliding furniture and not really picking it up so much any longer.  By Friday morning i was just about immobile and when i sneezed i thought i'd pass out from the pain.  Thankfully the doc could see me, and i'm on medicine that seems to be working.

Finally, my tablet that died because the battery finally bit the dust is back in action, thanks to a very good shop that does that sort of thing for a reasonable price.

Please write up your own list and link up to Ten Things of Thankful, where Dyanne and her co-hosts always have a warm welcome waiting.   


Today is:

Bikaner Camel Festival -- Bikaner, India (colorful camel activities, including a beauty competition, and fun for people also in this gorgeous, fortified desert town; through tomorrow)

Bubble Bath Day -- remember how much fun it was as a kid?  enjoy that again today

Children's Day -- Thailand

Day Sacred to Justicia -- Ancient Roman Empire (personification of justice)

Emperor Norton Day -- E. Clampus Vitus Society puts on a party in San Francisco's Chinatown in honor of the passing on this day of Norton I, Emperor of the United States and Protector of Mexico

Feast of Hathor and Sekhmet -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

Feast of St. Gudula (Patron of single laywomen; Brussels, Belgium)

Grandmothers/Midwives Day -- Bulgaria (a/k/a Babin Den; celebrating Grandmothers as midwives of their grandchildren, for the role they play in the traditional family.)

Haloa -- Ancient Greek Calendar (fertility festival of Demeter and Dionysos called after the halos, or threshing floor; date approximate)

     Rural Dionysia -- Ancient Greek Calendar (the fertility festival of the countryside)

It All Adds Up Day -- anniversary of Hollerith's tabulating machine patent

Kim Jong-un's Birthday -- North Korea

Male Watcher's Day -- often listed as a day for the females to get even and do a little guy ogling, but no site gives any reason behind why this day was chosen

Midwife's Day / Women's Day -- Greece (women get out and go to a cafe or shopping, and the men must stay home and do the chores and care for the children, and in some areas, men caught shirking will be stripped and drenched in cold water; on the approximate date of an ancient Greek celebration of midwives)

     Gynaecocratia -- Macedonia

Milk Carton Day -- Sheffield Farms began packaging milk in parafin lined paper cartons on this day in 1929

National Eat Something Raw Day 

National English Toffee Day

National Joygerm Day -- a day to infect others with joy; begun by Joygerm Joan, whose motto is "The only thing Joygerms allow to get depressed are their tongues!"

Old Hickory Day -- Andrew "Old Hickory" Jackson leads the victory in the Battle of New Orleans

Rock 'n' Roll Day -- on Elvis' birth anniversary, of course

Show and Tell at Work Day -- another Wellcat Holiday to observe carefully if at all

St. Severinus' Day (Patron of Austria and of San Severo, Italy)

Toka Ebisu Matsuri -- Osaka, Japan (Festival of Ebisu, god of business and prosperity; through the 11th)

Birthdays Today:

Ami Dolenz, 1969

Vladimir Feltsman, 1952

Don Bendell, 1947

David Bowie, 1947

Robbie Krieger, 1946

Kathleen Noone, 1946

Stephen Hawking, 1942

Yvette Mimieux, 1939

Bob Eubanks, 1938

Shirley Bassey, 1937

Elvis Presley, 1935

Charles Osgood, 1933

Soupy Sales, 1926

Ron Moody, 1924

Larry Storch, 1923

Jose Ferrer, 1912

Galina Ulanova, 1910

Wilkie Collins, 1824

James Longstreet, 1821

Nicholas Biddle, 1786

Debuting/Premiering Today:

Symphony No. 15 in A major (Opus 141, Dmitri Shostakovich), 1972

"Almira"(Handel's first opera), 1705

Today in History:

Monaco gains its independence, 1297

Genoa, Italy expels Jews, 1598

The oldest surviving commerial newspaper begins in Haarlem, Netherlands, 1675

The New York Fishing Company is the first American commercial corporation chartered, 1675

Premiere performance of George Frideric Handel's Ariodante at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, 1734

US President George Washington delivers the first "State of the Union" address, 1790

Victor, the Wild Boy of Aveyron, emerges voluntarily from the wild in southern France (he had been captured and escaped before), 1800

The Battle of New Orleans, 1815

The first US music school, the Boston Academy of Music, is established, 1833

The US national debt hits $0 for the first and only time, 1835

Alfred Vail demonstrates a telegraph system using dots and dashes (this is the forerunner of Morse code), 1836

French physicist Jean Foucault proves, using his "Foucault's pendulum," that the Earth rotates on its axis, 1851

Crazy Horse and his warriors fight their last battle with the US Cavalry at Wolf Mountain in Montana Territory, 1877

Dr. Herman Hollerith receives the first US patent for a tabulating machine, considered by some to be the earliest computer, 1889

The Blackstone Library is dedicated, marking the beginning of the Chicago Public Library system, 1904

Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa is exhibited in the United States for the first time, at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., 1963

Soviet space mission Luna 21 is launched, 1973

The RMS Queen Mary 2, the largest passenger ship ever built, is christened by her namesake's granddaughter, Queen Elizabeth II, 2004

Some scientists claim 2012 weather as the hottest year ever recorded, 2013

The previous year, 2017, is declared a record year for cost of natural disasters, coming in at $306 billion, 2018


  1. I hope your back settles down quickly.
    I am very glad that your jury duty is postponed, and glad that you had the chance to say farewell to your clients (and friends).

  2. I'm sorry to hear your back is acting up again - sneezing is about the worst! - and hope you'll heal fast and soon.
    Yay for postponed jury duty and being given the chance for last visits and goodbyes! I wish you many joyfilled visits with former clients and still friends!
    The names in your birthday list had me chuckling: Noone, Hawking, Sales, Moody and Longstreet. How do people choose names like this?

  3. I used to have back issues a few decades ago. I did core strengthening therapy and that worked fine. It seems the weight I had gained around my middle was the culprit. I work hard on keeping that down. So many changes to your friendships. Hard to adjust.

  4. It is a great thankful list. Glad that the medication for your back is working. Do remember not to lift heavy things. Sometimes it is sad to part with long term clients who have become more like friends. Have a wonderful weekend.

  5. I worked for a very strict Judge in 1967. My job was to respond to people wanting off Jury Duty. The answer was ALWAYS no. Some excuse requests were absolutely hilarious and some were very sad and I wanted to let them off.

  6. Thank God that you don't have to go for your jury duty. Ms. G must have some power. Good for her.

    Cruisin Paul

  7. Glad your back is on the mend ~ mixed bag of thankfuls ~ way of life ~ glad Coda is in good hands too ~ be well, be safe ~ Xo

    Wishing you a gentle day,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  8. Wonderful thankfuls except I am sorry you hurt your back. I hope you are better soon. XO

  9. I'm sorry you hurt your back but I'm glad it's doing some better. That was a nice bunch of thankfuls and I'm glad jury duty is off for now.

  10. You have made many tender friendships with those you help. You have made a difference in their lives, and they in yours.
    What a blessing in disguise that the Jury Duty has been postponed, so it will now be possibly for you to focus on what might be some ways to keep your back pain at bay. I know what a challenge that can be.
    Wishing you a good week ahead, Mimi.

  11. I am thankful for Mrs. G's "I'll call someone". But sorry to hear you will soon lose Mrs. PA as well as Mrs. S, although that will leave you more time to spend with some of the others.
    Sorry to hear about your back again, lifting furniture should be left for the younger ones, even sliding larger pieces is not good for us.

  12. Good news on the laptop. Not such good news on the back... physics are your friend... when in doubt slide, don't lift. (Well, kinda guilty of that myself but, increasingly I look first for something like a towel (or yesterday, a carpet square) which made a certain move much easier.
    Not a fan of jury duty (that said, there is something kinda cool about the formality of language in a courtroom that is fascinating)
    Have a good week and don't life as much stuff

  13. Ugh. Back troubles are the worst--just paralyzing! Hopefully, you'll be on the mend soon.
    People moving always makes me a little bit sad. I pray they are going on to something better. So glad you got your goodbyes in!

  14. Your clients are like family to you, so I know it must be hard to have them move away. Hugs to you for that (gentle ones, because your back - I can imagine what a sneeze must do to it!). How lucky that you got your jury duty postponed! She must have known someone with some power! I spent 3 weeks on a jury one time, and I hope never to have to go through that again!


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