
Monday, January 31, 2022

Sweet William, Take Two (Awww Monday), Inspiring Quote of the Week, and Oops! (Poetry Monday)


Awww Monday is hosted by Sandee at Comedy Plus.

Join us every Monday for Awww...Mondays.  Post a picture that makes you say Awww... and that's it.

Make sure you get the code from Sandee's site, linked above, and leave a link to your post so we can visit you.  What better way to start the week than with a smile!

Sweet William again, this time he let me get some better pictures.  (He got his staples out and now he's allowed to roam a bit more, too.)


 Sparks, the brainchild of Annie of McGuffy's Reader, is on hiatus, so here's an Inspiring Quote of the Week in her honor.     



Poetry Monday was started by Diane at On The Alberta/Montana Border Jenny at Procrastinating Donkey is on a blog break and is sorely missed, we hope she comes back soon.   Charlotte/Mother Owl participates, and now Karen at Baking in a Tornado is jumping in at least once a month, too.  Anyone else is welcome to join in the fun, just let Diane know!

This week the theme is Typo Day.                       

Eye don't know weather

You want to check the whether,

There saying theirs a

Chance of rain or snow.

Just don't ewe get in a pickle

Because Mother Nature's fickle,

And four-casters can be

Fibulous, you no!


Don't put me in the

Executive Bored Room

Was that a typo?


The preacher told the secretary

Who typed it up with dedication,

So the bulletin told us when to come

For prayer and medication.


It was breakfast time

Made synonym rolls just like

Grammar used to bake


When i asked him, "Please text me

Let me know you're on the way,"

He texted back "Potassium,"

It's all he had to say.

This lead to me asking him,

"Did autocorrect send that word?"

"No, the element potassium's letter is 'K'."

"Man, you are such a nerd!"


Today is:

Auckland Province Anniversary -- Auckland, New Zealand

Backward Day -- no info on the origin, but if you want to do something backward, go ahead

Eat Brussels Sprouts Day --  saute in olive oil with some garlic, they are worth it!

Eve of Brigantia -- Ireland (St. Bridget's Eve, the night when she crosses the countryside and bestows blessings)

Feast of Great Typos -- another that no one will claim inventing, but since we've all made them, we may as well celebrate them

Feast of Isis -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

H&ll is Freezing Over Day -- internet generated day to review the list of things you said you would do when h*ll freezes over

Independence Day -- Nauru(1968)

Inspire Your Heart With the Arts Day -- begun by Rev Jayne Howard Feldman as a day to use art to feed your soul

Lunar New Year's Eve (year of the Tiger)

     Seol-nal -- South Korea (Lunar New Year Holiday begins)

     Spring Festival -- China; Taiwan (Chinese New Year's Eve, start of the festival)

     Tet Eve -- Vietnam

National Brandy Alexander Day

National Bug Busting Day -- UK (this is one idea that needs export to the whole world! the aim is to have every child checked for head lice on the same day, and thus get rid of them in one fell swoop, so they don't circulate endlessly)

National Gorilla Suit Day -- Mad Magazine's Maddest Artist, Don Martin, says this is the day to pull that gorilla suit out of the closet and step out in style.

Nelson Provincial Anniversary Day -- Nelson, New Zealand

Phlegm-Green, Moldy-Grey, and Gazzard Day -- Fairy Calendar (don't ask what color Gazzard is, it doesn't exist in the human world, and you don't want it to)

Play An Old Game You Haven’t Played in Years Night -- internet generated, and a great idea

Scotch Tape Day -- it hit the market this day in 1928

St. John Bosco's Day (Patron of apprentices, boys, editors, laborers, schoolchildren, students, young people-especially youth of Mexican descent)

Birthdays Today:

Justin Timberlake, 1981

Kerry Washington, 1977

Portia de Rossi, 1973

Minnie Driver, 1971

Kelly Lynch, 1959

Jhn Lydon, 1956

Nolan Ryan, 1947

Charlie Musselwhite, 1944

Richard Gephardt, 1941

Jessica Walter, 1941

Stuart Margolin, 1940

Queen Beatrix, 1938

suzanne Pleshette, 1937

Philip Glass, 1937

James Franciscus, 1934

Ernie Banks, 1931

Jean Simmons, 1929

Carol Channing, 1923

Norman Mailer, 1923

Mario Lanza, 1921

Jackie Robinson, 1919

Thomas Merton, 1915

Garry Moore, 1915

Tallulah Bankhead, 1903

Eddie Cantor, 1892

Zane Grey, 1872

Franz Schubert, 1797

Robert Morris, 1734

Tokugawa Ieyasu, Shogun of Japan, 1543

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"These Are My Children"(TV), 1949 (first daytime TV Soap Opera)

"The Green Hornet"(Radio), 1936

"The Lone Ranger"(Radio), 1933

"Three Sisters"(Chekhov Play), 1901

"Hedda Gabler"(Ibsen Play), 1891

Today in History:

Guy Fawkes is executed for his plotting against Parliament and James I of England, 1606

The first venereal diseases clinic opens at London Lock Hospital, 1747

The Corn Laws (tariffs on imported grains) are abolished in Britain, paving the way for more free trade, 1849

The United States orders all Native Americans to move into reservations, 1876

The Bulletin of Sydney is founded, publishes for 128 years, 1880

An automobile exceeds 100 mph (161 kph) for the first time, at Daytona Beach, driven by A. G. MacDonald, 1905

The Soviet Union exiles Leon Trotsky, 1929

Scotch tape is first marketed by the 3M Company, 1930

Ida May Fuller of Ludlow, Vermont, US receives the first US Social Security monthly payment check, for $22.54, 1940

President Harry S. Truman announces a program to develop the hydrogen bomb, 1950

A North Sea flood causes over 1,800 deaths in the Netherlands, 1953

Explorer 1 – The first successful launch of an American satellite into orbit, 1958

James Van Allen discovers the Van Allen radiation belt, 1958

Mercury-Redstone 2 – Ham the Chimp travels into outer space, 1961

The Soviet Union launches the unmanned Luna 9 spacecraft as part of the Luna program, 1966

Astronauts Alan Shepard, Stuart Roosa, and Edgar Mitchell, aboard a Saturn V, lift off for a mission to the Fra Mauro Highlands on the Moon, 1971

The first McDonald's in the Soviet Union opens in Moscow, 1990

Comet Hyakutake is discovered by Japanese amateur astronomer Yuji Hyakutake, 1996

NASA reveals the Regolith Advanced Surface Systems Operations Robot (RASSOR), a lunar mining robot which could be used to produce fuel and water directly on the Moon, 2013

Lydia Ko, 17, becomes the youngest golfer in men's or women's golf history to be ranked No. 1 in the world, 2015

Sergio Matarella is elected President of Italy, 2015

"World's best chef" French-Swiss Benoît Violier is found dead after apparent suicide weeks after being named world's best by La Liste, 2016

Sultan Abdullah Sultan Ahmad Shah is crowned King of Malaysia (Yang di-Pertuan Agong) to serve a five-year term, 2019

The United Kingdom formally withdraws from the European Union, 2020


  1. Sweet William sure is handsum. We're glad he's doing better. Big hugs

    Luvs ya'

    RaenaBelle and Zebby

  2. I loved the Potassium one. It spoke to my quirky brain :D

  3. Sweet William is perfectly named. I hope he continues to recover well.
    Like Charlotte (MotherOwl) Potassium spoke loudly to me, though I enjoyed them all.

  4. Thank you for hosting, Dear Mimi, and for sharing such a lovely quote, your charming Mondays post and the shots from Sweet William, give him a kiss for me!
    Happy Awww Monday and new week
    XO Daniela at ~ My little old world ~

  5. Aww!Sweet Wikkiam is even sweeter now he is stapless heheh!

    Have a sweettastic day 👍

  6. The kitty must be a wild fellow being on that crazy leopard cushion, LOL! Love typo day. You did a great job with that. English makes it easier than some other languages since we have so many similar words.

  7. The Typo days were amazing Mimi. I loved them.

    Cruisin Paul

  8. So Glad Sweet William is on the mend ~ lots of hugs to you both ~ Xo

    Fun poem and great spark ~

    Wishing you laughter in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  9. Awww on Sweet William. He's so handsome.

    I love your Spark and I really love the play on words. Especially the bored room. Been there and done that.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Big hug. ♥

  10. Love those "typos", synonym rolls got me smiling.

  11. Sweet William is so adorable. Excellent spark. And so true about weathermen. :) XO

  12. Good to see Sweet William on the mend! Love your clever you are! and the quote is spot on! Without misteakes life would be boring!

  13. Awww, you'll be healing up in now time sweet guy. Those were fun word plays!

  14. I actually like Brussels sprouts, but they definitely don't like me, so I will have to celebrate something else today.


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