
Thursday, February 17, 2022

Fun Days (Six Sentence Story), Good Fences, Who Is It For? (Sammy's Poetry Day) and Thankful Though Sad (Brian's Thankful Thursday)


We called it sleepover Friday.

We'd order several pizzas, and lots of the children's friends would show up to eat, play and spend the night.

Rambunctious barely describes it as we had up to a dozen children running upstairs and downstairs, although my lady's chamber was off limits (i'd lock my bedroom door).

When they'd get extra loud, i'd send them all out to the field across the street or give them flashlights for a rousing game of "ghost in the graveyard", a form of hide-and-seek played outdoors after dark.

There were video games, movies, more pizza, more cookies.

Eventually peace would settle as they wore themselves and us out, and the next morning after breakfast they'd all go home until the next time, and as crazy as it sounds, i do miss those days.

Linking up with Denise at Girlie On The Edge Blog, where she hosts Six Sentence Stories, and the cue is Rambunctious.      


While Good Fences Around the World seems to have gone the way of the dodo bird, i still enjoy looking for and posting interesting fences, so i will!


It's Angel Sammy's Poetry Day This week's image and my free verse poem:    

Do you know

what i see

when i look at this place?

Each piece was

someone’s joy and treasure

now the bric-a-brac

of an op-shop or thrift or 

flea market booth.

Each piece once loved

and tended and saved

now put up for sale

by descendants

to whom it was not

such a treasure

after all.

Now i look around

at my place and think

is that the fate of

my things, too?

How much of my life

am i wasting

keeping things

instead of spending time

on keeping friends?


Brian of Brian's Home hosts the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.   It's time to share something for which i am thankful.  

Today i am thankful for my former client, prayer partner, and good friend Ms. S, and all she brought to my life.  A little of her story, and the news of her passing, is in my updated Words for Wednesday 


Today is:

American Association for the Advancement of Science Annual Meeting -- Philadelphia, PA, US (a meeting of top scientists; who knows what these people will come up with next, because science is amazing! through the 20th)

Day of Cancelled Expectations -- according to William Least Heat-Moon in his autobiography, Blue Highways

Dita e Pavaresise -- Kosovo (Independence Day)(2008)

Feast of Shezmu -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (god of the winepress; date approximate)

February 17 Revolution Day -- Libya

Hachinohe Enburi Matsuri -- Hachinohe, Japan (festival with prayers for a good harvest; through Wednesday)

Last day of Celtic Tree Month Luis (Rowan)

My Way Day -- today, determine your identity all by yourself, apart from what other people say you should be; sponsored by Wellcat Holidays

National Cafe Au Lait Day

National Indian Pudding Day

National PTA Founders Day -- US

Practice Your Free Throws Day -- spread around the internet by someone who really loves basketball

Quirinalia -- Ancient Roman Calendar (a/k/a Feast of Fools)

Random Acts of Kindness Day -- US (unofficial, but a great idea)

Snow Ice Cream Day -- internet generated; if you want to try it, and are sure your snow is reasonably clean, add sugar, milk, a touch of vanilla, and enjoy

St. Fortchern of Trim's Day (Patron of bell-founders)

Tanis Diena -- Ancient Latvian Calendar (To honor pigs)

Anniversaries Today:

League of United Latin American Citizens (Lulac) Founded, 1929

Miami University is chartered by the State of Ohio, 1809

Birthdays Today:

Vanessa Atler, 1982

Joseph Gordon-Levitt, 1981

Paris Hilton, 1981

Jerry O'Connell, 1974

Bryan White, 1974

Billie Joe Armstrong, 1972

Denise Richards, 1972

Michael Forbes, 1967

Ronald "Bell Biv" DeVoe, 1967

Michael Jordan, 1963

Lou Diamond Phillips, 1962

Richard Karn, 1959

Rene Russo, 1954

Brenda Fricker, 1945

Jim Brown, 1936

Alan Bates, 1934

Barry Humphries (Dame Edna Everage), 1934

Lee Holby, 1926

Hal Holbrook, 1925

Arthur Kennedy, 1914

Clarence Lindon “Buster” Crabbe, 1908

Red Barber, 1908

Dorothy Canfield Fisher, 1879

William Cadbury, 1867

Samuel Sidney Mcclure, 1857

Friedrich A Krupp, 1854

A. Montgomery Ward, 1844

Rene Theophile Hyacinthe Laennec, 1781

Thomas Malthus, 1766

Arcangelo Corelli, 1653

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"A Prairie Home Companion"(Radio), 1979

"BC"(Comic Strip), 1958

"Madame Butterfly"(Puccini Opera), 1904

"Un Ballo in maschera"(Verdi Opera), 1859

"Siroe, re di Persia"(Handel HWV 24), 1728

Today in History:

Miles Standish is appointed the first commander of the Plymouth colony, 1621

The first volume of Gibbon's "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire" is

published, 1776

The first ship passes through the Suez Canal, 1867

Women's suffragist Esther Morris is appointed the first female justice of the peace in the US, in South Pass City, Wyoming, 1870

Sardines are first canned, by Julius Wolff of Eastport, Maine, 1876

Madame Butterfly receives its première at La Scala in Milan, 1904

The first minimum wage law in the US takes effect, in Oregon, 1913

Johnny Weissmuller sets the 100-yard freestyle record (52.4 seconds), 1924

The first telecast of a sporting event in Japan, a baseball game, 1931

The first issue of "Newsweek" magazine is published, 1933

Vanguard 2 – The first weather satellite is launched to measure cloud-cover distribution, 1959

Sales of the Volkswagen Beetle exceed those of the Ford Model-T, 1972

Garry Kasparov beats the Deep Blue supercomputer in a chess match, 1996

Kosovo declares independence, 2008

In racing, Danica Patrick becomes the first woman at the Daytona 500 and the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series to win pole position, 2013

The research journal GSA Today publishes an article in favor of reclassifying mostly underwater microcontinent Zealandia in the South Pacific as the 8th continent, 2017

India's Supreme Court grants equal rights to women in military service, 2020


  1. Lots to think about it this post. And yes, the items we treasure will be junk when we are gone.
    Off to read your W4W tale now.

  2. Those pizza parties do sound fun, Mimi, but your poem really chimed with me!

  3. Are fences made of bricks still fences, or are they walls? I was up all night trying to figure this out. Can anyone help?

    God bless.

  4. Oh, yeah. If I was a neighborhood kid, your house would be THE place for an overnight. No doubt you were legend in the neighborhood, thought so by kids and adults alike, lol. "Ghost in the graveyard"? Love it!

    Your poem is a good reminder.

    I'm sorry to hear of Ms. S's passing. Thank you for sharing.

  5. oh, man! flashlight tag! surely one of the enduring pleasurable memories from the days of not-yet-adult

  6. the antique store picture breaks my heart, if they could talk, what would they tell, it looks like my house. good six, fence, etc. happy happy

  7. To understand poetry, one has feel it first and enjoy it after. I love all of your poetry Mimi.

    Cruisin Paul

  8. Your six sentences are great describing a sleep-over. But your poem describing the result of hoarding brick-a-brac is perfect. I have kept too much sentimental crap while losing friends.

  9. Interesting and fun 6 sentence story. Love the poem. We all have something to contribute to the thrift shop after we have moved on.

  10. That's a wonderful thing to miss. I so remember these events as well. So precious.

    What a lovely post about your departed friend.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday, my friend. Big hug. ♥

  11. I remember going to sleep-overs, loved them! What a beautiful poem, and so true about friends being more valuable than keepsakes - thanks for the wisdom today.

  12. I've been to your previous post about Ms. S's passing, and left a comment there. As for treasures that will go to the thrift store after our passing, I'm trying to get ahead of that and take them there myself :) Not everything, mind you, just the majority of it.

  13. Lovely tribute to departed friend ~ so hard to lose them ~

    Great post, story, poems and photos ~ Xo

    Wishing you lots of laughter in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  14. That was a fun night game, I remember that one too, we played it in a real graveyard, spooky. That was a nice tribute to Ms. S. yesterday and we know you're thankful for her friendship. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  15. thanx for the fond memories of slumber parties of my days !!!! and the poem this week ROX !!!! well done mimi !! ☺☺♥♥

  16. It sounds like they had a lot of fun at the slumber parties! So much energy and noise! I had never heard of "Ghost in the graveyard," but I can imagine the screams. HaHa

    Love your poem! Such a dilemma, especially in an age when people are much more mobile, as well as many being minimalists.

  17. Great story, I bet your kids have wonderful memories of those times too. And excellent poem. I like that fence too.

  18. think we may have played the same night-time hide-and-seek, but we called it "Kick the Can"
    One o'clock at the barber shop
    Two o'clock at the barber shop
    (And onwards until...)
    Starlight, Midnight, Hope I see a ghost tonight!!

  19. Friday sleepover sounds exciting.

  20. The one time I hosted a sleep-over there were only two girls plus my daughter, all celebrating her birthday.
    I would love to be browsing in that antique/thrift/junk store. Your poem is good, but a little sad as it reminds me most of my things will also end up in such a place.

  21. I'm not in least surprised you miss those sleepovers! As for the poem, you've got me wondering!

  22. That is a wonderful poem Mimi.....and I think the same things....I can't even be in these places for long - it overwhelms me often.

    Hugs, Pam


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